977 resultados para Glass transition temperature Tg


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Covalent grafting mesogenic groups to the coordination cores of the parent mononuclear low-spin and spin-crossover compounds afforded metallomesogenic complexes of iron(II). In comparison with the parent complexes the spin-crossover properties of the alkylated derivatives are substantially modified. The type of the modification was found to be dependent on the properties of the parent system and the nature of the used anion, however, the general tendency is the destabilization of the low-spin state at the favor of spin-crossover or high-spin behavior below 400 K. The structural insight revealed the micro-segregated layered organization. The effect of the alkylation of the parent compounds consists first of all in the change of the lattice to a two-dimensional lamellar one retaining significant intermolecular contacts only within the ionic bilayers. The comprehensive analysis of the structural and thermodynamic data in the homologous series pointed at the mechanism of the interplay between the structural modification on melting and the induced anomalous change of the magnetic properties. A family of one-dimensional spin-crossover polymers was synthesized and characterized using a series of spectroscopic methods, X-ray powder diffraction, magnetic susceptibility measurements and differential scanning calorimetry. The copper analogue of was also synthesized and its crystal structure solved. In comparison with the mononuclear systems, the polymeric mesogens of iron(II) are less sensitive to the glass transition, which was attributed to the moderate concomitant variation of the structure. Nevertheless, the observed increase of the magnetic hysteresis with lengthening of the alkyl substituents was ascribed to the interplay of the structural reorganization of the coordination core due to spin-crossover with the structural delay in the spatial reorganization of the mesogenic substituents. The classification of mononuclear and polymeric metallomesogens according to the interactions between the structural- and the spin-transition and analysis of the data on the reported spin-crossover metallomesogens led to the separation of three types, namely: Type i: systems with coupling between the electronic structure of the iron(II) ions and the mesomorphic behavior of the substance; Type ii: systems where both transitions coexist in the same temperature region but are not coupled due to competition with the dehydration or due to negligible structural transformation; Type iii: systems where both transitions occur in different temperature regions and therefore are uncoupled. Fine-tuning, in particular regarding the temperature at which the spin-transition occurs with hysteresis properties responsible for the memory effect, are still a major challenge towards practical implementation of spin-crossover materials. A possible answer to the problem could be materials in which the spin-crossover transition is coupled with another transition easily controllable by external stimuli. In the present thesis we have shown the viability of the approach realized in the mesogenic systems with coupled phase- and spin-transitions.


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Liquids under the influence of external fields exhibit a wide range of intriguing phenomena that can be markedly different from the behaviour of a quiescent system. This work considers two different systems — a glassforming Yukawa system and a colloid-polymer mixture — by Molecular Dynamics (MD) computer simulations coupled to dissipative particle dynamics. The former consists of a 50-50 binary mixture of differently-sized, like-charged colloids interacting via a screened Coulomb (Yukawa) potential. Near the glass transition the influence of an external shear field is studied. In particular, the transition from elastic response to plastic flow is of interest. At first, this model is characterised in equilibrium. Upon decreasing temperature it exhibits the typical dynamics of glassforming liquids, i.e. the structural relaxation time τα grows strongly in a rather small temperature range. This is discussed with respect to the mode-coupling theory of the glass transition (MCT). For the simulation of bulk systems under shear, Lees-Edwards boundary conditions are applied. At constant shear rates γ˙ ≫ 1/τα the relevant time scale is given by 1/γ˙ and the system shows shear thinning behaviour. In order to understand the pronounced differences between a quiescent system and a system under shear, the response to a suddenly commencing or terminating shear flow is studied. After the switch-on of the shear field the shear stress shows an overshoot, marking the transition from elastic to plastic deformation, which is connected to a super-diffusive increase of the mean squared displacement. Since the average static structure only depends on the value of the shear stress, it does not discriminate between those two regimes. The distribution of local stresses, in contrast, becomes broader as soon as the system starts flowing. After a switch-off of the shear field, these additional fluctuations are responsible for the fast decay of stresses, which occurs on a time scale 1/γ˙ . The stress decay after a switch-off in the elastic regime, on the other hand, happens on the much larger time scale of structural relaxation τα. While stresses decrease to zero after a switch-off for temperatures above the glass transition, they decay to a finite value for lower temperatures. The obtained results are important for advancing new theoretical approaches in the framework of mode-coupling theory. Furthermore, they suggest new experimental investigations on colloidal systems. The colloid-polymer mixture is studied in the context of the behaviour near the critical point of phase separation. For the MD simulations a new effective model with soft interaction potentials is introduced and its phase diagram is presented. Here, mainly the equilibrium properties of this model are characterised. While the self-diffusion constants of colloids and polymers do not change strongly when the critical point is approached, critical slowing down of interdiffusion is observed. The order parameter fluctuations can be determined through the long-wavelength limit of static structure factors. For this strongly asymmetric mixture it is shown how the relevant structure factor can be extracted by a diagonalisation of a matrix that contains the partial static structure factors. By presenting first results of this model under shear it is demonstrated that it is suitable for non-equilibrium simulations as well.


