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Lipin 1 is a coregulator of DNA-bound transcription factors and a phosphatidic acid (PA) phosphatase (PAP) enzyme that catalyzes a critical step in the synthesis of glycerophospholipids. Lipin 1 is highly expressed in adipocytes, and constitutive loss of lipin 1 blocks adipocyte differentiation; however, the effects of Lpin1 deficiency in differentiated adipocytes are unknown. Here we report that adipocyte-specific Lpin1 gene recombination unexpectedly resulted in expression of a truncated lipin 1 protein lacking PAP activity but retaining transcriptional regulatory function. Loss of lipin 1-mediated PAP activity in adipocytes led to reduced glyceride synthesis and increased PA content. Characterization of the deficient mice also revealed that lipin 1 normally modulates cAMP-dependent signaling through protein kinase A to control lipolysis by metabolizing PA, which is an allosteric activator of phosphodiesterase 4 and the molecular target of rapamycin. Consistent with these findings, lipin 1 expression was significantly related to adipose tissue lipolytic rates and protein kinase A signaling in adipose tissue of obese human subjects. Taken together, our findings identify lipin 1 as a reciprocal regulator of triglyceride synthesis and hydrolysis in adipocytes, and suggest that regulation of lipolysis by lipin 1 is mediated by PA-dependent modulation of phosphodiesterase 4.
Delayed recovery has been advocated to limit the postoperative stress linked to awakening from anesthesia, but data on this subject are lacking. In this study, we measured oxygen consumption (V(O2)) and plasma catecholamine concentrations as markers of postoperative stress. We tested the hypothesis that delayed recovery and extubation would attenuate metabolic changes after intracranial surgery. Thirty patients were included in a prospective, open study and were randomized into two groups. In Group I, the patients were tracheally extubated as soon as possible after surgery. In Group II, the patients were sedated with propofol for 2 h after surgery. V(O2), catecholamine concentration, mean arterial pressure (MAP), and heart rate (HR) were measured during anesthesia, at extubation, and 30 min after extubation. V(O2) and noradrenaline on extubation and mean V(O2) during recovery were significantly higher in Group II than in Group I (V(O2) for Group I: preextubation 215 +/- 46 mL/min, recovery 198 +/- 38 mL/min; for Group II: preextubation 320 +/- 75 mL/min, recovery 268 +/- 49 mL/min; noradrenaline on extubation for Group I: 207 +/- 76 pg/mL, for Group II: 374 +/- 236 pg/ mL). Extubation induced a significant increase in MAP. MAP, HR, and adrenaline values were not statistically different between groups. In conclusion, delayed recovery after neurosurgery cannot be recommended as a mechanism of limiting the metabolic and hemodynamic consequences from emergence from general anesthesia. IMPLICATIONS: In this study, we tested the hypothesis that delayed recovery after neurosurgery would attenuate the consequences of recovery from general anesthesia. As markers of stress, oxygen consumption and noradrenaline blood levels were higher after delayed versus early recovery. Thus, delayed recovery cannot be recommended as a mechanism of limiting the metabolic and hemodynamic consequences from emergence after neurosurgery.
In vivo 13C NMR spectroscopy has the unique capability to measure metabolic fluxes noninvasively in the brain. Quantitative measurements of metabolic fluxes require analysis of the 13C labeling time courses obtained experimentally with a metabolic model. The present work reviews the ingredients necessary for a dynamic metabolic modeling study, with particular emphasis on practical issues.
In past years, comprehensive representations of cell signalling pathways have been developed by manual curation from literature, which requires huge effort and would benefit from information stored in databases and from automatic retrieval and integration methods. Once a reconstruction of the network of interactions is achieved, analysis of its structural features and its dynamic behaviour can take place. Mathematical modelling techniques are used to simulate the complex behaviour of cell signalling networks, which ultimately sheds light on the mechanisms leading to complex diseases or helps in the identification of drug targets. A variety of databases containing information on cell signalling pathways have been developed in conjunction with methodologies to access and analyse the data. In principle, the scenario is prepared to make the most of this information for the analysis of the dynamics of signalling pathways. However, are the knowledge repositories of signalling pathways ready to realize the systems biology promise? In this article we aim to initiate this discussion and to provide some insights on this issue.
