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The EM3E Master is an Education Programme supported by the European Commission, the European Membrane Society (EMS), the European Membrane House (EMH), and a large international network of industrial companies, research centers and universities


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Surveys of risky behavior relating to HIV/AIDS are generally made for groups at risk of infection, for which HIV/AIDS prevalence is usually expected to be higher than in the general population. Therefore, an educational homepage in Portuguese was created on the Internet to inform/ask internauts regarding knowledge and behavior. The internauts were classified as adolescents (13 to 25 years) and adults (>25 years). The number of STDs was reported as 1. 8 ± 2. 6 infections (range: 1 to 20 infections); 43% used condoms during sexual intercourse. Alcohol consumption was reported by 63% and illicit drug use by 32% (marijuana 24% and inhalants 15%). Among the adolescents, 31% did not classified alcohol as a drug. The adults more frequently reported homosexuality, anal intercourse and STDs, although the adolescents also presented high rates of risky behavior. These results show the need to reach out to internauts through better control strategies. Different types of strategies must be encouraged, in order to reach people that use this means of communication and entertainment.


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The future of health care delivery is becoming more citizen-centred, as today’s user is more active, better informed and more demanding. The European Commission is promoting online health services and, therefore, member states will need to boost deployment and use of online services. This makes e-health adoption an important field to be studied and understood. This study applied the extended unified theory of acceptance and usage technology (UTAUT2) to explain patients’ individual adoption of e-health. An online questionnaire was administrated Portugal using mostly the same instrument used in UTAUT2 adapted to e-health context. We collected 386 valid answers. Performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and habit had the most significant explanatory power over behavioural intention and habit and behavioural intention over technology use. The model explained 52% of the variance in behavioural intention and 32% of the variance in technology use. Our research helps to understand the desired technology characteristics of ehealth. By testing an information technology acceptance model, we are able to determine what is more valued by patients when it comes to deciding whether to adopt e-health systems or not.


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Microblogging in the workplace as a functionality of Enterprise Social Networking (ESN) platforms is a relatively new phenomenon of which the use in knowledge work has not yet received much attention from research. In this cross-sectional study, I attempt to shed light on the role of microblogging in knowledge work. I identify microblogging use practices of knowledge workers on ESN platforms, and I identify its role in supporting knowledge work performance. A questionnaire is carried out among a non-representative sample of knowledge workers. The results shed light on the purposes of the microblogging messages that knowledge workers write. It also helps us find out whether microblogging supports them in performing their work. The survey is based on existing theory that supplied me with possible microblog purposes as well as theory on what the actions of knowledge workers are. The results reveal that “knowledge & news sharing”, “crowd sourcing”, “socializing & networking” and “discussion & opinion” are frequent microblog purposes. The study furthermore shows that microblogging benefits knowledge workers’ work. Microblogging seems to be a worthy addition to the existing means of communication in the workplace, and is especially useful to let knowledge, news and social contact reach a further and broader audience than it would in a situation without this social networking service.


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During drilling operation, cuttings are produced downhole and must be removed to avoid issues which can lead to Non Productive Time (NPT). Most of stuck pipe and then Bottom-Hole Assembly (BHA) lost events are hole cleaned related. There are many parameters which help determine hole cleaning conditions, but a proper selection of the key parameters will facilitate monitoring hole cleaning conditions and interventions. The aim of Hole Cleaning Monitoring is to keep track of borehole conditions including hole cleaning efficiency and wellbore stability issues during drilling operations. Adequate hole cleaning is the one of the main concerns in the underbalanced drilling operations especially for directional and horizontal wells. This dissertation addresses some hole cleaning fundamentals which will act as the basis for recommendation practice during drilling operations. Understand how parameters such as Flowrate, Rotation per Minute (RPM), Rate of Penetration (ROP) and Mud Weight are useful to improve the hole cleaning performance and how Equivalent Circulate Density (ECD), Torque & Drag (T&D) and Cuttings Volumes coming from downhole help to indicate how clean and stable the well is. For case study, hole cleaning performance or cuttings volume removal monitoring, will be based on real-time measurements of the cuttings volume removal from downhole at certain time, taking into account Flowrate, RPM, ROP and Drilling fluid or Mud properties, and then will be plotted and compared to the volume being drilled expected. ECD monitoring will dictate hole stability conditions and T&D and Cuttings Volume coming from downhole monitoring will dictate how clean the well is. T&D Modeling Software provide theoretical calculated T&D trends which will be plotted and compared to the real-time measurements. It will use the measured hookloads to perform a back-calculation of friction factors along the wellbore.


