863 resultados para Parking Spaces
Dissertao apresentada Escola Superior de Educao de Lisboa para obteno de grau de mestre em Educao Artstica, na Especializao de Artes Plsticas na Educao
The knowledge-based society we live in has stressed the importance of human capital and brought talent to the top of most wanted skills, especially to companies who want to succeed in turbulent environments worldwide. In fact, streams, sequences of decisions and resource commitments characterize the day-to-day of multinational companies (MNCs). Such decision-making activities encompass major strategic moves like internationalization and new market entries or diversification and acquisitions. In most companies, these strategic decisions are extensively discussed and debated and are generally framed, formulated, and articulated in specialized language often developed by the best minds in the company. Yet the language used in such deliberations, in detailing and enacting the implementation strategy is usually taken for granted and receives little if any explicit attention (Brannen & Doz, 2012) an can still be a forgotten factor (Marschan et al. 1997). Literature on language management and international business refers to lack of awareness of business managers of the impact that language can have not only in communication effectiveness but especially in knowledge transfer and knowledge management in business environments. In the context of MNCs, management is, for many different reasons, more complex and demanding than that of a national company, mainly because of diversity factors inherent to internationalization, namely geographical and cultural spaces, i.e, varied mindsets. Moreover, the way of functioning, and managing language, of the MNC depends on its vision, its values and its internationalization model, i.e on in the way the MNE adapts to and controls the new markets, which can vary essentially from a more ethnocentric to a more pluricentric focus. Regardless of the internationalization model followed by the MNC, communication between different business units is essential to achieve unity in diversity and business sustainability. For the business flow and prosperity, inter-subsidiary, intra-company and company-client (customers, suppliers, governments, municipalities, etc..) communication must work in various directions and levels of the organization. If not well managed, this diversity can be a barrier to global coordination and create turbulent environments, even if a good technological support is available (Feely et al., 2002: 4). According to Marchan-Piekkari (1999) the tongue can be both (i) a barrier, (ii) a facilitator and (iii) a source of power. Moreover, the lack of preparation for the barriers of linguistic diversity can lead to various costs, including negotiations failure and failure on internationalization.. On the other hand, communication and language fluency is not just a message transfer procedure, but above all a knowledge transfer process, which requires extra-linguistic skills (persuasion, assertiveness ) in order to promote credibility of both parties. For this reason, MNCs need a common code to communicate and trade information inside and outside the company, which will require one or more strategies, in order to overcome possible barriers and organization distortions.
Lauteur entreprend lapproche de limportance particulire du rapport aux espaces habits ou inhabits dans limaginaire et la construction narrative des textes fictionnels de lcrivain belge francophone contemporain Eugne Savitzkaya de Mentir (1977) jusqu En vie (1994). Il sagit de souligner la pertinence de lhabitat en tant que support des imaginaires de lenfance et de la potisation du quotidien. Lespace savre en effet un repre symbolique et potique chez Savitzkaya ; ce qui lui permet de sexprimer et dexprimer son enfance sur un mode autofictionnel.
Artigo baseado na comunicao proferida no 7 Congresso SOPCOM: Comunicao Global, Cultura e Tecnologia, realizado na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 15 -17 dezembro de 2011
Relatrio da Prtica Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educao Pr-Escolar
Bologne came to globalize education in higher education, creating a unified architecture that potentiates higher education and enhances the continued interconnection of the spaces of education policy in higher education in the world, in particular in Europe. The aim of this work consists in the presentation of an identification model and skills classification and learning outcomes, based on the official documents of the course units (syllabus and assessment components) of a course of Higher Education. We are aware that the adoption of this model by different institutions, will contribute to interoperability learning outcomes, thus enhancing the mobility of teachers and students in the EHEA (European Higher Education Area) and third countries.
Objetivos Demonstrar o potencial da espetroscopia (1H) por ressonncia magntica na doena degenerativa discal lombar e defender a integrao desta tcnica na rotina clnicoimagiolgica para a precisa classificao da involuo vs degenerescncia dos discos L4L5 e L5S1 em doentes com lombalgia no relacionvel com causa mecnica. Material e mtodos O estudo incluiu 102 discos intervertebrais lombares de 123 doentes. Foram estudados 61 discos de L4L5, 41 discos de L5S1 e 34 discos de D12L1. Utilizouse um sistema de ressonncia magntica de 1,5 T e tcnica monovoxel. Obtiveramse os rcios [Lac/Nacetyl] e [Nacetyl/(Lac+Lpidos)] e aplicouse a ressonncia de lpidos para avaliar a bioqumica do disco com o fim de conhecer o estado de involuo vs degenerescncia que o suscetibilizam para a instabilidade e sobrecarga. Avaliouse o comportamento dos rcios e do teor lipdico dos discos L4L5S1 e as diferenas apresentadas em relao a D12L1. Foi tambm realizada a comparao entre os discos L4L5, L5S1 e D12L1 na ponderao T2 (T2W), segundo a classificao ajustada (14) de Pfirrmann. Resultados Verificouse que os rcios e o valor dos lpidos dos discos L4L5S1 apresentaram diferenas estatisticamente significativas quando relacionados com os discos D12L1. O rcio [Lac/Nacetyl] em L4L5S1 mostrouse aumentado em relao a D12L1 (p=0,033 para os discos com grau de involuo [1+2] e p=0,004 para os discos com grau [3+4]). Estes resultados sugerem que a involuo vs degenerescncia dos discos nos graus mais elevados condiciona um decrscimo do pico do Lactato. O rcio [Nacetyl/(Lac+Lip)] discrimina os graus de involuo [1+2] do [3+4] no nvel L4L5, apresentando os valores dos rcios (mdia 0,65 e 0,5 respetivamente com p=0,04). O rcio mdio de [Nacetyl/(Lac+Lip)] dos discos L4L5 foi 1,8 vezes mais elevado do que em D12L1. O espetro lipdico em L4L5S1 nos graus mais elevados no mostrou ter uma prevalncia constante quanto s frequncias de ressonncia. Concluso A espetroscopia (1H) dos discos intervertebrais poder ter aplicao na discriminao dos graus de involuo vs degenerescncia e representar um contributo semiolgico importante em suplemento ponderao T2 convencional. As ressonncias de lpidos dos discos L4L5 e L5S1, involudos ou degenerados, devem ser avaliadas em relao a D12L1, utilizando este valor como referncia, pois este ltimo o nvel considerado estvel e com baixa probabilidade de degenerescncia.
As Tecnologias de Informao e Comunicao colocam em debate o modo de pensar e olhar o livro tradicional e originam novas materialidades para o texto e novas formas, espaos e gneros de leitura. A revoluo originada por Gutenberg democratizou o acesso ao livro tradicional, alterando os processos de acesso ao conhecimento. As tecnologias eletrnicas trouxeram consigo uma nova revoluo, virtualizando o acesso aos textos que alteraram a paisagem da cultura clssica do livro. Recorrendo ideia original do investigador Nicholas Negroponte, pretende-se realizar uma anlise das alteraes que o livro sofreu, enquanto objeto de suporte ao texto, na sua passagem para contextos digitais ou na passagem de tomos para bits.