868 resultados para Mutated HOXB4


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L’ubiquitination, une modification post-traductionnelle importante pour le contrôle de nombreux processus cellulaires, est une réaction réversible. La réaction inverse, nommée déubiquitination est catalysée par les déubiquitinases (DUB). Nous nous sommes intéressés dans nos travaux à étudier l’ubiquitination de l’histone H2A (H2Aub), au niveau des résidus lysines 118 et 119 (K118/K119), une marque épigénétique impliquée dans la régulation de la prolifération cellulaire et la réparation de l’ADN. Le régulateur transcriptionnel BAP1, une déubiquitinase nucléaire, a été initialement identifié pour sa capacité à promouvoir la fonction suppressive de tumeurs de BRCA1. BAP1 forme un complexe multi-protéique avec plusieurs facteurs transcriptionnels et sa fonction principale est la déubiquitination de H2Aub. Plusieurs études ont démontré que BAP1 est un gène suppresseur de tumeurs majeur et qu’il est largement muté et inactivé dans une multitude de cancers. En effet, BAP1 émerge comme étant la DUB la plus mutée au niveau des cancers. Cependant, le ou les mécanismes d’action et de régulation du complexe BAP1 restent très peu connus. Dans cette étude nous nous sommes intéressés à la caractérisation moléculaire et fonctionnelle des partenaires protéiques de BAP1. De manière significative nous avons caractérisé un mécanisme unique de régulation entre deux composants majeurs du complexe BAP1 à savoir, HCF-1 et OGT. En effet, nous avons démontré que HCF-1 est requis pour maintenir le niveau protéique de OGT et que cette dernière est indispensable pour la maturation protéolytique de HCF-1 en promouvant son clivage par O-GlcNAcylation, une signalisation cellulaire nécessaire au bon fonctionnement de HCF-1. Également, nous avons découvert un nouveau mécanisme de régulation de BAP1 par l’ubiquitine ligase atypique UBE2O. En effet, UBE2O agit comme un régulateur négatif de BAP1 puisque l’ubiquitination de ce dernier induit sa séquestration dans le cytoplasme et l’inhibition de sa fonction suppressive de tumeurs. D’autre part nous nous sommes penchés sur la caractérisation de l’association de BAP1 avec deux facteurs de la famille des protéines Polycombes nommés ASXL1 et ASXL2 (ASXL1/2). Nous avons investigué le rôle de BAP1/ASXL1/2, particulièrement dans les mécanismes de déubiquitination et suppression de tumeurs. Nous avons démontré que BAP1 interagit directement iii via son domaine C-terminale avec le même domaine ASXM de ASXL1/2 formant ainsi deux complexes mutuellement exclusifs indispensables pour induire l’activité déubiquitinase de BAP1. De manière significative, ASXM s’associe avec BAP1 pour créer un nouveau domaine composite de liaison à l’ubiquitine. Ces interactions BAP1/ASXL1/2 régulent la progression harmonieuse du cycle cellulaire. De plus, la surexpression de BAP1 et de ASXL2 au niveau des fibroblastes induit la sénescence de manière dépendante de leurs interactions. D’autre part, nous avons identifié des mutations de cancers au niveau de BAP1 le rendant incapable de lier ASXL1/2, d’exercer sa fonction d’autodéubiquitination et de ce fait d’agir comme suppresseur de tumeurs. Ainsi nous avons révélé un lien étroit entre le gène suppresseur de tumeurs BAP1, son activité déubiquitinase et le contrôle de la prolifération cellulaire.


