983 resultados para Inflammation mediators


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As the size of adipocytes increases during obesity, the establishment of resident immune cells in adipose tissue becomes an important source of proinflammatory mediators. Exercise and caloric restriction are two important, nonpharmacological tools against body mass increase. To date, their effects on the immune cells of adipose tissue in obese organisms, specifically when a high-fat diet is consumed, have been poorly investigated. Thus, after consuming a high-fat diet, mice were submitted to chronic swimming training or a 30% caloric restriction in order to investigate the effects of both interventions on resident immune cells in adipose tissue. These strategies were able to reduce body mass and resulted in changes in the number of resident immune cells in the adipose tissue and levels of cytokines/chemokines in serum. While exercise increased the number of NK cells in adipose tissue and serum levels of IL-6 and RANTES, caloric restriction increased the CD4+/CD8+ cell ratio and MCP-1 levels. Together, these data demonstrated that exercise and caloric restriction modulate resident immune cells in adipose tissues differently in spite of an equivalent body weight reduction. Additionally, the results also reinforce the idea that a combination of both strategies is better than either individually for combating obesity


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A positive relationship between obesity and asthma has been well documented. The AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activator metformin reverses obesity-associated insulin resistance (IR) and inhibits different types of inflammatory responses. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of metformin on the exacerbation of allergic eosinophilic inflammation in obese mice. Male C57BL6/J mice were fed for 10 weeks with high-fat diet (HFD) to induce obesity. The cell infiltration and inflammatory markers in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid and lung tissue were evaluated at 48 h after ovalbumin (OVA) challenge. HFD obese mice displayed peripheral IR that was fully reversed by metformin (300 mg/kg/day, two weeks). OVA-challenge resulted in higher influx of total cell and eosinophils in lung tissue of obese mice compared with lean group. As opposed, the cell number in BAL fluid of obese mice was reduced compared with lean group. Metformin significantly reduced the tissue eosinophil infiltration and prevented the reduction of cell counts in BAL fluid. In obese mice, greater levels of eotaxin, TNF-α and NOx, together with increased iNOS protein expression were observed, all of which were normalized by metformin. In addition, metformin nearly abrogated the binding of NF-κB subunit p65 to the iNOS promoter gene in lung tissue of obese mice. Lower levels of phosphorylated AMPK and its downstream target acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACC) were found in lung tissue of obese mice, which were restored by metformin. In separate experiments, the selective iNOS inhibitor aminoguanidine (20 mg/kg, 3 weeks) and the anti-TNF-α mAb (2 mg/kg) significantly attenuated the aggravation of eosinophilic inflammation in obese mice. In conclusion, metformin inhibits the TNF-α-induced inflammatory signaling and NF-κB-mediated iNOS expression in lung tissue of obese mice. Metformin may be a good pharmacological strategy to control the asthma exacerbation in obese individuals.


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OBJECTIVE: Formaldehyde exposure during the menstrual cycle is known to affect the course of allergic lung inflammation. Because our previous data demonstrated that formaldehyde combined with an ovariectomy reduced allergic lung inflammation, we investigated the putative role of ovary removal and progesterone treatment when considering the effect of formaldehyde on allergic lung inflammation. METHOD: Ovariectomized rats and their matched controls were exposed to formaldehyde (1%, 3 days, 90 min/day) or vehicle, and immediately after exposure, the rats were sensitized to ovalbumin by a subcutaneous route. After 1 week, the rats received a booster by the same route, and after an additional week, the rats were challenged with ovalbumin (1%) by an aerosol route. The leukocyte numbers, interleukin-10 (IL-10) release, myeloperoxidase activity, vascular permeability, ex vivo tracheal reactivity to methacholine and mast cell degranulation were determined 24 h later. RESULTS: Our results showed that previous exposure to formaldehyde in allergic rats decreased lung cell recruitment, tracheal reactivity, myeloperoxidase activity, vascular permeability and mast cell degranulation while increasing IL-10 levels. Ovariectomy only caused an additional reduction in tracheal reactivity without changing the other parameters studied. Progesterone treatment reversed the effects of formaldehyde exposure on ex vivo tracheal reactivity, cell influx into the lungs and mast cell degranulation. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, our study revealed that formaldehyde and ovariectomy downregulated allergic lung inflammation by IL-10 release and mast cell degranulation. Progesterone treatment increased eosinophil recruitment and mast cell degranulation, which in turn may be responsible for tracheal hyperreactivity and allergic lung inflammation


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Background: Several lines of evidence showed that inflammation is associated with changes in the expression of tachykinins both in human and animal models. Tachykinins, including substance P (SP), are small peptides expressed in the extrinsic primary afferent nerve fibres and enteric neurons of the gut: they exert their action through three distinct receptors, termed NK1, NK2 and NK3. SP modulates intestinal motility and enteric secretion, acting preferentially through the NK1 receptor. SP neural network and NK1 receptor expression are increased in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and similar changes were observed in experimental models of inflammation. The 2,4 Dinitrobenzene Sulphonic Acid (DNBS) model of colitis is useful to study innate immunity, non-specific inflammation and wound healing; it has been suggested that the transmural inflammation seen in this model resembles that found in Crohn’s disease and can therefore be used to study what cells and mediators are involved in this type of inflammation. Aim: To test the possible protective effect of the NK1 receptor antagonist SSR140333 on: 1) acute model of intestinal inflammation; 2) reactivation of DNBS-induced colitis in rats. Methods: Acute colitis was induced in male SD rats by intrarectal administration of DNBS (15 mg/rat in 50% ethanol). Reactivation of colitis was induced by intrarectal injections of DNBS on day 28 (7.5 mg/rat in 35% ethanol). Animals were sacrificed on day 6 (acute colitis) and 29 (reactivation of colitis). SSR140333 (10 mg/kg) was administered orally starting from the day before the induction of colitis for 7 days (acute colitis) or seven days before the reactivation of colitis. Colonic damage was assessed by means of macroscopic and microscopic scores, myeloperoxidase activity (MPO) and TNF-α tissue levels. Enzyme immunoassay was used to measure colonic substance P levels. Statistical analysis was performed using analysis of variance (one-way or two-way, as appropriate) with the Bonferroni’s correction for multiple comparisons. Results: DNBS administration impaired body weight gain and markedly increased all inflammatory parameters (p<0.01). Treatment with SSR140333 10 mg/kg significantly counteracted the impairment in body weight gain, decreased macroscopic and histological scores and reduced colonic myeloperoxidase activity (p<0.01). Drug treatment counteracted TNF-α tissue levels and colonic SP concentrations (acute model). Similar results were obtained administering the NK1 receptor antagonist SSR140333 (3 and 10 mg/kg) for 5 days, starting the day after the induction of colitis. Intrarectal administration of DNBS four weeks after the first DNBS administration resulted in reactivation of colitis, with increases in macroscopic and histological damage scores and increase in MPO activity. Preventive treatment with SSR140333 10 mg/kg decreased macroscopic damage score, significantly reduced microscopic damage score but did not affect MPO activity. Conclusions: Treatment with SSR140333 significantly reduced intestinal damage in acute model of intestinal inflammation in rats. The NK1 receptor antagonist SSR140333 was also able to prevent relapse in experimental colitis. These results support the hypothesis of SP involvement in intestinal inflammation and indicate that NK receptor antagonists may have a therapeutic potential in inflammatory bowel disease.


