936 resultados para Mercury wastes


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In Nigeria, the culture of fish is gaining importance, but local fish farmers face a set back because of the stoppage on importation of fish feed. Locally available raw materials such as yam, plantain, banana, cowpeas, macuna, maize, cassava, millet, sorghum, groundnut, sunnhemp seed and brewery wastes are considered as potential materials for fish feed. These have been examined on their minimum protein contributions since this is the most expensive part of the fish feed. Alternative sources to animal proteins are also examined. Plant protein from groundnut, melon, mucuna and others compare favourably with bloodmeal mixture and thus can be used to replace the more expensive animal proteins. Pellet feed can be produced on a small scale or commercial basis from the locally available raw materials and the fish farmer is advised to seek assistance from qualified fisheries personnel


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Trace metals constitute a major form of water pollutant that can adversely affect fish production. The potentially toxic metals have been identified as lead, zinc, copper, arsenic, antimony, mercury beryllium, barium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, selenium among others. Preliminary laboratory studies have been directed to the determination of traces of lead in the aquatic biota and its toxicity. There are indications that the levels reported in effluents from some of the industries may be above the tolerant limits of local fish species and organisms that make up their food. Metal pollution could become a serious problem to freshwater fisheries in the future as a result of increasing urbanization and industrialization, unless efforts are made to prevent it


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River Kubanni, a major tributary of River Galma, receives both organic and inorganic wastes through run-offs and seepage from residential and agricultural areas of Tundun-Wada, Zaria. Water and phytoplankton samples were collected once a month from three stations on a stretch of the river, for eight months (February, 1994-0ctober, 1994). The physico-chemical parameters and phytoplankton composition were determined and correlated to one another. The distribution and composition of phytoplankton species are affected by variations through fluctuations in environmental variables such as temperature, velocity, transparency, pH, dissolved Oxygen, total alkalinity, total hardness, electrical conductivity and total dissolved matter. Highest dissolved oxygen concentration in February coincided with the minimum water temperature due to the cool harmattan winds. Low alkalinity resulted in low phytoplankton productivity while a rise in total dissolved matter resulted in increase in electrical conductivity and high phytoplankton productivity. The presence of Oscillatoria sp and Euglena sp in station 2 and 3 are indicative of organic pollution in these stations. However, the river stretch is suitable for fish production with respect to water hardness and pH


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Various hazardous wastes with additives have been vitrified to investigate the formation mechanism of the glassy slag by a 30 kW DC plasma-arc reactor developed by the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The average temperature in the reaction area is controlled at 1500°C. The chemical compositions of three sorts of fly ashes are analyzed by XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence). Fly ashes with vitrifying additives can be vitrified to form glassy slag, which show that the ratio of the whole oxygen ions to the whole network former ions in glass (R) is appropriate in the range of 2~3 to form durable vitrified slag. In this experiment, the arc power is controlled below 5 kW to inhibit waste evaporation. To enhance the effects of heat transfer to wastes, ferrous powder has been added into the graphite crucible, which aggregates as ingot below the molten silicate after vitrification. The slag fails to form glass if the quenching rate is less than 1 K/min. Therefore, the slag will break into small chips due to the sharp quenching rate, which is more than 100 K/sec.


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A decrease of 137Cs concentration in cod flesh from Barents Sea is shown by six years random sampling. This reduction runs parallel to reduced emissions from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant Sellafield (Great Britain). It must be emphasized that even the highest values from 1992 are lower than comparable ones from the North Sea and from the Baltic. Although there is no increase of the radiation dose on people by consuming these fishes further monitoring should not be stopped. Potential risk arises from radioactive wastes of the russian nuclear navy in their coastal area. Obviously a safe storage seams almost too expensive.