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In design and manufacturing, mesh segmentation is required for FACE construction in boundary representation (BRep), which in turn is central for featurebased design, machining, parametric CAD and reverse engineering, among others -- Although mesh segmentation is dictated by geometry and topology, this article focuses on the topological aspect (graph spectrum), as we consider that this tool has not been fully exploited -- We preprocess the mesh to obtain a edgelength homogeneous triangle set and its Graph Laplacian is calculated -- We then produce a monotonically increasing permutation of the Fiedler vector (2nd eigenvector of Graph Laplacian) for encoding the connectivity among part feature submeshes -- Within the mutated vector, discontinuities larger than a threshold (interactively set by a human) determine the partition of the original mesh -- We present tests of our method on large complex meshes, which show results which mostly adjust to BRep FACE partition -- The achieved segmentations properly locate most manufacturing features, although it requires human interaction to avoid over segmentation -- Future work includes an iterative application of this algorithm to progressively sever features of the mesh left from previous submesh removals


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Developing a fast, inexpensive, and specific test that reflects the mutations present in Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates according to geographic region is the main challenge for drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) control. The objective of this study was to develop a molecular platform to make a rapid diagnosis of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant TB based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutations present in the rpoB, katG, inhA, ahpC, and gyrA genes from Colombian M. tuberculosis isolates. The amplification and sequencing of each target gene was performed. Capture oligonucleotides, which were tested before being used with isolates to assess the performance, were designed for wild type and mutated codons, and the platform was standardised based on the reverse hybridisation principle. This method was tested on DNA samples extracted from clinical isolates from 160 Colombian patients who were previously phenotypically and genotypically characterised as having susceptible or MDR M. tuberculosis. For our method, the kappa index of the sequencing results was 0,966, 0,825, 0,766, 0,740, and 0,625 for rpoB, katG, inhA, ahpC, and gyrA, respectively. Sensitivity and specificity were ranked between 90-100% compared with those of phenotypic drug susceptibility testing. Our assay helps to pave the way for implementation locally and for specifically adapted methods that can simultaneously detect drug resistance mutations to first and second-line drugs within a few hours.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Oncobiologia: Mecanismos Moleculares do Cancro, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most prevalent lethal autosomal recessive disease with a broad spectrum of phenotypes. Mutation of ΔF508 in the CFTR gene is the most important and lethal mutation in CF, which contains 70% of all predisposing mutations for CF worldwide. Objectives: Determining frequency of genotypes with ΔF508 mutation in CFTR gene, and evaluation of correlation between genotype and phenotype of Iranian patients with CF. Patients and Methods: Thirty six patients were included in this cross sectional study. ΔF508 mutations in both alleles of the CFTR gene were checked. Results: Among 36 pediatric patients, ΔF508 mutation was detected in 9 (25%) patients; 2 patients were heterozygous, and 7 patients homozygous for this mutation. From overall 72 tracked alleles, 11 (15.2%) were found to have ΔF508 mutations. Differences in prevalence of dyspnea and bronchiectasis were significant in homozygote group, compared with non-mutated group for ΔF508. Conclusions: It seems that more ΔF508 mutated alleles lead to more severe symptoms of CF.


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Background: Poor ovarian response phenomenon has been observed in some of the in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer patients. Some investigations found that follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) gene plays a role in the process, but no direct evidence shows the correlation between genotypes of FSHR and ovarian response. Objective: Exploring the molecular mechanism behind the mutation of FSHR promoter association with ovarian granulosa cells and poor ovarian response. Materials and Methods: This cross sectional study was performed using 158 women undergoing the controlled short program ovarian stimulation for IVF treatment. The 263 bp DNA fragments before the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) receptor 5' initiation site were sequenced in the patients under IVF cycle, 70 of which had poor ovarian response and 88 showed normal ovarian responses. Results: With a mutation rate of 40%, 63 in 158 cases showed a 29th site G→A point mutation; among the mutated cases, the mutation rate of the poor ovarian responders was significantly higher than the normal group (60% versus 23.9%; χ2=21.450, p<0.001). Besides, the variability was also obvious in antral follicle count, and ovum pick-ups. The estradiol peak values and the number of mature eggs between the two groups had significant difference. However, there was no obvious variability (t=0.457, p=0.324) in the basic FSH values between the two groups (normal group, 7.2±2.3 U/L; mutation group, 7.1±2.0 U/L). Conclusion: The activity of FSHR promoter is significantly affected by the 29th site G→A mutation that will weaken promoter activity and result in poor response to FSH.