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Aim of the research: to develop a prototype of homogeneous high-throughput screening (HTS) for identification of novel integrin antagonists for the treatment of ocular allergy and to better understand the mechanisms of action of integrin-mediated levocabastine antiallergic action. Results: This thesis provides evidence that adopting scintillation proximity assay (SPA) levocabastine (IC50=406 mM), but not the first-generation antihistamine chlorpheniramine, displaces [125I]fibronectin (FN) binding to human a4b1 integrin. This result is supported by flow cytometry analysis, where levocabastine antagonizes the binding of a primary antibody to integrin a4 expressed in Jurkat E6.1 cells. Levocabastine, but not chlorpheniramine, binds to a4b1 integrin and prevents eosinophil adhesion to VCAM-1, FN or human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) cultured in vitro. Similarly, levocabastine affects aLb2/ICAM-1-mediated adhesion of Jurkat E6.1 cells. Analyzing the supernatant of TNF-a-treated (24h) eosinophilic cells (EoL-1), we report that levocabastine reduces the TNF-a-induced release of the cytokines IL-12p40, IL-8 and VEGF. Finally, in a model of allergic conjunctivitis, levocastine eye drops (0.05%) reduced the clinical aspects of the early and late phase reactions and the conjunctival expression of a4b1 integrin by reducing infiltrated eosinophils. Conclusions: SPA is a highly efficient, amenable to automation and robust binding assay to screen novel integrin antagonists in a HTS setting. We propose that blockade of integrinmediated cell adhesion might be a target of the anti-allergic action of levocabastine and may play a role in preventing eosinophil adhesion and infiltration in allergic conjunctivitis.


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Zusammenfassung: Prostaglandine (PG) sind wichtige biologische Entzündungsmediatoren, die aus der Arachidonsäure (AA) durch das Enzym Cyclooxygenase (COX) entstehen. Trotz einiger unerwünschter Wirkungen, sind Cyclooxygenase-Hemmer Mittel der Wahl zur Unterdrückung entzündlicher Prozesse. Von der Cyclooxygenase existieren zwei Isoenzyme: COX-1 und COX-2. Eine selektive Hemmung der COX-2 bzw. eine duale Hemmung der COX-1 und COX-2 wird als erfolgversprechendes Prinzip zur Behandlung von entzündlichen Erkrankungen diskutiert.Ziel der Arbeit war die Synthese und in vitro Testung sowie die Erstellung von Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen selektiver bzw. dualer Hemmstoffe der COX-1/-2. Zusätzlich wurden die Substanzen auf inhibitorische Aktivität gegenüber der 5- und 12-Lipoxygenase untersucht.Ausgehend von der Struktur selektiver Hemmstoffe der COX-2 bzw. von dualen COX-1/ COX-2-Inhibitoren sowie von marktüblichen nichtsteroidalen Antirheumatika (NSAR), wurde das Diarylmethanon-Element als Basis gewählt. An diesem Strukturelement wurden Modifikationen vorgenommen, um selektive Hemmstoffe der COX-2 bzw. duale COX-1/ COX-2-Hemmstoffe zu erhalten.Die synthetisierten Verbindungen lassen sich in [4-(Methylsulfanyl)phenyl]- und [4-(Methylsulfonyl)phenyl](aryl)methanone, N-(Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide und -amide sowie (Hydroxyphenyl)(2-thienyl)methanone unterteilen.In der Reihe der [4-(Methylsulfanyl)phenyl](aryl)methanone sind potente Hemmstoffe sowohl der COX-1 als auch der COX-2 erhalten worden. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen die [4-(Methylsulfonyl)phenyl](aryl)methanone gegenüber COX-1 und COX-2 keine inhibitorische Aktivität. Mit dem 2-Thienylderivat wurde ein potenter, dualer Hemmstoff beider Cyclooxygenase-Isoenzyme identifiziert, dessen Wirkstärke (bezüglich der COX-2) auf den Austausch von Phenyl gegen 2-Thienyl zurückzuführen ist.Die N-(Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide und -amide bilden die umfangreichste Gruppe bei den durchgeführten Untersuchungen, wobei besonders die regioisomeren N-(2-Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide und -amide eingehender studiert wurden. Auf der Basis der (2-Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide läßt sich für die Hemmung der COX-1 eine Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen formulieren, die anhand Hilfe geeigneter Verbindungen überprüft wurde. Die Untersuchungen wurden zum Teil auch auf die 3- und 4-Regioisomeren ausgedehnt, wobei sich die erhaltenen Struktur-Wirkungs-Beziehungen bestätigten. Die Arylsulfonamide inhibieren bevorzugt die COX-1. Auch (4-Aroylphenyl)sulfonamide wurden auf mögliche inhibitorische Aktivität untersucht. Die Einbindung des Amidstickstoffs in ein Indolin- bzw. Tetrahydrochinolin-Ringsystem oder des Sulfonamids in ein 1,3-Propansultam führte in jedem Falle zu wenig aktiven Verbindungen gegenüber der COX-1. N-(2-Aroylphenyl)amide zeigten in Übereinstimmung mit der Hypothese an der COX-1 eine gute inhibitorische Aktivität.Aus der Reihe der (Hydroxyphenyl)(2-thienyl)methanone wurden die freien Alkohole, die Methylether und verschiedene Ester dargestellt und auf COX-1-Aktivität untersucht. Acetate, aber auch Phenole sind die potentesten Inhibitoren der COX-1. Als günstigte Positionen für die 2-Thienylcarbonyl-Einheit am Hydroxyphenylrest erweist sich die ortho- bzw. para-Position.