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High reflective paints (cool paints) are used on flat roofs to reduce heat gains from the incidence of solar radiation and thus improve the thermal comfort and energy efficiency of buildings, especially in summer periods. Given the application potential of these paints on vertical surfaces, a research study has been developed to evaluate the thermal performance of reflective paints on walls under real exposure conditions. Accordingly, different reflective paints have been applied as the final coating of an ETICS type solution, on the facades of a full scale experimental cell built at LNEC campus. For being applied in an ETICS system a paint has to fulfill several requirements, whether aesthetic or functional (such as the adhesion between the coating layers or the durability of the insulation), essential for its efficient performance. Since this construction coating system is subject to a prolonged sun exposure, various problems may arise, such as paint degradation or deterioration of the thermal insulation properties, particularly when dark colors are applied. To evaluate the thermal performance of the chosen paints, the method of non-destructive analysis by Infrared Thermography was used. Thermography allows knowing the temperature distribution of facades by measuring the radiation emitted by their surfaces. To complement the thermographic diagnosis, thermocouples were placed between the insulation and the paint system of the experimental cell. Additional laboratory tests allowed the characterization of the optical properties (reflectance and emittance) of the different reflective paints used in this study. The comparative analysis of the thermal performance of reflective and conventional paints revealed that the reflective paint allows a reduction of the facade surface temperature, reducing the risk of loss of insulating properties of the ETICS system and thus ensuring its longevity and functionality. The color of the paint used affects, naturally, the reflective ability of the surface and may have an important role in energy balance of the building. This paper also showed the potential of infrared thermography in the evaluation of the thermal performance of reflective paints.


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This work aims to identify and rank a set of Lean and Green practices and supply chain performance measures on which managers should focus to achieve competitiveness and improve the performance of automotive supply chains. The identification of the contextual relationships among the suggested practices and measures, was performed through literature review. Their ranking was done by interviews with professionals from the automotive industry and academics with wide knowledge on the subject. The methodology of interpretive structural modelling (ISM) is a useful methodology to identify inter relationships among Lean and Green practices and supply chain performance measures and to support the evaluation of automotive supply chain performance. Using the ISM methodology, the variables under study were clustered according to their driving power and dependence power. The ISM methodology was proposed to be used in this work. The model intends to provide a better understanding of the variables that have more influence (driving variables), the others and those which are most influenced (dependent variables) by others. The information provided by this model is strategic for managers who can use it to identify which variables they should focus on in order to have competitive supply chains.