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Cysteine is susceptible to a variety of modifications by reactive oxygen and nitrogen oxide species, including glutathionylation; and when two cysteines are involved, disulfide formation. Glutathione-cysteine adducts may be removed from proteins by glutaredoxin, whereas disulfides may be reduced by thioredoxin. Glutaredoxin is homologous to the disulfide-reducing thioredoxin and shares similar binding modes of the protein substrate. The evolution of these systems is not well characterized. When a single Cys is present in a protein, conjugation of the redox buffer glutathione may induce conformational changes, resulting in a simple redox switch that effects a signaling cascade. If a second cysteine is introduced into the sequence, the potential for disulfide formation exists. In favorable protein contexts, a bistable redox switch may be formed. Because of glutaredoxin's similarities to thioredoxin, the mutated protein may be immediately exapted into the thioredoxin-dependent redox cycle upon addition of the second cysteine. Here we searched for examples of protein substrates where the number of redox-active cysteine residues has changed throughout evolution. We focused on cross-strand disulfides (CSDs), the most common type of forbidden disulfide. We searched for proteins where the CSD is present, absent and also found as a single cysteine in protein orthologs. Three different proteins were selected for detailed study-CD4, ERO1, and AKT. We created phylogenetic trees, examining when the CSD residues were mutated during protein evolution. We posit that the primordial cysteine is likely to be the cysteine of the CSD which undergoes nucleophilic attack by thioredoxin. Thus, a redox-active disulfide may be introduced into a protein structure by stepwise mutation of two residues in the native sequence to Cys. By extension, evolutionary acquisition of structural disulfides in proteins can potentially occur via transition through a redox-active disulfide state.


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Rhodopsin is the visual pigment responsible for initiating the phototransduction cascade in vertebrate rod photoreceptors. Although well-characterized in a few model systems, comparative studies of rhodopsin function, particularly for non-mammalian vertebrates are comparatively lacking. Bowerbirds are rare among passerines in possessing a key substitution, D83N, at a site that is otherwise highly conserved among G protein-coupled receptors. While this substitution is present in some dim-light adapted vertebrates, often accompanying another unusual substitution, A292S, its functional relevance in birds is uncertain. To investigate functional effects associated with these two substitutions, we use the rhodopsin gene from the great bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus nuchalis) as a background for site-directed mutagenesis, in vitro expression and functional characterization. We also mutated these sites in two additional rhodopsins that do not naturally possess N83, chicken and bovine, for comparison. Both sites were found to contribute to spectral blue-shifts, but had opposing effects on kinetic rates. Substitutions at site 83 were found to primarily affect the kinetics of light-activated rhodopsin, while substitutions at site 292 had a larger impact on spectral tuning. The contribution of substitutions at site 83 to spectral tuning in particular depended on genetic background, but overall, the effects of substitutions were otherwise surprisingly additive, and the magnitudes of functional shifts were roughly similar across all three genetic backgrounds. By employing a comparative approach with multiple species, our study provides new insight into the joint impact of sites 83 and 292 on rhodopsin structure-function as well as their evolutionary significance for dim-light vision across vertebrates.


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Reactive oxygen species are a normal consequence of life in an aerobic environment. However when they deviate from the narrow permissible range in cells, oxidative damage can occur. Dictyostelium discoideum is a model organism ideal for the study of cell signaling events such as those affected by oxidative stress. It was previously shown that Ras signaling in Dictyostelium is affected by genetic inactivation of the antioxidant enzyme Superoxide dismutase C (SodC) and in vitro data suggests that the NKCD motif of Ras is the redox target of superoxide.^ The main objective of this project was to determine the mechanism of superoxide mediated Ras regulation in vivo. To accomplish the main objective, we cloned, and in some cases, mutated different Ras proteins and later determined their activity in wild type and sodC- cells. RasC and RasD showed normal activation in sodC- cells, however RasG and RasS displayed high Ras activity. These last two Ras proteins contain the NKC118D motif inside the nucleotide binding region. A mutation of cysteine 118 to alanine in RasG rendered the protein less active in sodC- than the wild type RasG protein and a mutation alanine118 to cysteine in RasD conferred redox sensitivity to this small GTPase. Additionally, the propensity of RasG to be targeted by superoxide was evident when the environment of wild type cells was manipulated to induce the internal generation of superoxide through changes in the extracellular ion levels mainly magnesium. Lack of magnesium ions increased the intracellular level of superoxide and severely hampered directional cell migration. Chemotaxis of cells expressing RasG was negatively impacted by the absence of magnesium ions; however rasG- cells did not seem to be affected in their ability to perform chemotaxis. The last experiment implies that RasG is an important mediator of cell signaling during oxidative stress, responsible for preventing cells from continuing their developmental program. Our study suggests that the cysteine residue in the NKCD motif is essential for mediating the redox sensitivity of Ras proteins in Dictyostelium and that RasG is an essential mediator of the response to oxidative stress in this organism.^