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Chronic liver inflammation during viral hepatitis is a major health problem worldwide. The role of proinflammatory cytokines, like IL-12, in breaking hepatic immune tolerance, and inducing acute liver inflammation and virus clearance is not clear. Nor is clear its role in uncontrolled severe inflammatory response, leading to fulminant hepatitis and hepatic failure. This work, focused in the study of the role of endogenous produced IL-12 in inducing hepatic inflammatory responses, demonstrates: In vitro, using adenovirus coding for IL-12, that hepatocytes stimulate CD4+ T cells in a tolerogenic manner, and that endogenous IL-12 is able to switch the immune response into Th1; and in vivo, that endogenous IL-12 induces hepatocyte damage and virus elimination in mice infected with adenovirus. In addition, and in order to study in vivo the relevance of IL-12 in acute inflammation, conditional IL-12 transgenic mice expressing IL-12 in the liver after cre-recombinase mediated induction were generated. For this purpose, an IL-12 fusion protein was created, which demonstrated high levels of bioactivity. Induction of IL-12 expression during embryonic development was achieved by crossbreeding with Act-Cre transgenic mice; induction of IL-12 expression in adult mice was achieved by a plasmid coding for the cre-recombinase. This study demonstrates that after induction, IL-12 is expressed in the liver of the transgenic mice. It also demonstrates that hepatic expression of IL-12 induces splenomegaly and liver inflammation, characterized by large infiltrations in portal tracts and veins, associated with hepatic damage, necrosis areas and lethality. Furthermore, constitutive hepatic IL-12 expression does not lead to abortion, but to total lethality, short after delivery. In conclusion, in this study, a transgenic mouse model has been generated, in which the expression of active IL-12 in the liver can be induced at any time; this model will be very helpful for studying hepatic pathologies. This study has also demonstrated that hepatic produced IL-12 is able of breaking liver tolerance inducing inflammation, virus elimination, severe hepatocyte damage, and lethality. These findings suggest IL-12 as a key cytokine in acute liver inflammation and fulminant hepatic failure. 5.1 Future studies Once the importance of IL-12 in inducing hepatic inflammation and virus elimination was demonstrated in this study, understanding the mechanisms of the IL-12 induced liver damage, and more important, how to avoid it will be the main focus in the future. It is very important to achieve hepatic inflammation for a more effective and faster viral elimination, but avoiding the toxicity of IL-12, which leads to massive liver injury and lethality is obviously necessary to allow IL-12 as therapy. For that purpose, future studies will be mainly base on three different points: 1. The determination of different cell populations present in the hepatic infiltration, which of them are responsible for liver injury, and as well their state of activation. 2. The measure of other pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, which can play a role in IL-12-induced liver inflammation and hepatocyte damage. For these purposes, specific blocking antibodies (anti TNF-alpha, anti IL-12, anti IFN-g) will be used. The study with different transgenic mice: TNF-alpha Receptor knockout, TGF-b, will also help in determining the role of those cytokines during IL-12-induced liver damage and lethality. 3. The establishing of liver pathology models (viral infection, tumours, auto-antigens) in mice. Induction of IL-12 at any time of the pathology development will help in clarifying the role of IL-12 in those models. Finally, the transgenic mice expressing IL-23 in the liver will be generated.


