983 resultados para HPLC-ELSD


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Natriuretic peptides are common components of reptile venoms and molecular cloning of their biosynthetic precursors has revealed that in snakes, they co-encode bradykinin-potentiating peptides and in venomous lizards, some co-encode bradykinin inhibitory peptides such as the helokinestatins. The common natriuretic peptide/helokinestatin precursor of the Gila Monster, Heloderma suspectum, encodes five helokinestatins of differing primary structures. Here we report the molecular cloning of a natriuretic peptide/helokinestatin precursor cDNA from a venom-derived cDNA library of the Mexican beaded lizard (Heloderma horridum). Deduction of the primary structure of the encoded precursor protein from this cloned cDNA template revealed that it consisted of 196 amino acid residues encoding a single natriuretic peptide and five helokinestatins. While the natriuretic peptide was of identical primary structure to its Gila Monster (H. suspectum) homolog, the encoded helokinestatins were not, with this region of the common precursor displaying some significant differences to its H. suspectum homolog. The helokinestatin-encoding region contained a single copy of helokinestatin-1, 2 copies of helokinestatin-3 and single copies of 2 novel peptides, (Phe)(5)-helokinestatin-2 (VPPAFVPLVPR) and helokinestatin-6 (GPPFNPPPFVDYEPR). All predicted peptides were found in reverse phase HPLC fractions of the same venom. Synthetic replicates of both novel helokinestatins were found to antagonize the relaxing effect of bradykinin on rat tail artery smooth muscle. Thus lizard venom continues to provide a source of novel biologically active peptides. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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The purpose of the study was to analyse how the protein composition of the inflammatory exudate associated with chronic periodontitis differed from the exudate in periodontal health. Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) was collected from sites with chronic periodontal inflammation and from non-diseased sites in healthy control subjects. Microbore HPLC analysis revealed one major difference in GCF protein profiles between healthy controls and periodontitis patients. The protein enhanced in periodontitis patients was identified as migration inhibitory factor-related protein-8 (MRP-8) by a combination of N-terminal amino acid sequencing, mass spectrometry, and SDS-PAGE. Together, these data demonstrate, for the first time, the presence of monomeric MRP-8 in an inflammatory exudate. Whether monomeric MRP-8 is a unique feature of chronic periodontal inflammation is not yet clear, but the chemotactic properties of this peptide support a functional role for MRP-8 in periodontal inflammation. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Using a ball mill, rapid, atom-economic coupling between adenosine-5'-phosphoromorpholidate and phosphorylated ribose derivatives as their sodium or barium salts was achieved. Facile purification by reversed-phase HPLC enabled product isolation within hours.


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A novel approach has been developed to determine ranitidine in paediatric samples using dried blood spots (DBS) on Guthrie cards (Whatman 903). A selective and sensitive HPLC-MS/MS assay has been developed and validated using small volumes of blood (30µl). A 6mm disc was punched from each DBS and extracted with methanolic solution of the internal standard (IS) nizatidine. This was further subjected to solid phase extraction (SPE), followed by reversed phase HPLC separation, using a XBridge™ C18 column and mobile phase 10mM ammonium acetate/methanol (98:2 v/v) with a flow rate of 0.3mL/min. This was combined with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mass detection using electrospray ionisation (ESI). The calibration curve for ranitidine was found linear over the range 10-500ng/mL (r=0.996). The limit of quantification (LOQ) of the method was validated at 10ng/mL. Accuracy and precision values for within and between days were


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Herein we describe our application of the O-directed free radical hydrostannation of disubstituted alkyl-acetylenes (with Ph3SnH and Et3B) to the (+)-pumiliotoxin B total synthesis problem. Specifically, we report on the use of this method in the synthesis of the Overman alkyne 8, and thereby demonstrate the great utility of this process in a complex natural product total synthesis setting for the very first time. We also report here on a new, stereocontrolled, and highly practical enantioselective pathway to Overman's pyrrolidine epoxide partner 9 for 8, which overcomes the previous requirement for use of preparative HPLC to separate the 1:1 mixture of diastereomeric epoxides that was obtained in the original synthesis of 9.


