994 resultados para Gradient environmental


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The production of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) in response to several environmental variables was studied in 2 mesocosm experiments. The first (Expt 1) examined a gradient of 4 nutrient levels; the second (Expt 2) examined different conditions of silicate availability and zooplankton presence. Tanks were separated in 2 series, one subjected to turbulence and the other not influenced by turbulence. In tanks with nutrient addition, TEP were rapidly formed, with net apparent production rates closely linked to chl a growth rates, suggesting that phytoplankton cells were actively exuding TEP precursors. High nutrient availability increased the absolute concentration of TEP; however, the relative quantity of TEP produced was found to be lower, as TEP concentration per unit of phytoplankton biomass was inversely related to the initial nitrate dose. In Expt 1, an increase in TEP volume (3 to 48 µm equivalent spherical diameter) with nutrient dose was observed; in Expt 2, both silicate addition and turbulence enhanced TEP production and favored aggregation to larger TEP (>48 µm). The presence of zooplankton lowered TEP concentration and changed the size distribution of TEP, presumably by grazing on TEP or phytoplankton. For lower nutrient concentrations, the ratio of particulate organic carbon (POC) to particulate organic nitrogen (PON) followed the Redfield ratio. At higher nutrient conditions, when nutrients were exhausted during the post-bloom, a decoupling of carbon and nitrogen dynamics occurred and was correlated to TEP formation, with a large flow of carbon channeled toward the TEP pool in turbulent tanks. TEP accounted for an increase in POC concentration of 50% in high-nutrient and turbulent conditions. The study of TEP dynamics is crucial to understanding the biogeochemical response of the aquatic system to forcing variables such as nutrient availability and turbulence intensity.


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PURPOSE: To improve the traditional Nyquist ghost correction approach in echo planar imaging (EPI) at high fields, via schemes based on the reversal of the EPI readout gradient polarity for every other volume throughout a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) acquisition train. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An EPI sequence in which the readout gradient was inverted every other volume was implemented on two ultrahigh-field systems. Phantom images and fMRI data were acquired to evaluate ghost intensities and the presence of false-positive blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal with and without ghost correction. Three different algorithms for ghost correction of alternating readout EPI were compared. RESULTS: Irrespective of the chosen processing approach, ghosting was significantly reduced (up to 70% lower intensity) in both rat brain images acquired on a 9.4T animal scanner and human brain images acquired at 7T, resulting in a reduction of sources of false-positive activation in fMRI data. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that at high B(0) fields, substantial gains in Nyquist ghost correction of echo planar time series are possible by alternating the readout gradient every other volume.


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Much of the analytical modeling of morphogen profiles is based on simplistic scenarios, where the source is abstracted to be point-like and fixed in time, and where only the steady state solution of the morphogen gradient in one dimension is considered. Here we develop a general formalism allowing to model diffusive gradient formation from an arbitrary source. This mathematical framework, based on the Green's function method, applies to various diffusion problems. In this paper, we illustrate our theory with the explicit example of the Bicoid gradient establishment in Drosophila embryos. The gradient formation arises by protein translation from a mRNA distribution followed by morphogen diffusion with linear degradation. We investigate quantitatively the influence of spatial extension and time evolution of the source on the morphogen profile. For different biologically meaningful cases, we obtain explicit analytical expressions for both the steady state and time-dependent 1D problems. We show that extended sources, whether of finite size or normally distributed, give rise to more realistic gradients compared to a single point-source at the origin. Furthermore, the steady state solutions are fully compatible with a decreasing exponential behavior of the profile. We also consider the case of a dynamic source (e.g. bicoid mRNA diffusion) for which a protein profile similar to the ones obtained from static sources can be achieved.


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The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH), Division of Environmental Health, Health Assessment Program gives people information about harmful chemicals and organisms in their environment. Blue-green algae are microscopic organisms that are naturally present in lakes and streams. Some blue-green algae produce toxins that could pose a health risk to people and animals when they are exposed to them in large enough quantities. This fact sheet answers questions about blue-green algae.


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This report is a result of the ADPER & EH division management team retreat that was held on July 30 and 31, 2015 where a gap was identified in our communication with customers, especially when it came to sharing information about planning efforts. The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive look at what ADPER & EH has accomplished in the past year as well as what we are working on for the future. It also serves as an annual informational resource for stakeholders, local partners, policy makers and the general public.