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Oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases including neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, ischemia, etc. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is histopathologically characterized by the presence of extracellular senile plaque (SP), predominantly consisting of fibrillar amyloid-peptide (Aβ), intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), composed of hyperphosphorylated tau protein, and cell loss in the selected regions of the brain. However, the pathogenesis of AD remains largely unknown, but a number of hypothesis were proposed for AD mechanisms, which include: the amyloid cascade, excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and inflammation hypothesis, and all of them are based, to some extent on the role of A. Accumulated evidence indicates that the increased levels of ROS may act as important mediators of synaptic loss and eventually promote formation of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Therefore a vicious circle between ROS and Aaccumulation may accelerate progression of AD. For these reasons, growing attention has focused on oxidative mechanism of Atoxicity as well as the search for novel neuroprotective agents. A strategy to prevent the oxidative stress in neurons may be the use of chemopreventive agents as inducers of antioxidant and phase 2 enzymes. Sulforaphane (SF), derived from corresponding glucoraphanin, glucosinolate found in abundance in cruciferous vegetables, has recently gained attention as a potential neuroprotective compound inducer of antioxidant phase 2 enzymes. Consistent with this evidence, the study is aimed at identifying the SF ability to prevent and counteract the oxidative damage inducted by oligomers of Aβ (1-42) in terms of impairment in the intracellular redox state and cellular death in differentiated human neuroblastoma and microglia primary cultures. In addition we will evaluated the mechanism underlying the SF neuroprotection activity.


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Inflammation is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. Among the resident population of cells in the brain, astroglia have been suggested to actively participate in the induction and regulation of neuroinflammation by controlling the secretion of local mediators. However, the initial cellular mechanisms by which astrocytes react to pro-inflammatory molecules are still unclear. Our study identified mitochondria as highly sensitive organelles that rapidly respond to inflammatory stimuli. Time-lapse video microscopy revealed that mitochondrial morphology, dynamics and motility are drastically altered upon inflammation, resulting in perinuclear clustering of mitochondria. These mitochondrial rearrangements are accompanied by an increased formation of reactive oxygen species and a recruitment of autophagic vacuoles. 24 to 48 hours after the acute inflammatory stimulus, however, the mitochondrial network is re-established. Strikingly, the recovery of a tubular mitochondrial network is abolished in astrocytes with a defective autophagic response, indicating that activation of autophagy is required to restore mitochondrial dynamics. By employing co-cultivation assays we observed that primary cortical neurons undergo degeneration in the presence of inflamed astrocytes. However, this effect was not observed when the primary neurons were grown in conditioned medium derived from inflamed astrocytes, suggesting that a direct contact between astrocytes and neurons mediates neuronal dysfunction upon inflammation. Our results suggest that astrocytes react to inflammatory stimuli by transiently rearranging their mitochondria, a process that involves the autophagic machinery.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Rolle der Mastzelle und deren Mediatoren für die Entstehung einer allergischen Atemwegsentzündung untersucht. Anhand von zwei mastzelldefizienten Mausstämmen (C57BL/6-KitWsh/Wsh und WBB6FI-KitW/Wv), konnte gezeigt werden, dass Mastzellen an der Entstehung einer allergischen Entzündung und Atemwegsüberempfindlichkeit beteiligt sind. Durch die Rekonstitution von mastzelldefizienten Tieren mit aus Knochenmark gewonnenen Mastzellen (BMMC) von Wildtyp-Spendern konnte die wichtige Funktion der Mastzelle in diesem Model bestätigt werden. Überdies konnte durch die Rekonstitution mit TNF-defizienten BMMC eine wichtige Rolle für diesen mastzellproduzierten Mediator im allergischen Modell demonstriert werden. Weiterhin konnte die Arbeit zeigen, dass Mastzellen wichtig für die Migration von antigenbeladenen Dendritischen Zellen aus der Lunge in die regionalen Lymphknoten sind. Dieses stellt einen wichtigen Schritt für die Ausbildung einer lokalen allergischen Antwort dar. Im Gegensatz dazu war die Entstehung einer allergischen Atemwegserkrankung nach Transfer von in vitro generierten DC und Allergenprovokation nicht mastzellabhängig. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es auf die Wahl des Sensibilisierungs- und Provokationsmodels ankommt, um mastzellspezifische Effekte zu demonstrieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt die wichtige Rolle der Mastzelle und von mastzellproduziertem TNF bei der Ausbildung einer allergischen Entzündung der Atemwege. Die Mastzelle und deren Mediatoren stellen somit mögliche Ziele für die therapeutische Behandlung der allergischen Entzündung der Atemwege dar.


