976 resultados para Memory space


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The DC capacitor is an important component in a voltage source inverter.The RMS current flowing through the capacitor determines the capacitor size and losses. The losses, in turn, influence the capacitor life. This paper proposes a space vector based modulation strategy for reducing the capacitor RMS current in a three-level diode-clamped inverter. An analytical closed-form expression is derived for the DC capacitor RMS current with the proposed PWM strategy. The analytical expression is validated through simulations and also experimentally. Theoretical and experimental results are presented, comparing the proposed strategy with conventional space vector PWM (CSVPWM). It is shown that the proposed strategy reduces the capacitor RMS current significantly at high modulation indices and high power factors. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Soft-decision multiple-symbol differential sphere decoding (MSDSD) is proposed for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM)-aided differential space-time shift keying (DSTSK)-aided transmission over frequency-selective channels. Specifically, the DSTSK signaling blocks are generated by the channel-encoded source information and the space-time (ST) blocks are appropriately mapped to a number of OFDM subcarriers. After OFDM demodulation, the DSTSK signal is noncoherently detected by our soft-decision MSDSD detector. A novel soft-decision MSDSD detector is designed, and the associated decision rule is derived for the DSTSK scheme. Our simulation results demonstrate that an SNR reduction of 2 dB is achieved by the proposed scheme using an MSDSD window size of N-w = 4 over the conventional soft-decision-aided differential detection benchmarker, while communicating over dispersive channels and dispensing with channel estimation (CE).


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Multilevel inverters with dodecagonal (12-sided polygon) voltage space vector structure have advantages, such as complete elimination of fifth and seventh harmonics, reduction in electromagnetic interference, reduction in device voltage ratings, reduction of switching frequency, extension of linear modulation range, etc., making it a viable option for high-power medium-voltage drives. This paper proposes two power circuit topologies capable of generating multilevel dodecagonal voltage space vector structure with symmetric triangles (for the first time) with minimum number of dc-link power supplies and floating capacitor H-bridges. The first power topology is composed of two hybrid cascaded five-level inverters connected to either side of an open-end winding induction machine. Each inverter consists of a three-level neutral-point-clamped inverter, which is cascaded with an isolated H-bridge making it a five-level inverter. The second topology is for a normal induction motor. Both of these circuit topologies have inherent capacitor balancing for floating H-bridges for all modulation indexes, including transient operations. The proposed topologies do not require any precharging circuitry for startup. A simple pulsewidth modulation timing calculation method for space vector modulation is also presented in this paper. Due to the symmetric arrangement of congruent triangles within the voltage space vector structure, the timing computation requires only the sampled reference values and does not require any offline computation, lookup tables, or angle computation. Experimental results for steady-state operation and transient operation are also presented to validate the proposed concept.


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We show that interpreting the inverse AdS(3) radius 1/l as a Grassmann variable results in a formal map from gravity in AdS(3) to gravity in flat space. The underlying reason for this is the fact that ISO(2, 1) is the Inonu-Wigner contraction of SO(2, 2). We show how this works for the Chern-Simons actions, demonstrate how the general (Banados) solution in AdS(3) maps to the general flat space solution, and how the Killing vectors, charges and the Virasoro algebra in the Brown-Henneaux case map to the corresponding quantities in the BMS3 case. Our results straightforwardly generalize to the higher spin case: the recently constructed flat space higher spin theories emerge automatically in this approach from their AdS counterparts. We conclude with a discussion of singularity resolution in the BMS gauge as an application.


