993 resultados para HBV DNA quantification


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Erosão dos solos em Cabo Verde: estudo dos processos e quantificação à escala de três bacias hidrográficas O arquipélago de Cabo Verde é constituído por 10 ilhas vulcânicas pertence à zona do Sahel que se estende do Atlântico ao Mar Vermelho. Desde então, várias décadas, Cabo Verde é afectado pela desertificação causada principalmente pela recessão climatica e a erosão do solo. Esses fatores, aliados à alta pressão humana sobre os recursos, a topografia acidentada e chuvas tropicais por vezes torrenciais, causam sérios danos aos solos. No entanto, desde sua independência em 1975, o Governo realizou um amplo programa de arborização, recuperação de áreas degradadas e a correcção dos leitos das ribeiras. No entanto, a investigação, muito pouco foi realizada para avaliar as acções de protecção e conservação do solo e da água. Portanto, não há dados sobre o problema da degradação das terras nem balanços. Como parte deste trabalho, foram estudados vários factores que controlam a erosão do solo pela água. Especificamente, buscou-se diferenciar os efeitos das actividades humanas, incluindo a agricultura, os factores climáticos, como chuva e geração de escoamento. Também estabeleceu os primeiros balanços das exportações de matérias em suspensão e em solução no contexto do arquipélago de Cabo Verde. O estudo foi realizado em três bacias hidrográficas da ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde. Estas três bacias hidrográficas (Longueira, Grande e Godim) estão localizadas na parte central da ilha de Santiago e representam os diversos tipos de uso da terra e as diferentes zonas bioclimaticas da ilha. Existe um gradiente climático entre as três bacias hidrográficas. Na verdade, Longueira que abrange uma área de 4,18 km2, tem um declive médio de 47 %, uma zona florestada de 69% e uma área agrícola de 17 %. Grande com uma área de 1,87 km2, é localizada numa zona sub humida com um declive médio de 50%, é essencialmente agrícola. Godim, com uma área de 2,0 km2, é localizado numa zona semi-árida com um declive médio de 32%, é particularmente uma zona agricola. Para estes três bacias hidrográficas, as cheias foram medidas e amostradas de 2004 a 2009. A bacia de Longueira teve um maior acompanhamento, nomeadamente em termos de amostragem e monitoramento dos escoamentos. Em cada amostra foram feitas a determinação da concentração de matérias em suspensão e a análise dos principais elementos quimicos. Os resultados mostram que a erosão mecânica nas três bacias hidrográficas é caracterizada por uma forte variabilidade espacial e temporal. Durante o período de 2005-2009, o balanço anual média para as bacias hidrográficas de Longueira, Grande e Godim é: 4266, 157 e 10,1 t.km2.an-1, respectivamente. A estação das chuvas de 2006 foi a mais erosiva para as três bacias, particularmente em Longueira, com 2 cheias excepcionais, que têm gerado uma concentração média de sólidos em suspensão superior a 100 g / l. Porém, as estações do ano de 2005 e 2008 foram de uma forma geral menos erosivas porque as concentrações médias não inferiores a 20 g / l. Além disso, não houve cheias para as temporadas 2005 e 2007 para a bacia do Godim. Na bacia de Longueira, o estudo dos fenómenos de histerese na caracterização das cheias mostrou que a evolução temporal das exportações de sólidos em suspensão durante a temporada é fortemente influenciada pelas atividades agrícolas. Na verdade, a primeira cheia causou uma exportação maciça de sedimento disponível e localizado no leito da ribeira. Assim, a segunda cheia exportou menos sedimentos. Um mês após as primeiras chuvas, a prática da monda que reduz a densidade da cobertura vegetal e destructura a camada superficial do solo, gerou uma grande quantidade de sedimento que novamente permitiu uma exportação muito forte de sedimentos durante a terceira forte cheia. Os resultados da erosão química na bacia de Longueira indicam que a taxa de erosão é de 45 t.km2.an-1 com uma forte variabilidade temporal. Na verdade, as temporadas de 2006 e 2007 são as mais erosivas, enquanto 2005 teve uma exportação de matérias disolvidas baixa. A utilização do modelo EMMA (End- Members Mixing Analysis) mostra que os escoamentos hipodermico e profundo, alimentandos os fluxos de elementos dissolvidos são os principais factores da erosão química. É mostrado que esses fluxos causam mais de 90% dos fluxos de erosão química. O escoamento superficial, que contribui com cerca de 70% na formação das cheias, é o maior factor da erosão mecânica do solo.


