967 resultados para Gould, Stephen Jay
The aim of this paper is to analyse the state of the investigative journalism in Mexico, especially the one that is practiced at the local level in the provinces. That is, this research is based upon a case study conducted in Morelia, the capital city of the state of Michoacán. The empirical evidence will show that there is an evident divergence regarding the practice of the investigative journalism: on the one hand, journalists are aware of what this concept involves and they consider that they practice it on a regular basis; but, on the other, the content analysis prove otherwise. In other words, the account of what is actually printed significantly differs from the news workers’ perceptions, because the former shows a poorly developed journalistic investigation practice.
Esta investigación aborda el consumo que los jóvenes universitarios de España y Brasil realizan de las publicaciones para tabletas. A través del estudio de seis casos –las revistas españolas Don, VisàVis y Quality Sport, y los vespertinos brasileños O Globo a Mais, de Río de Janeiro; Estadão Noite, de Sao Paulo; y Diário do Nordeste Plus, de Fortaleza– se aplica una metodología cualitativa, el test de usabilidad, para detectar qué aspectos ralentizan y entorpecen la navegación en las nuevas generaciones de usuarios de medios móviles. A pesar de la influencia de las revistas impresas en la configuración de las publicaciones para tableta, los datos muestran que el usuario necesita “entrenarse” para conocer unas opciones de interacción a veces poco intuitivas o para las que carece de la madurez visual necesaria. Por ello las publicaciones más sencillas obtienen los mejores resultados de usabilidad.
Maapallon pohjoinen arktinen alue on monien muutoksien äärellä. Ilmaston lämpenemisestä johtuvat muutokset alueen ympäristöön luovat myös kansainvälisoikeudellisia ja -poliittisia haasteita alueen valtioille. Jäämeren rantavaltiot ovat näiden haasteiden keskipisteessä. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma tarkastelee nimenomaan Kanadan arktisen alueen politiikkaa pääministeri Stephen Harperin aikakaudella 2006-2015. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää Kanadan arktisen politiikan lähtökohtia, painotuksia ja sitä, miksi Kanada käyttäytyy, miten se käyttäytyy arktisella alueellaan. Kanada on yksi vaikutusvaltaisimpia valtioita pohjoisella pallonpiirillä, jonka vuoksi sen politiikalla ja intresseillä alueen suhteen on suurta merkitystä. Tutkimusaineisto koostui pääministerin arktisesta alueesta pitämistä puheista vuosilta 2006-2015 eli koko pääministerikauden ajalta ja Kanadan hallinnon virallisista arktisista strategioista. Tutkimus toteutettiin tarkastelemalla pääministeri Harperin puheiden ja strategioiden diskurssikehyksiä. Diskurssikehys tarkoittaa tässä tutkimuksessa pohjimmiltaan vallankäyttöä, jolla voidaan määritellä, mihin diskurssi kytketään. Diskurssin kehystäminen luo potentiaalin tulevalle toiminnalle diskurssissa tapahtuneen asiakysymyksen määrittelyn ja kytkemisen avulla. Näin ollen diskurssikehyksiä tutkimalla pystyttiin tarkastelemaan Kanadan hallinnon poliittisia lähtökohtia ja painotuksia. Aineistosta havaittiin kuusi vuorovaikutteista diskurssikehystä. Lisäksi huomattiin selkeä ristiriita Harperin puheiden ja Kanadan virallisten arktisten asiakirjojen kehystämisen välillä. Harper painottaa puheissaan erityisesti suvereniteetin puolustusta, arktisen alueen kanadalaista läsnäoloa, arktisten luonnonvarojen hyödyntämistä taloudellisen kehityksen aikaansaamiseksi, arktisen alueen yleistä kehitystä ja Kanadan pohjoista identiteettiä. Sen sijaan Kanadan viralliset arktiset strategiat korostavat kansainvälisen yhteistyön tärkeyttä ensisijaisesti. Tutkimuksen avulla selvisi, että Kanada pyrkii lisäämään läsnäoloa arktisella alueella ja painottaa kansallisen suvereniteetin varjelemista, pyrkii kehittämään alueen hallintoa ja infrastruktuuria sekä pyrkii mahdollistamaan talouskasvua arktiselle alueelle erityisesti alueen luonnonvaroja hyödyntämällä. Samalla erityisesti Harper pyrkii tietoisesti rakentamaan kanadalaista pohjoista identiteettiä arktisen alueen politiikan perustaksi.
