982 resultados para KIRKWOOD GAPS


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近年来,随着磁共振血管造影(magnetic resonance angiography,MRA)、功能磁共振成像(fuectional MRI)、灌注磁共振成像中erfusion MRI)、扩散加权磁共振成像(diffusion weigllted MRI)等新M班技术的发展和在临床诊断应用中的普及,磁共振成像造影剂的研究和开发已经成为一个日益重要的研究领域。其中大分子造影剂由于具有弛豫效率高、在血池中停留时间长及可能的组织、器官选择性等特点更是受到MRI造影剂研究者的广泛关注。论文工作围绕新型MRI造影剂的研制进行了较系统的研究,主要实验结果归纳如下:(1)以天然多糖为载体的M斑造影剂设计合成了四种天然多糖修饰的Gd-DTPA配合物:AG-(Gd-DTPA)n、PQPS-(Gd-DTPA)n、GAPS-(Gd-DTPA)n和EAPS-(Gd-DTPA)。通过体外弛豫时间测试和体内磁共振成像实验研究其弛豫性能、器官选择性、体内滞留时间和代谢情况,结合体外稳定性和溶血性综合评价了其应用于临床的可能性。研究结果表明,不同类型多糖Gd-DTPA配合物在水溶液中弛豫性能相近,为Gd-DTPA的1.5-2.0倍,对肝脏信号的增强效果是Gd-DTPA的3.0倍左右,并且能在较长时间内产生稳定良好的增强效果。肝脏信号的增强效果随多糖Gd-DTPA配合物分子量的增加基本呈现出升高趋势,表明分子量影响其肝脏分布,分子量越大越易于在肝脏积累。其中,AG-(GdDTPA)n表现出了良好的肝脏选择性和肾脏代谢性能,有望成为有前景的肝脏选择性造影剂。而EAPS-(Gd-DTPA)n在肾脏中的代谢速率较慢,这一特性在磁共振血管造影及灌注磁共振成像的研究中极有帮助。(2)稀土杂多配合物M班造影剂设计合成了三种夹心型稀土杂多配合物:K13[Gd(Siw11O39)]、K11H6[Gd3O3(SiWgO34)2]及K17[Gd(PZW17O61)2],通过体外弛豫性能、稳定性、溶血性及体内急性毒性、磁共振成像实验,对其体外体内的增强效果和安全性进行了较全面的评价。K13[Gd(SIWllO39)2]和K17〔Gd(PZwl7o61)2]在水溶液中的弛豫效率略高于Gd-DTPA,而K11H6[Gd3O3(SiW9O34)2]在水溶液中的弛豫效率是Gd-DTPA的3.5倍左右。磁共振成像实验表明:K13[Gd(SIWll。动2]、K11H6[Gd3O3(siwgo34)2」和K17[Gd(P ZwI7o61)2]对肝脏产生的增强效果分别为Gd-DTPA的1.5、2.5和3.5倍左右,对肾脏的增强效果不及Gd-DTPA。通过与磷钨杂多配合物的比较发现,具有相同构型的稀土杂多配合物对肝脏和肾脏产生的增强效果相近,肝脏信号增强的顺序为Gd(凡wl7)2>Gd3(XW9)2>Gd(XW11)2,肾脏信号增强的顺序为Gd3(XW9)2≈Gd(XW11)2>Gd(X2W17)2。总体来说,稀土杂多配合物在体内的分布和代谢是由其构型、离子大小、所带负电荷等因素决定的,受结构中的杂原子影响不大。


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P>Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is an important fish for aquaculture, but genomics of this species is still in its infancy. In this study, a linkage map of common carp based on Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite (SSR) markers has been generated using gynogenetic haploids. Of 926 markers genotyped, 151 (149 AFLPs, two SSRs) were distorted and eliminated from the linkage analyses. A total of 699 AFLP and 20 microsatellite (SSR) markers were assigned to the map, which comprised 64 linkage groups and covered 5506.9 cM Kosambi, with an average interval distance of 7.66 cM Kosambi. The normality tests on interval map distances showed a non-normal marker distribution. Visual inspection of the map distance distribution histogram showed a cluster of interval map distances on the left side of the chart, which suggested the occurrence of AFLP marker clusters. On the other hand, the lack of an obvious cluster on the right side showed that there were a few big gaps which need more markers to bridge. The correlation analysis showed a highly significant relatedness between the length of linkage group and the number of markers, indicating that the AFLP markers in this map were randomly distributed among different linkage groups. This study is helpful for research into the common carp genome and for further studies of genetics and marker-assisted breeding in this species.