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The qualitative and quantitative losses caused by stored product insects are of great concern, and since there is only a few active ingredients available for their control it is very important to have a frequent insect resistance monitoring. The objective of this research is to evaluate combination of bioassays and molecular marker techniques to detect insecticide resistance in stored product beetles. The Coleoptera species used for the tests were Sitophilus oryzae (L.) (Curculionidae), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Bostrichidae) and Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.) (Silvanidae). For the bioassays it was used the impregnated filter paper technique, applying 1 mL of deltamethrin (K-Obiol 25 CE TM) using four concentrations and five replicates, including a control with solvent only. Ten adults of each species were liberated separately on each dish. The mortality was evaluated after 24 h and resistance determined by probit analysis. The samples used for the PCR-RAPD were either in vivo or preserved in 70% ethanol, kept in -18°C freezer. After extraction, quantification and DNA quality analysis, the 25 µL samples had the DNA amplified and tested with six primers. The bioassays showed a crescent mortality proportional to insecticide concentration. The resistance factor for R. dominica, S. zeamais and S. oryzae were: 2,2; 3,2 and 9,2, respectively, compared to the susceptible populations of each species. The PCR-RAPD analysis revealed bands which indicate inter and intraspecific variability in the populations, but it was not possible to correlate them to resistance. The association of bioassay and PCR-RAPD represents a precise and valuable tool for resistance management of stored product insects, but more populations and primers should be tested.


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Addition of insulin, IGF I or IGF II to serum-free cultures of fetal rat brain cells (gestation day 15/16) significantly stimulates DNA synthesis. The dose-response curves show that IGF I is more potent than insulin; half maximal stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation is obtained at about 0.4 nM IGF I and 14 nM insulin, respectively. Cultures initiated 2 days later (gestation day 17/18) showed a decreased responsiveness to both peptides. No additive effect was observed after combined addition of both peptides at near-maximal doses. Both peptides show a latency of action of about 12-18 h. In the presence of either IGF or insulin, neuronal as well as glial enzymes are increased, suggesting that neuronal and glial precursor cell division is influenced. IGF I and IGF II interact with a specific binding site for which insulin competes very weakly; however IGF I and IGF II bind with relatively high affinity to the insulin specific binding site. The present results support the hypothesis that both insulin and IGF stimulate mitotic activity by interacting with specific somatomedin receptors and suggest a physiological role of IGF in the developing brain.


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The mission of the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project is to enable the scientific and medical communities to interpret the human genome sequence and apply it to understand human biology and improve health. The ENCODE Consortium is integrating multiple technologies and approaches in a collective effort to discover and define the functional elements encoded in the human genome, including genes, transcripts, and transcriptional regulatory regions, together with their attendant chromatin states and DNA methylation patterns. In the process, standards to ensure high-quality data have been implemented, and novel algorithms have been developed to facilitate analysis. Data and derived results are made available through a freely accessible database. Here we provide an overview of the project and the resources it is generating and illustrate the application of ENCODE data to interpret the human genome.


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The oxalate-carbonate pathway (OCP) leads to a potential carbon sink in terrestrial environments. This process is linked to the activity of oxalotrophic bacteria. Although isolation and molecular characterizations are used to study oxalotrophic bacteria, these approaches do not give information on the active oxalotrophs present in soil undergoing the OCP. The aim of this study was to assess the diversity of active oxalotrophic bacteria in soil microcosms using the Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) DNA labeling technique. Soil was collected near an oxalogenic tree (Milicia excelsa). Different concentrations of calcium oxalate (0.5%, 1%, and 4% w/w) were added to the soil microcosms and compared with an untreated control. After 12days of incubation, a maximal pH of 7.7 was measured for microcosms with oxalate (initial pH 6.4). At this time point, a DGGE profile of the frc gene was performed from BrdU-labeled soil DNA and unlabeled soil DNA. Actinobacteria (Streptomyces- and Kribbella-like sequences), Gammaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria were found as the main active oxalotrophic bacterial groups. This study highlights the relevance of Actinobacteria as members of the active bacterial community and the identification of novel uncultured oxalotrophic groups (i.e. Kribbella) active in soils.


