915 resultados para Governo Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003 - )


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A aprendizagem formal e tradicional tem dado lugar a um cenrio desafiador no qual educador e educando no comungam do mesmo espao fsico. A Educao a Distncia (EAD), ainda vista como uma soluo que agrega cada vez mais alunos de diferentes idades que desejam uma graduao de ensino superior ou a continuidade dela. A pesquisa com o ttulo: O estudante da EAD (educao a distncia): um estudo de perfil e interao geracional prope conhecer as caractersticas do perfil atual do estudante da EAD, abordando o dilogo entre as geraes no ambiente social escolar. O enfoque da pesquisa qualitativa, exploratria e descritiva com dados que foram coletados atravs de entrevista com 08 alunos das geraes X e Y para assim entender se este perfil tem sido renovado com alunos mais jovens, do que a faixa etria de 25 a 45 anos. O resultado demonstra que alunos na faixa de 17 a 24 anos a cada ano aumentam 1% das matrculas. J a faixa de 25 a 45 anos prevalece com 70% das matrculas. Portanto, este resultado revela que o perfil do aluno EAD ainda o do jovem adulto, para adulto mais experiente, que busca a graduao com o propsito de progresso no ambiente profissional. As duas geraes citadas gerao X e gerao Y, mesmo em contextos histricos diferenciados de valores, crenas e comportamentos participam atualmente de uma transformao social que contempla os meios de produo do trabalho, a formao educacional e as relaes sociais. O dilogo intergeracional direciona a um aprendizado compartilhado, participativo na troca de experincias mutuas. Para a gerao X o jovem atual no mais nomeado como o que precisa escutar e aprender, mas tem muito a partilhar, principalmente diante da facilidade com os meios tecnolgicos. E para a gerao Y, na partilha no h barreiras de idade, mas a segurana de interagir e se comunicar diante da troca de experincias


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On the evening of April 1, 1981, the city of Santa Cruz was taken by a flood that destroyed the spillway weir Santa Cruz and much of the city, causing the population of the lower areas to abandon their homes. Residences and closest to the dam, the river and the creek Trairi Sin streets were totally affected, and many of the houses and public buildings completely destroyed. Located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the city of Santa Cruz is marked by a very hot climate and semi-arid. With an average normal rainfall of 498.7 mm per year, the city is affected by drought since the beginning of its foundation, around the year 1831. For its development had continued, it was necessary that the population actualize various environmental interventions Nature, especially as regards the storage and distribution of water. Considering the process of occupying the space in question, as well as the relationships that human groups have with the natural environment, we aim to analyze how human interventions affect the environment around them, modifying it to meet their needs and interests. Thus, we intend to understand how media coverage enabled the construction of a framework of tragedy. We intend to observe how the occupation of Santa Cruz led to the modification of their surroundings, trying to discuss the effects of human intervention on natural disasters. Among the research sources include newspapers A Repblica, Dirio de Natal, Tribuna do Norte, O Poti and Folha de So Paulo, as well as interviews with the then mayor of Santa Cruz, Hildebrando Teixeira de Souza, and with the couple Jos Henrique de Pontes and Severina Aguida de Pontes, whose house was hit by the flood. We will also take messages from the state government, the minutes of the city council of Santa Cruz and reports produced by DNOCS on the construction of the weir and its survey after the flood.


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This thesis aimed to evaluate the implementation of the Food Acquisition Program(PAA) through CONAB RN in the period of 2003-2010 with the perception of all agents involved in the implementation of the government program.For the methodological trajectory it was adopted a descriptive bibliographical and documentary approach with triangular qualitative and quantitative, also called evaluative research.The theoretical model was supported by the authors Draibe (2001), Aguilar and Ander-Egg (1994) and Silva(2001), among others, that focused on family farming and evaluation of implementation of public policy having as a category of analysis the size implementation of policy and the latter divided into 10 theoretical dimensions.The universe consisted of three groups: the first were the managers and technicians from CONAB(RN and Brasilia), totaling 15 subjects. The second group was of associations/cooperatives that participated in the programin 2010, totaling a sample in each access of 15 representatives. The third group of subjects totaled with 309 representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations that received donations of food for the same period. Semi-structured interviews and forms were adopted as instruments of data collection.The data were processed qualitatively by the analysis of content (interviews and documents) and quantitatively by means of statistical tests that allowed inferences and adoption of frequencies. Among the key find ingests that the program is not standing as a structure supported by planning. The interests of the performers do not necessarily converge with the objectives of the Food Acquisition Program (PAA). A shockof goals was identified (within the same program) when comparingthe financial agent (Ministry of Rural Development and of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger Ministry r) and the executor, CONAB/RN. Within the assessed dimensions, the most fragileis the sub-managerial decision-making and Organizational Environment and internal assessment, still deserves attention the sizeof logistical and operational Subsystem, as this also proved weak.The focusin the quest toexpand thequantificationof the resultsof theFood Acquisition Program (PAA)by CONAB/RN does forget a quality management focused on what really should be:the compliance with the institutional objectives of the government program.Finally, the perspective for the traded implementation should be re-examined because excessive discretion by managers along with technical staff has characterized there al role of the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) as public policy. We conclude that the implementation model, which apparently aggregates values to the benefitted citizens, has weakened the context of work on family farms having the management model of the implementation process be reviewed by the Federal Government and point too ther paths, which have as a guide line the emancipation and developmentof the field or in the field andat the same time enables the reduction of nutritional deficiency of beneficiaries in a balanced and coherent way