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Efficient energy storage and conversion is playing a key role in overcoming the present and future challenges in energy supply. Batteries provide portable, electrochemical storage of green energy sources and potentially allow for a reduction of the dependence on fossil fuels, which is of great importance with respect to the issue of global warming. In view of both, energy density and energy drain, rechargeable lithium ion batteries outperform other present accumulator systems. However, despite great efforts over the last decades, the ideal electrolyte in terms of key characteristics such as capacity, cycle life, and most important reliable safety, has not yet been identified. rnrnSteps ahead in lithium ion battery technology require a fundamental understanding of lithium ion transport, salt association, and ion solvation within the electrolyte. Indeed, well-defined model compounds allow for systematic studies of molecular ion transport. Thus, in the present work, based on the concept of ‘immobilizing’ ion solvents, three main series with a cyclotriphosphazene (CTP), hexaphenylbenzene (HBP), and tetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane (TMS) scaffold were prepared. Lithium ion solvents, among others ethylene carbonate (EC), which has proven to fulfill together with pro-pylene carbonate safety and market concerns in commercial lithium ion batteries, were attached to the different cores via alkyl spacers of variable length.rnrnAll model compounds were fully characterized, pure and thermally stable up to at least 235 °C, covering the requested broad range of glass transition temperatures from -78.1 °C up to +6.2 °C. While the CTP models tend to rearrange at elevated temperatures over time, which questions the general stability of alkoxide related (poly)phosphazenes, both, the HPB and CTP based models show no evidence of core stacking. In particular the CTP derivatives represent good solvents for various lithium salts, exhibiting no significant differences in the ionic conductivity σ_dc and thus indicating comparable salt dissociation and rather independent motion of cations and ions.rnrnIn general, temperature-dependent bulk ionic conductivities investigated via impedance spectroscopy follow a William-Landel-Ferry (WLF) type behavior. Modifications of the alkyl spacer length were shown to influence ionic conductivities only in combination to changes in glass transition temperatures. Though the glass transition temperatures of the blends are low, their conductivities are only in the range of typical polymer electrolytes. The highest σ_dc obtained at ambient temperatures was 6.0 x 10-6 S•cm-1, strongly suggesting a rather tight coordination of the lithium ions to the solvating 2-oxo-1,3-dioxolane moieties, supported by the increased σ_dc values for the oligo(ethylene oxide) based analogues.rnrnFurther insights into the mechanism of lithium ion dynamics were derived from 7Li and 13C Solid- State NMR investigations. While localized ion motion was probed by i.e. 7Li spin-lattice relaxation measurements with apparent activation energies E_a of 20 to 40 kJ/mol, long-range macroscopic transport was monitored by Pulsed-Field Gradient (PFG) NMR, providing an E_a of 61 kJ/mol. The latter is in good agreement with the values determined from bulk conductivity data, indicating the major contribution of ion transport was only detected by PFG NMR. However, the μm-diffusion is rather slow, emphasizing the strong lithium coordination to the carbonyl oxygens, which hampers sufficient ion conductivities and suggests exploring ‘softer’ solvating moieties in future electrolytes.rn


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Eine der offenen Fragen der aktuellen Physik ist das Verständnis von Systemen im Nichtgleichgewicht. Im Gegensatz zu der Gleichgewichtsphysik ist in diesem Bereich aktuell kein Formalismus bekannt der ein systematisches Beschreiben der unterschiedlichen Systeme ermöglicht. Um das Verständnis über diese Systeme zu vergrößern werden in dieser Arbeit zwei unterschiedliche Systeme studiert, die unter einem externen Feld ein starkes nichtlineares Verhalten zeigen. Hierbei handelt es sich zum einen um das Verhalten von Teilchen unter dem Einfluss einer extern angelegten Kraft und zum anderen um das Verhalten eines Systems in der Nähe des kritischen Punktes unter Scherung. Das Modellsystem in dem ersten Teil der Arbeit ist eine binäre Yukawa Mischung, die bei tiefen Temperaturen einen Glassübergang zeigt. Dies führt zu einer stark ansteigenden Relaxationszeit des Systems, so dass man auch bei kleinen Kräften relativ schnell ein nichtlineares Verhalten beobachtet. In Abhängigkeit der angelegten konstanten Kraft können in dieser Arbeit drei Regime, mit stark unterschiedlichem Teilchenverhalten, identifiziert werden. In dem zweiten Teil der Arbeit wird das Ising-Modell unter Scherung betrachtet. In der Nähe des kritischen Punkts kommt es in diesem Modell zu einer Beeinflussung der Fluktuationen in dem System durch das angelegte Scherfeld. Dies hat zur Folge, dass das System stark anisotrop wird und man zwei unterschiedliche Korrelationslängen vorfindet, die mit unterschiedlichen Exponenten divergieren. Infolgedessen lässt sich der normale isotrope Formalismus des "finite-size scaling" nicht mehr auf dieses System anwenden. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie dieser auf den anisotropen Fall zu verallgemeinern ist und wie damit die kritischen Punkte, sowie die dazu gehörenden kritischen Exponenten berechnet werden können.