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I proposed the study of two distinct aspects of Ten-Eleven Translocation 2 (TET2) protein for understanding specific functions in different body systems. ^ In Part I, I characterized the molecular mechanisms of Tet2 in the hematological system. As the second member of Ten-Eleven Translocation protein family, TET2 is frequently mutated in leukemic patients. Previous studies have shown that the TET2 mutations frequently occur in 20% myelodysplastic syndrome/myeloproliferative neoplasm (MDS/MPN), 10% T-cell lymphoma leukemia and 2% B-cell lymphoma leukemia. Genetic mouse models also display distinct phenotypes of various types of hematological malignancies. I performed 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-Seq) and RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells to determine whether the deletion of Tet2 can affect the abundance of 5hmC at myeloid, T-cell and B-cell specific gene transcription start sites, which ultimately result in various hematological malignancies. Subsequent Exome sequencing (Exome-Seq) showed that disease-specific genes are mutated in different types of tumors, which suggests that TET2 may protect the genome from being mutated. The direct interaction between TET2 and Mutator S Homolog 6 (MSH6) protein suggests TET2 is involved in DNA mismatch repair. Finally, in vivo mismatch repair studies show that the loss of Tet2 causes a mutator phenotype. Taken together, my data indicate that TET2 binds to MSH6 to protect genome integrity. ^ In Part II, I intended to better understand the role of Tet2 in the nervous system. 5-hydroxymethylcytosine regulates epigenetic modification during neurodevelopment and aging. Thus, Tet2 may play a critical role in regulating adult neurogenesis. To examine the physiological significance of Tet2 in the nervous system, I first showed that the deletion of Tet2 reduces the 5hmC levels in neural stem cells. Mice lacking Tet2 show abnormal hippocampal neurogenesis along with 5hmC alternations at different gene promoters and corresponding gene expression downregulation. Through the luciferase reporter assay, two neural factors Neurogenic differentiation 1 (NeuroD1) and Glial fibrillary acidic protein (Gfap) were down-regulated in Tet2 knockout cells. My results suggest that Tet2 regulates neural stem/progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation in adult brain.^


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Thesis (Master, Biomedical & Molecular Sciences) -- Queen's University, 2016-08-23 15:03:30.807


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La presente tesis, corresponde a una investigación de diseño cualitativo, sobre la enseñanza del conflicto armado en Colombia, describe y analiza la producción, trasmisión y apropiación de discursos y narrativas, sobre este fenómeno en dos contextos escolares donde se desarrollo el trabajo de campo. Los resultados de las observaciones, entrevistas en profundidad y revisión documental realizadas en los contextos escolares, muestran que existen númerosos discursos y narrativas sobre el conflicto que dependen de quién, cuándo y dónde se enuncian y que han mutado a lo largo de la historia. Los docentes y estudiantes apropian, transmiten y reciben selectivamente estas narrativas, dicha selección la desarrollan dependiendo de las características de la persona y de su entorno, en términos de su clase, género, generación, trayectoria familiar y académica, así como de sus experiencias personales en relación con este fenómeno.


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Se describe la variante homocigota c.320-2A>G de TGM1 en dos hermanas con ictiosis congénita autosómica recesiva. El clonaje de los transcritos generados por esta variante permitió identificar tres mecanismos moleculares de splicing alternativos.