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An der Entwicklung und Aufrechterhaltung chronisch-inflammatorischer Erkrankungen wie der rheumatoiden Arthritis (RA) ist die Fehlregulation verschiedener pro-inflammatorischer Gene von entscheidender Bedeutung. Bei der RA führt unter anderem eine erhöhte Expression der induzierbaren NO-Synthase (iNOS) zu einer gesteigerten NO-Produktion, was schließlich zum Knochenabbau beiträgt. Für eine Therapie der RA werden häufig Glukokortikoide eingesetzt, die jedoch viele Nebenwirkungen zeigen. Um eine mögliche Therapiealternative zu identifizieren, sollten die Effekte des anti-inflammatorisch wirksamen Pilzmetaboliten S-Curvularin in verschiedenen Modellen der RA analysiert werden.rnIn humanen C-28/I2-Chondrozyten als in vitro-Modell der RA führte die Inkubation mit einem Zytokingemisch zu einer Induktion der iNOS-Expression, die vom chondrogenen Differenzierungsgrad der Zellen abhängig war. Entscheidend für die iNOS-Induktion in C-28/I2-Zellen ist hauptsächlich der p38-MAPK-, der JAK-STAT- und der NF-kappa B-Signaltransduktionsweg. Eine Inkubation der Zellen mit S-Curvularin führte zu einer deutlichen Hemmung der iNOS-Expression. Dexamethason hatte hingegen keinen Effekt auf die iNOS-Expression, was vermutlich auf die fehlende Expression der Glukokortikoidrezeptor-mRNA zurückgeführt werden kann. Daher können von S-Curvularin abgeleitete Pharmaka möglicherweise auch in Fällen einer Steroidresistenz zur Therapie von RA-Patienten zum Einsatz kommen.rnIm Tiermodell der Kollagen-induzierten Arthritis konnte die anti-inflammatorische Wirkung von S-Curvularin auf mehreren Ebenen bestätigt werden. Die Pilzsubstanz reduzierte sowohl die Schwellung der Pfoten als auch die Expression CII-induzierter pro-inflammatorischer Gene, wie z.B. S100A8, Defb6, Camp und Mpo. Dabei waren die Effekte von S-Curvularin meist deutlicher als in Dexamethason-behandelten Mäusen. Die Analyse von Zytokinen (z.B. TNF-alpha, IL-1beta) und Chemokinen (z.B. MCP-1, MIP-1alpha) zeigte, dass die CII-induzierte Expression dieser pro-inflammatorischen Mediatoren in den Pfoten der Mäuse durch eine Therapie mit S-Curvularin und Dexamethason wieder reduziert werden konnte, wobei Unterschiede zwischen den Behandlungen beobachtet werden konnte.rnAuch im Tiermodell der LPS-induzierten akuten Entzündung wurde die iNOS- und die S100A8-Expression in verschiedenen Geweben S-Curvularin reduziert. rnrnS-Curvularin ist also in der Lage, in verschiedenen Modellen der RA und im akuten Entzündungsmodell die pro-inflammatorische Genexpression effizient zu hemmen und könnte somit in Zukunft eine Rolle in der Therapie der RA einnehmen.rn


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Die AMPK ist ein ubiquitär exprimiertes, heterotrimeres Enzym, das bei Energiemangel das Überleben der Zelle sichert. Um diese Funktion ausüben zu können fungiert die AMPK als sogenannter „Energie-Sensor“, der durch steigende AMP Mengen aktiviert wird. In diesem Zustand werden ATP verbrauchende Reaktionen inhibiert und gleichzeitig ATP generierende Vorgänge induziert. Im vaskulären System konnte gezeigt werden, dass die endotheliale NOSynthase durch die AMPK aktiviert, die Angiogenese stimuliert, die Endothelzellapoptose und das Wachstum von Gefäßmuskelzellen inhibiert wird. All diese Prozesse sind fundamental in der Entwicklung von kardiovaskulären Krankheiten, was auf eine protektive Funktion der AMPK im vaskulären System hindeutet. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten die Effekte der in vivo Modulation der AMPK Aktivität auf Endothelfunktion, oxidativen Stress und Inflammation untersucht werden. Dazu wurden zwei unterschiedliche Mausmodelle genutzt: Einerseits wurde die AMPK Aktivität durch den pharmakologischen AMPK-Aktivator AICAR stimuliert und andererseits die vaskulär vorherrschende AMPK-Isoform durch knock out ausgeschaltet. Zur Induktion von oxidativem Stress wurde ein bereits charakterisiertes Angiotensin II-Modell angewandt. Zur Untersuchung gehörten neben den Superoxid-Messungen auch die Bestimmung der Stickstoffmonoxid-Mengen in Serum und Aortengewebe, die Relaxationsmessungen in isometrischen Tonusstudien sowie HPLC-basierte Assays. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch die Aktivierung der AMPK mittels AICAR die Angiotensin II induzierte Endotheldysfunktion, der oxidative Stress und auch die vaskuläre Inflammation verbessert werden konnte. Weiterhin zeigte sich dass der knock out der vaskulären Isoform (α1) im Angiotensin II Modell eine signifikant verstärkte Endotheldysfunktion, oxidativen Stress und Inflammation nach sich zog. Anhand der erhobenen Daten konnte die NADPH-Oxidase als Hauptquelle des Angiotensin II induzierten oxidativen Stresses identifiziert werden, wobei sich diese Quelle als AMPK sensitiv erwies. Durch die Aktivierung konnte die Aktivität der NADPH-Oxidase verringert und durch die α1AMPK Defizienz signifikant erhöht werden. Auch die mitochondriale Superoxidproduktion konnte durch die Modulation der AMPK Aktivität beeinflusst werden. Die vaskuläre Inflammation, die anhand der Surrogaten VCAM-1, COX-2 und iNOS untersucht wurde, konnte durch Aktivierung der AMPK verringert werden, der knock out der α1AMPK führte so einer sehr starken Expressionssteigerung der induzierbaren NO-Synthase, was in einem starken Anstieg der NO-Produktion und somit der Peroxynitritbildung resultierte.Die dargestellten Daten deuten stark auf eine protektive Funktion der AMPK im vaskulären System hin und sollte als therapeutisches Ziel, nicht nur in Bezug auf diabetische Patienten, in Betracht gezogen werden.


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Intestinal health is essential for the health of the body since the gastro-intestinal mucosa is the main site of interaction with the external environment, as well as the major area colonized by the microbiota. Intestinal health relies on proper barrier function, epithelial integrity and related mechanisms of protection (mucous layer, tight junctions, immune and inflammatory system). In pigs, during the weaning transition, intestinal inflammation and barrier integrity play a crucial role in regulating intestinal health and, consequently, pig’s health, growth and productivity. The aim of the project was to assess the impact of different nutritional strategies on the intestinal health of weaning piglets with reference to the inflammatory status and epithelial integrity. Therefore, in vivo trials were conducted to test the in-feed supplementation with zinc, tributyrin, or organic acids and nature-identical compounds (NIC) to weaning piglets. All the dietary interventions positively impacted the intestinal inflammatory status and, as a consequence, improved epithelial integrity by modulating tight junctions proteins (zinc or tributyrin) or by enhancing barrier properties measured with Ussing chambers (organic acids and NIC). These findings highlight that intestinal inflammation and barrier function are strictly linked, and that the control of inflammation is essential for adequate barrier function. In addition, in zinc trial and organic acids and NIC trial, better intestinal health could successfully result in better growth performance, as aimed for pig production improvement. To conclude, this work shows that dietary supplementation with bio-active substances such as zinc, tributyrin or organic acids and NIC may improve intestinal health of weaning piglets modulating intestinal inflammatory stress and barrier integrity and allowing better piglet’s health, growth and productivity.