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Infectious diseases are a continuing threat to all people, regardless of age, gender, lifestyle, ethnic background, or socioeconomic status. They cause illness, suffering and even death, and place an enormous financial burden on society. Although modern advances have controlled some infectious diseases, new ones are constantly emerging. State public health officials rely on local public health agencies, healthcare providers, laboratories and other public health personnel to report the occurrence of notifiable diseases. Without such data, trends cannot be accurately monitored, unusual occurrences of diseases (such as outbreaks) might not be detected or appropriately responded to, and the effectiveness of control and prevention activities cannot be evaluated.


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Background, aim, and scope A coupled Life Cycle Costing and life cycle assessment has been performed for car-bodies of the Korean Tilting Train eXpress (TTX) project using European and Korean databases, with the objective of assessing environmental and cost performance to aid materials and process selection. More specifically, the potential of polymer composite car-body structures for the Korean Tilting Train eXpress (TTX) has been investigated. Materials and methods This assessment includes the cost of both carriage manufacturing and use phases, coupled with the life cycle environmental impacts of all stages from raw material production, through carriage manufacture and use, to end-of-life scenarios. Metallic carriages were compared with two composite options: hybrid steel-composite and full-composite carriages. The total planned production for this regional Korean train was 440 cars, with an annual production volume of 80 cars. Results and discussion The coupled analyses were used to generate plots of cost versus energy consumption and environmental impacts. The results show that the raw material and manufacturing phase costs are approximately half of the total life cycle costs, whilst their environmental impact is relatively insignificant (3-8%). The use phase of the car-body has the largest environmental impact for all scenarios, with near negligible contributions from the other phases. Since steel rail carriages weigh more (27-51%), the use phase cost is correspondingly higher, resulting in both the greatest environmental impact and the highest life cycle cost. Compared to the steel scenario, the hybrid composite variant has a lower life cycle cost (16%) and a lower environmental impact (26%). Though the full composite rail carriage may have the highest manufacturing cost, it results in the lowest total life cycle costs and lowest environmental impacts. Conclusions and recommendations This coupled cost and life cycle assessment showed that the full composite variant was the optimum solution. This case study showed that coupling of technical cost models with life cycle assessment offers an efficient route to accurately evaluate economic and environmental performance in a consistent way.


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Biochar has the potential to make a major contribution to the mitigation of climate change, and enhancement of plant production. However, in order for biochar to fulfill this promise, the industry and regulating bodies must take steps to manage potential environmental threats and address negative perceptions. The potential threats to the sustainability of biochar systems, at each stage of the biochar life cycle, were reviewed. We propose that a sustainability framework for biochar could be adapted from existing frameworks developed for bioenergy. Sustainable land use policies, combined with effective regulation of biochar production facilities and incentives for efficient utilization of energy, and improved knowledge of biochar impacts on ecosystem health and productivity could provide a strong framework for the development of a robust sustainable biochar industry. Sustainability certification could be introduced to provide confidence to consumers that sustainable practices have been employed along the production chain, particularly where biochar is traded internationally.


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Isotopic and trace element compositions of Miocene and Pliocene phosphatic brachiopods (Lingulidae and Discinidae) from southern North Sea, the Central Paratethys and the Atlantic coast of Europe were investigated in order to trace past environmental conditions and marine connections between the northern boreal and the southern subtropical-tropical marine basins. The North Sea genus Glottidia yielded low epsilon(Nd) and high delta O-18(PO4) values through the Mio-Pliocene indicating cold habitat temperature where the local seawater was dominated by the Atlantic Ocean. In contrast, the Middle Miocene Lingulidae and Discinidae of the Paratethys inhabited warm subtropical seawater with the possible influence of the Indian Ocean via the Mediterranean, as supported by their average epsilon(Nd) value of -8.3. The combined geochemical data support a thermal and marine separation of the Paratethys from the North Sea with no direct connection or major exchange of water from the Miocene onwards. The temperature in the Paratethys was very similar to that inferred from brachiopods from the Middle Miocene of western France, but the seawater epsilon(Nd) value here is identical to that of contemporaneous Atlantic Ocean. A Late Miocene lingulid brachiopod from southern Portugal has a high delta O-18(PO4), similar to the specimens investigated from the North Sea, reflecting either a deep water habitat or formation after the onset of major global cooling that resulted in an increased delta O-18 value of seawater. The epsilon(Nd) value of -8.4 for this site is compatible with an influence of Mediterranean outflow. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Contemporary coronary magnetic resonance angiography techniques suffer from signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) constraints. We propose a method to enhance SNR in gradient echo coronary magnetic resonance angiography by using sensitivity encoding (SENSE). While the use of sensitivity encoding to improve SNR seems counterintuitive, it can be exploited by reducing the number of radiofrequency excitations during the acquisition window while lowering the signal readout bandwidth, therefore improving the radiofrequency receive to radiofrequency transmit duty cycle. Under certain conditions, this leads to improved SNR. The use of sensitivity encoding for improved SNR in three-dimensional coronary magnetic resonance angiography is investigated using numerical simulations and an in vitro and an in vivo study. A maximum 55% SNR enhancement for coronary magnetic resonance angiography was found both in vitro and in vivo, which is well consistent with the numerical simulations. This method is most suitable for spoiled gradient echo coronary magnetic resonance angiography in which a high temporal and spatial resolution is required.


