878 resultados para Multi-agent computing


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This paper presents a genetic algorithm-based approach for project scheduling with multi-modes and renewable resources. In this problem activities of the project may be executed in more than one operating mode and renewable resource constraints are imposed. The objective function is the minimization of the project completion time. The idea of this approach is integrating a genetic algorithm with a schedule generation scheme. This study also proposes applying a local search procedure trying to yield a better solution when the genetic algorithm and the schedule generation scheme obtain a solution. The experimental results show that this algorithm is an effective method for solving this problem.


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To study a flavour model with a non-minimal Higgs sector one must first define the symmetries of the fields; then identify what types of vacua exist and how they may break the symmetries; and finally determine whether the remnant symmetries are compatible with the experimental data. Here we address all these issues in the context of flavour models with any number of Higgs doublets. We stress the importance of analysing the Higgs vacuum expectation values that are pseudo-invariant under the generators of all subgroups. It is shown that the only way of obtaining a physical CKM mixing matrix and, simultaneously, non-degenerate and non-zero quark masses is requiring the vacuum expectation values of the Higgs fields to break completely the full flavour group, except possibly for some symmetry belonging to baryon number. The application of this technique to some illustrative examples, such as the flavour groups Delta (27), A(4) and S-3, is also presented.


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This paper presents a genetic algorithm for the multimode resource-constrained project scheduling problem (MRCPSP), in which multiple execution modes are available for each of the activities of the project. The objective function is the minimization of the construction project completion time. To solve the problem, is applied a two-level genetic algorithm, which makes use of two separate levels and extend the parameterized schedule generation scheme by introducing an improvement procedure. It is evaluated the quality of the schedule and present detailed comparative computational results for the MRCPSP, which reveal that this approach is a competitive algorithm.


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Dynamically reconfigurable SRAM-based field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) enable the implementation of reconfigurable computing systems where several applications may be run simultaneously, sharing the available resources according to their own immediate functional requirements. To exclude malfunctioning due to faulty elements, the reliability of all FPGA resources must be guaranteed. Since resource allocation takes place asynchronously, an online structural test scheme is the only way of ensuring reliable system operation. On the other hand, this test scheme should not disturb the operation of the circuit, otherwise availability would be compromised. System performance is also influenced by the efficiency of the management strategies that must be able to dynamically allocate enough resources when requested by each application. As those resources are allocated and later released, many small free resource blocks are created, which are left unused due to performance and routing restrictions. To avoid wasting logic resources, the FPGA logic space must be defragmented regularly. This paper presents a non-intrusive active replication procedure that supports the proposed test methodology and the implementation of defragmentation strategies, assuring both the availability of resources and their perfect working condition, without disturbing system operation.


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As it is well known, competitive electricity markets require new computing tools for power companies that operate in retail markets in order to enhance the management of its energy resources. During the last years there has been an increase of the renewable penetration into the micro-generation which begins to co-exist with the other existing power generation, giving rise to a new type of consumers. This paper develops a methodology to be applied to the management of the all the aggregators. The aggregator establishes bilateral contracts with its clients where the energy purchased and selling conditions are negotiated not only in terms of prices but also for other conditions that allow more flexibility in the way generation and consumption is addressed. The aggregator agent needs a tool to support the decision making in order to compose and select its customers' portfolio in an optimal way, for a given level of profitability and risk.


