934 resultados para Parallel programming (computer science)
Computational Intelligence (CI) includes four main areas: Evolutionary Computation (genetic algorithms and genetic programming), Swarm Intelligence, Fuzzy Systems and Neural Networks. This article shows how CI techniques overpass the strict limits of Artificial Intelligence field and can help solving real problems from distinct engineering areas: Mechanical, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.
A feature-based fitness function is applied in a genetic programming system to synthesize stochastic gene regulatory network models whose behaviour is defined by a time course of protein expression levels. Typically, when targeting time series data, the fitness function is based on a sum-of-errors involving the values of the fluctuating signal. While this approach is successful in many instances, its performance can deteriorate in the presence of noise. This thesis explores a fitness measure determined from a set of statistical features characterizing the time series' sequence of values, rather than the actual values themselves. Through a series of experiments involving symbolic regression with added noise and gene regulatory network models based on the stochastic 'if-calculus, it is shown to successfully target oscillating and non-oscillating signals. This practical and versatile fitness function offers an alternate approach, worthy of consideration for use in algorithms that evaluate noisy or stochastic behaviour.
The (n, k)-star interconnection network was proposed in 1995 as an attractive alternative to the n-star topology in parallel computation. The (n, k )-star has significant advantages over the n-star which itself was proposed as an attractive alternative to the popular hypercube. The major advantage of the (n, k )-star network is its scalability, which makes it more flexible than the n-star as an interconnection network. In this thesis, we will focus on finding graph theoretical properties of the (n, k )-star as well as developing parallel algorithms that run on this network. The basic topological properties of the (n, k )-star are first studied. These are useful since they can be used to develop efficient algorithms on this network. We then study the (n, k )-star network from algorithmic point of view. Specifically, we will investigate both fundamental and application algorithms for basic communication, prefix computation, and sorting, etc. A literature review of the state-of-the-art in relation to the (n, k )-star network as well as some open problems in this area are also provided.
The (n, k)-arrangement interconnection topology was first introduced in 1992. The (n, k )-arrangement graph is a class of generalized star graphs. Compared with the well known n-star, the (n, k )-arrangement graph is more flexible in degree and diameter. However, there are few algorithms designed for the (n, k)-arrangement graph up to present. In this thesis, we will focus on finding graph theoretical properties of the (n, k)- arrangement graph and developing parallel algorithms that run on this network. The topological properties of the arrangement graph are first studied. They include the cyclic properties. We then study the problems of communication: broadcasting and routing. Embedding problems are also studied later on. These are very useful to develop efficient algorithms on this network. We then study the (n, k )-arrangement network from the algorithmic point of view. Specifically, we will investigate both fundamental and application algorithms such as prefix sums computation, sorting, merging and basic geometry computation: finding convex hull on the (n, k )-arrangement graph. A literature review of the state-of-the-art in relation to the (n, k)-arrangement network is also provided, as well as some open problems in this area.
This thesis describes research in which genetic programming is used to automatically evolve shape grammars that construct three dimensional models of possible external building architectures. A completely automated fitness function is used, which evaluates the three dimensional building models according to different geometric properties such as surface normals, height, building footprint, and more. In order to evaluate the buildings on the different criteria, a multi-objective fitness function is used. The results obtained from the automated system were successful in satisfying the multiple objective criteria as well as creating interesting and unique designs that a human-aided system might not discover. In this study of evolutionary design, the architectures created are not meant to be fully functional and structurally sound blueprints for constructing a building, but are meant to be inspirational ideas for possible architectural designs. The evolved models are applicable for today's architectural industries as well as in the video game and movie industries. Many new avenues for future work have also been discovered and highlighted.
Dynamic logic is an extension of modal logic originally intended for reasoning about computer programs. The method of proving correctness of properties of a computer program using the well-known Hoare Logic can be implemented by utilizing the robustness of dynamic logic. For a very broad range of languages and applications in program veri cation, a theorem prover named KIV (Karlsruhe Interactive Veri er) Theorem Prover has already been developed. But a high degree of automation and its complexity make it di cult to use it for educational purposes. My research work is motivated towards the design and implementation of a similar interactive theorem prover with educational use as its main design criteria. As the key purpose of this system is to serve as an educational tool, it is a self-explanatory system that explains every step of creating a derivation, i.e., proving a theorem. This deductive system is implemented in the platform-independent programming language Java. In addition, a very popular combination of a lexical analyzer generator, JFlex, and the parser generator BYacc/J for parsing formulas and programs has been used.