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We consider the effect of image forces, arising due to a difference in dielectric permeabilities of the well layer and barrier layers, on the energy spectrum of an electron confined in a rectangular potential well under a magnetic field. Depending on the value and the sign of the dielectric mismatch, image forces can localize electrons near the interfaces of the well or in well centre and change the direct intersubband gaps into indirect ones. These effects can be controlled by variation of the magnetic field, offering possibilities for exact tuning of electronic devices.


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We have applied the Green function theory in GW approximation to calculate the quasiparticle energies for semiconductors Si and GaAs. Good agreements of the calculated excitation energies and fundamental energy gaps with the experimental band structures were achieved. We obtained the calculated fundamental gaps of Si and GaAs to be 1.22 and 1.42 eV in comparison to the experimental values of 1.17 and 1.52 eV, respectively. Ab initio pseudopotential method has been used to generate basis wavefunctions and charge densities for calculating dielectric matrix elements and electron self-energies.


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We have applied the Green-function method in the GW approximation to calculate quasiparticle energies for the semiconductors GaP and GaAs. Good agreement between the calculated excitation energies and the experimental results was achieved. We obtained calculated direct band gaps of GaP and GaAs of 2.93 and 1.42 eV, respectively, in comparison with the experimental values of 2.90 and 1.52 eV, respectively. An ab initio pseudopotential method has been used to generate basis wave functions and charge densities for calculating the dielectric matrix elements and self-enegies. To evaluate the dynamical effects of the screened interaction, the generalized-plasma-pole model has been utilized to extend the dielectric matrix elements from static results to finite frequencies. We presen the calculated quasiparticle energies at various high-symmetry points of the Brillouin zone and compare them with the experimental results and other calculations.


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We successfully applied the Green function theory in GW approximation to calculate the quasiparticle energies for semiconductors Si and GaAs. Ab initio pseudopotential method was adopted to generate basis wavefunctions and charge densities for calculating dielectric matrix elements and electron self-energies. To evaluate dynamical effects of screened interaction, GPP model was utilized to extend dieletric matrix elements from static results to finite frequencies. We give a full account of the theoretical background and the technical details for the first principle pseudopotential calculations of quasiparticle energies in semiconductors and insulators. Careful analyses are given for the effective and accurate evaluations of dielectric matrix elements and quasiparticle self-energies by using the symmetry properties of basis wavefunctions and eigenenergies. Good agreements between the calculated excitation energies and fundamental energy gaps and the experimental band structures were achieved.


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The one-dimensional energy bands and corresponding conductivities of a T-shaped quantum-dot superlattice are studied in various cases: different periods, with potential barriers between dots, and in transverse electric fields. It is found that the conductivity of the superlattices has a similar energy relation to the conductance of a single quantum dot, but vanishes in the energy gap region. The energy band of a superlattice with periodically modulated conducting width in the perpendicular magnetic field is calculated for comparison with magneto-transport experiments. It is found that due to the edge state effect the electron has strong quantum transport features. The energy gaps change with the width of the channel, corresponding to the deep peaks in the conductance curve. This method of calculating the energy bands of quantum-dot superlattices is applicable to complex geometric structures without substantial difficulty. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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The electronic properties of wide-energy gap zinc-blende structure GaN, A1N, and their alloys Ga(1-x)A1(x)N are investigated using the empirical pseudopotential method. Electron and hole effective mass parameters, hydrostatic and shear deformation potential constants of the valence band at Gamma and those of the conduction band at Gamma and X are obtained for GaN and AIN, respectively. The energies of Gamma, X, L conduction valleys of Ga(1-x)A1(x)N alloy versus Al fraction x are also calculated. The information will be useful for the design of lattice mismatched heterostructure optoelectronic devices based on these materials in the blue light range application. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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DFB lasers with continuously and arbitrarily chirped gratings of ultrahigh spatial precision are implemented by a method we proposed recently, using bent waveguides on homogeneous grating fields. Choosing individual bending functions we generate special chirping functions and obtain additional degrees of freedom to tailor and improve specific device performances, We present two applications for lasers showing several improved device properties and the effectiveness of our method, First, we implement continuously distributed phase-shifted lasers, revealing a considerably reduced photon pile-up, higher single-longitudinal mode stability, higher output power, lower linewidth, and higher yield than conventional abruptly phase-shifted lasers, Second, a novel tuning principle is applied in chirped multiple-section DFB lasers, showing 5.5-nm wavelength tuning, without any gaps, maintaining high side-mode suppression.


