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A generalised model for the prediction of single char particle gasification dynamics, accounting for multi-component mass transfer with chemical reaction, heat transfer, as well as structure evolution and peripheral fragmentation is developed in this paper. Maxwell-Stefan analysis is uniquely applied to both micro and macropores within the framework of the dusty-gas model to account for the bidisperse nature of the char, which differs significantly from the conventional models that are based on a single pore type. The peripheral fragmentation and random-pore correlation incorporated into the model enable prediction of structure/reactivity relationships. The occurrence of chemical reaction within the boundary layer reported by Biggs and Agarwal (Chem. Eng. Sci. 52 (1997) 941) has been confirmed through an analysis of CO/CO2 product ratio obtained from model simulations. However, it is also quantitatively observed that the significance of boundary layer reaction reduces notably with the reduction of oxygen concentration in the flue gas, operational pressure and film thickness. Computations have also shown that in the presence of diffusional gradients peripheral fragmentation occurs in the early stages on the surface, after which conversion quickens significantly due to small particle size. Results of the early commencement of peripheral fragmentation at relatively low overall conversion obtained from a large number of simulations agree well with experimental observations reported by Feng and Bhatia (Energy & Fuels 14 (2000) 297). Comprehensive analysis of simulation results is carried out based on well accepted physical principles to rationalise model prediction. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. AH rights reserved.
Composite clay nanostructures (CCNs) were observed in intercalating Laponite clay with alumina in the presence of alkyl polyether surfactants which contain hydrophobic alkyl chains and ether groups. Such nanostructured clays are highly porous solids consisting of randomly orientated clay platelets intercalated with alumina nanoparticles. The pores in the product solids are larger than the dimension of the surfactant molecules, ranging from 2 to 10 nm. This suggests that the micelles of the surfactant molecules, rather than the molecules, act as templates in the synthesis. Interestingly, it is found that the size of the framework pores was directly proportional to the amount of the surfactants in terms of moles, but shows no evident dependence on the size of the surfactant molecules. Broad pore size distributions were observed for the product CCNs. This study demonstrates that introducing surfactants in the pillaring process of clays is a powerful strategy for tailoring the pore structures of nanoporous clays. With this new technique, it is possible to design and engineer such composite clay nanostructures with desired pore and surface properties by the proper choice of surfactant amounts and preparation conditions.
Dysfunction of the articulatory subsystem (i.c.. the lips, tongue, and jaw) has bccn identified as a major contributor to the reduction in speech intelligibility experienced by a high proportion of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). In particular. consonant imprecision has been reported to be the articulatory deficit that contributes most to variations in overall intelligibility of MS speakers. Electropalatography(EPG) IS an instrurncntal technique that visually documents the location and timing of tongue-topalatc contacts during speech. Although such a technique would be valuablc in objectively assessing the articulatory disturbances exhibited by individuals with dysarthria ia motor speech disorder) associated with MS, to-date no such study ha< been reported. The aim of the present study was to use EPG to assess tongue-to-palate contact patterns and articulatory timing in patients with dysarthria associated with MS. A dysarthric participant with a diagnosis of definite MS was fitted with an acrylic EPG palate (Reading EPG.?) and asked to read aloud a list of single syllable words which contained lingual consonants in the word-initial position and in consonant clusters. Each mord was repeated five times. The EPG palate was specifically moulded to tit the participant's hard palate and contained 62 electrodes that detected the tongue contacts. A non-neurologically impaired participant matched for age and sex servcd as a control. The results of the study revealed that the tongue-to-palate contacts produced by the participant with MS varied from those produced by the control in a number of ways in regard to spatial configurations and timing characteristics exhibited. The rcsults arc discussed in relation to the neuropathophysiological effects of MS on speech production. The potcntial use of EPG in programs for treating speech disorders associated with MS will be highlightcd.
Adsorption and diffusion in a porous media were studied theoretically and experimentally with a differential transient permeation method. The porous medium is allowed to equilibrate at some specified loading, and then the time trajectory of the permeation process is followed after a small difference between the pressures at the end faces of the porous medium is introduced at time t = 0 +. Such a trajectory us. time would contain adsorption and diffusion characteristics of the system. By studying this for various surface loadings, pore and surface diffusions can be fully characterized. Mathematical modeling of transient permeation is detailed for pure gases or vapors diffusion and adsorption in porous media. Effects of nonlinearity of adsorption isotherm, pressure, temperature and heat effects were considered in the model. Experimental data of diffusion and adsorption of propane, n-butane and n-hexane in activated carbon at different temperatures and loadings show the potential of this method as a useful tool to study adsorption kinetics in porous media. Validity of the model is best tested against the transient data where the kinetics curves exhibit sigmoidal shape, which is a result of the diffusion and adsorption rate during the initial stage of permeation.