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Os efeitos tóxicos do metil-mercúrio (MeHg) em seres humanos vêm sendo amplamente discutidos, a partir de episódios de contaminação devida a ingestão frequente de peixe contaminado, em Minamata, no Japão, ou ao consumo de pão preparado com cereais tratados com fungicidas a base de metil-mercúrio, no Iraque, indicando que o metil mercúrio pode afetar o sistema nervoso central. A população ribeirinha na região do Pantanal, Brasil, é dependente do peixe, como principal fonte de alimentos e proteínas. Naquela região, o resultado de décadas de mineração de ouro, em pequena escala, foi a contaminação de muitos sistemas aquáticos com mercúrio. Consequentemente, muitas espécies de peixes possuem níveis de MeHg relativamente altos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o nível de exposição ao MeHg entre a população ribeirinha do Pantanal. No primeiro artigo, apresentam-se os resultados da validação do método recordatório de 24 horas auto-referido, utilizando-se, como padrão-ouro, o método da pesagem, tendo-se verificado que há aproximadamente um erro de 30% ao estimar a quantidade de peixe consumido por aquela população. Um erro deste pode ser importante em se tratando do consumo de peixes carnívoros, os quais apresentam altos teores de mercúrio. No segundo artigo, ao analisar a associação entre o status neurocognitivo e a concentração de mercúrio no cabelo da população acima, os resultados indicaram que adultos expostos ao metil-mercúrio, através do consumo de peixe, podem ter déficits importantes nas medidas do desempenho neurocomportamental, sem alterações detectáveis no humor ou afetividade. Os efeitos mais importantes do mercúrio, entre os indivíduos analisados, foram detectados nos testes de velocidade e destreza da coordenação motora fina, na inibição da resposta na busca visual, e em tarefas de atenção. No terceiro artigo, considerando-se as associações observadas na concentração de mercúrio no cabelo com alguns desfechos dos testes neuro-psicológicos aplicados, calculou-se a dose-marcadora (BMD) e o limite inferior do intervalo de confiança do BMD (BMDL). Os resultados da dose marcadora e da dose de referência provisória são concordantes com os resultados estimados pelas agências de saúde internacionais.


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The research was carried out to assess the trace metal concentration in sediments of ship breaking area in Bangladesh. The study areas were separated into Ship breaking Zone and Reference Site for comparative analysis. Metals like Iron ( Fe) was found at 11932 to 41361.71µg.g-1 in the affected site and 3393.37 µg.g-1 in the control site. Manganese (Mn) varied from 2.32 to 8.25 µg.g-1 in the affected site where as it was recorded as 1.8 µg.g-1 in the control area. Chromium(Cr), Nickel (Ni), Zinc(Zn) and Lead (Pb) were also varied from 22.89 to 86.72 µg.g-1; 23.12 to 48.6;83.78 to 142.85 and 36.78 to 147.83 µg.g-1 respectively in the affected site whereas these were recorded as 19; 3.98; 22.22 and 8.82 µg.g-1 in the control site. Copper (Cu); Cadmium (Cd) and Mercury (Hg) concentration were varied from 21.05 to 39.85; 0.57 to 0.94 and 0.05 to 0.11 µg.g-1 in the affected site and 33.0; 0.115 and 0.01 µg.g-1 in the control site. It may conclude that heavy metal pollution in sediments at ship breaking area of Bangladesh is at alarming stage.


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Part I

The spectrum of dissolved mercury atoms in simple liquids has been shown to be capable of revealing information concerning local structures in these liquids.

Part II

Infrared intensity perturbations in simple solutions have been shown to involve more detailed interaction than just dielectric polarization. No correlation has been found between frequency shifts and intensity enhancements.

Part III

Evidence for perturbed rotation of HCl in rare gas matrices has been found. The magnitude of the barrier to rotation is concluded to be of order of 30 cm^(-1).


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É crescente o aumento da preocupação do homem com a contaminação de ambientes aquáticos uma vez que da subsistência dos mesmos depende o bem estar de todos. Ao mesmo tempo em que cresce a preocupação tem aumentado a quantidade de pesquisas em busca de tecnologias alternativas ao tratamento e remediação de efluentes aquosos contaminados pelas mais diversas substâncias incluindo os metais pesados. Nas últimas décadas, tem crescido o número de trabalhos avaliando a capacidade de sorção e a viabilidade da utilização de biossorventes de baixo custo na captação de íons metálicos e um desses materiais são as biomassas de algas pardas. Dentre os vários gêneros existentes no planeta o território brasileiro é rico na macroalga do gênero Sargassum. Muito embora a composição dessas biomassas varie o principal constituinte das mesmas é o ácido algínico e seus sais alcalinos na forma de um copolímero linear, homopolimérico, com unidades do ácido manurônico, (M), (1-4)-β-D- ligado e seu epímero em C-5 nos resíduos α-L-gulurônicos, (G), respectivamente, covalentemente ligados entre si em sequencias diferenciadas ou em blocos. Os monômeros podem aparecer em blocos homopoliméricos consecutivos, resíduos G (unidades G), resíduos consecutivos M (unidades M), pequenas unidades alternadas M e G (blocos MG), ou em blocos aleatoriamente organizados. A proposta dessa dissertação é realizar a modificação do copolímero existente na biomassa com epicloridrina, avaliar e comparar a captação de íons Cu (II) e Hg (II) pela biomassa da alga Sargassum sp., com a biomassa não modificada e resultados publicados na literatura