Rezension von: Stephen Frank: E-Learning und Kompetenzentwicklung. Ein unterrichtsorientiertes didaktisches Modell. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt 2012 (220 S.; ISBN 978-3-7815-1861-2)
The purpose of my research was to explore the interplay between religion and art in James Joyce’s novel, A PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST AS A YOUNG MAN. My aim was to trace the development of the protagonist, Stephen Dedalus by analyzing how Catholicsim is an institution that forms him, yet must reject to realize his artistic potential. I researched Joyce’s background to gain an understanding of the exilic experience on the literature. Through the exilic lens, I realized that Catholicism was the predominant influence on Stephen’s need to embark on a self-imposed exile at the end of the novel. Complicating his decision is the fact that he does not stop believing in religious constructs such as heaven and hell. In conclusion I found by following his artistic longing, and turning away from the church he is committing a sin and, as a result, damning his soul.
Se realizó el análisis comparativo de los principales aspectos reproductivos del pulpo Octopus mimus Gould, 1852 entre las áreas de Callao y Chiclayo; utilizando bases de datos correspondientes a los muestreos quincenales de las capturas de la pesquería artesanal durante el año 2014. Se muestrearon 604 individuos (244 hembras y 360 machos) en Callao y 411 individuos (152 hembras y 259 machos) en Chiclayo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo aumentar el conocimiento sobre la biología reproductiva de la especie, y cómo se ve influenciada por las condiciones oceanográficas propias de un área. Se determinó que ambas poblaciones no siguen los parámetros de una distribución normal, y que son estadísticamente diferentes con relación a la longitud del manto. Callao muestra una talla media anual mayor que Chiclayo. La proporción anual de sexos fue a favor de los machos. Resalta el predominio de individuos hembras y machos maduros durante todo el año. La talla de madurez obtenida, confirma que los machos maduran a tallas menores que las hembras. La talla de desove mantiene la tendencia. El peso de madurez en ambos sexos se encontró por debajo del peso mínimo de captura (1 kg), pero el peso de desove de las hembras fue mayor a éste. El grado en que la condición del individuo se ve afectada por la reproducción, es más evidente y determinante en hembras. La especie muestra un crecimiento alométrico negativo. En machos está mejor definido el aumento del peso de la gónada en función de la longitud del manto. La influencia de los factores ambientales sobre el ciclo reproductivo es particular en cada área, lo que explica las diferencias en el biotipo y la estacionalidad de los eventos reproductivos.
El pulpo Octopus mimus es un importante recurso de la pesquería artesanal bentónica, que se distribuye desde el norte del Perú a San Vicente, Chile. Se analizaron contenidos gástricos de 741 ejemplares obtenidos de la captura comercial en la bahía del Callao, durante agosto 2013-agosto 2014. Se determinó que las presas más importantes fueron crustáceos Decapoda: Petrolisthes desmarestii (%FO=24,13; %P=21,29%; N=27,10), Cycloxanthops sexdecimdentatus (%FO=16,35; %P=12,16%; N=15,99) y Allopetrolisthes angulosus (%FO=6,17; %P=6,05; %N=25,20). No hubo diferencias en la dieta entre machos y hembras en %FO y %P (Mann -Whitney U-test, p>0,05). Se observaron diferencias en el IR asociado a las fases de desarrollo gonadal en hembras, ejemplares madurantes/maduros mostraron mayor IR (0,17±0,17) que los desovados (0,08± 0,06), en machos no se observaron diferencias. El IR fue mayor en otoño (0,21±0,17) (Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0,05). Los índices ecológicos mostraron que O. mimus es un depredador generalista (B’>3), observándose traslapo entre la dieta de machos y hembras (Cλ>0,6), por lo que se concluye que su alimentación está influenciada por una combinación de factores fisiológicos y ambientales.