In this paper, a new technique for predicting multicomponent adsorption equilibria of supercritical fluids in microporous carbons is presented. In difference from adsorption on a surface, which is a function of the fluid-solid interaction only, adsorption in porous media is influenced by the proximity of the pore walls, resulting in the enhancement in adsorption affinity. The degree of this enhancement is different for different adsorbates, and it increases with a decrease in pore size. The theory is applied to a number of carbonaceous systems with good success.
Five kinetic models for adsorption of hydrocarbons on activated carbon are compared and investigated in this study. These models assume different mass transfer mechanisms within the porous carbon particle. They are: (a) dual pore and surface diffusion (MSD), (b) macropore, surface, and micropore diffusion (MSMD), (c) macropore, surface and finite mass exchange (FK), (d) finite mass exchange (LK), and (e) macropore, micropore diffusion (BM) models. These models are discriminated using the single component kinetic data of ethane and propane as well as the multicomponent kinetics data of their binary mixtures measured on two commercial activated carbon samples (Ajax and Norit) under various conditions. The adsorption energetic heterogeneity is considered for all models to account for the system. It is found that, in general, the models assuming diffusion flux of adsorbed phase along the particle scale give better description of the kinetic data.
A simple method to characterize the micro and mesoporous carbon media is discussed. In this method, the overall adsorption quantity is the sum of capacities of all pores (slit shape is assumed), in each of which the process of adsorption occurs in two sequential steps: the multi-layering followed by pore filling steps. The critical factor in these two steps is the enhancement of the pressure of occluded 'free' molecules in the pore as well as the enhancement of the adsorption layer thickness. Both of these enhancements are due to the overlapping of the potential fields contributed by the two opposite walls. The classical BET and modified Kelvin equations are assumed to be applicable for the two steps mentioned above, with the allowance for the enhanced pore pressure, the enhanced adsorption energy and the enhanced BET constant,all of which vary with pore width. The method is then applied to data of many carbon samples of different sources to derive their respective pore size distributions, which are compared with those obtained from DFT analysis. Similar pore size distributions (PSDs) are observed although our method gives sharper distribution. Furthermore, we use our theory to analyze adsorption data of nitrogen at 77 K and that of benzene at 303 K (ambient temperature). The PSDs derived from these two different probe molecules are similar, with some small differences that could be attributed to the molecular properties, such as the collision diameter. Permeation characteristics of sub-critical fluids are also discussed in this paper. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper addresses the current status of the various diffusion theories for surface diffusion in the literature. The inadequacy of these models to explain the surface diffusion of many hydrocarbons in microporous activated carbon is shown in this paper. They all can explain the increase of the surface diffusivity (D-mu) with loading, but cannot explain the increase of the surface permeability (D(mu)partial derivativeC(mu)/partial derivativeP) with loading as observed in our data of diffusion of hydrocarbons in activated carbon, even when the surface heterogeneity is accounted for in those models. The explanation for their failure was presented, and we have put forward a theory to explain the increase of surface diffusion permeability with loading. This new theory assumes the variation of the activation energy for surface diffusion with surface loading, and it is validated with diffusion data of propane, n-butane, n-hexane, benzene and ethanol in activated carbon. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper presents the comparison of surface diffusivities of hydrocarbons in activated carbon. The surface diffusivities are obtained from the analysis of kinetic data collected using three different kinetics methods- the constant molar flow, the differential adsorption bed and the differential permeation methods. In general the values of surface diffusivity obtained by these methods agree with each other, and it is found that the surface diffusivity increases very fast with loading. Such a fast increase can not be accounted for by a thermodynamic Darken factor, and the surface heterogeneity only partially accounts for the fast rise of surface diffusivity versus loading. Surface diffusivities of methane, ethane, propane, n-butane, n-hexane, benzene and ethanol on activated carbon are reported in this paper.
In this paper, we develop a theory for diffusion and flow of pure sub-critical adsorbates in microporous activated carbon over a wide range of pressure, ranging from very low to high pressure, where capillary condensation is occurring. This theory does not require any fitting parameter. The only information needed for the prediction is the complete pore size distribution of activated carbon. The various interesting behaviors of permeability versus loading are observed such as the maximum permeability at high loading (occurred at about 0.8-0.9 relative pressure). The theory is tested with diffusion and flow of benzene through a commercial activated carbon, and the agreement is found to be very good in the light that there is no fitting parameter in the model. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.