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Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins are produced by certain marine dinoflagellates and may accumulate in bivalve molluscs through filter feeding. The Mouse Bioassay (MBA) is the internationally recognised reference method of analysis, but it is prone to technical difficulties and regarded with increasing disapproval due to ethical reasons. As such, alternative methods are required. A rapid surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor inhibition assay was developed to detect PSP toxins in shellfish by employing a saxitoxin polyclonal antibody (R895). Using an assay developed for and validated on the Biacore Q biosensor system, this project focused on transferring the assay to a high-throughput, Biacore T100 biosensor in another laboratory. This was achieved using a prototype PSP toxin kit and recommended assay parameters based on the Biacore Q method. A monoclonal antibody (GT13A) was also assessed. Even though these two instruments are based on SPR principles, they vary widely in their mode of operation including differences in the integrated mu-fluidic cartridges, autosampler system, and sensor chip compatibilities. Shellfish samples (n = 60), extracted using a simple, rapid procedure, were analysed using each platform, and results were compared to AOAC high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and MBA methods. The overall agreement, based on statistical 2 x 2 comparison tables, between each method ranged from 85% to 94.4% using R895 and 77.8% to 100% using GT13A. The results demonstrated that the antibody based assays with high sensitivity and broad specificity to PSP toxins can be applied to different biosensor platforms. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present study the extraction of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins from a toxic strain of the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense CCMP-1493 using various mechanical and/or physical procedures was investigated. PBS buffer was investigated as the extraction solvent in order for these procedures to be used directly with immuno-magnetic Ferrospheres-N. The extraction was performed following the determination of when toxin content by the algae was at its highest during batch culture. The methods used for cell lysis and toxin extraction included freeze-thawing, freeze-boiling, steel ball bearing beating, glass bead beating, and sonication. The steel ball bearing beating was determined to release a similar amount of toxin when compared to a modified standard extraction method which was reported to release 100% of toxins from the algal cells and was therefore used in the next phase of the study. This next phase was to determine the feasibility of utilising an antibody coupled to novel magnetic microspheres (Ferrospheres-N) as a simple, rapid immune-capture procedure for PSP toxins extracted from the algae. The effects of increasing mass of Ferrospheres-N on the immuno-capture of the PSP toxins from the toxic algal strain extracts were investigated. Toxin recovery was found to increase when an increasing mass of Ferrospheres-N was used until 96.2% (+/- 1.3 SD) of the toxin extracted from the cells was captured and eluted. Toxin recovery was determined by comparison to an appropriate PSP toxin standard curve following analysis by the AOAC HPLC method. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A rapid, sensitive reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of in vitro release of 17 beta-estradiol and its ester prodrug, 17 beta-estradiol-3-acetate, from silicone intravaginal rings. Partial hydrolysis of the acetate under the aqueous conditions provided by the 1% benzalkonium chloride release medium necessitates its conversion to 17 beta-estradiol prior to HPLC analysis. Both steroid peaks have been fully resolved from the benzalkonium chloride peaks by the reported chromatographic method,which employs a C-18 bonded reversed-phase column, an acetonitrile-water (50:50, v/v) mobile phase and a UV detection wavelength of 281 nm. The peak area versus 17 beta-estradiol concentration was found to be linear over the range of 0.0137-1347 mu g ml(-1) The HPLC method has also been used to determine the silicone solubilities and diffusion coefficients of the two related steroids. The almost 100-fold increase in 17 beta-estradiol-3-acetate release from the silicone core-type intravaginal rings compared to 17 beta-estradiol is shown to be due to a 60-fold increase in silicone solubility and a one and a half-fold increase in diffusitivity. The results demonstrate that an effective estrogen replacement therapy dose of 17 beta-estradiol may be administered from a silicone intravaginal reservoir device containing the labile 17 beta-estradiol-3-acetate prodrug. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study, an amphibian (Odorrana hejiangensis) skin extract was fractionated by reverse phase HPLC and fractions were screened for trypsin inhibitory activity. Using this initial approach, a novel trypsin inhibitory peptide was detected with an apparent protonated molecular mass of 1804.83Da, as determined by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. It was named Hejiang trypsin inhibitor (HJTI) in accordance. The primary structure of the biosynthetic precursor of HJTI was deduced from a cDNA sequence cloned from a skin-derived cDNA library. The primary structure of the encoded predicted mature active peptide was established as: GAPKGCWTKSYPPQPCS (non-protonated monoisotopic molecular mass - 1802.81Da). On the basis of this unequivocal amino acid sequence, a synthetic replicate was synthesized by solid phase Fmoc chemistry. This replicate displayed a moderately potent trypsin inhibition with a K(i) of 388nM. Bioinformatic analysis of the primary structure of this peptide indicated that it was a member of the Bowman-Birk family of protease inhibitors. The substitutions of Gln-14 and Ser-17 by Lys, resulted in an increase in cationicity and a small increase in potency to a K(i) value of 218nM. Neither HJTI nor its synthetic analog, possessed any significant antimicrobial activity.