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RESUMO: Enquadramento: O sono é cada vez mais reconhecido como um fator determinante na Saúde Infantil porque, quando desadequado, pode ter consequências na regulação emocional e do comportamento, nas funções cognitivas, no rendimento académico, na regulação do peso e no risco de lesões acidentais. Os hábitos e problemas do sono das crianças portuguesas não se encontram ainda bem caracterizados. Este conhecimento é importante para o desenvolvimento da investigação e para a promoção da saúde nesta área. Objetivos: Adaptar e validar o Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) para a cultura portuguesa; Caracterizar os hábitos de sono de uma amostra de crianças dos 2 aos 10 anos tendo em vista a obtenção de dados de referência; Estimar a prevalência dos problemas do sono na perspetiva dos pais; Avaliar se existem diferenças nos hábitos e problemas do sono entre as regiões de média-alta e baixa densidade populacional; Identificar potenciais consequências dos problemas do sono. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, descritivo e correlacional. A versão portuguesa do questionário (CSHQ-PT) foi desenvolvida de acordo com as orientações previamente publicadas e validada numa amostra de 315 crianças dos 2 aos 10 anos. Para o estudo dos hábitos e problemas do sono, o CSHQ-PT foi distribuído aos pais de 2257 crianças recrutadas em 17 zonas de agrupamentos escolares (15 escolhidos de forma aleatória) das áreas da Grande Lisboa, Península de Setúbal e Alentejo, compreendendo zonas litorais e do interior, e de alta, média e baixa densidade populacional. Foram obtidos 1450 (64%) questionários válidos. Resultados: O CSHQ-PT mostrou propriedades psicométricas semelhantes às das versões de outros países e adequadas para a investigação. A avaliação dos hábitos de sono nos dias de semana mostrou que as crianças se deitam, em média, pelas 21h 44m (DP 38 min.). A necessidade da companhia dos pais para adormecer diminui com a idade, ocorrendo em 49% das crianças aos 2-3 anos e 10% aos 9-10 anos. O hábito de adormecer a ver televisão foi descrito em 15,8% das crianças. O tempo total de sono diário diminui com a idade, com uma diferença mais marcada dos 2 para os 3 anos e dos 3 para os 4 anos, quando a sesta se torna menos frequente. No fim de semana, 25% das crianças dormia pelo menos mais uma hora. As diferenças nos hábitos de sono entre regiões de média-alta e de baixa densidade populacional foram reduzidas, sem reflexo na duração média do sono. Considerando valores de referência de outros países, verificou-se que 10% das crianças estudadas tinha uma duração do sono dois desvios-padrão abaixo da média esperada para a idade. A prevalência dos problemas do sono na perspetiva dos pais foi de 10,4%, sem diferenças significativas entre classes etárias, subgrupos de nível educacional dos pais, nem entre zonas de média-alta e baixa densidade populacional. Estes problemas do sono mostraram-se associados, sobretudo, à duração do sono insuficiente, resistência em ir para a cama, dificuldade em adormecer sozinho, despertares noturnos frequentes e ocorrência de parassónias. A baixa prevalência de problemas do sono identificados pelos pais contrasta com cotações elevadas no CSHQ-PT que traduzem comportamentos-problema mais frequentes, que são bem aceites por alguns pais. O Índice de Perturbação do Sono foi mais elevado nas famílias com menor nível educacional. Em análise multivariada mostraram valor preditivo para a sonolência diurna: o tempo total de sono diário, a diferença da duração do sono noturno durante a semana e no fim de semana, a frequência de algumas parassónias e o hábito de adormecer a ver televisão. O rendimento escolar mostrou associação com os problemas do sono, que são mais frequentes nas crianças com dificuldades escolares e hiperatividade/problemas de atenção. A relação entre estas variáveis é complexa. Conclusões: Este estudo mostrou que os problemas comportamentais do sono e a privação de sono são frequentes na população estudada. Estes problemas têm consequências, uma vez que correspondem a uma frequência mais elevada de sintomas de sonolência diurna, por comparação com outros países. Perante este cenário, é muito importante reforçar a promoção de hábitos de sono saudáveis e continuar a estudar as consequências do sono desadequado nas crianças portuguesas. -----------ABSTRACT:Framework: Sleep is increasingly being recognized as important to Child Health, for inadequate sleep may impact behavioral and emotional regulation, cognitive functions, academic performance, weight regulation and the risk of accidental injuries. The sleep habits and sleep problems of Portuguese children are not well characterized. This knowledge is important to support further studies and health promotion actions. Objectives: Develop and validate a Portuguese version of the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ-PT); Characterize the sleep habits and problems in a sample of Portuguese children from the ages of 2 to 10 for future reference; Estimate the prevalence of parent-defined sleep problems; Assess whether there are differences in sleep habits and problems between regions of medium-high and low population densities; Identify potential consequences of sleep problems. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study. The Portuguese version of the questionnaire (CSHQ-PT) was developed according to published guidelines and validated in a sample of 315 children from 2 to 10 years old (y.o.). In order to study sleep habits and problems we delivered the CSHQ-PT to 2257 children recruited from 17 school districts (15 were chosen randomly) in areas with low, medium and high population densities, including coastline and inland regions. 1450 (64%) valid questionnaires were obtained. Results: The CSHQ-PT demonstrated psychometric properties that were similar to the versions from other countries and adequate for research. The evaluation of sleep habits showed that on schooldays children go to bed, on average, at 21h 44m (SD 38 min.). The need of having the parent in the room at bedtime decreases with the age of the child, occurring in 49% of children with 2-3 y.o. and 10% of children between 9 and 10 y.o. The habit of going asleep while watching TV was reported in 15,8% of the children. Total sleep time diminishes with the age of the child, having a major decrease from 2 to 3 y.o. and from 3 to 4 y.o., along with less frequent naps. During the weekend, 25% of the children sleep at least one extra hour. Considering reference values from other series, we found that 10% of the children had a sleep duration two standard deviations below the mean for the age. The differences in sleep habits between regions of medium-high and low population densities are few, and there are no differences in average sleep durations. The prevalence of parent-defined sleep problems was 10.4%. There were no significant differences between age classes, parent education subgroups or between regions of medium-high and low population densities. These sleep problems were associated with insufficient sleep duration, bedtime resistance, difficulty in falling asleep alone, frequent night awakenings and the occurrence of parasomnias. The low prevalence of parent-defined sleep problems contrasts with high CSHQ scores meaning that problematic behaviors are more frequent, but acceptable to some parents. The Sleep Disturbance Score was higher in families with a lower educational level. In multivariate analysis, the following factors predicted the daytime somnolence score: total sleep time, the difference in night sleep duration between the weekend and school days, the frequency of some parasomnias and the habit of falling asleep while watching TV. School achievement showed a negative correlation with the sleep problems, which are more frequent in children with school difficulties and hyperactivity/attention problems. The relationship between these variables is complex. Conclusions: This study evidenced that behavioral sleep problems and sleep deprivation are common in our population. These sleep problems have consequences as they correspond to more symptoms of excessive daytime somnolence comparing to other countries. Therefore, we reinforce the importance of promoting healthy sleep habits and further study the consequences of inadequate sleep in Portuguese children.