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Rapid and invasive urbanization has been associated with depletion of natural resources (vegetation and water resources), which in turn deteriorates the landscape structure and conditions in the local environment. Rapid increase in population due to the migration from rural areas is one of the critical issues of the urban growth. Urbanisation in India is drastically changing the land cover and often resulting in the sprawl. The sprawl regions often lack basic amenities such as treated water supply, sanitation, etc. This necessitates regular monitoring and understanding of the rate of urban development in order to ensure the sustenance of natural resources. Urban sprawl is the extent of urbanization which leads to the development of urban forms with the destruction of ecology and natural landforms. The rate of change of land use and extent of urban sprawl can be efficiently visualized and modelled with the help of geo-informatics. The knowledge of urban area, especially the growth magnitude, shape geometry, and spatial pattern is essential to understand the growth and characteristics of urbanization process. Urban pattern, shape and growth can be quantified using spatial metrics. This communication quantifies the urbanisation and associated growth pattern in Delhi. Spatial data of four decades were analysed to understand land over and land use dynamics. Further the region was divided into 4 zones and into circles of 1 km incrementing radius to understand and quantify the local spatial changes. Results of the landscape metrics indicate that the urban center was highly aggregated and the outskirts and the buffer regions were in the verge of aggregating urban patches. Shannon's Entropy index clearly depicted the outgrowth of sprawl areas in different zones of Delhi. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, space-shift keying (SSK) is considered for multihop multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) networks. In SSK, only one among n(s) = 2(m) available transmit antennas, chosen on the basis of m information bits, is activated during transmission. We consider two different systems of multihop co-operation, where each node has multiple antennas and employs SSK. In system I, a multihop diversity relaying scheme is considered. In system II, a multihop multibranch relaying scheme is considered. In both systems, we adopt decode-and-forward (DF) relaying, where each relay forwards the signal only when it correctly decodes. We analyze the end-to-end bit error rate (BER) and diversity order of both the systems with SSK. For binary SSK (n(s) = 2), our analytical BER expression is exact, and our numerical results show that the BERs evaluated through the analytical expression overlap with those obtained through Monte Carlo simulations. For nonbinary SSK (n(s) > 2), we derive an approximate BER expression, where the analytically evaluated BER results closely follow the simulated BER results. We show the comparison of the BERs of SSK and conventional phase-shift keying (PSK) and also show the instances where SSK outperforms PSK. We also present the diversity analyses for SSK in systems I and II, which predict the achievable diversity orders as a function of system parameters.


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Special switching sequences involving division of active state time are used in space-vector-based generation of pulse width modulation (PWM) waveforms. This paper proposes a hybrid PWM technique which is a combination of the conventional and special switching sequences. The proposed hybrid PWM technique reduces the peak-to-peak torque ripple at high speeds of an induction motor drive. Supporting simulation and experimental results are presented from a closed-loop controlled motor drive.


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Using the spatial modulation approach, where only one transmit antenna is active at a time, we propose two transmission schemes for two-way relay channel using physical layer network coding with space time coding using coordinate interleaved orthogonal designs (CIODs). It is shown that using two uncorrelated transmit antennas at the nodes, but using only one RF transmit chain and space-time coding across these antennas can give a better performance without using any extra resources and without increasing the hardware implementation cost and complexity. In the first transmission scheme, two antennas are used only at the relay, adaptive network coding (ANC) is employed at the relay and the relay transmits a CIOD space time block code (STBC). This gives a better performance compared to an existing ANC scheme for two-way relay channel which uses one antenna each at all the three nodes. It is shown that for this scheme at high SNR the average end-to-end symbol error probability (SEP) is upper bounded by twice the SEP of a point-to-point fading channel. In the second transmission scheme, two transmit antennas are used at all the three nodes, CIOD STBCs are transmitted in multiple access and broadcast phases. This scheme provides a diversity order of two for the average end-to-end SEP with an increased decoding complexity of O(M-3) for an arbitrary signal set and O(M-2 root M) for square QAM signal set. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes performs better than the existing ANC schemes under perfect and imperfect channel state information.


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Modulus variation of NiTi shape memory alloy has been investigated at microstructural level through nano dynamical mechanical analysis and compared with bulk experimental measurements. The differences between the modulus values at the macro and micro level as well as within the micro level are discussed and the corresponding variations have been explained based on the crystal structure, orientation and misorientation. The experimental results confirm a higher modulus value for the martensite phase that is in agreement with the theoretical predictions. (C) 2015 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a low energy memory decoder architecture for ultra-low-voltage systems containing multiple voltage domains. Due to limitations in scalability of memory supply voltages, these systems typically contain a core operating at subthreshold voltages and memories operating at a higher voltage. This difference in voltage provides a timing slack on the memory path as the core supply is scaled. The paper analyzes the feasibility and trade-offs in utilizing this timing slack to operate a greater section of memory decoder circuitry at the lower supply. A 256x16-bit SRAM interface has been designed in UMC 65nm low-leakage process to evaluate the above technique with the core and memory operating at 280 mV and 500 mV respectively. The technique provides a reduction of up to 20% in energy/cycle of the row decoder without any penalty in area and system-delay.