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We have implemented and studied a new type of tunable multiple-section semiconductor distributed feedback (DFB) laser using tailored chirped DFB gratings. Arbitrarily and continuously chirped DFB gratings are defined by bent waveguides on homogeneous grating fields with ultrahigh spatial precision, The mathematical bending functions are optimized in this case to provide enlarged wavelength tuning ranges. We present the results of model calculations, the technological device realization and experimental results of the DFB laser characterization e.g. a tuning range of 5.5 mm without wavelength gaps and high side mode suppression ratio.


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Lipids are the main component of all cell membranes and also important mimetic materials. Moreover, it was found recently that they can be used as sensitive membranes for olfactory and taste sensors. Hence the understanding of lipid resistance is important both in sensors and in life sciences. Thirteen lipids were examined by means of interdigital electrodes with narrow gaps of 20-50 mu m, made by IC technology. The membrane lateral resistance in air, resisting electrical voltage, the influence of impurities on resistance and the resistance change in acetic acid vapour are presented for the first time. It is shown that the electrical resistivity for self-assembling lipids depends on their duration of being in an electric field and the content of the conductive impurities. The interdigital electrode is a transducer as well as a powerful tool for researching biomaterials and mimicking materials. The conducting mechanism of lipids is discussed. This method is also suitable for some polymer membranes.


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The propagation characteristics of fiexural waves in periodic grid structures designed with the idea of phononic crystals are investigated by combining the Bloch theorem with the finite element method. This combined analysis yields phase constant surfaces, which predict the location and the extension of band gaps, as well as the directions and the regions of wave propagation at assigned frequencies. The predictions are validated by computation and experimental analysis of the harmonic responses of a finite structure with 11 × 11 unit cells. The fiexural wave is localized at the point of excitation in band gaps, while the directional behaviour occurs at particular frequencies in pass bands. These studies provide guidelines to designing periodic structures for vibration attenuation.


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The formations of the surface plasmonpolariton (SPP) bands in metal/air/metal (MAM) sub-wavelength plasmonic grating waveguide (PGW) are proposed. The band gaps originating from the highly localized resonances inside the grooves can be simply estimated from the round trip phase condition. Due to the overlap of the localized SPPs between the neighboring grooves, a Bloch mode forms in the bandgap and can be engineered to build a very flat dispersion for slow light. A chirped PGW with groove depth varying is also demonstrated to trap light, which is validated by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulations with both continuous and pulse excitations.


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林窗是森林生态系统中的一种特殊结构,影响着整个森林生态系统的结构、物种组成、演替及生态系统功能。我国现有森林资源以次生林为主体,而林窗是森林演替的重要环节,因此通过次生林林窗特征及其内部环境因子动态研究,能够明确林窗在次生林演替中的重要作用。本论文以辽东山区次生林为对象,选取人工砍伐形成的三个不同大小的林窗,林窗按照面积大小分三个梯度来选取,从大到小分别为大林窗,中林窗和小林窗。通过野外调查、观测,较系统的研究了三个不同大小林窗的环境因子变化以及植物多样性与环境因子的相关关系。旨在明确林窗内各环境要素的变化规律及不同大小林窗间的差异,为东北山区的次生林管理经营与管理提供参考。 对林窗内环境因子(光量子通量密度、温度、空气湿度和土壤水分)、土壤氮素有效性以及植物多样性分析结果表明:(1)光量子通量密度日变化趋势均为单峰型,到达峰值的时间均在中午以前,且峰值出现的位置均在林窗中心偏北部。光量子通量密度在生长季开始时强度较大,而在生长旺季强度偏小;面积较大的林窗中心光量子通量密度没有显著差异,但林窗边缘与林内差异显著(P<0.05)。(2)空气温度日变化趋势为单峰型,非生长季面积小的林窗其温度高于面积大的林窗,生长季则面积大的林窗温度较高;林窗内南部的湿度高于林窗北部,而温度则为林窗北部高于林窗南部。(3)土壤水分在两个深度层次间无显著差异,但在雨季的土壤含水量明显高于其它月份;林窗内部不同位置,面积较大的林窗内部各点差异不显著,但面积小的林窗其中心与林窗内部各点差异显著(p<0.05);土壤温度日变化与气温的变化一致,但其变幅较小,这可能与土壤和大气间的热量传递有关。(4)林窗内土壤硝态氮含量存在着明显的季节性,林内与林窗中心及林窗边缘差异显著,且面积较大的林窗硝态氮含量高于面积较小的林窗;面积较小林窗的氨态氮含量较高。矿化速率变化与硝态氮的变化一致。(5)各林窗内植物多样性在中林窗和小林窗边缘范围内都存在着物种多样性增加的趋势,而大林窗并未表现明显的物种多样性增加的趋势;环境因子与物种多样性指数在各林窗中均无显著的相关性。