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The demand for costs and time reductions in companies’ processes, in order to increase efficiency, leads companies to seek innovative management paradigms to support their needs for growth and continuous improvement. The Lean paradigm has great relevance in companies’ need for waste reduction, particularly in manufacturing companies. On the other hand the demand of companies for waste reduction has gained a new dimension not only at the material level, but also at the environmental level with the introduction of the Green paradigm. As such, manufacturing companies have been adopting practices that reduce the impact of their activities on the environment. Although nowadays many manufacturing companies already implement waste reduction practices related to Lean and Green paradigms, many of them are unable to understand specifically if their efforts are enough for the application of these practices to be successful or even if their actual performance in implementing Lean or Green practices reflects the self-assessment that they have of themselves. Thus, besides the study of the development of Lean and Green paradigms in recent years, the present dissertation has the important objective of the construction of two indexes (the Lean Index and the Green Index) enabling the measurement of the performance of Portuguese manufacturing companies relating the implementation of Lean and Green practices. The data used to create the Lean and Green indexes where obtained from the implementation of the European Manufacturing Survey 2012 in Portugal. The survey questions related to the implementation of Lean and Green practices are used as variables in the development of the model for the two indexes. For the construction of representative expressions of Lean Index and Green Index it was applied the Factorial Analysis for assigning the variables weights and aggregation.


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Estamos na Primavera de 2012, de visita ao museu do Quai d’Orsay, em Paris. Enquanto nos deslocamos pelo espaço da exposição permanente, deparamos com um grupo de crianças, acompanhado por duas professoras. São meninos de uma escola primária de Paris e estão de visita ao museu. Uma das professoras pede-lhes que se sentem no chão, numa das partes da longa exposição permanente, enquanto se aproxima uma mulher vestida com um traje que se identifica de maneira difusa com a América Latina. Atriz ou antropóloga? A mulher fala com os meninos da dança dos Chunchus e da Morenada bolivianas, encena, dramatiza, chama-os a participar. Ensina e representa, enquanto o público infantil colabora. Alguns meninos menos timoratos entram no jogo, dão-lhe troco, agem e atuam, exibem-se e encenam. Escapam ao papel, reinventam-no e têm de ser reencaminhados para o contexto de partida. Play e ritual: a performatividade precipita a realidade, nesta transição entre o retorno da liberdade recreativa, do jogo, da brincadeira, até à gramática do ritual, repleta de regras, de interdições, de noções de correção, de um rito (Boissevain, 1992). Transforma as relações pela sua simples enunciação, no sentido que é dado ao termo «performativo»: dizer é fazer (Austin, 1962).


