941 resultados para New forms of urbanization. Beyond the urban-rural dichotomy


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The development time of the immature forms of Sabethes aurescens Lutz, 1905, from perforated bamboo in the southern Brazil rain forest was studied under laboratory conditions. Mean development periods were 5±2.23, 10±5.20, 14±8.26, 36±13.90 and 9±2.43 days, respectively, for the four larval instars and pupae. The 4th instar of females was longer than that of males. Implications of the long development time of the immature forms of Sa. aurescens are discussed.


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Esta dissertação tem por finalidade evidenciar os “Impactos Decorrentes da Expansão da Cidade de Assomada”. Propõe-se ainda, analisar a relação urbanorural no município de Santa Catarina, Cabo Verde. Essa análise incidiu sobre os dados da sua ocupação, que remonta à 2ª metade do século XIX, no decurso da crise e decadência da primeira cidade de Cabo Verde (Ribeira Grande, atual Cidade- Velha) e às conjunturas regionais e nacionais que condicionaram sua trajetória, bem como, os principais agentes intervenientes na transformação do espaço urbano de Assomada (Estado, proprietários de terra e comerciantes), sobretudo, no período que decorre de 1961 a 2003. A pesquisa empreendida demonstra que a “ruralidade” é um dos aspectos fundamentais de Santa Catarina, abrangendo 21,3% da população rural do território nacional e 37,9% da ilha de Santiago. Do ponto de vista urbanístico, o mapeamento da evolução da cidade de Assomada, referente à área ocupada pelas edificações nesse lapso de tempo, permite-nos perceber um crescimento bastante acelerado desse espaço urbano, sobretudo, a partir dos anos 90. Dois aspectos importantes se encontram na base dessa transformação: a Independência Nacional ocorrida em 1975 e a Emigração. Com a Independência, o país passou a beneficiar de amplos programas de cooperação internacional o que veio a reforçar a sua importância econômica e política, visualizada através de projetos industrializantes, infra-estruturas e equipamentos de diversas naturezas. Esses investimentos foram por sua vez reforçados por aportes dos emigrantes, que passaram a ser um dos parceiros fundamentais no desenvolvimento de Santa Catarina, através de iniciativas privadas e empresariais, como a construção de residências e constituição de empresas. A análise do indicador uso e ocupação do solo urbano permitiu-nos identificar alguns impactos ambientais causados, sobretudo, pela falta de instrumentos de gestão urbanística, ausência de cadastro municipal e uma deficiente fiscalização dos órgãos administrativos.


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A new species of Aristobrotica Bechynéand a checklist of the genus (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae). A new neotropical species of the Section Diabroticites (Luperini, Diabroticina) is described and illustrated. Aristobrotica capillosa sp. nov., from the state of Amazonas, northern Brazil, is the only species of the genus with elytra densely covered by erect hairs. The genus Aristobrotica Bechyné, 1956 now comprises 17 species, with only one occurring in Central America, Aristobrotica allardi (Jacoby, 1887) from Panama, and the remaining 16 are South American. A checklist of Aristobrotica species and their geographic distribution is also provided.


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A new species of Cernotina (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae) from the Atlantic Forest, Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. Cernotina Ross, 1938, with 64 extant species, is a New World genus of caddisflies. In Brazil, there are 31 described species of which 28 are recorded from the Amazon basin. Cernotina puri sp. nov. is described and figured based on specimens collected in the Atlantic Forest, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The new species can be distinguished by the shape of the intermediate appendages and tergum X. The immature stages of C. puri are unknown.


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A new species of Eccopsis Zeller (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) from the coastal valleys of northern Chile, with the first continental record of E. galapagana Razowski & Landry. Eccopsis Zeller, 1852 is reported for the first time from Chile. Eccopsis razowskii Vargas, n. sp. is described and illustrated based on specimens reared from larvae collected on native Acacia macracantha Willd. (Fabaceae) in the coastal valleys of the northern Chilean desert. Eccopsis galapagana Razowski & Landry, 2008, previously known only from the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador, is recorded for the first time from continental South America. Larvae of the latter were collected in northern Chile feeding on Prosopis alba Griseb (Fabaceae).