The discovery that astrocytes possess a nonelectrical form of excitability (calcium excitability) that leads to the release of chemical transmitters, an activity called gliotransmission, indicates that these cells may have additional important roles in brain function. Elucidating the stimulussecretion coupling leading to the exocytic release of chemical transmitters (such as glutamate, Bezzi et al., Nature Neurosci, 2004) may therefore clarify i) whether astrocytes represent in full a new class of secretory cells in the brain and ii) whether they can participate to the fast brain signaling in the brain. We have recently discovered the existence in astrocytes of functional sub-membrane microdomains of calcium release from the internal stores in response to mGluR5 activation (Marchaland et al., J of Neurosci., 2008). Such sub-plasma membrane calcium microdomains control exocytosis of astrocytic glutamate signaling to neurons. Homer proteins are scaffold proteins controlling calcium signaling in different cellular microdomains, including dendritic spines in neurons (Sala et al., J of Neurosci., 2005). Thus, similarly to dendritic pines, Homer1 could be implicated in the coupling between astrocytic mGluR5 and IP3Rs on the ER. Here, by using a recently developed approach for studying vesicle recycling dynamics at synapses (Voglmaier et al., Neuron, 2006; Balaji and Ryan, PNAS, 2007) combined with epifluorescence and total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) imaging, we investigated the involvement of Homer1 proteins in the calcium dependent stimulus-secretion coupling leading glutamate exocytosis of synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) in astrocytes.
BACKGROUND: Enhanced recovery protocols have been proven to decrease complications and hospital stay following elective colorectal surgery. However, these principles have not yet been reported for urgent surgery procedures. We aimed to assess our initial experience with urgent colectomies performed within an established enhanced recovery pathway. METHODS: In a prospective cohort study, all patients undergoing colonic resection between April 2012 and March 2013 were treated according to a standardized enhanced recovery protocol. Urgent surgeries were compared with the elective procedures with regards to baseline characteristics, compliance with enhanced recovery items, and clinical outcome. RESULTS: Patients (N = 28) requiring urgent colonic resection were included and compared with patients undergoing elective colectomy (N = 63). Overall compliance with the protocol was 57% for the urgent compared with 77% for the elective procedures (p = 0.006). The pre-operative compliance was 64 versus 96% (p < 0.001), the intra-operative compliance was 77 versus 86% (p = 0.145), and the post-operative compliance was 49 versus 67% (p = 0.015), for the urgent and elective resections, respectively. Overall, 18 urgent patients (64%) and 32 elective patients (51%) developed postoperative complications (p = 0.261). Median postoperative length of stay was 8 days in the urgent setting compared with 5 days in the elective setting (p = 0.006). CONCLUSIONS: Many of the intra-operative and post-operative enhanced recovery items can also be applied to urgent colectomy, entailing outcomes that approach the results achieved in the elective setting.
Multiple Sclerosis is the most common non-traumatic cause of neurologicaldisability in young people. There is no cure yet, and until recently, few long-termtherapies existed. Interferon beta (IFNβ) was the first treatment, and remains the mostcommonly prescribed. One of the most significant problems of IFNβ therapy is theproduction of drug specific antibodies. Up to 45% of patients develop neutralizingantibodies (NAbs) to IFNβ products. The neutralizing antibody binds to the biologicalagent preventing its interaction with its receptor, inhibiting the biological action of theprotein, which abrogates the clinical efficacy of IFNβ treatment. Interferon-betamediates its response by binding to its high affinity cell surface receptor and initiatingthe JAK/STAT signalling cascade. In this project we have analyzed the IFNβ signalingpathway in macrophages when neutralizing antibodies are present. The response tothis pathway after IFNβ stimulation shows a transient oscillatory rhythm of STAT1phosphorylation, which varies as NAbs concentration increases. To improve ourunderstanding of that behavior, we extended an existing mathematical model based onnonlinear ordinary differential equations of JAK/STAT pathway by including IFN-NAbassociation and IFN-activation receptor. Combining our theoretical model withexperimental data we could study the role of neutralizing antibodies on the molecularresponse and determine its lifetime after cytokine stimulation.