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The disposal of sewage is the most important item in public sanitation. It is the most important present day problem in every city whether large or small. The direct cause of the majority of epidemics is the contamination of the water supply of the city by the excreta of man or animal. Public health varies directly as public sanitation, and if the public sanitation be good, the liability of sickness caused by contamination of the water supply is greatly lessened. When a city outgrows its sewerage system the public health becomes endangered. There are two causes for the increased amount of sewerage, increase in population and increase in industrial and manufacturing wastes. The main problem in this connection is the ultimate disposal of the matter which reaches the sewers.


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[ES]Mediante este proyecto, se trata de buscar diferentes alternativas de valorización energética de residuos forestales, analizar su proceso y los equipos involucrados, y al final elegir la más adecuada en base a ciertos criterios.


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A quantitative study has been performed on the stability of GaAs surfaces in a 0.10 M K2Se-0.01 M K2Se2 aqueous solution. In this electrolyte, n-type GaAs electrodes displayed significant photocorrosion in competition with faradaic charge transfer to Se2-. Chemisorption of group VIIIB metal ions onto the GaAs surfaces yielded improved current-voltage behavior of the GaAs photoanodes, and also resulted in a significant reduction in photocorrosion. This behavior implies that the chemisorbed metal ions act to increase the rate of hole transfer to the Se2- species. Related experiments on n-GaAs, pGaAs, and Sn-doped In2O3 electrodes in Te2-/- aqueous solutions have also been performed.

The majority carrier (electrons) transfer rate constant at a highly doped n+-Si/Co(Cp)2Cl-methanol junction has been measured directly using the chronoamperometry electrochemical technique. The reduction reaction rate of Co(Cp)2+ was 0.03 cm-s-1 at the Si electrode, and was more than 100 times slower than at a hanging mercury electrode. The slower rate was attributed to the smaller optical and static dielectric constants, and the lower density of electrons of the semiconductor. The experimental results were compared to the Marcus theory of charge transfer.

The unique properties of high purity Si/liquid junctions have been investigated under illumination conditions in which the photogenerated carrier concentration exceeds the dopant concentration. Under these high injection conditions, negligible electric fields exist at the semiconductor/liquid interface, and carrier motion is driven by diffusion. Studies of the current-voltage properties of the Si in methanol solutions containing various redox couples suggested that high efficiency photoelectrochemical cells could be established through selective collection of carriers at the semiconductor/liquid junction. The quasi-Fermi levels of electrons and holes were measured directly against the solution potential. Steady-state and transient photovoltage measurements, and theoretical modeliug of the carrier transport, generation, and recombination dynamics indicated that the quasi-Fermi levels were flat across the semiconductor sample. The recombination velocities at the Si/liquid junctions have also been measured, and were shown to vary with the solution potential following the Shockley-Read-Hall theory on recombination.