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Cancer is a major health issue that absorbs the attention of a large part of the biomedical research. Intercalating agents bind to DNA molecules and can inhibit their synthesis and transcription; thus, they are increasingly used as drugs to fight cancer. In this work, we show how atomic force microscopy in liquid can characterize, through time-lapse imaging, the dynamical influence of intercalating agents on the supercoiling of DNA, improving our understanding of the drug's effect.


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Résumé:Background:La mutation 3243 de 1'ADN mitochondrial est associee avec le syndrome l\/HDD (surdite, diabète transmis par la mère) et le syndrome MELAS (Myopathie, Encéphalopathie, acidose Lactique et attaques cérébrales). Elle est aussi associe à des troubles cardiaques, digestifs, endo- et exocrines. Nous rapportons deux cas de maculopathie associée à cette mutation.Histoire et symptomes: pCas l: il s'agit d'une femme de 60 ans soufrant d'un diabète et d'une surdité sans plainte visuelle lors de la présentation. Son acuité visuelle était de 10/ l0 des deux yeux.Cas 2: il s'agit d'une femme de 54 ans souffrant d'une surdité et d'un diabète qui se plaint d'une baisse de vision principalement de l'oeil gauche. Son acuité visuelle était de 6/10 pour l'oeil droit et de 0.5/l0 pour l'oeil gauche.Les deux patientes présentaient une atrophie choriorétinienne aréolaire centrale. La patiente 1 a été suivie durant plus de 15 ans. Une évolution lente et progressive de la maculopathie a été observée. Lors de la dernière visite, l'acuité visuelle était de 6/ l0 dans les deux yeux. Elle présentait un handicap marqué des suites du scotome annulaire.Thérapie et pronostic:AucunConclusion:Les deux patientes présentaient une atrophie rétinienne annulaire périmaculaire. Les patients atteints d'une mutation 3243 de l'ADN mitochondrial devraient bénéficier d'un examen du fond d'oeil à la recherche d'une maculopahtie, même s'ils sont asymptomatiques.Inversement, la découverte d'une telle maculopathie géographique devrait suggérer la possibilité d'une mutation au locus 3243 de l'ADN mitochondrial, surtout en présence d'un diabète et/ou d'une surdité.


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AbstractText BACKGROUND: Profiling sperm DNA present on vaginal swabs taken from rape victims often contributes to identifying and incarcerating rapists. Large amounts of the victim's epithelial cells contaminate the sperm present on swabs, however, and complicate this process. The standard method for obtaining relatively pure sperm DNA from a vaginal swab is to digest the epithelial cells with Proteinase K in order to solubilize the victim's DNA, and to then physically separate the soluble DNA from the intact sperm by pelleting the sperm, removing the victim's fraction, and repeatedly washing the sperm pellet. An alternative approach that does not require washing steps is to digest with Proteinase K, pellet the sperm, remove the victim's fraction, and then digest the residual victim's DNA with a nuclease. METHODS: The nuclease approach has been commercialized in a product, the Erase Sperm Isolation Kit (PTC Labs, Columbia, MO, USA), and five crime laboratories have tested it on semen-spiked female buccal swabs in a direct comparison with their standard methods. Comparisons have also been performed on timed post-coital vaginal swabs and evidence collected from sexual assault cases. RESULTS: For the semen-spiked buccal swabs, Erase outperformed the standard methods in all five laboratories and in most cases was able to provide a clean male profile from buccal swabs spiked with only 1,500 sperm. The vaginal swabs taken after consensual sex and the evidence collected from rape victims showed a similar pattern of Erase providing superior profiles. CONCLUSIONS: In all samples tested, STR profiles of the male DNA fractions obtained with Erase were as good as or better than those obtained using the standard methods.