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Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies


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Este artigo apresenta uma nova abordagem (MM-GAV-FBI), aplicável ao problema da programação de projectos com restrições de recursos e vários modos de execução por actividade, problema conhecido na literatura anglo-saxónica por MRCPSP. Cada projecto tem um conjunto de actividades com precedências tecnológicas definidas e um conjunto de recursos limitados, sendo que cada actividade pode ter mais do que um modo de realização. A programação dos projectos é realizada com recurso a um esquema de geração de planos (do inglês Schedule Generation Scheme - SGS) integrado com uma metaheurística. A metaheurística é baseada no paradigma dos algoritmos genéticos. As prioridades das actividades são obtidas a partir de um algoritmo genético. A representação cromossómica utilizada baseia-se em chaves aleatórias. O SGS gera planos não-atrasados. Após a obtenção de uma solução é aplicada uma melhoria local. O objectivo da abordagem é encontrar o melhor plano (planning), ou seja, o plano que tenha a menor duração temporal possível, satisfazendo as precedências das actividades e as restrições de recursos. A abordagem proposta é testada num conjunto de problemas retirados da literatura da especialidade e os resultados computacionais são comparados com outras abordagens. Os resultados computacionais validam o bom desempenho da abordagem, não apenas em termos de qualidade da solução, mas também em termos de tempo útil.


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Generating manipulator trajectories considering multiple objectives and obstacle avoidance is a non-trivial optimization problem. In this paper a multi-objective genetic algorithm based technique is proposed to address this problem. Multiple criteria are optimized considering up to five simultaneous objectives. Simulation results are presented for robots with two and three degrees of freedom, considering two and five objectives optimization. A subsequent analysis of the spread and solutions distribution along the converged non-dominated Pareto front is carried out, in terms of the achieved diversity.


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Ethnologia - Antropologia dos processos identitários, Lisboa


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica


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Para muitos, o ato de ensinar, era e continua a ser uma “arte”, em que os professores e os grandes mestres mais eficientes são aqueles que têm a capacidade e a arte de fazer passar as suas mensagens e conhecimentos, de forma simples e apelativa, independentemente da área de estudo. A informação relacionada com a aula, é cada vez mais digital, sendo importante, por parte dos docentes, o domínio de tecnologias de criação, organização e disponibilização de conteúdos. Essa partilha foi inicialmente possível pelas páginas Web e mais tarde pelas plataformas LMS (Learning Management System). Criar um Website era uma tarefa complicada quer ao nível do seu custo quer ao nível do domínio da tecnologia Web e era por vezes necessário contratar profissionais para o efeito. Surgiram então as CMS (Content Management System) que são tecnologias Open Source, que permitem a gestão de conteúdos. Neste sentido foi realizado um estudo com o objetivo de aferir sobre as competências dos professores no domínio da partilha de Gestão de Conteúdos Digitais. O presente estudo permitiu retirar conclusões sobre o potencial e aplicabilidade das CMS no ensino. O principal objetivo do presente estudo incidiu no potencial de distribuição e partilha de Recursos Educativos Digitais organizados sobre o ponto de vista pedagógico aos alunos. Foi ainda analisado e estudado o papel do Cloud Computing no processo de partilha colaborativa de documentos. Foi delineado como suporte à presente investigação um curso modelo que por sua vez foi implementado nas três principais CMS da atualidade e avaliado o potencial de cada uma neste contexto. Finalmente foram apresentadas as conclusões retiradas do presente estudo.


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Empowered by virtualisation technology, cloud infrastructures enable the construction of flexi- ble and elastic computing environments, providing an opportunity for energy and resource cost optimisation while enhancing system availability and achieving high performance. A crucial re- quirement for effective consolidation is the ability to efficiently utilise system resources for high- availability computing and energy-efficiency optimisation to reduce operational costs and carbon footprints in the environment. Additionally, failures in highly networked computing systems can negatively impact system performance substantially, prohibiting the system from achieving its initial objectives. In this paper, we propose algorithms to dynamically construct and readjust vir- tual clusters to enable the execution of users’ jobs. Allied with an energy optimising mechanism to detect and mitigate energy inefficiencies, our decision-making algorithms leverage virtuali- sation tools to provide proactive fault-tolerance and energy-efficiency to virtual clusters. We conducted simulations by injecting random synthetic jobs and jobs using the latest version of the Google cloud tracelogs. The results indicate that our strategy improves the work per Joule ratio by approximately 12.9% and the working efficiency by almost 15.9% compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms.