946 resultados para Lung`s volume in time
This master’s thesis was done for a small company, Vipetec Oy, which offers specialized technological services for companies mainly in forest industry. The study was initiated partly because the company wants to expand its customer base to a new industry. There were two goals connected to each other. First was to find out how much and what kind of value current customers have realized from ATA Process Event Library, one of the products that the company offers. Second was to determine the best way to present this value and its implications for future value potential to both current and potential customers. ATA helps to make grade and product changes, starting after machine downtime, and recovery from production break faster for customers. All three events sometimes occur in production line. The faster operation results to savings in time and material. In addition to ATA Vipetec also offers other services related to development of automation and optimization of controls. Theoretical part concentrates on the concept of value, how it can be delivered to customers, and what kind of risk customer faces in industrial purchasing. Also the function of reference marketing towards customers is discussed. In the empirical part the realized value for existing customers is evaluated based on both numerical data and interviews. There’s also a brief case study about one customer. After that the value-based reference marketing for a target industry is examined through interviews of these potential customers. Finally answers to the research questions are stated and compared also to the theoretical knowledge about the subject. Results show that those customers’ machines which use the full service concept of ATA usually are able to save more time and material than the machines which use only some features of the product. Interviews indicated that sales arguments which focus on improved competitive status are not as effective as current arguments which focus on numerical improvements. In the case of potential customers in the new industry, current sales arguments likely work best for those whose irregular production situations are caused mainly by fault situations. When the actions of Vipetec were compared to ten key elements of creating customer references, it was seen that many of them the company has either already included in its strategy or has good chances to include them with the help of the results of this study.
Switching power supplies are usually implemented with a control circuitry that uses constant clock frequency turning the power semiconductor switches on and off. A drawback of this customary operating principle is that the switching frequency and harmonic frequencies are present in both the conducted and radiated EMI spectrum of the power converter. Various variable-frequency techniques have been introduced during the last decade to overcome the EMC problem. The main objective of this study was to compare the EMI and steady-state performance of a switch mode power supply with different spread-spectrum/variable-frequency methods. Another goal was to find out suitable tools for the variable-frequency EMI analysis. This thesis can be divided into three main parts: Firstly, some aspects of spectral estimation and measurement are presented. Secondly, selected spread spectrum generation techniques are presented with simulations and background information. Finally, simulations and prototype measurements from the EMC and the steady-state performance are carried out in the last part of this work. Combination of the autocorrelation function, the Welch spectrum estimate and the spectrogram were used as a substitute for ordinary Fourier methods in the EMC analysis. It was also shown that the switching function can be used in preliminary EMC analysis of a SMPS and the spectrum and autocorrelation sequence of a switching function correlates with the final EMI spectrum. This work is based on numerous simulations and measurements made with the prototype. All these simulations and measurements are made with the boost DC/DC converter. Four different variable-frequency modulation techniques in six different configurations were analyzed and the EMI performance was compared to the constant frequency operation. Output voltage and input current waveforms were also analyzed in time domain to see the effect of the spread spectrum operation on these quantities. According to the results presented in this work, spread spectrum modulation can be utilized in power converter for EMI mitigation. The results from steady-state voltage measurements show, that the variable-frequency operation of the SMPS has effect on the voltage ripple, but the ripple measured from the prototype is still acceptable in some applications. Both current and voltage ripple can be controlled with proper main circuit and controller design.
A system is said to be "instantaneous" when for a given constant input an equilibrium output is obtained after a while. In the meantime, the output is changing from its initial value towards the equilibrium one. This is the transient period of the system and transients are important features of open-respirometry systems. During transients, one cannot compute the input amplitude directly from the output. The existing models (e.g., first or second order dynamics) cannot account for many of the features observed in real open-respirometry systems, such as time lag. Also, these models do not explain what should be expected when a system is speeded up or slowed down. The purpose of the present study was to develop a mechanistic approach to the dynamics of open-respirometry systems, employing basic thermodynamic concepts. It is demonstrated that all the main relevant features of the output dynamics are due to and can be adequately explained by a distribution of apparent velocities within the set of molecules travelling along the system. The importance of the rate at which the molecules leave the sensor is explored for the first time. The study approaches the difference in calibrating a system with a continuous input and with a "unit impulse": the former truly reveals the dynamics of the system while the latter represents the first derivative (in time) of the former and, thus, cannot adequately be employed in the apparent time-constant determination. Also, we demonstrate why the apparent order of the output changes with volume or flow.
Early identification of patients who need hospitalization or patients who should be discharged would be helpful for the management of acute asthma in the emergency room. The objective of the present study was to examine the clinical and pulmonary functional measures used during the first hour of assessment of acute asthma in the emergency room in order to predict the outcome. We evaluated 88 patients. The inclusion criteria were age between 12 and 55 years, forced expiratory volume in the first second below 50% of predicted value, and no history of chronic disease or pregnancy. After baseline evaluation, all patients were treated with 2.5 mg albuterol delivered by nebulization every 20 min in the first hour and 60 mg of intravenous methylprednisolone. Patients were reevaluated after 60 min of treatment. Sixty-five patients (73.9%) were successfully treated and discharged from the emergency room (good responders), and 23 (26.1%) were hospitalized or were treated and discharged with relapse within 10 days (poor responders). A predictive index was developed: peak expiratory flow rates after 1 h <=0% of predicted values and accessory muscle use after 1 h. The index ranged from 0 to 2. An index of 1 or higher presented a sensitivity of 74.0, a specificity of 69.0, a positive predictive value of 46.0, and a negative predictive value of 88.0. It was possible to predict outcome in the first hour of management of acute asthma in the emergency room when the index score was 0 or 2.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate changes in optic nerve head parameters, measured by confocal laser tomography, before and after trabeculectomy in order to identify outcome measures for the management of glaucoma. The optic nerve head of 22 eyes (22 patients) was analyzed by confocal laser tomography with the Heidelberg retinal tomogram (HRT) before and after trabeculectomy. The median time between the first HRT and surgery was 4.6 months (mean: 7.7 ± 8.3) and the median time between surgery and the second HRT was 10.8 months (mean: 12.0 ± 6.8). The patients were divided into two groups, i.e., those with the highest (group A) and lowest (group B) intraocular pressure (IOP) change after surgery. Differences in the 12 standard topographic parameters before and after surgery for each group were evaluated by the Wilcoxon signed rank test and the differences in these parameters between the two groups were compared by the Mann-Whitney rank sum test. Multiple regression analysis was used to evaluate the influence of the change in IOP (deltaIOP and deltaIOP%) and the changes in the other parameters. There were significant differences in the HRT measures before and after surgery in group A only for cup volume. In group B, no parameter was statistically different. The changes in group A were not significantly different than those in group B for any parameter (P > 0.004, Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons). deltaIOP and deltaIOP% had a statistically significant effect on delta cup disk area, delta cup volume and delta mean cup depth. Changes in cup shape size were influenced significantly only by deltaIOP. Some optic disc parameters measured by HRT presented a significant improvement after filtering surgery, depending on the amount of IOP reduction. Long-term studies are needed to determine the usefulness of these findings as outcome measures in the management of glaucoma.
Tämän Pro gradu -tutkielman aiheena on tutkia suomalaisten päivittäistavarakaupan alan yritysten likviditeetin hallintaa vuosina 2009 - 2013. Tutkielmassa tutkitaan, millä tavalla suomalaisten päivittäistavarakaupan alan yritysten käyttöpääoman hallinta on muuttunut rajatulla ajanjaksolla. Lisäksi työssä tutkitaan millä tavoin valikoitujen yritysten kannattavuus, maksuvalmius ja vakavaraisuus ovat muuttuneet vuosina 2009 - 2013. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös, miten suomalainen päivittäistavarakauppa on kehittynyt tarkasteluajanjaksolla. Tutkimus on rajattu koskemaan neljää suurinta suomalaista päivittäistavarakaupan, pois lukien Lild Suomi Ky taloudellisten tietojen puuttumisen takia, alan ryhmittymää käyttäen kriteerinä vuoden 2013 päivittäistavaramyyntiä sekä markkinaosuuksia. Edellä mainittujen kriteerien perusteella tutkimukseen valikoitui seuraavat ryhmittymät: S-ryhmä, K-ryhmä, Suomen Lähikauppa Oy sekä Stockmann Oyj Abp.Teoriapohjaan tutkimuksessa käytetään aikaisempaa kirjallisuutta ja julkaistuja akateemisia tutkimuksia toimitusketjun ja sen hallinnasta, sekä käyttöpääomasta ja sen hallinnasta. Valikoitujen yritysten tilinpäätöstiedot on koottu Virre -tietokannasta ja toimiala tiedot tilastokeskuksen ohjelmalla PC -Axis 2008. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin käyttöpääomaprosentin ja quick ratio - tunnusluvun välillä pieniä yhtymäkohtia. Kun käyttöpääomaprosentti pienenee, quick ratio -tunnusluku paranee. Käyttöpääomaprosentin muutoksilla oli negatiivinen korrelaatio koko pääoman tuottoprosenttiin sekä liikevoittoprosenttiin. Tutkimuksen kohdeyritykset ovat pystyneet pitämään käyttöpääomaprosentin erilaisilla tehostamistoiminnoilla hyvin tasaisena tiukasta taloustilanteesta huolimatta.
This thesis constitutes an interdisciplinary approach to the Polish Romanticism combining literature studies with memory studies, nationalism research and psychoanalysis. This phenomenon-based study attempts to answer the question, how the Polish national poet Adam Mickiewicz (1798–1855) – or more exactly the implied authors in his works – perceived the role of poetry in mnemonic terms and how it changes in course of time. Consequently, ‘memory in literature’ (Astrin Erll and Ansger Nünning) is discussed here. Two pieces of writing by Mickiewicz – Konrad Wallenrod [1828] and the third part of Forefathers [1832], where a bard respectively a poetic genius appears – are seen as meta-texts defining goals of poets in time of the political non-existence of a state. Poetry is supposed to keep memory of the glorious past alive, kindle the love for the motherland, support the collective identity of a group and initiate a liberation movement. Poets function as memory guards, leaders of the nation and prophets. Thus, literature is a medium of collective memory – it stores crucial contents, transmits them and acts as a cue. Nevertheless, shifting the focus from the community towards well-being of individuals, which is consistent with the postmodern thinking, the impact that poetry has on members of a given memory culture (Jan Assmann) can be described in ‘vampiric’ terms (Maria Janion). Poetry embodying collective memory may be compared to ‘poison’, ‘infecting’ people with a nationalistic way of thinking to their disadvantage as far as their personal lives are concerned.
The objective of the present study was to determine if there is a health-related quality of life (HRQL) instrument, generic or specific, that better represents functional capacity dysfunction in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients. HRQL was evaluated in 20 IPF patients using generic and specific questionnaires (Medical Outcomes Short Form 36 (SF-36) and Saint George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), respectively). Functional status was evaluated by pulmonary function tests, 6-min walking distance test (6MWDT) and dyspnea indexes (baseline dyspnea index) at rest and after exercise (modified Borg scale). There was a restrictive pattern with impairment of diffusion capacity (total lung capacity, TLC = 71.5 ± 15.6%, forced vital capacity = 70.4 ± 19.4%, and carbon monoxide diffusing capacity = 41.5 ± 16.2% of predicted value), a reduction in exercise capacity (6MWDT = 435.6 ± 95.5 m) and an increase of perceived dyspnea score at rest and during exercise (6 ± 2.5 and 7.1 ± 1.3, respectively). Both questionnaires presented correlation with some functional parameters (TLC, forced expiratory volume in 1 s and carbon monoxide diffusing capacity) and the best correlation was with TLC. Almost all of the SGRQ domains presented a strong correlation with functional status, while in SF-36 only physical function and vitality presented a good correlation with functional status. Dyspnea index at rest and 6MWDT also presented a good correlation with HRQL. Our results suggest that a specific instead of a generic questionnaire is a more appropriate instrument for HRQL evaluation in IPF patients and that TLC is the functional parameter showing best correlation with HRQL.
The objective of the present study was to investigate clinical, echocardiographic and electrocardiographic (12-lead resting ECG, 24-h ambulatory ECG monitoring and signal-averaged ECG (SAECG)) parameters in subjects with chronic Chagas' disease in a long-term follow-up as prognostic markers for adverse outcomes. Fifty adult outpatients (34 to 74 years old, 31 females) staged according to Los Andes class I, II or III and complaining of palpitation were enrolled in a longitudinal study. SAECG was analyzed in time and frequency domains and the endpoint was a composite of cardiac death and ventricular tachycardia. During a follow-up of 84.2 ± 39.0 months, 34.0% of the patients developed adverse outcomes (9 cardiac deaths and 11 episodes of ventricular tachycardia). After optimal dichotomization, in a stepwise multivariate Cox-hazard regression model, apical aneurysm (HR = 3.7; 95% CI = 1.2-1.3; P = 0.02), left ventricular ejection fraction <62% (HR = 4.60; 95% CI = 1.39-15.24; P = 0.01) and incidence of ventricular premature contractions >614 per 24 h (hazard ratio = 6.1; 95% CI = 1.7-22.6; P = 0.006) were independent predictors of the composite endpoint. Although a high frequency content in SAECG demonstrated association with the presence of left ventricular dysfunction and myocardial fibrosis, its predictive value for the composite endpoint was not significant. Apical aneurysms, reduced left ventricular function and a high incidence of ventricular ectopic beats over a 24-h period have a strong predictive value for a composite endpoint of cardiac death and ventricular tachycardia in subjects with chronic Chagas' disease.
Several studies of the quantitative relationship between sodium need and sodium intake in rats are reviewed. Using acute diuretic treatment 24 h beforehand, intake matches need fairly accurately when intake is spread out in time by using a hypotonic solution of NaCl. In contrast, using a hypertonic solution, intake is typically double the need. Using the same diuretic treatment, although the natriuresis occurs within ~1 h, the appetite appears only slowly over 24 h. Increased plasma levels of aldosterone parallel the increased intake; however, treatment with metyrapone blocks the rise in aldosterone but has no effect on appetite. Satiation of sodium appetite was studied in rats using sodium loss induced by chronic diuretic treatment and daily salt consumption sessions. When a simulated foraging cost was imposed on NaCl access in the form of a progressive ratio lever press task, rats showed satiation for NaCl (break point) after consuming an amount close to their estimated deficit. The chronic diuretic regimen produced hypovolemia and large increases in plasma aldosterone concentration and renin activity. These parameters were reversed to or toward non-depleted control values at the time of behavioral satiation in the progressive ratio protocol. Satiation mechanisms for sodium appetite thus do appear to exist. However, they do not operate quantitatively when concentrated salt is available at no effort, but instead allow overconsumption. There are reasons to believe that such a bias toward overconsumption may have been beneficial over evolutionary time, but such biasing for salt and other commodities is maladaptive in a resource-rich environment.
Little is known about airway inflammatory markers in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The objective of the present study was to identify and try to correlate pulmonary and peripheral blood inflammatory markers in COPD. In a cross-sectional study on patients with stable COPD, induced sputum and blood samples were collected for the determination of C-reactive protein, eosinophilic cationic protein, serum amyloid A protein, a-1 antitrypsin (a-1AT), and neutrophil elastase. Twenty-two patients were divided into two groups according to post-bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in the first second (%FEV1): group 1 (N = 12, FEV1 <40%) and group 2 (N = 10, FEV1 ³40%). An increase in serum elastase, eosinophilic cationic protein and a-1AT was observed in serum markers in both groups. Cytology revealed the same total number of cells in groups 1 and 2. There was a significantly higher number of neutrophils in group 1 compared to group 2 (P < 0.05). No difference in eosinophils or macrophages was observed between groups. Serum elastase was positively correlated with serum a-1AT (group 1, r = 0.81, P < 0.002 and group 2, r = 0.83, P < 0.17) and negatively correlated with FEV1 (r = -0.85, P < 0.03 and -0.14, P < 0.85, respectively). The results indicate the presence of chronic and persistent pulmonary inflammation in stable patients with COPD. Induced sputum permitted the demonstration of the existence of a subpopulation of cells in which neutrophils predominated. The serum concentration of all inflammatory markers did not correlate with the pulmonary functional impairment.
The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of the histaminergic precursor L-histidine and the H3 receptor antagonist thioperamide on the learning process of zebrafish submitted or not to confinement stress. On each of the 5 consecutive days of experiment (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5), animals had to associate an interruption of the aquarium air supply with food offering. Non-stressed zebrafish received an intraperitoneal injection of 100 mg/kg L-histidine, 10 mg/kg thioperamide or saline after training. Stressed animals received drug treatment and then were submitted to confinement stress for 1 h before the learning procedure. Time to approach the feeder was measured (in seconds) and was considered to be indicative of learning. A decrease in time to approach the feeder was observed in the saline-treated group (D1 = 141.92 ± 13.57; D3 = 55 ± 13.54), indicating learning. A delay in learning of stressed animals treated with saline was observed (D1 = 217.5 ± 25.66). L-histidine facilitated learning in stressed (D1 = 118.68 ± 13.9; D2 = 45.88 ± 8.2) and non-stressed (D1 = 151.11 ± 19.20; D5 = 62 ± 14.68) animals. Thioperamide inhibited learning in non-stressed (D1 = 110.38 ± 9.49; D4 = 58.79 ± 16.83) and stressed animals (D1 = 167.3 ± 26.39; D5 = 172.15 ± 27.35). L-histidine prevented the increase in blood glucose after one session of confinement (L-histidine = 65.88 ± 4.50; control = 53 ± 3.50 mg/dL). These results suggest that the histaminergic system enhances learning and modulates stress responses in zebrafish.
