990 resultados para Hard tissue bridge


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Bridge deck expansion joints are used to allow for movement of the bridge deck due to thermal expansion, dynamics loading, and other factors. More recently, expansion joints have also been utilized to prevent the passage of winter de-icing chemicals and other corrosives applied to bridge decks from penetrating and damaging substructure components of the bridge. Expansion joints are often one of the first components of a bridge deck to fail and repairing or replacing expansion joints are essential to extending the life of any bridge. In the Phase I study, the research team focused on the current means and methods of repairing and replacing bridge deck expansion joints. Research team members visited with Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Bridge Crew Leaders to document methods of maintaining and repairing bridge deck expansion joints. Active joint replacement projects around Iowa were observed to document the means of replacing expansion joints that were beyond repair, as well as, to identify bottlenecks in the construction process that could be modified to decrease the length of expansion joint replacement projects. After maintenance and replacement strategies had been identified, a workshop was held at the Iowa State Institute for Transportation to develop ideas to better maintain and replace expansion joints. Maintenance strategies were included in the discussion as a way to extend the useful life of a joint, thus decreasing the number of joints replaced in a year and reducing the traffic disruptions.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) is responsible for approximately 4,100 bridges and structures that are a part of the state’s primary highway system, which includes the Interstate, US, and Iowa highway routes. A pilot study was conducted for six bridges in two Iowa river basins—the Cedar River Basin and the South Skunk River Basin—to develop a methodology to evaluate their vulnerability to climate change and extreme weather. The six bridges had been either closed or severely stressed by record streamflow within the past seven years. An innovative methodology was developed to generate streamflow scenarios given climate change projections. The methodology selected appropriate rainfall projection data to feed into a streamflow model that generated continuous peak annual streamflow series for 1960 through 2100, which were used as input to PeakFQ to estimate return intervals for floods. The methodology evaluated the plausibility of rainfall projections and credibility of streamflow simulation while remaining consistent with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) protocol for estimating the return interval for floods. The results were conveyed in an innovative graph that combined historical and scenario-based design metrics for use in bridge vulnerability analysis and engineering design. The pilot results determined the annual peak streamflow response to climate change likely will be basin-size dependent, four of the six pilot study bridges would be exposed to increased frequency of extreme streamflow and would have higher frequency of overtopping, the proposed design for replacing the Interstate 35 bridges over the South Skunk River south of Ames, Iowa is resilient to climate change, and some Iowa DOT bridge design policies could be reviewed to consider incorporating climate change information.


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We propose a deep study on tissue modelization andclassification Techniques on T1-weighted MR images. Threeapproaches have been taken into account to perform thisvalidation study. Two of them are based on FiniteGaussian Mixture (FGM) model. The first one consists onlyin pure gaussian distributions (FGM-EM). The second oneuses a different model for partial volume (PV) (FGM-GA).The third one is based on a Hidden Markov Random Field(HMRF) model. All methods have been tested on a DigitalBrain Phantom image considered as the ground truth. Noiseand intensity non-uniformities have been added tosimulate real image conditions. Also the effect of ananisotropic filter is considered. Results demonstratethat methods relying in both intensity and spatialinformation are in general more robust to noise andinhomogeneities. However, in some cases there is nosignificant differences between all presented methods.


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Four classes of variables are apparent in the problem of scour around bridge piers and abutments--geometry of piers and abutments, stream-flow characteristics, sediment characteristics, and geometry of site. The laboratory investigation, from its inception, has been divided into four phases based on these classes. In each phase the variables in three of the classes are held constant and those in the pertinent class are varied. To date, the first three phases have been studied. Typical scour bole patterns related to the geometry of the pier or abutment have been found. For equilibrium conditions of scour with uniform sand, the velocity of flow and the sand size do not appear to have any measurable effects on the depth of scour. This result is especially encouraging in the search for correlation between model and prototype since it would indicate that, primarily, only the depth of flow might be involved in the scale effect. The technique of model testing has been simplified, therefore, because rate of sediment transportation does not need to be scaled. Prior to the establishment of equilibrium conditions, however, depths of scour in excess of those for equilibrium conditions have been found. A concept of active scour as an imbalance between sediment transport capacity and rate of sediment supply has been used to explain the laboratory observations.


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This report describes the measurement of dynamic (live load) deflections in a 240' x 30' three span continuous prestressed steel bridge, skewed 30 degrees. The design assumptions and prestressing procedure are described briefly, and the instrumentation and loading are discussed. The actual deflections are presented in tabular form, and the deflections due to the design live load are calculated. The maximum deflections are presented as a ratio of the span length, and the further use of prestressed steel beams is recommended.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation initiated this research to evaluate the reliability, benefit and application of the corrosion detection device. Through field testing prior to repair projects and inspection at the time of repair, the device was shown to be reliable. With the reliability established, twelve additional devices were purchased so that this evaluation procedure could be used routinely on all repair projects. The corrosion detection device was established as a means for determining concrete removal for repair. Removal of the concrete down to the top reinforcing steel is required for all areas exhibiting electrical potentials greater than 0.45 Volt. It was determined that the corrosion detection device was not applicable to membrane testing. The corrosion detection device has been used to evaluate corrosion of reinforcing steel in continuously reinforced concrete pavement.