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Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) is the preferred tool for obtaining non-perturbative results from QCD in the low-energy regime. It has by nowrnentered the era in which high precision calculations for a number of phenomenologically relevant observables at the physical point, with dynamical quark degrees of freedom and controlled systematics, become feasible. Despite these successes there are still quantities where control of systematic effects is insufficient. The subject of this thesis is the exploration of the potential of todays state-of-the-art simulation algorithms for non-perturbativelyrn$\mathcal{O}(a)$-improved Wilson fermions to produce reliable results in thernchiral regime and at the physical point both for zero and non-zero temperature. Important in this context is the control over the chiral extrapolation. Thisrnthesis is concerned with two particular topics, namely the computation of hadronic form factors at zero temperature, and the properties of the phaserntransition in the chiral limit of two-flavour QCD.rnrnThe electromagnetic iso-vector form factor of the pion provides a platform to study systematic effects and the chiral extrapolation for observables connected to the structure of mesons (and baryons). Mesonic form factors are computationally simpler than their baryonic counterparts but share most of the systematic effects. This thesis contains a comprehensive study of the form factor in the regime of low momentum transfer $q^2$, where the form factor is connected to the charge radius of the pion. A particular emphasis is on the region very close to $q^2=0$ which has not been explored so far, neither in experiment nor in LQCD. The results for the form factor close the gap between the smallest spacelike $q^2$-value available so far and $q^2=0$, and reach an unprecedented accuracy at full control over the main systematic effects. This enables the model-independent extraction of the pion charge radius. The results for the form factor and the charge radius are used to test chiral perturbation theory ($\chi$PT) and are thereby extrapolated to the physical point and the continuum. The final result in units of the hadronic radius $r_0$ is rn$$ \left\langle r_\pi^2 \right\rangle^{\rm phys}/r_0^2 = 1.87 \: \left(^{+12}_{-10}\right)\left(^{+\:4}_{-15}\right) \quad \textnormal{or} \quad \left\langle r_\pi^2 \right\rangle^{\rm phys} = 0.473 \: \left(^{+30}_{-26}\right)\left(^{+10}_{-38}\right)(10) \: \textnormal{fm} \;, $$rn which agrees well with the results from other measurements in LQCD and experiment. Note, that this is the first continuum extrapolated result for the charge radius from LQCD which has been extracted from measurements of the form factor in the region of small $q^2$.rnrnThe order of the phase transition in the chiral limit of two-flavour QCD and the associated transition temperature are the last unkown features of the phase diagram at zero chemical potential. The two possible scenarios are a second order transition in the $O(4)$-universality class or a first order transition. Since direct simulations in the chiral limit are not possible the transition can only be investigated by simulating at non-zero quark mass with a subsequent chiral extrapolation, guided by the universal scaling in the vicinity of the critical point. The thesis presents the setup and first results from a study on this topic. The study provides the ideal platform to test the potential and limits of todays simulation algorithms at finite temperature. The results from a first scan at a constant zero-temperature pion mass of about 290~MeV are promising, and it appears that simulations down to physical quark masses are feasible. Of particular relevance for the order of the chiral transition is the strength of the anomalous breaking of the $U_A(1)$ symmetry at the transition point. It can be studied by looking at the degeneracies of the correlation functions in scalar and pseudoscalar channels. For the temperature scan reported in this thesis the breaking is still pronounced in the transition region and the symmetry becomes effectively restored only above $1.16\:T_C$. The thesis also provides an extensive outline of research perspectives and includes a generalisation of the standard multi-histogram method to explicitly $\beta$-dependent fermion actions.