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A geração de energia a partir do biogás do lixo em aterros sanitários é uma maneira de produzir energia elétrica renovável e limpa, reduzindo os impactos globais provocados pela queima dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. A contribuição ambiental mais relevante é a redução de emissões dos gases de efeito estufa (GEE), por meio da conversão do metano em dióxido de carbono, visto que o metano possui um potencial de aquecimento global cerca de 21 vezes maior, quando comparado ao dióxido de carbono (através da combustão do mesmo). De acordo com o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), os países ricos podem comprar créditos de carbono (CERs) dos países em desenvolvimento (que possuam projetos sustentáveis) para cumprir suas metas ambientais. O objetivo é transformar um passivo ambiental (destinação final dos resíduos sólidos urbanos) em um recurso energético, além do estudo da alternativa de obtenção de recursos financeiros através dos CERs. São analisadas as tecnologias de conversão energética (tecnologia de gás de lixo, incineração, entre outras), com a seleção da melhor alternativa para a geração de energia através do biogás de lixo em aterros sanitários. A metodologia utilizada é a recomendada pela Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos Estados Unidos - USEPA (2005). Serão apresentadas outras duas metodologias de cálculo da geração de metano: a do Banco Mundial e a do IPCC (Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas). São apresentados estudos comparativos demonstrando quando as turbinas a gás, motores de combustão interna (ciclos Otto ou Diesel) ou outras tecnologias de conversão energética serão viáveis na área técnica e econômica para implantação de Unidades Termoelétricas a biogás. No caso do Aterro de Gramacho, o projeto é viável com a utilização de motores a combustão interna e a obtenção de receitas com a venda da produção de energia e créditos de carbono. Por fim, será apresentada a alternativa do uso do biogás como substituto do gás natural para fins energéticos ou outros fins industriais.


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A model for some of the many physical-chemical and biological processes in intermittent sand filtration of wastewaters is described and an expression for oxygen transfer is formulated.

The model assumes that aerobic bacterial activity within the sand or soil matrix is limited, mostly by oxygen deficiency, while the surface is ponded with wastewater. Atmospheric oxygen reenters into the soil after infiltration ends. Aerobic activity is resumed, but the extent of penetration of oxygen is limited and some depths may be always anaerobic. These assumptions lead to the conclusion that the percolate shows large variations with respect to the concentration of certain contaminants, with some portions showing little change in a specific contaminant. Analyses of soil moisture in field studies and of effluent from laboratory sand columns substantiated the model.

The oxygen content of the system at sufficiently long times after addition of wastes can be described by a quasi-steady-state diffusion equation including a term for an oxygen sink. Measurements of oxygen content during laboratory and field studies show that the oxygen profile changes only slightly up to two days after the quasi-steady state is attained.

Results of these hypotheses and experimental verification can be applied in the operation of existing facilities and in the interpretation of data from pilot plant-studies.


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High-resolution, natural-abundance 13C spectra have been obtained from a wide variety of organic compounds; 13C chemical shifts and coupling constants have been correlated with other molecular properties.

Geminal and vicinal, carbon-proton couplings in benzene and the five- and six-membered aromatic heterocycles have been related to the corresponding proton-proton couplings in substituted ethylenes. The carbon-proton coupling constants in benzene are JCCH = + 1.0, JCCCH = +7.4 and JCCCH = -1.1 Hz. Extended Hückel wavefunctions are uniformly poor in explaining the long-range, carbon-proton couplings in aromatic systems.

Couplings between carbon and elements other than hydrogen have been observed in proton decoupled 13C spectra. All of the carbons in fluorobenzene and 1-fluoronaphthalene, but only six of the carbons in 2-fluoronaphthalene are coupled to the fluorine. One-bond, carbon-phosphorus coupling in trialkylphosphines is negative, while one-bond, carbon-phosphorus coupling in tetra-alkylphosphonium ions is positive. Atoms which do not use hybrid orbitals to form bonds to carbon (F, P(III), Se, Te) may have negative, one-bond coupling constants because of the failure of the average energy approximation. One-bond couplings between carbon and carbon, silicon, tin, lead and mercury appear to be explainable in terms of an effective nuclear charge and the s-bond order of the metal. Couplings between carbon and nitrogen and phosphorus (IV) have significant negative contributions to the Fermi contact coupling expression, though, within one series, correlations with s-bond order may be valid. Carbon-carbon coupling in cyclopropane derivatives (10-15 Hz) is consistent with a high degree of p character in the interior orbitals. Some two- and three-bond carbon-carbon coupling constants have also been observed.

Substituent effects of hydroxyl groups on the 13C chemical shifts of continuous-chain alkanes depend both on steric and electronic factors. The hydroxyl substituent effects in the long-chain, primary alcohols are α = -48.3, β = -10.2, and γ = +6.0 ppm. The upfield γ effect is attributed to steric crowding in the gauche conformations. Additivity of the hydroxyl and carbonyl and alkyl substituent effects in alkyl-substituted cyclohexanols and cyclohexanones has been demonstrated.