If you want to know whether a property is true or not in a specific algebraic structure,you need to test that property on the given structure. This can be done by hand, which can be cumbersome and erroneous. In addition, the time consumed in testing depends on the size of the structure where the property is applied. We present an implementation of a system for finding counterexamples and testing properties of models of first-order theories. This system is supposed to provide a convenient and paperless environment for researchers and students investigating or studying such models and algebraic structures in particular. To implement a first-order theory in the system, a suitable first-order language.( and some axioms are required. The components of a language are given by a collection of variables, a set of predicate symbols, and a set of operation symbols. Variables and operation symbols are used to build terms. Terms, predicate symbols, and the usual logical connectives are used to build formulas. A first-order theory now consists of a language together with a set of closed formulas, i.e. formulas without free occurrences of variables. The set of formulas is also called the axioms of the theory. The system uses several different formats to allow the user to specify languages, to define axioms and theories and to create models. Besides the obvious operations and tests on these structures, we have introduced the notion of a functor between classes of models in order to generate more co~plex models from given ones automatically. As an example, we will use the system to create several lattices structures starting from a model of the theory of pre-orders.
As the complexity of evolutionary design problems grow, so too must the quality of solutions scale to that complexity. In this research, we develop a genetic programming system with individuals encoded as tree-based generative representations to address scalability. This system is capable of multi-objective evaluation using a ranked sum scoring strategy. We examine Hornby's features and measures of modularity, reuse and hierarchy in evolutionary design problems. Experiments are carried out, using the system to generate three-dimensional forms, and analyses of feature characteristics such as modularity, reuse and hierarchy were performed. This work expands on that of Hornby's, by examining a new and more difficult problem domain. The results from these experiments show that individuals encoded with those three features performed best overall. It is also seen, that the measures of complexity conform to the results of Hornby. Moving forward with only this best performing encoding, the system was applied to the generation of three-dimensional external building architecture. One objective considered was passive solar performance, in which the system was challenged with generating forms that optimize exposure to the Sun. The results from these and other experiments satisfied the requirements. The system was shown to scale well to the architectural problems studied.
Formal verification of software can be an enormous task. This fact brought some software engineers to claim that formal verification is not feasible in practice. One possible method of supporting the verification process is a programming language that provides powerful abstraction mechanisms combined with intensive reuse of code. In this thesis we present a strongly typed functional object-oriented programming language. This language features type operators of arbitrary kind corresponding to so-called type protocols. Sub classing and inheritance is based on higher-order matching, i.e., utilizes type protocols as basic tool for reuse of code. We define the operational and axiomatic semantics of this language formally. The latter is the basis of the interactive proof assistant VOOP (Verified Object-Oriented Programs) that allows the user to prove equational properties of programs interactively.
Complex networks have recently attracted a significant amount of research attention due to their ability to model real world phenomena. One important problem often encountered is to limit diffusive processes spread over the network, for example mitigating pandemic disease or computer virus spread. A number of problem formulations have been proposed that aim to solve such problems based on desired network characteristics, such as maintaining the largest network component after node removal. The recently formulated critical node detection problem aims to remove a small subset of vertices from the network such that the residual network has minimum pairwise connectivity. Unfortunately, the problem is NP-hard and also the number of constraints is cubic in number of vertices, making very large scale problems impossible to solve with traditional mathematical programming techniques. Even many approximation algorithm strategies such as dynamic programming, evolutionary algorithms, etc. all are unusable for networks that contain thousands to millions of vertices. A computationally efficient and simple approach is required in such circumstances, but none currently exist. In this thesis, such an algorithm is proposed. The methodology is based on a depth-first search traversal of the network, and a specially designed ranking function that considers information local to each vertex. Due to the variety of network structures, a number of characteristics must be taken into consideration and combined into a single rank that measures the utility of removing each vertex. Since removing a vertex in sequential fashion impacts the network structure, an efficient post-processing algorithm is also proposed to quickly re-rank vertices. Experiments on a range of common complex network models with varying number of vertices are considered, in addition to real world networks. The proposed algorithm, DFSH, is shown to be highly competitive and often outperforms existing strategies such as Google PageRank for minimizing pairwise connectivity.
