Characterization of micro-mesoporous carbon media

Autoria(s): Do, D. D.; Nguyen, C.; Do, H. D.

P Somasundaran

H Moehwald




A simple method to characterize the micro and mesoporous carbon media is discussed. In this method, the overall adsorption quantity is the sum of capacities of all pores (slit shape is assumed), in each of which the process of adsorption occurs in two sequential steps: the multi-layering followed by pore filling steps. The critical factor in these two steps is the enhancement of the pressure of occluded 'free' molecules in the pore as well as the enhancement of the adsorption layer thickness. Both of these enhancements are due to the overlapping of the potential fields contributed by the two opposite walls. The classical BET and modified Kelvin equations are assumed to be applicable for the two steps mentioned above, with the allowance for the enhanced pore pressure, the enhanced adsorption energy and the enhanced BET constant,all of which vary with pore width. The method is then applied to data of many carbon samples of different sources to derive their respective pore size distributions, which are compared with those obtained from DFT analysis. Similar pore size distributions (PSDs) are observed although our method gives sharper distribution. Furthermore, we use our theory to analyze adsorption data of nitrogen at 77 K and that of benzene at 303 K (ambient temperature). The PSDs derived from these two different probe molecules are similar, with some small differences that could be attributed to the molecular properties, such as the collision diameter. Permeation characteristics of sub-critical fluids are also discussed in this paper. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.






Palavras-Chave #Chemistry, Physical #Activated Carbon #Pore Size Distribution #Pore Filling #Multi-layering Adsorption #Pore-size Distribution #Horvath-kawazoe Equations #Microporous Vycor Glass #Capillary Condensation #Activated Carbons #Adsorption-isotherm #Porous-media #Transport #Adsorbents #Nanospace #C1 #250103 Colloid and Surface Chemistry #780102 Physical sciences

Journal Article