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Multidrug resistance (MDR) occurs when bacteria simultaneously acquire resistance to a broad spectrum of structurally dissimilar compounds to which they have not previously been exposed. MDR is principally a consequence of the active transport of drugs out of the cell by proteins that are integral membrane transporters. We characterised and purified the putative Escherichia coli MDR transporter, MdtM, a 410 amino acid residue protein that belongs to the large and ubiquitous major facilitator superfamily. Functional characterisation of MdtM using growth inhibition and whole cell transport assays revealed its role in intrinsic resistance of E. coli cells to the antimicrobials ethidium bromide and chloramphenicol. Site-directed mutagenesis studies implied that the MdtM aspartate 22 residue and the highly conserved arginine at position 108 play a role in proton recognition. MdtM was homologously overexpressed and purified to homogeneity in dodecyl maltopyranoside detergent solution and the oligomeric state and stability of the protein in a variety of detergent solutions was investigated using size-exclusion HPLC. Purified MdtM is monomeric and stable in dodecyl maltopyranoside solution and binds chloramphenicol with nanomolar affinity in the same detergent. This work provides a firm foundation for structural studies on this class of multidrug transporter protein.


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Objectives: To characterize the population pharmacokinetics of canrenone following administration of potassium canrenoate in paediatric patients. Patients and Methods: Data were collected prospectively from 23 paediatric patients (2 days to 10 years of age; median weight 4 kg, range 2.16-28.0 kg) who received intravenous potassium canrenoate (K-canrenoate) as part of their intensive care therapy for removal of retained fluids e.g. in pulmonary oedema due to chronic lung disease and for the management of congestive heart failure. Plasma samples were analysed by HPLC for determination of canrenone (the major metabolite and pharmacologically active moiety) and the data subjected to pharmacokinetic analysis using NONMEM. Results: A one-compartment model best described the data. The only significant covariate was weight (WT). The final population models for canrenone clearance (CL/F) and volume of distribution (V/F) were CL/F (L/hr) = 11.4 × (WT /70.0)(0.75) and V/F (L) = 374.2 × (WT/70) where WT is in kg. The values of CL/F and V/F in a 4 kg child would be 1.33 L/hr and 21.4 L, respectively, resulting in an elimination half-life of 11.2 hr. Conclusions: The range of estimated CL/F in the study population was 0.67-7.38 L/hr. The data suggest that adjustment of K-canrenoate dosage according to body weight is appropriate in paediatric patients