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The pericentric inversion on chromosome 16 [inv(16)(p13q22)] and related t(16;16)(p13;q22) are recurrent aberrations associated with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) M4 Eo. Both abberations result in a fusion of the core binding factor beta (CBFB) and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain gene (MYH11). A selected genomic 6.9-kb BamHl probe detects MYH11 DNA rearrangements in 18 of 19 inv(16)/t(16;16) patients tested using HindIII digested DNA. The rearranged fragments were not detectable after remission in two cases tested, while they were present after relapse in one of these two cases tested.


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Intratumoural (i.t.) injection of radio-iododeoxyuridine (IdUrd), a thymidine (dThd) analogue, is envisaged for targeted Auger electron- or beta-radiation therapy of glioblastoma. Here, biodistribution of [(125)I]IdUrd was evaluated 5 hr after i.t. injection in subcutaneous human glioblastoma xenografts LN229 after different intravenous (i.v.) pretreatments with fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd). FdUrd is known to block de novo dThd synthesis, thus favouring DNA incorporation of radio-IdUrd. Results showed that pretreatment with 2 mg/kg FdUrd i.v. in 2 fractions 0.5 hr and 1 hr before injection of radio-IdUrd resulted in a mean tumour uptake of 19.8% of injected dose (% ID), representing 65.3% ID/g for tumours of approx. 0.35 g. Tumour uptake of radio-IdUrd in non-pretreated mice was only 4.1% ID. Very low uptake was observed in normal nondividing and dividing tissues with a maximum concentration of 2.9% ID/g measured in spleen. Pretreatment with a higher dose of FdUrd of 10 mg/kg prolonged the increased tumour uptake of radio-IdUrd up to 5 hr. A competition experiment was performed in FdUrd pretreated mice using i.t. co-injection of excess dThd that resulted in very low tumour retention of [(125)I]IdUrd. DNA isolation experiments showed that in the mean >95% of tumour (125)I activity was incorporated in DNA. In conclusion, these results show that close to 20% ID of radio-IdUrd injected i.t. was incorporated in tumour DNA after i.v. pretreatment with clinically relevant doses of FdUrd and that this approach may be further exploited for diffusion and therapy studies with Auger electron- and/or beta-radiation-emitting radio-IdUrd.


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A previous study has shown the possibility to identify methane (CH4 ) using headspace-GC-MS and quantify it with a stable isotope as internal standard. The main drawback of the GC-MS methods discussed in literature for CH4 measurement is the absence of a specific internal standard necessary to perform quantification. However, it becomes essential to develop a safer method to limit the manipulation of gaseous CH4 and to precisely control the injected amount of gas for spiking and calibration by comparison with external calibration. To avoid the manipulation of a stable isotope-labeled gas, we have chosen to generate a labeled gas as an internal standard in a vial on the basis of the formation of CH4 by the reaction of Grignard reagent methylmagnesium chloride with deuterated water. This method allows precise measurement of CH4 concentrations in gaseous sample as well as in a solid or a liquid sample after a thermodesorption step in a headspace vial. A full accuracy profile validation of this method is then presented.


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Epigenetic silencing of essential components of DNA repair pathways is a common event in many tumor types, and comprise O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT), human mut L homolog 1 (hMLH1), Werner syndrome gene (WRN), breast cancer susceptibility gene 1 (BRCA1), and genes of the Fanconi anemia pathway. Most interestingly, some of these alterations become the Achilles heel of the affected tumors upon treatment with certain classes of anticancer agents. That is, patients whose tumors carry such defects can be stratified for respective therapy rendering some classic DNA damaging agents, such as alkylators or DNA crosslinking agents, into "targeted therapies." Here we review some of the affected repair pathways that, when inactivated, sensitize the tumors to specific drugs and are thus exploitable for individualized therapy.