894 resultados para IEN
O comportamento mecânico sob tração e fluência e o efeito da temperatura de serviço, foram averiguados na selarem de um material proposto para vareta combustível de reatores nucleares. Os testes foram realizados em tubos sem costura de aço AISI 3x6, 20% deformado a frio, soldados pelo processo TIG autógeno, auto matizado.
Está sendo implementado, no Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear-IEN, um projeto de estudos de viabilidade da utilização de técnicas ultra-sônicas para medições de escoamentos bifásicos, ampliando as aplicações do ultra-som na área de pesquisa e na área industrial de medição de fluidos. Na primeira etapa do projeto, foi realizado um estudo preliminar do efeito da velocidade do escoamento em um circuito experimental a água fechado, sobre uma onda ultra-sônica que atravessava o líquido. Foi utilizado um sistema capaz de medir a diferença de tempo de trânsito entre ondas ultra-sônicas da ordem de 1 ns, utilizando técnicas de processamento de sinais. As diferentes velocidades da água obtidas, variando-se a vazão do circuito, foram relacionadas com as velocidades da onda ultra-sônica. Foi observado que a variação da temperatura da água influenciava a velocidade da onda ultra-sônica, de maneira inversa à velocidade do líquido. Pelo experimento realizado, concluiu-se que o dispositivo ultra-sônico montado pode ser adequado para medir a velocidade de escoamento da água no circuito experimental.
This study investigated the treatment of a liquid radioactive waste containing uranium (235U + 238U) using nanofiltration membranes. The membranes were immersed in the waste for 24–5000 h, and their transport properties were evaluated before and after the immersion. Surface of the membranes changed after immersion in the waste. The SW5000 h specimen lost its coating layer of polyvinyl alcohol, and its rejection of sulfate ions and uranium decreased by about 35% and 30%, respectively. After immersion in the waste, the polyamide selective layer of the membranes became less thermally stable than that before immersion.
The application of membrane separation processes (PSM) for treatment of radioactive waste requires the selection of a suitable membrane for the treatment of waste, as the membrane will be directly exposed to the radioactive liquid waste, and also exposed to ionizing radiation. The nanofiltration membrane is most suitable for treatment of radioactive waste, since it has high rejection of multivalent ions. Usually the membranes are made of polymers and depending on the composition of the waste, type and dose of radiation absorbed may be changes in the structure of the membrane, resulting in loss of its transport properties. We tested two commercial nanofiltration membranes: NF and SW Dow/Filmtec. The waste liquid used was obtained in the process of conversion of uranium hexafluoride gas to solid uranium dioxide, known as "carbonated water". The membranes were characterized as their transport properties (hydraulic permeability, permeate flux and salt rejection) before and after their immersion in the waste for 24 hours. The surface of the membranes was also evaluated by SEM and FTIR. It was observed that in both the porosity of the membrane selective layer was altered, but not the membrane surface charge, which is responsible for the selectivity of the membrane. The NF membranes and SW showed uranium ion rejection of 64% and 55% respectively.
This study investigated the separation of uranium and other elements in high concentrations from acid mine waters at Caldas Uranium Mining, in the southeast of Brazil, using nanofiltration membranes. Nanofiltrarion is widely used in water treatment due to the lower energy requirements and higher yields than reverse osmosis. Separation characteristics are dependent on both the molecular size and charge of the dissolved species in the feed solution as well as membrane properties. In this investigation the potential of nanofiltration to removed dissolved species like uranium from acid mine water drainage was measured. Two composite aromatic polyamide commercially membranes of FilmTec/Dow were tested and it found that uranium rejections of greater than 90% and also showed potential for the separation of aluminum and manganese.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar morfologicamente as membranas de PES preparadas a partir do uso de misturas de polivinilpirrolidona (PVP K-30 e K-90), visando ajustar as condições de síntese para a obtenção de uma membrana isenta de macroporos.
O carbeto de boro tem efeito inibidor sobre a densificação da matriz de alumina. A maior densidade obtida foi de 80% da densidade teórica. A sinterização foi conduzida nas temperaturas de 1700, 1750 e 1800°C/1 hora em atmosfera de argônio. A caracterização microestrutural foi realizada por difração de raios X, MEV e MET. Foi observada a formação de uma fase identificada por MET como sendo A13B06.
No presente trabalho é apresentado um estudo do tempo de resistência de partículas em um 'spray dryer' com contato ar/'spray' predominantemente co-corrente e sistema rotativo de atomização de amostra. Propõe-se aplicação de uma técnica nuclear, utilizando como traçador o radioisótopo La140.
Otimização de um Decatador/Floculador de Placas Planas Verticais Empregando-se Traçadores Radiotivos
É apresentada metodologia para estudos e avaliações em tempo real, de unidades de estações de tratamento de esgoto (ETE) empregando-se traçadores radioativos. (...)