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Obesity is an excess of fat mass. Fat mass is an energy depot but also an endocrine organ. A deregulation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) might produce obesity. Stress exaggerates diet-induced obesity. After stress, SNS fibers release neuropeptide Y (NPY) which directly increases visceral fat mass producing a metabolic syndrome (MbS)-like phenotype. Adrenergic receptors are the main regulators of lipolysis. In severe obesity, we demonstrated that the adrenergic receptor subtypes are differentially expressed in different fat depots. Liver and visceral fat share a common sympathetic pathway, which might explain the low-grade inflammation which simultaneously occurs in liver and fat of the obese with MbS. The neuroendocrine melanocortinergic system and gastric ghrelin are also greatly deregulated in obesity. A specific mutation in the type 4 melanocortin receptor induces early obesity onset, hyperphagia and insulin-resistance. Nonetheless, it was recently discovered that a mutation in the prohormone convertase 1/3 simultaneously produces severe gastrointestinal dysfunctions and obesity.


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Bridge deck deterioration due to corrosive effect of deicers on reinforcing steel is a major problem facing many agencies. Cathodic protection is one method used to prevent reinforcing steel corrosion. The application of a direct current to the embedded reinforcing steel and a sacrificial anode protects the steel from corrosion. This 1992 project involved placing an Elgard Titanium Anode Mesh Cathodic Protection System on a bridge deck. The anode was fastened to the deck after the Class A repair-work and the overlay was placed using the Iowa Low Slump Dense Concrete System. The system was set up initially at 1 mA/sq ft.


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Reconstruction of bridge approach slabs which have failed due to a loss of support from embankment fill consolidation or erosion can be particularly challenging in urban areas where lane closures must be minimized. Precast prestressed concrete pavement is a potential solution for rapid bridge approach slab reconstruction which uses prefabricated pavement panels that can be installed and opened to traffic quickly. To evaluate this solution, the Iowa Department of Transportation constructed a precast prestressed approach slab demonstration project on Highway 60 near Sheldon, Iowa in August/September 2006. Two approach slabs at either end of a new bridge were constructed using precast prestressed concrete panels. This report documents the successful development, design, and construction of the precast prestressed concrete bridge approach slabs on Highway 60. The report discusses the challenges and issues that were faced during the project and presents recommendations for future implementation of this innovative construction technique.


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Intrusion of deicing materials and surface water into concrete bridge decks is a main contributor in deck reinforcing steel corrosion and concrete delamination. Salt, spread on bridge decks to melt ice, dissolves in water and permeates voids in the concrete deck. When the chloride content of the concrete in contact with reinforcing steel reaches a high enough concentration, the steel oxidizes. In Iowa, the method used to reduce bridge deck chloride penetration is the application of a low slump dense concrete overlay after the completion of all Class A and Class B floor repairs. A possible alternative to the use of dense concrete overlays, developed by Poly-Carb, Inc., is the MARK-163 FLEXOGRID Overlay System. FLEXOGRID is a two component system of epoxy and urethane which is applied on a bridge deck to a minimum thickness of ¼ inch. An aggregate mixture of silica quartz and aluminum oxide is broadcast onto the epoxy at a prescribed rate to provide deck protection and superior friction properties. The material is mixed on site and applied to the deck in a series of lifts (usually two) until the desired overlay thickness has been attained.


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Recent reports indicate that of the over 25,000 bridges in Iowa, slightly over 7,000 (29%) are either structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. While many of these bridges may be strengthened or rehabilitated, some simply need to be replaced. Before implementing one of these options, one should consider performing a diagnostic load test on the structure to more accurately assess its load carrying capacity. Frequently, diagnostic load tests reveal strength and serviceability characteristics that exceed the predicted codified parameters. Usually, codified parameters are very conservative in predicting lateral load distribution characteristics and the influence of other structural attributes. As a result, the predicted rating factors are typically conservative. In cases where theoretical calculations show a structural deficiency, it may be very beneficial to apply a "tool" that utilizes a more accurate theoretical model which incorporates field-test data. At a minimum, this approach results in more accurate load ratings and many times results in increased rating factors. Bridge Diagnostics, Inc. (BDI) developed hardware and software that are specially designed for performing bridge ratings based on data obtained from physical testing. To evaluate the BDI system, the research team performed diagnostic load tests on seven "typical" bridge structures: three steel-girder bridges with concrete decks, two concrete slab bridges, and two steel-girder bridges with timber decks. In addition, a steel-girder bridge with a concrete deck previously tested and modeled by BDI was investigated for model verification purposes. The tests were performed by attaching strain transducers on the bridges at critical locations to measure strains resulting from truck loading positioned at various locations on the bridge. The field test results were used to develop and validate analytical rating models. Based on the experimental and analytical results, it was determined that bridge tests could be conducted relatively easy, that accurate models could be generated with the BDI software, and that the load ratings, in general, were greater than the ratings, obtained using the codified LFD Method (according to AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges).


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Among the variety of road users and vehicle types that travel on U.S. public roadways, slow moving vehicles (SMVs) present unique safety and operations issues. SMVs include vehicles that do not maintain a constant speed of 25 mph, such as large farm equipment, construction vehicles, or horse-drawn buggies. Though the number of crashes involving SMVs is relatively small, SMV crashes tend to be severe. Additionally, SMVs can be encountered regularly on non-Interstate/non-expressway public roadways, but motorists may not be accustomed to these vehicles. This project was designed to improve transportation safety for SMVs on Iowa’s public roadway system. This report includes a literature review that shows various SMV statistics and laws across the United States, a crash study based on three years of Iowa SMV crash data, and recommendations from the SMV community.


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The Iowa Method for bridge deck overlays has been very successful in Iowa since its adoption in the 1970s. This method involves removal of deteriorated portions of a bridge deck followed by placement of a layer of dense (Type O) Portland Cement Concrete (PCC). The challenge encountered with this type of bridge deck overlay is that the PCC must be mixed on-site, brought to the placement area and placed with specialized equipment. This adds considerably to the cost and limits contractor selection, because not all contractors have the capability or equipment required. If it is possible for a ready-mix supplier to manufacture and deliver a dense PCC to the grade, then any competent bridge deck contractor would be able to complete the job. However, Type O concrete mixes are very stiff and generally cannot be transported and placed with ready-mix type trucks. This is where a “super-plasticizer” comes in to use. Addition of this admixture provides a substantial increase in the workability of the concrete – to the extent that it can be delivered to the site and placed on the deck directly out of a ready-mix truck. The objective of this research was to determine the feasibility of placing a deck overly of this type on county bridges within the limits of county budgets and workforce/contractor availability.


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The main objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Electrochemical Chloride Extraction (ECE) technique on a bridge deck with very high concentrations of chloride. This ECE technique was used during the summer of 2003 to reverse the effects of corrosion, which had occurred in the reinforcing steel embedded in the pedestrian bridge deck over Highway 6, along Iowa Avenue, in Iowa City, Iowa, USA. First, the half cell potential was measured to determine the existing corrosion level in the field. The half-cell potential values were in the indecisive range of corrosion (between -200 mV and -350 mV). The ECE technique was then applied to remove the chloride from the bridge deck. The chloride content in the deck was significantly reduced from 25 lb/cy to 4.96 lb/cy in 8 weeks. Concrete cores obtained from the deck were measured for their compressive strengths and there was no reduction in strength due to the ECE technique. Laboratory tests were also performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the ECE process. In order to simulate the corrosion in the bridge deck, two reinforced slabs and 12 reinforced beams were prepared. First, the half-cell potentials were measured from the test specimens and they all ranged below -200 mV. Upon introduction of 3% salt solution, the potential reached up to -500 mV. This potential was maintained while a salt solution was being added for six months. The ECE technique was then applied to the test specimens in order to remove the chloride from them. Half-cell potential was measured to determine if the ECE technique can effectively reduce the level of corrosion.


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An innovative structural system for pier columns was investigated through a series of laboratory experiments. The columns and connections examined were comprised of precast concrete segments to accelerate construction. In addition some of the columns employed unbonded post-tensioning to self-center the columns when subjected to lateral loads and structural fuses to control large lateral deflections, dissipate energy, and expedite repair in the event of a catastrophic loading event. Six cantilever columns with varying component materials and connection details were subjected to a regimen of vertical dead loads and cyclic, quasi-static lateral loads. One column was designed as a control column to represent the behavior of a conventional reinforced concrete column and provide a basis for comparison with the remaining five jointed columns designed with the proposed structural system. After sustaining significant damage, the self-centering, jointed columns were repaired by replacing the structural fuses and retested to failure to investigate the effectiveness of the repair. The experiments identified both effective and unsatisfactory details for the jointed system. Two of the jointed columns demonstrated equivalent lateral strength, greater lateral stiffness, and greater lateral deformation capacity than the control column. The self-centering capability of the jointed columns was clearly demonstrated as well, and the repair technique proved effective as demonstrated by nearly identical pre and post repair behavior. The authors believe the proposed system to be a feasible alternative to conventional pier systems and recommend further development of details.