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During the perinatal period the developing brain is most vulnerable to inflammation. Prenatal infection or exposure to inflammatory factors can have a profound impact on fetal neurodevelopment with long-term neurological deficits, such as cognitive impairment, learning deficits, perinatal brain damage and cerebral palsy. Inflammation in the brain is characterized by activation of resident immune cells, especially microglia and astrocytes whose activation is associated with a variety of neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer´s disease and Multiple sclerosis. These cell types express, release and respond to pro-inflammatory mediators such as cytokines, which are critically involved in the immune response to infection. It has been demonstrated recently that cytokines also directly influence neuronal function. Glial cells are capable of releaseing the pro-inflammatory cytokines MIP-2, which is involved in cell death, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha), which enhances excitatory synaptic function by increasing the surface expression of AMPA receptors. Thus constitutively released TNFalpha homeostatically regulates the balance between neuronal excitation and inhibition in an activity-dependent manner. Since TNFalpha is also involved in neuronal cell death, the interplay between neuronal activity MIP-2 and TNFalpha may control the process of cell death and cell survival in developing neuronal networks. An increasing body of evidence suggests that neuronal activity is important in the regulation of neuronal survival during early development, e.g. programmed cell death (apoptosis) is augmented when neuronal activity is blocked. In our study we were interested on the impact of inflammation on neuronal activity and cell survival during early cortical development. To address this question, we investigated the impact of inflammation on neuronal activity and cell survival during early cortical development in vivo and in vitro. Inflammation was experimentally induced by application of the endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which initiates a rapid and well-characterized immune response. I studied the consequences of inflammation on spontaneous neuronal network activity and cell death by combining electrophysiological recordings with multi-electrode arrays and quantitative analyses of apoptosis. In addition, I used a cytokine array and antibodies directed against specific cytokines allowing the identification of the pro-inflammatory factors, which are critically involved in these processes. In this study I demonstrated a direct link between inflammation-induced modifications in neuronal network activity and the control of cell survival in a developing neuronal network for the first time. Our in vivo and in vitro recordings showed a fast LPS-induced reduction in occurrence of spontaneous oscillatory activity. It is indicated that LPS-induced inflammation causes fast release of proinflammatory factors which modify neuronal network activity. My experiments with specific antibodies demonstrate that TNFalpha and to a lesser extent MIP-2 seem to be the key mediators causing activity-dependent neuronal cell death in developing brain. These data may be of important clinical relevance, since spontaneous synchronized activity is also a hallmark of the developing human brain and inflammation-induced alterations in this early network activity may have a critical impact on the survival of immature neurons.


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Inflammation-mediated neurodegeneration occurs in the acute and the chronic/progressive phases of multiple sclerosis (MS) and its animal model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Classically-activated microglia (M1) are key players mediating this process through secretion of soluble factors including nitric oxide (NO) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). Here, galectin-1, an endogenous glycan-binding protein, was identified as a pivotal regulatory mechanism that limits M1 microglia activation and neurodegeneration, by targeting the activation of p38MAPK- and CREB-dependent pathways and hierarchically controlling downstream pro-inflammatory mediators such as iNOS, TNF and CCL2. Galectin-1 is highly expressed in the acute phase of EAE and its targeted deletion results in pronounced inflammation-induced neurodegeneration. These findings identify an essential role of galectin-1-glycan lattices in tempering microglia activation, brain inflammation and neurodegeneration with critical therapeutic implications in relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive MS.rnMicroglia with distinct phenotypes are implicated in neurotoxicity, neuroprotection, and in modulation of endogenous repair by NSCs. However the precise molecular mechanisms underlying this diversity in fuction are still unknown. rnUsing a model of EAE, transcriptional profiling of isolated SVZ microglia from the acute and chronic disease phases of EAE was performed. The results from this study suggest that microglia exhibit disease phase specific gene expression signatures, that correspond to unique GO functions and genomic networks. These data demonstrate for the first time, distinct transcriptional networks of microglia activation in vivo, that support their role as mediators of injury or repair.