In industrial plants, oil and oil compounds are usually transported by closed pipelines with circular cross-section. The use of radiotracers in oil transport and processing industrial facilities allows calibrating flowmeters, measuring mean residence time in cracking columns, locate points of obstruction or leak in underground ducts, as well as investigating flow behavior or industrial processes such as in distillation towers. Inspection techniques using radiotracers are non-destructive, simple, economic and highly accurate. Among them, Total Count, which uses a small amount of radiotracer with known activity, is acknowledged as an absolute technique for flow rate measurement. A viscous fluid transport system, composed by four PVC pipelines with 13m length (12m horizontal and 1m vertical) and ½, ¾, 1 and 2-inch gauges, respectively, interconnected by maneuvering valves was designed and assembled in order to conduct the research. This system was used to simulate different flow conditions of petroleum compounds and for experimental studies of flow profile in the horizontal and upward directions. As 198Au presents a single photopeak (411,8 keV), it was the radioisotope chosen for oil labeling, in small amounts (6 ml) or around 200 kBq activity, and it was injected in the oil transport lines. A NaI scintillation detector 2”x 2”, with well-defined geometry, was used to measure total activity, determine the calibration factor F and, positioned after a homogenization distance and interconnected to a standardized electronic set of nuclear instrumentation modules (NIM), to detect the radioactive cloud.
This paper aims to determinate the water flowrate using Time Transient and Cross-Correlation techniques. The detection system uses two NaI(Tl) detectors adequately positioned on the outside of pipe and a gamma-ray source (82Br radiotracer). The water flowrate measurements using Time Transient and Cross-Correlation techniques were compared to invasive conventional measurements of the flowmeter previously installed in pipeline. Discrepancies between Time Transient and Cross-Correlation techniques flowrate values were found to be less than 3% in relation to conventional ones.
The present work is concerned with the use of the cross correlation technique to measure delay time between two simulated signals displaced with respect to time, in order to develop a cross correlator system that will be used to measure the water and oil pipes flowrate in which the detection system is composed by two external low intensity radiation sources located along the tube and two NaI(Tl) gamma-ray detectors. The final purpose of the correlator system is to use the natural disturbances, as the turbulence in the own flow rather than to inject radioactive tracers to the fluid flow as usually is carried out. In the design of this correlator is evaluated the point-by-point calculation method for the cross correlation function in order to produce a system accurate and fast. This method is divided at the same time in three modes of operation: direct, relay and polarity.
The objective of this study was to assess worker exposure to mineral dust particles and a metabolic model, based on the model adopted by ICRP, was applied to assess human exposure to Ta, and predicted values of Ta concentrations in excreta. The occupational exposure to Th, U, Nb, and Ta bearing particles during routine tasks to obtain Fe-Nb alloys was estimated using air samplers and excreta samples. Ta concentrations in food samples and in drinking water were also determined. The results support that workers were occupationally exposed to Ta bearing particles, and also indicate that a source of Ta exposure for both workers and the control group was the ingestion of drinking water containing soluble compounds of Ta. Therefore, some Ta compounds should be considered soluble compounds in gastrointestinal tract. Consequently the metabolic model based on ICRP metabolic model and/or the transfer factor f1 for Ta should be reviewed and the solubility of Ta compounds in gastrointestinal should be determined.
This work presents a computational, called MOMENTS, code developed to be used in process control to determine a characteristic transfer function to industrial units when radiotracer techniques were been applied to study the unit´s performance. The methodology is based on the measuring the residence time distribution function (RTD) and calculate the first and second temporal moments of the tracer data obtained by two scintillators detectors NaI positioned to register a complete tracer movement inside the unit. Non linear regression technique has been used to fit various mathematical models and a statistical test was used to select the best result to the transfer function. Using the code MOMENTS, twelve different models can be used to fit a curve and calculate technical parameters to the unit.
The objective of the present work was to develop, separately, methodology for production of two gaseous tracers through the sodium iodide NaI marked with 123I. Found in the nature in form different, the iodine has been used in diverse works in the area of the industry and health. These two forms of the gaseous iodine, the methyl iodide, CH3I, and molecular iodine, I2, are very unstable and volatile in the ambient temperature and presents different problems in clean-up and monitoring systems. The syntheses were processed with sodium iodide (NaI) 1M aqueous solution marked with 123I. The production of gas I2 was realized with in chlorine acid (HCl) and sodium iodate salt (NaIO3) and the CH3I was used, the salt of NaI and the reagent (CH3)2SO4. The production of gases was initially realized through in unit in glass with an inert material and the purpose was to study the kinetic of reaction and to determine the efficiency of production. The two synthesis occurs in the reaction bottle and after of produced, the gas is stored in the collect bottle that contains a starch solution for fixed the I2, and in syntheses of CH3I contains a silver nitrate solution for your fixation. To determine the efficiency of production of gases, analytic tests were realized, where the consumption of iodide ions of the bottle of reaction are measured. The optimization of production of the each gaseous tracer was studied varying parameter as: concentration of iodide, concentration of acid and temperature. After, the syntheses of the radiotracers were realized in the compact unit, having been used as main reagent the salt radiated of sodium iodide, Na123I. The transportation of elementary iodine and methyl iodine was studied by a scintillation detector NaI (2 x 2)” positioned in the reaction bottle.