980 resultados para PSI core complex


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Transposable elements, transposons, are discrete DNA segments that are able to move or copy themselves from one locus to another within or between their host genome(s) without a requirement for DNA homology. They are abundant residents in virtually all the genomes studied, for instance, the genomic portion of TEs is approximately 3% in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 45% in humans, and apparently more than 70% in some plant genomes such as maize and barley. Transposons plays essential role in genome evolution, in lateral transfer of antibiotic resistance genes among bacteria and in life cycle of certain viruses such as HIV-1 and bacteriophage Mu. Despite the diversity of transposable elements they all use a fundamentally similar mechanism called transpositional DNA recombination (transposition) for the movement within and between the genomes of their host organisms. The DNA breakage and joining reactions that underlie their transposition are chemically similar in virtually all known transposition systems. The similarity of the reactions is also reflected in the structure and function of the catalyzing enzymes, transposases and integrases. The transposition reactions take place within the context of a transposition machinery, which can be particularly complex, as in the case of the VLP (virus like particle) machinery of retroelements, which in vivo contains RNA or cDNA and a number of element encoded structural and catalytic proteins. Yet, the minimal core machinery required for transposition comprises a multimer of transposase or integrase proteins and their binding sites at the element DNA ends only. Although the chemistry of DNA transposition is fairly well characterized, the components and function of the transposition machinery have been investigated in detail for only a small group of elements. This work focuses on the identification, characterization, and functional studies of the molecular components of the transposition machineries of BARE-1, Hin-Mu and Mu. For BARE-1 and Hin-Mu transpositional activity has not been shown previously, whereas bacteriophage Mu is a general model of transposition. For BARE-1, which is a retroelement of barley (Hordeum vulgare), the protein and DNA components of the functional VLP machinery were identified from cell extracts. In the case of Hin-Mu, which is a Mu-like prophage in Haemophilus influenzae Rd genome, the components of the core machinery (transposase and its binding sites) were characterized and their functionality was studied by using an in vitro methodology developed for Mu. The function of Mu core machinery was studied for its ability to use various DNA substrates: Hin-Mu end specific DNA substrates and Mu end specific hairpin substrates. The hairpin processing reaction by MuA was characterized in detail. New information was gained of all three machineries. The components or their activity required for functional BARE-1 VLP machinery and retrotransposon life cycle were present in vivo and VLP-like structures could be detected. The Hin-Mu core machinery components were identified and shown to be functional. The components of the Mu and Hin-Mu core machineries were partially interchangeable, reflecting both evolutionary conservation and flexibility within the core machineries. The Mu core machinery displayed surprising flexibility in substrate usage, as it was able to utilize Hin-Mu end specific DNA substrates and to process Mu end DNA hairpin substrates. This flexibility may be evolutionarily and mechanistically important.


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Multiresolution synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image formation has been proven to be beneficial in a variety of applications such as improved imaging and target detection as well as speckle reduction. SAR signal processing traditionally carried out in the Fourier domain has inherent limitations in the context of image formation at hierarchical scales. We present a generalized approach to the formation of multiresolution SAR images using biorthogonal shift-invariant discrete wavelet transform (SIDWT) in both range and azimuth directions. Particularly in azimuth, the inherent subband decomposition property of wavelet packet transform is introduced to produce multiscale complex matched filtering without involving any approximations. This generalized approach also includes the formulation of multilook processing within the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) paradigm. The efficiency of the algorithm in parallel form of execution to generate hierarchical scale SAR images is shown. Analytical results and sample imagery of diffuse backscatter are presented to validate the method.


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Cells of every living organism on our planet − bacterium, plant or animal − are organized in such a way that despite differences in structure and function they utilize the same metabolic energy represented by electrochemical proton gradient across a membrane. This gradient of protons is generated by the series of membrane bound multisubunit proteins, Complex I, II, III and IV, organized in so-called respiratory or electron transport chain. In the eukaryotic cell it locates in the inner mitochondrial membrane while in the bacterial cell it locates in the cytoplasmic membrane. The function of the respiratory chain is to accept electrons from NADH and ubiquinol and transfer them to oxygen resulting in the formation of water. The free energy released upon these redox reactions is converted by respiratory enzymes into an electrochemical proton gradient, which is used for synthesis of ATP as well as for many other energy dependent processes. This thesis is focused on studies of the first member of the respiratory chain − NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase or Complex I. This enzyme has a boot-shape structure with hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains, the former of which has all redox groups of the protein, the flavin and eight to nine iron-sulfur clusters. Complex I serves as a proton pump coupling transfer of two electrons from NADH to ubiquinone to the translocation of four protons across the membrane. So far the mechanism of energy transduction by Complex I is unknown. In the present study we applied a set of different methods to study the electron and proton transfer reactions in Complex I from Escherichia coli. The main achievement was the experiment that showed that the electron transfer through the hydrophilic domain of Complex I is unlikely to be coupled to proton transfer directly or to conformational changes in the protein. In this work for the first time properties of all redox centers of Complex I were characterized in the intact purified bacterial enzyme. We also probed the role of several conserved amino acid residues in the electron transfer of Complex I. Finally, we found that highly conserved amino acid residues in several membrane subunits form a common pattern with a very prominent feature – the presence of a few lysines within the membrane. Based on the experimental data, we suggested a tentative principle which may govern the redox-coupled proton pumping in Complex I.