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RESUMO - As desigualdades em saúde estão relacionadas com as condições em que as pessoas se desenvolvem. Estas condições podem ser afetadas, principalmente, por diferenças de rendimento, background socioeconómico, educação e estilos de vida. A adolescência é um período de mudança em que os jovens podem experienciar comportamentos de risco que podem prevalecer na idade adulta. Uma posição socioeconómica inferior, do adolescente, pode estar associada a um aumento na prevalência de consumo de tabaco. Este trabalho tem como objetivo: verificar a associação entre estatuto socioeconómico e consumo de tabaco nos adolescentes em Portugal. Utilizaram-se dados colhidos por questionário, em Abril e Outubro de 2013 na cidade de Coimbra. O questionário insere-se no projeto europeu SILNE. Para avaliar o estatuto socioeconómico foram analisadas cinco variáveis: Family Affluence Scale, privação material, posição social subjetiva, semanada, educação e emprego dos pais. Para estratificar o comportamento do fumador foram desenvolvidas três variáveis: não fumador, experimenter e fumador regular. A análise foi separada por sexo. Constata-se que as raparigas fumam, em média, menos que os rapazes (F =17.1%; M =22.1%). Concluímos que o estatuto socioeconómico, avaliado pela Family Affluence Scale, posição social subjetiva, privação material, educação e emprego dos pais não têm impacto no consumo de tabaco no adolescente. As desigualdades socioeconómicas no consumo de tabaco nos adolescentes estão sim, relacionadas com o próprio estatuto socioeconómico do adolescente, traduzido pela semanada que este recebe. Foi encontrado no desempenho escolar um efeito mediador entre desigualdades socioeconómicas e consumo de tabaco na adolescência.


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INTRODUCTION: Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is often reactive in latently infected immunosuppressed patients. Accordingly, HCMV remains one of the most common infections following solid organ and hemopoietic stem cell transplantations, resulting in significant morbidity, graft loss and occasional mortality. The early diagnosis of HCMV disease is important in immunosuppressed patients, since in these individuals, preemptive treatment is useful. The objective of this study was to compare the performance of the in-house qualitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and pp65 antigenemia to HCMV infection in immunosuppressed patients in the Hospital de Clínicas of Porto Alegre (HCPA). METHODS: A total of 216 blood samples collected between August 2006 and January 2007 were investigated. RESULTS: Among the samples analyzed, 81 (37.5%) were HCMV-positive by PCR, while 48 (22.2%) were positive for antigenemia. Considering antigenemia as the gold standard, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values and negative predictive values for PCR were 87.5%, 76.8%, 51.8% and 95.5% respectively. CONCLUSIONS: These results demonstrated that qualitative PCR has high sensitivity and negative predictive value (NPV). Consequently PCR is especially indicated for the initial diagnosis of HCMV infection. In the case of preemptive treatment strategy, identification of patients at high-risk for HCMV disease is fundamental and PCR can be useful tool.


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RESUMO - O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer o comportamento face ao consumo de tabaco reportado pelos adolescentes escolarizados da ilha Terceira e caracterizar alguns fatores associados. O estudo realizado assumiu uma metodologia de investigação observacional, descritiva, quantitativa e de carácter transversal. Os dados foram recolhidos no ano letivo 2012/2013, nos alunos do 9.º ano de escolaridade, através da aplicação de um questionário de autopreenchimento, anónimo e voluntário, em contexto de sala de aula. A amostra foi constituída por 323 adolescentes, 142 do sexo masculino e 181 do sexo feminino, com idade média de 14,71 anos. Verificou-se que cerca de 16,9% dos adolescentes consome tabaco regularmente, 6,6% ocasionalmente e 76,6% não fuma. Mais de metade dos adolescentes já experimentou fumar tabaco (56%), sendo a idade média de experimentação de 12,49 anos. A maioria dos adolescentes que experimentaram fumar referiram tê-lo feito por curiosidade (84,7%) e, sobretudo, na companhia dos amigos (83,1%). As variáveis associadas ao comportamento tabágico foram: o desempenho escolar, os hábitos tabágicos dos amigos, a permissividade dos pais para se fumar em casa, a frequência à exposição ao tabaco em casa, os conhecimentos da “impotência sexual” como consequência do consumo de tabaco, conhecimento dos danos na saúde em frequentar ambientes com fumo e a crença de que os jovens fumadores são mais atraentes. Os resultados mostram a elevada necessidade de serem desenvolvidas estratégias de prevenção e controlo do tabagismo entre os adolescentes da ilha Terceira.


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The “CMS Safety Closing Sensors System” (SCSS, or CSS for brevity) is a remote monitoring system design to control safety clearance and tight mechanical movements of parts of the CMS detector, especially during CMS assembly phases. We present the different systems that makes SCSS: its sensor technologies, the readout system, the data acquisition and control software. We also report on calibration and installation details, which determine the resolution and limits of the system. We present as well our experience from the operation of the system and the analysis of the data collected since 2008. Special emphasis is given to study positioning reproducibility during detector assembly and understanding how the magnetic fields influence the detector structure.