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Invasive candidiasis is the most commonly reported invasive fungal infection worldwide. Although Candida albicans remains the main cause, the incidence of emerging Candida species, such as C. parapsilosis is increasing. It has been postulated that C. parapsilosis clinical isolates result from a recent global expansion of a virulent clone. However, the availability of a single genome for this species has so far prevented testing this hypothesis at genomic scales. We present here the sequence of three additional strains from clinical and environmental samples. Our analyses reveal unexpected patterns of genomic variation, shared among distant strains, that argue against the clonal expansion hypothesis. All strains carry independent expansions involving an arsenite transporter homolog, pointing to the existence of directional selection in the environment, and independent origins of the two clinical isolates. Furthermore, we report the first evidence for the existence of recombination in this species. Altogether, our results shed new light onto the dynamics of genome evolution in C. parapsilosis.


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Les hypertensions pulmonaires post-capillaires sont définies par une pression artérielle moyenne (PAPm) ≥ 25mmHg et une pression pulmonaire d'occlusion (PAPO) > 15mmHg. Une augmentation de la PAP peut être soit passive, transmission rétrograde de l'augmentation de la pression du coeur gauche ( gradient transpulmonaire GTP ≤ 12mmHg), soit active, élévation hors de proportion de la PAP due à une augmentation du tonus vasculaire et un remodelage vasculaire (GTP > 12mmHg). Le gradient entre la pression artérielle diastolique (PAPd) et la PAPO, qui est normal (≤ 5mmHg) dans les HP post-capillaires, n'est actuellement plus utilisé dans le diagnostic et l'évaluation des HP dans la dernière classification de 2008 (Dana Point 2008). But : - analyse des données cliniques, échocardiographiques et hémodynamiques des HP post-capillaires des patients référés dans un centre de référence d'HP - évaluer le rôle du gradient PAPd-PAPO dans la prise en charge des HP Méthode : Nous avons analysé de manière rétrospective les données cliniques, hémodynamiques et échocardiographiques des patients qui ont été diagnostiqué pour une HP au moyen d'un cathétérisme cardiaque entre janvier 2009 et juin 2011 au centre de référence d'HP du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV). Résultats: - 40% des patients ont les critères pour une HP post-capillaire - 33% des patients ont une HP qui répond à la définition d'HP "hors de propotion" avec un GTP > 12mmHg - 74% des patients avec HP post-capillaire ont une cardiopathie gauche associée avec des signes échocardiographiques de dysfonction diastolique - Sur les 27 patients avec une HP du groupe 2, 44% ont plusieurs facteurs de risque (FR) pour une HP - 75% de ces patients avec une cardiopathie gauche ainsi qu'un autre FR pour une HP ont un gradient PAPd-PAPO > 5 mmHg versus 8% de ceux qui n'ont pas d'autre FR (p-value 0.0075) Conclusion : Les HP post-capillaires sont fréquentes chez les patients adressés au centre de référence d'HP pour une suspicion d'HP. Dans notre cohorte 85% des patients avec HP post-capillaire ont une HP hors de proportion dont 44% ont un FR non cardiaque susceptible d'être à l'origine de l'HP. Le gradient PAPd-PAPO semble être un meilleur facteur discriminant que le GTP pour la caractérisation et la classification des HP.