Pancreatic acinar cells of euthermic, hibernating and arousing individuals of the hazel dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius (Gliridae) have been observed at the electron-microscopic level and analysed by means of ultrastructural morphometry and immunocytochemistry in order to investigate possible fine structural changes of cellular components during periods of strikingly different degrees of metabolic activity. During hibernation, the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) flatten assuming a parallel pattern, the Golgi apparatus is extremely reduced and the mitochondria contain many electron-dense particles. The cell nuclei appear irregularly shaped, with deep indentations containing small zymogen granules. They also contain abundant coiled bodies and unusual constituents, such as amorphous bodies and dense granular bodies. Large numbers of zymogen granules occur in all animals. However, the acinar lumina are open and filled with zymogen only in euthermic animals, whereas, in hibernating and arousing individuals, they appear to be closed. Morphometrical analyses indicate that, in pancreatic acinar cells, nuclei and zymogen granules significantly decrease in size from euthermia to hibernation, probably reflecting a drastic decrease of metabolic activities, mainly protein synthesis and processing. In all the studied animals, immunocytochemistry with specific antibodies has revealed an increasing gradient in alpha-amylase content along the RER-Golgi-zymogen granule pathway, reflecting the protein concentration along the secretory pathway. Moreover, during deep hibernation, significantly larger amounts of alpha-amylase accumulate in RER and zymogen granules in comparison to the other seasonal phases analysed. Upon arousal, all cytoplasmic and nuclear constituents restore their euthermic aspect and all morphometrical and immunocytochemical parameters exhibit the euthermic values, thereby indicating a rapid resumption of metabolic activities.
Background: Johanson-Blizzard syndrome (JBS; OMIM 243800) is an autosomal recessive disorder that includes congenital exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, facial dysmorphism with the characteristic nasal wing hypoplasia, multiple malformations, and frequent mental retardation. Our previous work has shown that JBS is caused by mutations in human UBR1, which encodes one of the E3 ubiquitin ligases of the N-end rule pathway. The N-end rule relates the regulation of the in vivo half-life of a protein to the identity of its N-terminal residue. One class of degradation signals (degrons) recognized by UBR1 are destabilizing N-terminal residues of protein substrates.Methodology/Principal Findings: Most JBS-causing alterations of UBR1 are nonsense, frameshift or splice-site mutations that abolish UBR1 activity. We report here missense mutations of human UBR1 in patients with milder variants of JBS. These single-residue changes, including a previously reported missense mutation, involve positions in the RING-H2 and UBR domains of UBR1 that are conserved among eukaryotes. Taking advantage of this conservation, we constructed alleles of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae UBR1 that were counterparts of missense JBS-UBR1 alleles. Among these yeast Ubr1 mutants, one of them (H160R) was inactive in yeast-based activity assays, the other one (Q1224E) had a detectable but weak activity, and the third one (V146L) exhibited a decreased but significant activity, in agreement with manifestations of JBS in the corresponding JBS patients.Conclusions/Significance: These results, made possible by modeling defects of a human ubiquitin ligase in its yeast counterpart, verified and confirmed the relevance of specific missense UBR1 alleles to JBS, and suggested that a residual activity of a missense allele is causally associated with milder variants of JBS.
RESUME LARGE PUBLIC Le système nerveux central est principalement composé de deux types de cellules :les neurones et les cellules gliales. Ces dernières, bien que l'emportant en nombre sur les neurones, ont longtemps été considérées comme des cellules sans intérêts par les neuroscientifiques. Hors, les connaissances modernes à leurs sujets indiquent qu'elles participent à la plupart des tâches physiologiques du cerveau. Plus particulièrement, elles prennent part aux processus énergétiques cérébraux. Ceux-ci, en plus d'être vitaux, sont particulièrement intrigants puisque le cerveau représente seulement 2 % de la masse corporelle mais consomme environ 25 % du glucose (substrat énergétique) corporel. Les astrocytes, un type de cellules gliales, jouent un rôle primordial dans cette formidable utilisation de glucose par le cerveau. En effet, l'activité neuronale (transmission de l'influx nerveux) est accompagnée d'une augmentation de la capture de glucose, issu de la circulation sanguine, par les astrocytes. Ce phénomène est appelé le «couplage neurométabolique » entre neurones et astrocytes. L'ion sodium fait partie des mécanismes cellulaires entrant en fonction lors de ces processus. Ainsi, dans le cadre de cette thèse, les aspects dynamiques de la régulation du sodium astrocytaire et leurs implications dans le couplage neurométabolique ont été étudiés par des techniques d'imagerie cellulaires. Ces études ont démontré que