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林窗是森林中经常发生的重要中小尺度干扰,在森林天然更新中起着重要作用。灌木和草本植物通过与乔木幼苗竞争林窗资源(尤其是光)而影响林窗树种更新,因此,研究林窗光环境时空特征及其与下层植被关系对揭示林窗树种更新机制具有重要意义。然而,林窗光环境的时空异质性及有效测量方法的缺乏导致这方面研究很少。本研究提出了林窗立体结构的相片测量法;基于林窗立体结构、坡度和坡向改进了目前广泛用于估测林窗光环境的林窗光指数(gap light index, GLI)模型,并提出了林窗内任意位置最大光照时长(potential sunshine duration, PSD)的计算方法;采用改进的GLI和PSD分析了东北次生林3个不同大小林窗(110,270,510 m2)及其对应的9个模拟林窗中2007年光环境的时空特征;通过在12个人工林窗中连续3年的植被调查,研究了林窗形成后前3年下层木本和草本植物对4个光强梯度的响应,主要结论如下: 1. 林窗立体结构和光环境的测量方法:1) 等角椭圆扇形法计算的林窗面积比目前使用较多的等角多边形法具有更高的精度;2) 半球面影像法可以测量林窗面积和形状,且精度较高;3) 双半球面影像法不仅可以测量林窗面积、形状,还可以测量任意方位林窗边缘木高度;4) 改进的GLI可以快速、精确计算林窗任意位置的直射光和散射光;5) PSD可用于分析林窗光照强度时空特征。 2. 东北次生林林窗光环境时空特征:1) 水平空间结构(地面层):光环境空间异质性高,最大值位于林窗北部,坡向对光分布格局影响大而对光强影响小,光强随林窗面积的增大和边缘木高度的降低而增加;2) 垂直空间结构(林窗南北轴):不同高度层光强最大值均位于林窗南北轴中心偏北,南北轴距地面越高光强最大值则越靠近轴中心;光强随距地面高度下降而衰减,最大衰退速率点位于轴中心偏南,靠近该点光强衰退线呈指数形,远离该点则趋于直线形;3) 光成分特征(地面层南北轴):南坡林窗整个南北轴上直射光大于散射光,北坡模拟林窗南半轴散射光大于直射光,而北半轴相反;南坡林窗中直射光的均值及其变化范围都比其对应的北坡模拟林窗大,然而,坡向对散射光影响不大;南坡林窗和北坡模拟林窗北半轴的全光和直射光均比南半轴大,但散射光没有这种显著的规律;4) 时间特征:不同月份PSD在相同大小林窗中分布格局十分相似,6月份林窗中被光照射面积和PSD均值最大,而10月份最小;各月PSD在南北轴上从南到北逐渐增加,在东西轴上自西向东缓慢增加。 3. 林窗早期下层植被对光强梯度的响应:1) 木本植物物种丰富度随光照强度的增加而增高,且在林窗形成后的第2和3年均存在显著相关性;2) DCA排序第一轴表明,木本植物物种组成仅第1年在4个光强梯度间存在显著差异,而在各年间存在显著差异;草本植物物种组成在4个光强梯度上存在显著差异,但在各年间不存在显著差异;3) 木本植物生物体积(biovolume)随光强梯度升高而增加,而植株密度不存在显著变化;生物体积逐年增加,平均年增长率为20.3%,植株密度逐年下降,平均年减少率为30.0%;4) 草本层盖度和高度在4个光强梯度间均不存在显著差异,但在林窗形成后的第2、3年均显著比第1年大。