There is broad agreement that marine spatial planning (MSP) should incorporate transboundary considerations, reflecting the cross-border nature of marine and coastal ecosystem dynamics and maritime resources and activities. This is recognised in the European Union's recent legislation on MSP, and experience in transboundary approaches is developing through official processes and pilot studies.
In questo elaborato viene proposta la traduzione di un capitolo di "The Plant", libro inedito di Stephen King. Vengono illustrati il procedimento, l'approccio alla traduzione e le sfide maggiori riscontrate nel testo originale con relativi esempi. All'inizio è presente anche un capitolo introduttivo sull'autore, con biografia, storia e trama del libro preso in questione, nonché una breve parentesi sui suoi traduttori italiani più famosi.
Snakebite is a neglected disease and serious health problem in Brazil, with most bites being caused by snakes of the genus Bothrops. Although serum therapy is the primary treatment for systemic envenomation, it is generally ineffective in neutralizing the local effects of these venoms. In this work, we examined the ability of 7,8,3'-trihydroxy-4'-methoxyisoflavone (TM), an isoflavone from Dipteryx alata, to neutralize the neurotoxicity (in mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm preparations) and myotoxicity (assessed by light microscopy) of Bothrops jararacussu snake venom in vitro. The toxicity of TM was assessed using the Salmonella microsome assay (Ames test). Incubation with TM alone (200 μg/mL) did not alter the muscle twitch tension whereas incubation with venom (40 μg/mL) caused irreversible paralysis. Preincubation of TM (200 μg/mL) with venom attenuated the venom-induced neuromuscular blockade by 84% ± 5% (mean ± SEM; n = 4). The neuromuscular blockade caused by bothropstoxin-I (BthTX-I), the major myotoxic PLA2 of this venom, was also attenuated by TM. Histological analysis of diaphragm muscle incubated with TM showed that most fibers were preserved (only 9.2% ± 1.7% were damaged; n = 4) compared to venom alone (50.3% ± 5.4% of fibers damaged; n = 3), and preincubation of TM with venom significantly attenuated the venom-induced damage (only 17% ± 3.4% of fibers damaged; n = 3; p < 0.05 compared to venom alone). TM showed no mutagenicity in the Ames test using Salmonella strains TA98 and TA97a with (+S9) and without (-S9) metabolic activation. These findings indicate that TM is a potentially useful compound for antagonizing the neuromuscular effects (neurotoxicity and myotoxicity) of B. jararacussu venom.
Envenoming by the pitviper Bothrops jararacussu produces cardiovascular alterations, including coagulopathy, systemic hemorrhage, hypotension, circulatory shock and renal failure. In this work, we examined the activity of this venom in rat isolated right atria. Incubation with venom (0.025, 0.05, 0.1 and 0.2mg/ml) caused concentration-dependent muscle contracture that was not reversed by washing. Muscle damage was seen histologically and confirmed by quantification of creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) release. Heating and preincubation of venom with p-bromophenacyl bromide (a phospholipase A2 inhibitor) abolished the venom-induced contracture and muscle damage. In contrast, indomethacin, a non-selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase, and verapamil, a voltage-gated Ca(2+) channel blocker, did not affect the responses to venom. Preincubation of venom with Bothrops or Bothrops/Crotalus antivenom or the addition of antivenom soon after venom attenuated the venom-induced changes in atrial function and tissue damage. These results indicate that B. jararacussu venom adversely affected rat atrial contractile activity and muscle organization through the action of venom PLA2; these venom-induced alterations were attenuated by antivenom.