les mitochondries, machineries cellulaires convertissant l'énergie contenue dans le glucose, participent à la régulation du sodium astrocytaire. De plus, ce travail de thèse a permis de découvrir que les astrocytes sont capables de se transmettre, sous forme de vagues de sodium se propageant de cellules en cellules, un message donnant l'ordre d'accroître leur consommation d'énergie. Cette voie de signalisation leur permettrait de fournir de l'énergie aux neurones suite à leur activation. RESUME Le glutamate libéré dans la fente synaptique pendant l'activité neuronale, est éliminé par les astrocytes environnants. Le glutamate est co-transporté avec des ions sodiques, induisant une augmentation intracellulaire de sodium (Na+i) dans les astrocytes. Cette élévation de Na+i déclenche une cascade de mécanismes moléculaires qui aboutissent à la production de substrats énergétiques pouvant être utilisés par les neurones. Durant cette thèse, la mesure simultanée du sodium mitochondrial (Na+mit) et cytosolique par des techniques d'imagerie utilisant des sondes fluorescentes spécifiques, a indiqué que les variations de Na+i induites par le transport du glutamate sont transmises aux mitochondries. De plus, les voies d'entrée et de sortie du sodium mitochondrial ont été identifiées. L'échangeur de Na+ et de Ca2+ mitochondrial semble jouer un rôle primordial dans l'influx de Na+mit, alors que l'efflux de Na+mit est pris en charge par l'échangeur de Na+ et de H+ mitochondrial. L'étude du Na+mit a nécessité l'utilisation d'un système de photoactivation. Les sources de lumière ultraviolette (UV) classiques utilisées à cet effet (lasers, lampes à flash) ayant plusieurs désavantages, une alternative efficace et peu coûteuse a été développée. Il s'agit d'un système compact utilisant une diode électroluminescente (LED) à haute puissance et de longueur d'onde de 365nm. En plus de leurs rôles dans le couplage neurométabolique, les astrocytes participent à la signalisation multicellulaire en transmettant des vagues intercellulaires de calcium. Ce travail de thèse démontre également que des vagues intercellulaires de sodium peuvent être évoquées en parallèle à ces vagues calciques. Le glutamate, suite à sa libération par un mécanisme dépendent du calcium, est réabsorbé par les transporteurs au glutamate. Ce mécanisme a pour conséquence la génération de vagues sodiques se propageant de cellules en cellules. De plus, ces vagues sodiques sont corrélées spatialement avec une consommation accrue de glucose par les astrocytes. En conclusion, ce travail de thèse a permis de montrer que le signal sodique astrocytaire, déclenché en réponse au glutamate, se propage à la fois de façon intracellulaire aux mitochondries et de façon intercellulaire. Ces résultats suggèrent que les astrocytes fonctionnent comme un réseau de cellules nécessaire au couplage énergétique concerté entre neurones et astrocytes et que le sodium est un élément clé dans les mécanismes de signalisations cellulaires sous-jacents. SUMMARY Glutamate, released in the synaptic cleft during neuronal activity, is removed by surrounding astrocytes. Glutamate is taken-up with Na+ ions by specific transporters, inducing an intracellular Na+ (Na+i) elevation in astrocytes which triggers a cascade of molecular mechanisms that provides metabolic substrates to neurons. Thus, astrocytic Na+i homeostasis represents a key component of the so-called neurometabolic coupling. In this context, the first part of this thesis work was aimed at investigating whether cytosolic Na+ changes are transmitted to mitochondria, which could therefore influence their function and contribute to the overall intracellular Na+ regulation. Simultaneous monitoring of both mitochondrial Na+ (Na+mit) and cytosolic Na+ changes with fluorescent dyes revealed that glutamate-evoked cytosolic Na+ elevations are indeed transmitted to mitochondria. The mitochondrial Na+/Ca2+ exchangers have a prominent role in the regulation of Na+mit influx pathway, and Na+mit extrusion appears to be mediated by Na+/H+ exchangers. To demonstrate the implication of Na+/Ca2+ exchangers, this study has required the technical development of an UV-flash photolysis system. Because light sources for flash photolysis have to be powerful and in the near UV range, the use of UV lasers or flash lamps is usually required. As an alternative to these UV sources that have several drawbaks, we developped a compact, efficient and lowcost flash photolysis system which employs a high power 365nm light emitting diode. In addition to their role in neurometabolic coupling, astrocytes participate in multicellular signaling by transmitting intercellular Ca2+ waves. The third part of this thesis show that intercellular Na+ waves can be evoked in parallel to Ca2+ waves. Glutamate released by a Ca2+ wave-dependent mechanism is taken up by glutamate transporters, resulting in a regenerative propagation of cytosolic Na+ increases. Na+ waves in turn lead to a spatially correlated increase in glucose uptake. In conclusion, the present thesis demonstrates that glutamate-induced Na+ changes occurring in the cytosol of astrocytes propagate to both the mitochondrial matrix and the astrocytic network. These results furthermore support the view that astrocytic Na+ is a signal coupled to the brain energy metabolism.
Patients with cancer, irrespective of the stage of their disease, can require admission to the intensive care unit as a result of the complications of their underlying process or the surgical or pharmacological treatment provided. The cancer itself, as well as the critical status that can result from the complications of the disease, frequently lead to a high degree of hypermetabolism and inadequate energy intake, causing a high incidence of malnutrition in these patients. Moreover, cancer causes anomalous use of nutritional substrates and therefore the route of administration and proportion and intake of nutrients may differ in these patients from those in noncancer patients.
Jasmonic acid and its precursors are potent regulatory molecules in plants. We devised a method for the simultaneous extraction of these compounds from plant leaves to quantitate changes in the levels of jasmonate family members during health and on wounding. During our study, we identified a novel 16-carbon cyclopentenoic acid in leaf extracts from Arabidopsis and potato. The new compound, a member of the jasmonate family of signals, was named dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid. Dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid was not detected in the Arabidopsis mutant fad5, which is incapable of synthesizing 7Z,10Z, 13Z-hexadecatrienoic acid (16:3), suggesting that the metabolite is derived directly from plastid 16:3 rather than by beta-oxidation of the 18-carbon 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid. Simultaneous quantitation of jasmonate family members in healthy leaves of Arabidopsis and potato suggest that different plant species have different relative levels of jasmonic acid, oxo-phytodienoic acid, and dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid. We term these profiles "oxylipin signatures." Dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid levels increased dramatically in Arabidopsis and potato leaves on wounding, suggesting roles in wound signaling. Treatment of Arabidopsis with micromolar levels of dinor-oxo-phytodienoic acid increased the ability of leaf extracts to transform linoleic acid into the alpha-ketol 13-hydroxy-12-oxo-9(Z) octadecenoic acid indicating that the compound can regulate part of its own biosynthetic pathway. Tightly regulated changes in the relative levels of biologically active jasmonates may permit sensitive control over metabolic, developmental, and defensive processes in plants.
On three occasions, unusually high trough plasma concentrations of venlafaxine were measured in a patient phenotyped and genotyped as being an extensive CYP2D6 metabolizer and receiving 450 mg/day of venlafaxine and multiple comedications. Values of 1.54 and of 0.60 mg/l of venlafaxine and O-desmethylvenlafaxine, respectively, were determined in the first blood sample, giving an unusually high venlafaxine to O-desmethylvenlafaxine ratio. This suggests an impaired metabolism of venlafaxine to O-desmethylvenlafaxine, and is most likely due to metabolic interactions with mianserin (240 mg/day) and propranolol (40 mg/day). Concentration of (S)-venlafaxine measured in this blood sample was almost twice as high as (R)-venlafaxine ((S)/(R) ratio: 1.94). At the second blood sampling, after addition of thioridazine (260 mg/day), which is a strong CYP2D6 inhibitor, concentrations of venlafaxine were further increased (2.76 mg/l), and concentrations of O-desmethylvenlafaxine decreased (0.22 mg/l). A decrease of the (S)/(R)-venlafaxine ratio (-20%) suggests a possible stereoselectivity towards the (R)-enantiomer of the enzyme(s) involved in venlafaxine O-demethylation at these high venlafaxine concentrations. At the third blood sampling, after interruption of thioridazine, concentrations of venlafaxine and O-desmethylvenlafaxine were similar to those measured in the first blood sample. This case report shows the importance of performing studies on the effects of either genetically determined or acquired deficiency of metabolism on the kinetics of venlafaxine.