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The X-ray crystal structures of 4-butyl-1,2-diphenylpyrazolidine-3,5-dione (phenylbutazone)(I). and its 2 : 1 complex (II) with piperazine have been determined by direct methods and the structures refined to R 0.096 (2 300 observed reflections measured by diffractometer) and 0.074 (2 494 observed reflections visuallyestimated). Crystals are monoclinic, space group P21/c; for (I)a= 21.695(4), b= 5.823(2), c= 27.881(4)Å, = 108.06 (10)°, Z= 8, and for (II)a= 8.048(4), b= 15.081(4), c= 15.583(7)Å, = 95.9(3)°, Z= 2. The two crystallographically independant molecules in the structure of (I) are similar except for the conformation of the butyl group, which is disordered in one of the molecules. In the pyrazolidinedione group, the two C–C bonds are single and the two C–O bonds double. The two nitrogen atoms in the five-membered ring are pyramidal with the attached phenyl groups lying on the opposite sides of the mean plane of the ring. The phenylbutazone molecule in (II) exists as a negative ion owing to deprotonation of C-4. C-4 is therefore trigonal and the orientation of the Bu group with respect to the pyrazolidinedione group is considerably different from that in (I); there is also considerable electron delocalization along the C–O and C–C bonds. These changes in geometry and electronic structure may relate to biological activity. The doubly charged cationic piperazine molecule exists in the chair form with the nitrogen atoms at the apices. The crystal structure of (II) is stabilized by ionic interactions and N–H O hydrogen bonds.


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This thesis is a development of a methodology to predict the radio transmitter signal attenuation, via vertical density profiling of digitised objects, through the use of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDaR) measurements. The resulting map of indexed signal attenuation is useful for dynamic radio transmitter placement within the geospatial data set without expensive and tedious radio measurements.


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This paper will discuss the complexities of the role of contemporary dancer in this current epoch, with a particular focus on the multiple identities dancers embody within dance practice and how these accumulate to form a creative self-in-process or ‘moving identity’. Wider issues, such as training will be explored questioning how technical skills can be imparted alongside autonomous learning approaches to ensure that dancers are prepared to negotiate the entrepreneurial ecology of various dance sectors. Furthermore, the paper will examine the shifting relationship between choreographer and dancer from hierarchical to co-creative including how, in spite of the often collaborative nature of dance creation, the marketplace continues to celebrate the singular authorial position of the choreographer. Each of these elements will reflect back the complex issues of agency and creative self-hood that dancers must negotiate in an increasingly diverse and changeable arts environment.


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A ternary metal complex involving Vitamin B6 with the formula [Cu(bipy)(pn) (OH)]H2O (bipy = 2,2'²-bipyridine, PN = anionic pyridoxine) has been synthesized and studied in the solid state by means of spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The geometry around copper(II) is distorted square pyramidal, two oxygens from phenolic and 4-(hydroxymethyl) groups of pn, two nitrogens from bipy and an axial OH- ion forming the coordination sphere. In this structure pn exists in a new anionic form with deprotonation of the phenolic group. The structure also provides a rare example of monodentate hydroxyl coordination to copper.


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One of the monoclonal antibodies raised against bovine beta-lactoglobulin reacted with human serum retinol binding protein. The finding that this monoclonal antibody also reacted with the serum retinol binding proteins isolated from other animals, suggested that this epitopic conformation is conserved among these proteins. Using ELISA and various synthetic peptides of defined sequence, we show in this paper that the epitope defined by this monoclonal antibody comprises of the highly conserved core sequence of DTDY present in beta-lactoglobulin and retinol binding proteins.


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The diruthenium(III) complex [{(PPh3)(MeCN)2Ru}2(μ-O)(μ-O2CMe)2](ClO4)2 (1) has been prepared from Ru2O(O2CMe)4(PPh3)2, which is obtained from a reaction of Ru2Cl(O2CMe)4 and PPh3 in MeCN. The crystal structure of 1 was determined by X-ray studies and the complex has an {Ru2(μ-O)(μ-O2CMe)22+} core and the facial sites on each metal centre are occupied by two MeCN and one PPh3 ligands. The Ru—b. Ru and Ru—Ooxo distances and Ru—O—Ru angle are 3.240(1), 1.866(4) Å and 120.6(2)°, respectively. The cis and trans Ru—N distances in 1 are 2.040(6) and 2.116(5) Å, respectively. The visible spectral band in 1 is observed at 574 nm (var epsilon, 10,800 M−1 cm−1). The 1H NMR spectrum of the diamagnetic complex 1 in CD3CN is in agreement with the X-ray structure.