Hub Location Problems play vital economic roles in transportation and telecommunication networks where goods or people must be efficiently transferred from an origin to a destination point whilst direct origin-destination links are impractical. This work investigates the single allocation hub location problem, and proposes a genetic algorithm (GA) approach for it. The effectiveness of using a single-objective criterion measure for the problem is rst explored. Next, a multi-objective GA employing various tness evaluation strategies such as Pareto ranking, sum of ranks, and weighted sum strategies is presented. The effectiveness of the multi-objective GA is shown by comparison with an Integer Programming strategy, the only other multi-objective approach found in the literature for this problem. Lastly, two new crossover operators are proposed and an empirical study is done using small to large problem instances of the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) and Australian Post (AP) data sets.
The KCube interconnection topology was rst introduced in 2010. The KCube graph is a compound graph of a Kautz digraph and hypercubes. Compared with the at- tractive Kautz digraph and well known hypercube graph, the KCube graph could accommodate as many nodes as possible for a given indegree (and outdegree) and the diameter of interconnection networks. However, there are few algorithms designed for the KCube graph. In this thesis, we will concentrate on nding graph theoretical properties of the KCube graph and designing parallel algorithms that run on this network. We will explore several topological properties, such as bipartiteness, Hamiltonianicity, and symmetry property. These properties for the KCube graph are very useful to develop efficient algorithms on this network. We will then study the KCube network from the algorithmic point of view, and will give an improved routing algorithm. In addition, we will present two optimal broadcasting algorithms. They are fundamental algorithms to many applications. A literature review of the state of the art network designs in relation to the KCube network as well as some open problems in this field will also be given.
The KCube interconnection network was first introduced in 2010 in order to exploit the good characteristics of two well-known interconnection networks, the hypercube and the Kautz graph. KCube links up multiple processors in a communication network with high density for a fixed degree. Since the KCube network is newly proposed, much study is required to demonstrate its potential properties and algorithms that can be designed to solve parallel computation problems. In this thesis we introduce a new methodology to construct the KCube graph. Also, with regard to this new approach, we will prove its Hamiltonicity in the general KC(m; k). Moreover, we will find its connectivity followed by an optimal broadcasting scheme in which a source node containing a message is to communicate it with all other processors. In addition to KCube networks, we have studied a version of the routing problem in the traditional hypercube, investigating this problem: whether there exists a shortest path in a Qn between two nodes 0n and 1n, when the network is experiencing failed components. We first conditionally discuss this problem when there is a constraint on the number of faulty nodes, and subsequently introduce an algorithm to tackle the problem without restrictions on the number of nodes.
Ce mmoire vise recenser les avantages et les inconvnients de l'utilisation du langage de programmation fonctionnel dynamique Scheme pour le dveloppement de jeux vido. Pour ce faire, la mthode utilise est d'abord base sur une approche plus thorique. En effet, une tude des besoins au niveau de la programmation exprims par ce type de dveloppement, ainsi qu'une description dtaillant les fonctionnalits du langage Scheme pertinentes au dveloppement de jeux vido sont donnes afin de bien mettre en contexte le sujet. Par la suite, une approche pratique est utilise en effectuant le dveloppement de deux jeux vido de complexits croissantes: Space Invaders et Lode Runner. Le dveloppement de ces jeux vido a men l'extension du langage Scheme par plusieurs langages spcifiques au domaine et bibliothques, dont notamment un systme de programmation orient objets et un systme de coroutines. L'exprience acquise par le dveloppement de ces jeux est finalement compare celle d'autres dveloppeurs de jeux vido de l'industrie qui ont utilis Scheme pour la cration de titres commerciaux. En rsum, l'utilisation de ce langage a permis d'atteindre un haut niveau d'abstraction favorisant la modularit des jeux dvelopps sans affecter les performances de ces derniers.