Background: Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a central regulator of cell growth, is found in two structurally and functionally distinct multiprotein complexes called mTOR complex (mTORC)1 and mTORC2. The specific roles of each of these branches of mTOR signaling have not been dissected in the adult heart. In the present study, we aimed to bring new insights into the function of cardiac mTORC1-mediated signaling in physiological as well as pathological situations.Methods: We generated mice homozygous for loxP-flanked raptor and positive for the tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase (MerCreMer) under control of the α- myosin heavy chain promoter. The raptor gene encodes an essential component of mTORC1. Gene ablation was induced at the age of 10-12 weeks, and two weeks later the raptor cardiac-knockout (raptor-cKO) mice started voluntary cagewheel exercise or were subjected to transverse aortic constriction (TAC) to induce pressure overload.Results: In sedentary raptor-cKO mice, ejection fractions gradually decreased, resulting in significantly reduced values at 38 days (P < 0.001). Raptor-cKO mice started to die during the fifth week after the last tamoxifen injection. At that time, the mortality rate was 36% in sedentary (n = 11) and 64% in exercising (n = 14) mice. TAC-induced pressure overload resulted in severe cardiac dysfunction already at earlier timepoints. Thus, at 7-9 days after surgery, ejection fraction and fractional shortening values were 22.3% vs 43.5% and 10.2% vs 21.5% in raptor-cKO vs wild-type mice, respectively. This was accompanied by significant reductions of ventricular wall and septal thickness as well as an increase in left ventricular internal diameter. Moreover, ventricular weight to tibial length ratios were increased in wild-type, but not in the raptor-cKO TAC mice. Together, this shows that raptor-cKO mice rapidly developed dilated cardiomyopathy without going through a phase of adaptive hypertrophy. Expression of ANP and β-MHC was induced in all raptor-cKO mice irrespective of the cardiac load conditions. Consistent with reduced mTORC1 activity, phosphorylation of ribosomal S6 kinase and 4E-BP1 was blunted, indicating reduced protein synthesis. Moreover, expression of multiple genes involved in the regulation of energy metabolism was altered, and followed by a shift from fatty acid to glucose oxidation.Conclusion: Our study suggests that mTORC1 coordinates protein and energy metabolic pathways in the heart. Moreover, we demonstrate that raptor is essential for the cardiac adaptation to increased workload and importantly, also for normal physiological cardiac function.
During puberty fat-free mass (FFM) and fat mass (FM) change quickly and these changes are influenced by sex and obesity. Since it is not completely known how these changes affect resting metabolic rate (RMR), the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of body composition, age, sex and pubertal development of postabsorptive RMR in 9.5- to 16.5- year-old obese and non-obese children. Postabsorptive RMR was measured in a sample of 371 pre- and postpubertal children comprising 193 males (116 non-obese and 77 obese) and 178 females (119 non-obese and 59 obese). RMR was assessed by indirect calorimetry using a ventilated hood system for 45 min after an overnight fast. Body composition (FFM and FM) was estimated from skinfold measurements. The mean (+/- SD) RMR was significantly (P < 0.001) lower in non-obese (males: 5600 +/- 972 kJ/24 h; females: 5112 +/- 632 kJ/24 h) than in obese (males: 7223 +/- 1220 kJ/24 h; females: 6665 +/- 1106 kJ/24 h) children. This difference became non-significant when RMR was adjusted for body composition (FFM+FM). However, the difference between the genders still remained significant (control male: 6118 +/- 507, control female: 5652 +/- 507, P < 0.001; obese male: 6256 +/- 507, obese female: 5818 +/- 507 kJ/24 h, P < 0.001). The main determinant of RMR was FFM. In the whole cohort. FFM explained 79.8% of the variation in RMR, followed by age, gender and FM adding further 3.8%, 1.1% and 0.8% to the predictability of RMR, respectively. No significant contribution for study group (obese, non-obese), pubertal stage, or fat distribution was found in the regression for RMR. The adjusted value of RMR (for FFM and FM) slightly, but significantly (P < 0.01) decreased between the age of 10-16 years, demonstrating the important effect of age on RMR. CONCLUSIONS: The resting metabolic rate of obese and control children is not different when adjusted for body composition. The main determinant of RMR is the fat-free mass, however, age, gender and fat mass are also significant factors. Pubertal development and fat distribution do not influence RMR independently from the changes in body composition.