The application of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) produces important hemodynamic alterations, which can influence breathing pattern (BP) and heart rate variability (HRV). The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different levels of CPAP on postoperative BP and HRV after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery and the impact of CABG surgery on these variables. Eighteen patients undergoing CABG were evaluated postoperatively during spontaneous breathing (SB) and application of four levels of CPAP applied in random order: sham (3 cmH2O), 5 cmH2O, 8 cmH2O, and 12 cmH2O. HRV was analyzed in time and frequency domains and by nonlinear methods and BP was analyzed in different variables (breathing frequency, inspiratory tidal volume, inspiratory and expiratory time, total breath time, fractional inspiratory time, percent rib cage inspiratory contribution to tidal volume, phase relation during inspiration, phase relation during expiration). There was significant postoperative impairment in HRV and BP after CABG surgery compared to the preoperative period and improvement of DFAα1, DFAα2 and SD2 indexes, and ventilatory variables during postoperative CPAP application, with a greater effect when 8 and 12 cmH2O were applied. A positive correlation (P < 0.05 and r = 0.64; Spearman) was found between DFAα1 and inspiratory time to the delta of 12 cmH2O and SB of HRV and respiratory values. Acute application of CPAP was able to alter cardiac autonomic nervous system control and BP of patients undergoing CABG surgery and 8 and 12 cmH2O of CPAP provided the best performance of pulmonary and cardiac autonomic functions.
Few studies show patient outcomes over time in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In the present study, we monitored forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV1) and other manifestations of the disease over 3 years in 133 COPD patients (69% males, age = 65 ± 9 years, FEV1 = 59 ± 25%) evaluated at baseline. During follow-up, 15 patients (11%) died and 23 (17%) dropped out. Measurements for 95 (72%) COPD patients alive after 3 years were analyzed. FEV1, body mass index (BMI), 6-min walking distance (6MWD), Medical Research Council scale (MRC), Saint Georges Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), Charlson Comorbidity index, and BODE index were obtained at baseline and after 3 years. At baseline, 17 patients (18%) presented mild, 39% moderate, 19% severe, and 24% very severe COPD. Predicted FEV1 % and BMI did not change over the period (P > 0.05). FEV1 in liters [1.25 (0.96-1.72) vs 1.26 (0.88-1.60) L; P < 0.001], 6MWD (438 ± 86 vs 412 ± 100 m; P < 0.001), MRC [1 (1-2) vs 2 (1-3); P = 0.002], Charlson index [3 (3-4) vs4 (3-5); P = 0.009], BODE index (2.2 ± 1.8 vs 2.6 ± 2.3; P = 0.008), and total SGRQ (42 ± 19 vs 44 ± 19%; P = 0.041) worsened after 3 years compared to baseline measurements. These data show that COPD patients deteriorated during the 3-year follow-up despite the fact that they had only minor modifications in airway obstruction and body composition. They support the need for comprehensive patient assessment to better identify disease progression.
Because caffeine may induce cyst and kidney enlargement in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), we evaluated caffeine intake and renal volume using renal ultrasound in ADPKD patients. Caffeine intake was estimated by the average of 24-h dietary recalls obtained on 3 nonconsecutive days in 102 ADPKD patients (68 females, 34 males; 39 ± 12 years) and compared to that of 102 healthy volunteers (74 females, 28 males; 38 ± 14 years). The awareness of the need for caffeine restriction was assessed. Clinical and laboratory data were obtained from the medical records of the patients. Mean caffeine intake was significantly lower in ADPKD patients versus controls (86 vs 134 mg/day), and 63% of the ADPKD patients had been previously aware of caffeine restriction. Caffeine intake did not correlate with renal volume in ADPKD patients. There were no significant differences between the renal volumes of patients in the highest and lowest tertiles of caffeine consumption. Finally, age-adjusted multiple linear regression revealed that renal volume was associated with hypertension, chronic kidney disease stage 3 and the time since diagnosis, but not with caffeine intake. The present small cross-sectional study indicated a low level of caffeine consumption by ADPKD patients when compared to healthy volunteers, which was most likely due to prior awareness of the need for caffeine restriction. Within the range of caffeine intake observed by ADPKD patients in this study (0-471 mg/day), the renal volume was not directly associated with caffeine intake.