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This thesis aimed to evaluate the implementation of the Food Acquisition Program(PAA) through CONAB RN in the period of 2003-2010 with the perception of all agents involved in the implementation of the government program.For the methodological trajectory it was adopted a descriptive bibliographical and documentary approach with triangular qualitative and quantitative, also called evaluative research.The theoretical model was supported by the authors Draibe (2001), Aguilar and Ander-Egg (1994) and Silva(2001), among others, that focused on family farming and evaluation of implementation of public policy having as a category of analysis the size implementation of policy and the latter divided into 10 theoretical dimensions.The universe consisted of three groups: the first were the managers and technicians from CONAB(RN and Brasilia), totaling 15 subjects. The second group was of associations/cooperatives that participated in the programin 2010, totaling a sample in each access of 15 representatives. The third group of subjects totaled with 309 representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations that received donations of food for the same period. Semi-structured interviews and forms were adopted as instruments of data collection.The data were processed qualitatively by the analysis of content (interviews and documents) and quantitatively by means of statistical tests that allowed inferences and adoption of frequencies. Among the key find ingests that the program is not standing as a structure supported by planning. The interests of the performers do not necessarily converge with the objectives of the Food Acquisition Program (PAA). A shockof goals was identified (within the same program) when comparingthe financial agent (Ministry of Rural Development and of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger Ministry r) and the executor, CONAB/RN. Within the assessed dimensions, the most fragileis the sub-managerial decision-making and Organizational Environment and internal assessment, still deserves attention the sizeof logistical and operational Subsystem, as this also proved weak.The focusin the quest toexpand thequantificationof the resultsof theFood Acquisition Program (PAA)by CONAB/RN does forget a quality management focused on what really should be:the compliance with the institutional objectives of the government program.Finally, the perspective for the traded implementation should be re-examined because excessive discretion by managers along with technical staff has characterized there al role of the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) as public policy. We conclude that the implementation model, which apparently aggregates values to the benefitted citizens, has weakened the context of work on family farms having the management model of the implementation process be reviewed by the Federal Government and point too ther paths, which have as a guide line the emancipation and developmentof the field or in the field andat the same time enables the reduction of nutritional deficiency of beneficiaries in a balanced and coherent way


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No incio da dcada de 1980, o governo federal brasileiro decide implantar no municpio de Alcntara, Estado do Maranho, leste da Amaznia brasileira, um centro de alta tecnologia de lanamento de foguetes o qual objetivava colocar em rbita satlites, o que seria um dos maiores e ambiciosos projetos cientficos do pas. Contudo, para viabilizao do projeto seria necessrio realizar a desterritorializao de milhares de pessoas, essencialmente comunidades quilombolas e tradicionais, as quais ocupavam uma rea aproximadamente de 52.000 hectares, havia cerca de 300 anos. A finalidade deste estudo identificar e analisar os impactos da implantao do centro de lanamento na poca e dias atuais, as transformaes espaciais e territoriais imediatas ao incio da efetivao do projeto, os conflitos polticos entre as populaes e Estado, quais as conseqncias diretas das aes de implantao da base de lanamento populao atingida. Outro objetivo refere-se compreenso da formao histrico-territorial do Estado do Maranho e de Alcntara para entender as relaes sociais e o territrio poca. Para efetivao desse estudo foram realizados levantamentos bibliogrficos, documentais e de imagens. A principal contribuio que este artigo busca se refere abordagem geogrfica desse caso bastante relevante que, todavia, no recebeu a devida ateno haja vista a enorme carncia de estudos e pesquisas geogrficas acerca do tema.


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Resumo: Neste artigo, propomo-nos a analisar o Governo do Imperador Romano Tibrio, da forma como foi descrito por Dion Cssio Cocceiano na obra Histria Romana. Dion Cssio foi senador na passagem do II para o III sculo d.C. e sua narrativa nos chegou bastante fragmentada, reconstruda a partir dos excertos de Xifilino e Zonaras. A autoridade do Prncipe no era hereditria. Assim, tornavase necessrio refazer os laos de patronato e amicitia no incio de cada governo. E esta no era uma tarefa fcil, nem mesmo para Tibrio que sucedeu o considerado bom Imperador Otvio Augusto.