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Two new Neotropical species of Stenomicra, S. (Stenomicra) amazonensis sp. nov. and S. (Stenomicra) manausensis sp. nov., are described. These are the first species of the genus reported from the Amazon region.


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A new species of Eupithecia Curtis (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from the Azapa Valley, northern Chile. Male and female adults of a new species of Eupithecia Curtis from the Arica Province, Chile are described and illustrated. The species is compared with E. yubitzae Vargas & Parra, 2004, from the same locality, and E. galapagosata Landry & Rindge 1995, from the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador.


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A new species from the Neotropical Region, Stilobezzia (Stilobezzia) pseudopunctulata Cazorla & Ronderos, is described and illustrated based on male and female adults and pupal exuviae. Adults were collected in the Argentinian provinces of Chaco, Formosa, Corrientes and Buenos Aires, and in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The pupa was collected from mats of floating aquatic macrophytes in a lagoon in Ilha da Marchantería, in the vicinities of Manaus, Brazil. This new species is compared with its similar congener Stilobezzia punctulata Lane, from which it can be mainly distinguished by the wing with only two dark spots, the parameres longer and hook-shaped, the pupal respiratory organ with 11-12 pores and the very short apicolateral processes of the anal segment.


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Description of two new species of Sphenorhina (Hemiptera, Cercopidae, Tomaspidinae) from the Neotropical region. Two new species of Sphenorhina Amyot & Serville, S. pseudoboliviana SP. NOV: from Bolivia and S. plata SP. NOV: from Argentina are described and illustrated.


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Notes on Neotropical Eumeninae, with the description of a new species of Pachodynerus de Saussure (Hymenoptera, Vespidae). Taxonomic information on Neotropical Eumeninae is provided. A new species, Pachodynerus fessatus sp. nov. is described from southeastern São Paulo, Brazil. Additional material of Pachodynerus sericeus (Fox) was examined, representing the first further specimens after the original description and including the previously unknown male. The examination of new material of the genus Stenonartonia adds some new distribution records and shows some previously unrecorded individual variation for some species. The males of Stenonartonia guaraya Garcete-Barrett and Stenonartonia rejectoides Garcete-Barrett are described for the first time.


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A new species of Homalocerus Schoenherr from the Atlantic coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil (Coleoptera, Belidae, Belinae), with notes on color pattern and on the sclerites of the internal sac. Homalocerus bimaculatus sp. nov. (type locality: Brazil, São Paulo) is described and illustrated, and comments on the sclerites of the internal sac of aedeagus and on color pattern are provided. The new species is compared to other similar species of the genus, being distinguished by having three clusters of carmine pubescence on pronotum and two lateral whitish oval spots located slightly before the middle of each elytron. Six species of Homalocerus, including the new one, are known from the State of São Paulo. The previously published identification key for species of Homalocerus is updated to include H. bimaculatus.


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ABSTRACT Two new species of the stingless bee genus Schwarziana from Brazil are described and illustrated. Schwarziana bocainensis sp. nov. is described from Serra da Bocaina, in São Paulo, and S. chapadensis sp. nov. is described from Chapada dos Veadeiros, in Goiás. An identification key to workers of the known species of Schwarziana is provided.


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ABSTRACT A new species of Aguna Williams, 1927 from Panamá is described: Aguna prasinus Siewert, Leviski, Mielke & Casagrande, sp. nov. Illustrations of adults and male genitalia are provided. A dichotomous key for the male Aguna species for the “claxon group” is also provided.


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Destruction of historical urban fabric in many Chinese cities and towns, without the possibility of its recovery as an urban asset, leads us to consider alternative strategies and criteria for formulating new urban projects, using creative urban planning instruments and strategies to provide a sense of place and identity to the urban landscape. The challenge is to set up an urban structure that constitutes a spatial reference system, a structure consisting of a set of urban landmarks that construct a system of related public spaces, endowed with collective significance and identity. Such a network could include a wide variety of urban typologies and natural elements. An important result of this strategy would be the recovery of the social and cultural values attached to the natural landscape in Chinese civilization. Hangzhou city will be analyzed as a case study