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Semicarbazide (SEM) was considered to be a characteristic protein-bound side-chain metabolite of the banned veterinary drug nitrofurazone and used as a marker of nitrofurazone abuse. It was recently discovered that SEM can arise in food from sources other than nitrofurazone. This uncertainty over the source of SEM may be overcome if alternative markers specific to tissue-bound nitrofurazone residues can be determined. The structure of nitrofurazone metabolites in vivo and particular proteins to which they are bound are not known. These proteins with altered structure due to the presence of the drug metabolites can be considered as potential alternative biomarkers of nitrofurazone abuse. The proteins implicated in the in vivo binding of nitrofurazone were separated and identified. A crude mixture of proteins extracted from the liver of a rat treated with the drug was separated using a series of different techniques such as preparative isoelectric focusing and size exclusion HPLC. Multiple fractions were assayed by LC-MS/MS to detect the presence of SEM. The proteins containing SEM residues were identified by peptide mass mapping using trypsin digestion and MALDI-TOF. The first protein identified as containing high concentration of SEM was albumin. It was also shown that low molecular weight species within a protein mixture whose main constituent was glutathione S-transferase contained a high concentration of SEM. The chemical composition of these components is under investigation. Preliminary data suggest the SEM forms part of a nitrofurazone metabolite conjugated to glutathione. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Avermectins are frequently used to control parasitic infestations in many animal species. Previous studies have shown the long-term persistence of unwanted residues of these drugs in animal tissues and fluids. An immunoassay screening test for the detection acid quantification of ivermectin residues in bovine milk has been developed. After an extensive extraction procedure, milk samples were applied to a competitive dissociation-enhanced lanthanide fluoroimmunoassay using a monoclonal antibody against an ivermectin-transferrin conjugate, The monoclonal antibody, raised in Balb C mice, showed cross-reactivity with eprinomectin (92%), abamectin (82%) and doramectin (16%). The limit of detection of the assay (mean + 3 SD), calculated from the analysis of 17 known negative samples, was calculated as 4.6 ng/mL. Intra- and inter-assay RSDs were determined as 11.6% and 15.8%, respectively, using a negative bovine milk sample fortified with 25 ng/mL ivermectin. Six Friesian milking cows were treated with ivermectin, three with a pour-on formulation of the drug and three with an injectable solution at the manufacturer's recommended dose rate. An initial mean peak in ivermectin residue concentration was detected at day 4 (mean level = 47.5 ng/mL) and day 5 post-treatment (mean level = 26.4 ng/mL) with the injectable form and pour-on treatment, respectively. A second peak in residue concentration was observed using the DELFIA(R) procedure 28 days post-treatment in both treatment groups (23.1 ng/mL injectable and 51.9 ng/mL pour-on). These second peaks were not confirmed by HPLC and must at this Lime be considered to be false-positive results. By day 35 after treatment the mean ivermectin residue concentration of both groups fell below the limit of detection of the assay. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methodologies were evaluated for the detection and quantification of thyreostatic drug residues in cattle serum and thyroid tissue. The paper details a protocol, using a simple ethyl acetate extraction for the determination of thiouracil, tapazole, methyl thiouracil, propyl thiouracil and phenyl thiouracil in thyroid tissue. Using two sequential HPLC injections, and quantitative analysis, in two steps, all five thyreostats were detectable at concentrations greater than 2.45-4.52 ng/g. Modifications to a published method for detection of thyreostatic residues in serum involving the addition of mercaptoethanol and a freezing step are described. The modifications improved sensitivity and allowed detection of the five thyreostats at levels greater than 16.98-35.25 ng/ml. Young bulls were treated with thyreostats to demonstrate the validity of the methodologies described. Administered thyreostats were not absorbed equally by the test animals and the compounds were not all detected in the serum samples removed at 7 days following drug withdrawal. These experiments indicate the necessity to be able to detect thyreostat residues in a variety of matrices. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ivermectin, a member of the avermectin group, is frequently used to control parasites in many food producing animal species. A method for the detection and quantification of ivermectin residues in bovine liver has been developed. Liver samples (4 g) were extracted with acetonitrile and applied to a competitive enzyme immunoassay using a polyclonal antiserum raised in rabbits against an ivermectin-transferrin conjugate, The limit of detection of the assay (mean +/- 3s) calculated from the analysis of 24 known negative samples was 1.6 ng g(-1), Intra- and inter-assay RSDs were determined as 8.8 and 14.6%, respectively, using a negative bovine liver sample fortified with 100 ng g(-1) of ivermectin. Four Friesian steers were treated with a pour-on application of ivermectin at a dose rate of 0.5 mg kg(-1) body mass then withdrawn and killed at 7, 14, 21 and 28 d, Livers mere removed and ivermectin residue concentrations determined using the proposed immunoassay procedure, Seven days post-treatment the ivermectin liver concentration was determined as 52.7 ng g(-1), decreasing to 4.1 ng(-1) at 28 d, All immunoassay results were confirmed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), The immunoassay and HPLC results for invermectin ranged from 1 to 58 ng g(-1) and were in close correlation (r = 0.99).