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Contenido: Editorial Respuestas institucionales y polticas ante la macrocriminalidad: La naturaleza econmica de la criminalidad organizada / Andrea Castaldo Blanqueo de capitales : desde la represin del delito a la prevencin / Mara Jos Meinke Globalizacin y derecho penal / Luis Flvio Gomes La nueva poltica criminal intimidatoria e inocuizadora : el caso de la seguridad ciudadana en Per / Percy Garca Cavero La respuesta al terrorismo poltico en Italia / Mauricio Landi Rplica francesa al terrorismo y al crimen organizado / Serge Leteur El debate sobre la constitucionalidad de las leyes 23.492 y 23.521 / Miguel M. Padilla Derechos fundamentales y constitucionalismo penal / Carlos Alberto Mahiques El estatuto de Roma y el principio de legalidad en el Derecho Penal internacional / Juan Manuel Gramajo Actualizaciones en Derecho Penal: Acerca de la responsabilidad de la persona jurdica en el Derecho Italiano / Mauro Ronco La Corte suprema y la morosidad del proceso penal / Francisco DAlbora El secreto profesional mdico / Fernando Mario Caunedo ; Manuel Gorostiaga La Legislacin Argentina ante los delitos complejos / Luis Enrique Velasco In Memoriam -- Recensiones


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Consultoria Legislativa - rea IX - Poltica e Planejamento Econmicos, Desenvolvimento Econmico Economia Internacional.


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Investiga o discurso parlamentar dos representantes legislativos do Distrito Federal na Cmara dos Deputados, entre os anos 2003 e 2007, em relao s mudanas necessrias na educao.


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Investiga a atuao do Congresso Nacional em torno da anistia poltica aos apenados pelo regime militar brasileiro. Acompanha o encaminhamento dado referida questo atravs dos mecanismos formais de participao poltica, partindo-se mais especificamente das propostas legislativas apresentadas na Cmara dos Deputados e no Senado Federal. O recorte temporal adotado abarca o perodo compreendido entre o incio do governo Castelo Branco (1964-1967), quando verificaram-se as primeiras articulaes parlamentares em torno do tema, e a promulgao da Lei 6.683, em agosto de 1979. Situando-se o debate sobre a anistia na esfera da resistncia democrtica, so analisadas as estratgias empregadas pelos atores envolvidos, suas motivaes, bem como os significados das disputas em torno daquela bandeira para os rumos do processo poltico.


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Descreve a estrutura e competncias do Sistema Federal de Controle Interno do Poder Executivo, formado por seu rgo Central, a Controladoria-Geral da Unio, e trs rgos setoriais, denominados Secretarias Federais de Controle Interno, instalados na Casa Civil, no Ministrio da Defesa e no Ministrio das Relaes Exteriores, demonstrando o foco dos trabalhos realizados, com base na verificao dos relatrios elaborados. Procura identificar se os rgos setoriais esto ou no aderentes finalidade do sistema de controle prevista no inciso I do art. 74 da Constituio Federal, no que se refere avaliao da execuo dos programas de governo, nos moldes preconizados pela Controladoria-Geral da Unio.


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Reitores das universidades pblicas renem-se com Constituintes para garantir maiores recursos pblicos para o ensino superior pblico. O Reitor da Universidade de Braslia (UnB), Cristovam Buarque de Holanda, defende que as verbas pblicas sejam destinadas apenas para universidades pblicas e que estas tenham maior autonomia. Sindicalistas levam manifesto de apoio Constituinte ao Deputado Ulysses Guimares (PMDB-SP), presidente da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte ANC). Para o Deputado Joo Paulo (PT-MG), importantssimo defender a Constituinte, visto que por meio dela consolidamos o processo democrtico do pas. A Deputada Beth Azize (PSB-AM) relata que a Constituinte causa polmica, pois existem alguns grupos que no querem mudanas no pas. A Comisso de Sistematizao conclui votao sobre Reforma Agrria. Avanos aprovados na legislao agrria: direito s mulheres, da posse do ttulo da terra; direito de usucapio rural aos trabalhadores; obrigao do governo de ouvir os agricultores antes de estabelecer diretrizes agrcolas. Os Deputados Vicente Bogo (PMDB-RS), Jos Ereja (PTB-SP) e Cristina Tavares (PMDB-PE), explicam o que esses avanos representam. Tem incio na Comisso de Sistematizao a discusso dos artigos referentes ao sistema financeiro nacional, no Captulo 3 da Ordem Econmica. O Deputado Jos Luiz Maia (PDS-PI) comenta a proposta de nacionalizao dos bancos.


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Trata da participao da Cmara dos Deputados na formulao de polticas pblicas para o enfrentamento da violncia praticada por crianas e adolescentes. O estudo, de carter exploratrio e descritivo, objetiva caracterizar o padro predominante de interveno da Cmara dos Deputados na temtica da criminalidade juvenil. Apresenta anlise com base na aplicao do modelo cognitivo-social para o exame dos projetos de lei ordinria vinculados ao tema da infncia e da adolescncia apresentados no mbito da Cmara dos Deputados entre 2003 e 2010.