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Several metal complexes of three different functionalized salen derivatives have been synthesized. The salens differ in terms of the electrostatic character and the location of the charges. The interactions of such complexes with DNA were first investigated in detail by UV−vis absorption titrimetry. It appears that the DNA binding by most of these compounds is primarily due to a combination of electrostatic and other modes of interactions. The melting temperatures of DNA in the presence of various metal complexes were higher than that of the pure DNA. The presence of additional charge on the central metal ion core in the complex, however, alters the nature of binding. Bis-cationic salen complexes containing central Ni(II) or Mn(III) were found to induce DNA strand scission, especially in the presence of co-oxidant as revealed by plasmid DNA cleavage assay and also on the basis of the autoradiogram obtained from their respective high-resolution sequencing gels. Modest base selectivity was observed in the DNA cleavage reactions. Comparisons of the linearized and supercoiled forms of DNA in the metal complex-mediated cleavage reactions reveal that the supercoiled forms are more susceptible to DNA scission. Under suitable conditions, the DNA cleavage reactions can be induced either by preformed metal complexes or by in situ complexation of the ligand in the presence of the appropriate metal ion. Also revealed was the fact that the analogous complexes containing Cu(II) or Cr(III) did not effect any DNA strand scission under comparable conditions. Salens with pendant negative charges on either side of the precursor salicylaldehyde or ethylenediamine fragments did not bind with DNA. Similarly, metallosalen complexes with net anionic character also failed to induce any DNA modification activities.


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Silk gland cells ofBombyx mori undergo chromosomal endoduplication throughout larval development. The DNA content of both posterior and middle silk gland nuclei increased by 300000 times the haploid genomic content, amounting to 18 rounds of replication. The DNA doubling time is approximately 48 h and 24 h during the fourth and fifth instars of larval development. However, DNA content does not change during the interim moult. Concomitant with DNA content, DNA polymerase activity also increases as development progressed. Enzyme activity is predominantly due to DNA polymerase with no detectable level of polymerase . DNA polymerase from silk gland extracts was purified to homogeneity (using a series of columns involving ionexchange, gel-filtration and affintiy chromatography), resulting in a 4000-fold increase in specific activity. The enzyme is a heterogeneous multimer of high molecular mass, and the catalytic (polymerase) activity is resident in the 180-kDa subunit. The enzyme shows a PI of 6.2 and theKm values for the dNTP vary over 5-16 . The polymerase is tightly associated with primase activity and initiates primer synthesis in the presence of ribonucleoside triphosphates on a single-stranded DNA template. The primase activity is resident in the 45-kDa subunit. The enzyme is devoid of any detectable exonuclease activity. The abundance of DNA polymerase α in silk glands and its strong association with the nuclear matrix suggest a role in the DNA endoduplication process.


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Proximity of molecules is a crucial factor in many solid- state photochemical processes.'S2 The biomolecular photodimerization reactions in the solid state depend on the relative geometry of reactant molecules in the crystal lattice with center-to-center distance of nearest neighbor double bonds of the order of ca. 4 A. This fact emanates from the incisive studies of Schmidt and Cohen.2 One of the two approaches to achieve this distance requirement is the so-called "Crystal-Engineering" of structures, which essentially involves the introduction of certain functional groups that display in-plane interstacking interactions (Cl...Cl, C-He-0, etc.) in the crystal The chloro group is by far the most successful in promoting the /3- packing m ~ d e ,th~o,u~gh recent studies have shown its limitations? Another approach involves the use of constrained media in which the reactants could hopefully be aligned.


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Prediction of thermodynamic parameters of protein-protein and antigen-antibody complex formation from high resolution structural parameters has recently received much attention, since an understanding of the contributions of different fundamental processes like hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonding, salt bridge formation, solvent reorganization etc. to the overall thermodynamic parameters and their relations with the structural parameters would lead to rational drug design. Using the results of the dissolution of hydrocarbons and other model compounds the changes in heat capacity (DeltaCp), enthalpy (DeltaH) and entropy (DeltaS) have been empirically correlated with the polar and apolar surface areas buried during the process of protein folding/unfolding and protein-ligand complex formation. In this regard, the polar and apolar surfaces removed from the solvent in a protein-ligand complex have been calculated from the experimentally observed values of changes in heat capacity (DeltaCp) and enthalpy (DeltaH) for protein-ligand complexes for which accurate thermodynamic and high resolution structural data are available, and the results have been compared with the x-ray crystallographic observations. Analyses of the available results show poor correlation between the thermodynamic and structural parameters. Probable reasons for this discrepancy are mostly related with the reorganization of water accompanying the reaction which is indeed proven by the analyses of the energetics of the binding of the wheat germ agglutinin to oligosaccharides.