Scorpion stings account for most envenomations by venomous animals in Brazil. A retrospective study (1994-2011) of the clinical consequences of Tityus scorpion stings in 1327 patients treated at a university hospital in Campinas, southeastern Brazil, is reported. The clinical classification, based on outcome, was: dry sting (no envenoming), class I (only local manifestations), class II (systemic manifestations), class III (life-threatening manifestations, such as shock and/or cardiac failure requiring inotropic/vasopressor agents, and/or respiratory failure), and fatal. The median patient age was 27 years (interquartile interval = 15-42 years). Scorpions were brought for identification in 47.2% of cases (Tityus bahiensis 27.7%; Tityus serrulatus 19.5%). Sting severity was classified and each accounted for the following percentage of cases: dry stings - 3.4%, class I - 79.6%, class II - 15.1%, class III - 1.8% and fatal - 0.1%. Pain was the primary local manifestation (95.5%). Systemic manifestations such as vomiting, agitation, sweating, dyspnea, bradycardia, tachycardia, tachypnea, somnolence/lethargy, cutaneous paleness, hypothermia and hypotension were detected in class II or class III + fatal groups, but were significantly more frequent in the latter group. Class III and fatal cases occurred only in children <15 years old, with scorpions being identified in 13/25 cases (T. serrulatus, n = 12; T. bahiensis, n = 1). Laboratory blood abnormalities (hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, leukocytosis, elevations in serum total CK, CK-MB and troponin T, bicarbonate consumption and an increase in base deficit and blood lactate), electrocardiographic changes (ST segment) and echocardiographic alterations (ventricular ejected fraction <54%) were frequently detected in class III patients. Seventeen patients developed pulmonary edema, 16 had cardiac failure and seven had cardiogenic shock. These results indicate that most scorpion stings involved only local manifestations, mainly pain; the greatest severity was associated with stings by T. serrulatus and in children <15 years old.
Presynaptic Neuromuscular Action Of A Methanolic Extract From The Venom Of Rhinella Schneideri Toad.
Rhinella schneideri, previously known as Bufo paracnemis, is a common toad in many regions of Brazil. Its venom exerts important cardiovascular effects on humans and other animals. Although this toad venom has been the subject of intense investigations, little is known about its neuromuscular activity. The neurotoxicity of a methanolic extract of R. schneideri venom was tested on mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) preparations mounted for conventional twitch tension recording - in response to indirect stimulation - and for electrophysiological measurements. Venom extract (50 μg/mL) increased the muscle twitch tension in PND preparations but did not significantly alter the resting membrane potential values. Electrophysiological evaluations showed that the extract (50 μg/mL) significantly augmented the frequency of miniature end-plate potential (from 38 ± 3.5 to 88 ± 15 after 60 minutes; n = 5; p < 0.05) and quantal content (from 128 ± 13 to 272 ± 34 after five minutes; n = 5; p < 0.05). Pretreatment with ouabain (1 μg/mL) for five minutes prevented the increase in quantal content (117 ± 18 and 154 ± 33 after five and 60 minutes, respectively). These results indicate that the methanolic extract of R. schneideri venom acts primarily presynaptically to enhance neurotransmitter release in mouse phrenic-diaphragm preparations.
The neuromuscular activity of venom from Bothrops fonsecai, a lancehead endemic to southeastern Brazil, was investigated. Chick biventer cervicis (CBC) and mouse phrenic nerve-diaphragm (PND) preparations were used for myographic recordings and mouse diaphragm muscle was used for membrane resting potential (RP) and miniature end-plate potential (MEPP) recordings. Creatine kinase release and muscle damage were also assessed. In CBC, venom (40, 80 and 160μg/ml) produced concentration- and time-dependent neuromuscular blockade (50% blockade in 85±9 min and 73±8 min with 80 and 160μg/ml, respectively) and attenuated the contractures to 110μM ACh (78-100% inhibition) and 40mM KCl (45-90% inhibition). The venom-induced decrease in twitch-tension in curarized, directly-stimulated preparations was similar to that in indirectly stimulated preparations. Venom (100 and 200μg/ml) also caused blockade in PND preparations (50% blockade in 94±13 min and 49±8 min with 100 and 200μg/ml, respectively) but did not alter the RP or MEPP amplitude. In CBC, venom caused creatine kinase release and myonecrosis. The venom-induced decrease in twitch-tension and in the contractures to ACh and K(+) were abolished by preincubating venom with commercial antivenom. These findings indicate that Bothrops fonsecai venom interferes with neuromuscular transmission essentially through postsynaptic muscle damage that affects responses to ACh and KCl. These actions are effectively prevented by commercial antivenom.