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When Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers are used in problems of system parameter identification, one would face computational difficulties in dealing with large amount of measurement data and (or) low levels of measurement noise. Such exigencies are likely to occur in problems of parameter identification in dynamical systems when amount of vibratory measurement data and number of parameters to be identified could be large. In such cases, the posterior probability density function of the system parameters tends to have regions of narrow supports and a finite length MCMC chain is unlikely to cover pertinent regions. The present study proposes strategies based on modification of measurement equations and subsequent corrections, to alleviate this difficulty. This involves artificial enhancement of measurement noise, assimilation of transformed packets of measurements, and a global iteration strategy to improve the choice of prior models. Illustrative examples cover laboratory studies on a time variant dynamical system and a bending-torsion coupled, geometrically non-linear building frame under earthquake support motions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Gamma-band (25-140 Hz) oscillations are ubiquitous in mammalian forebrain structures involved in sensory processing, attention, learning and memory. The optic tectum (01) is the central structure in a midbrain network that participates critically in controlling spatial attention. In this review, we summarize recent advances in characterizing a neural circuit in this midbrain network that generates large amplitude, space-specific, gamma oscillations in the avian OT, both in vivo and in vitro. We describe key physiological and pharmacological mechanisms that produce and regulate the structure of these oscillations. The extensive similarities between midbrain gamma oscillations in birds and those in the neocortex and hippocampus of mammals, offer important insights into the functional significance of a midbrain gamma oscillatory code.


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This paper presents an experimental procedure to determine the acoustic and vibration behavior of an inverter-fed induction motor based on measurements of the current spectrum, acoustic noise spectrum, overall noise in dB, and overall A-weighted noise in dBA. Measurements are carried out on space-vector modulated 8-hp and 3-hp induction motor drives over a range of carrier frequencies at different modulation frequencies. The experimental data help to distinguish between regions of high and low acoustic noise levels. The measurements also bring out the impact of carrier frequency on the acoustic noise. The sensitivity of the overall noise to carrier frequency is indicative of the relative dominance of the high-frequency electromagnetic noise over mechanical and aerodynamic components of noise. Based on the measured current and acoustic noise spectra, the ratio of dynamic deflection on the stator surface to the product of fundamental and harmonic current amplitudes is obtained at each operating point. The variation of this ratio of deflection to current product with carrier frequency indicates the resonant frequency clearly and also gives a measure of the amplification of vibration at frequencies close to the resonant frequency. This ratio is useful to predict the magnitude of acoustic noise corresponding to significant time-harmonic currents flowing in the stator winding.


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The quantum statistical mechanical propagator for a harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent force constant, m omega(2)(t), has been investigated in the past and was found to have only a formal solution in terms of the solutions of certain ordinary differential equations. Such path integrals are frequently encountered in semiclassical path integral evaluations and having exact analytical expressions for such path integrals is of great interest. In a previous work, we had obtained the exact propagator for motion in an arbitrary time-dependent harmonic potential in the overdamped limit of friction using phase space path integrals in the context of Levy flights - a result that can be easily extended to Brownian motion. In this paper, we make a connection between the overdamped Brownian motion and the imaginary time propagator of quantum mechanics and thereby get yet another way to evaluate the latter exactly. We find that explicit analytic solution for the quantum statistical mechanical propagator can be written when the time-dependent force constant has the form omega(2)(t) = lambda(2)(t) - d lambda(t)/dt where lambda(t) is any arbitrary function of t and use it to evaluate path integrals which have not been evaluated previously. We also employ this method to arrive at a formal solution of the propagator for both Levy flights and Brownian subjected to a time-dependent harmonic potential in the underdamped limit of friction. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.