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Molecular dynamics simulations of silicate and borate glasses and melts: Structure, diffusion dynamics and vibrational properties. In this work computer simulations of the model glass formers SiO2 and B2O3 are presented, using the techniques of classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and quantum mechanical calculations, based on density functional theory (DFT). The latter limits the system size to about 100−200 atoms. SiO2 and B2O3 are the two most important network formers for industrial applications of oxide glasses. Glass samples are generated by means of a quench from the melt with classical MD simulations and a subsequent structural relaxation with DFT forces. In addition, full ab initio quenches are carried out with a significantly faster cooling rate. In principle, the structural properties are in good agreement with experimental results from neutron and X-ray scattering, in all cases. A special focus is on the study of vibrational properties, as they give access to low-temperature thermodynamic properties. The vibrational spectra are calculated by the so-called ”frozen phonon” method. In all cases, the DFT curves show an acceptable agreement with experimental results of inelastic neutron scattering. In case of the model glass former B2O3, a new classical interaction potential is parametrized, based on the liquid trajectory of an ab initio MD simulation at 2300 K. In this course, a structural fitting routine is used. The inclusion of 3-body angular interactions leads to a significantly improved agreement of the liquid properties of the classical MD and ab initio MD simulations. However, the generated glass structures, in all cases, show a significantly lower fraction of 3-membered planar boroxol rings as predicted by experimental results (f=60%-80%). The largest boroxol ring fraction of f=15±5% is observed in the full ab initio quenches from 2300 K. In case of SiO2, the glass structures after the quantum mechanical relaxation are the basis for calculations of the linear thermal expansion coefficient αL(T), employing the quasi-harmonic approximation. The striking observation is a change change of sign of αL(T) going along with a temperature range of negative αL(T) at low temperatures, which is in good agreement with experimental results.


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On the basis of studies of Holocene samples,submarine basaltic glass (SBG) is thought to be an ideal paleointensity recorder because it contains unaltered single domain magnetic inclusions that yield Thellier paleointensity data of exceptional quality. To be useful as a recorder of the long-term geomagnetic field, older SBG must retain these optimal properties. Here, we examine this issue through rock magnetic and transmission electron microscope (TEM) analyses of Cretaceous SBG recovered at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1203 (northwestern Pacific Ocean). These SBG samples have very low natural remanent magnetization intensities (NRM <50 nAm**2/g) and TEM analyses indicate a correspondingly low concentration of crystalline inclusions. Thellier experiments on samples with the strongest NRM intensity (>5*10**-11 Am**2) show a rapid acquisition of thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) with respect to NRM demagnetization. Taken at face value,this behavior implies magnetization in a very weak (617 WT) ambient field. But monitoring of magnetic hysteresis properties during the Thellier experiments (on subsamples of the SBG samples used for paleointensity determinations) indicates systematic variations in values over the same temperature range where the rapid TRM acquisition is observed. A similar change in properties during heating is observed on monitor SBG specimens using low-temperature data: with progressive heatings the Verwey transition becomes more distinct. We suggest that these experimental data record the partial melting and neocrystallization of magnetic grains in SBG during the thermal treatments required by the Thellier method,resulting in paleointensity values biased to low values. We further propose that this process is pronounced in Cretaceous and Jurassic SBG (relative to Holocene SBG) because devitrification on geologic time scales (i.e., tens of millions of years) lowers the transition temperature at which the neocrystallization can commence. Magnetic hysteresis monitoring may provide a straightforward means of detecting the formation of new magnetic inclusions in SBG during Thellier experiments.


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Los polímeros cristales líquidos (LCP) son sistemas complejos que forman mesofases que presentan orden orientacional y polímeros amorfos. Con frecuencia, el estado amorfo isotrópico no puede ser estudiado debido a la rápida formación de mesofases. En este trabajo se ha sintetizado y estudiado un nuevo LCP: poli(trietilenglicol metil p, p '-bibenzoato), PTEMeB. Este polímero presenta una formación de mesofase bastante lenta haciendo posible estudiar de forma independiente tanto los estados amorfo y de cristal líquidos. La estructura y las transiciones de fase del PTEMeB han sido investigados por calorimetría (DSC), con MAXS / WAXS con temperatura variable que emplean radiación de sincrotrón y con difracción de rayos X. Estos estudios han mostrado la existencia de dos transiciones vítreas, relacionadas con las fases amorfa y cristal líquido. Se ha realizado un estudio de relajación dieléctrica en amplios intervalos de temperatura y presión. Se ha encontrado que la transición vítrea dinámica de la fase amorfa es más lenta que la del cristal líquido. El estudio de la relajación ? nos ha permitido seguir la formación isoterma de la mesofase a presión atmosférica. Además, con el estudio el comportamiento dinámico a alta presión se ha encontrado que se produce la formación rápida de la mesofase inducida por cambios bruscos de presión. Liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs) are complex systems that include features of both orientationally ordered mesophases and amorphous polymers. Frequently, the isotropic amorphous state cannot be studied due to the rapid mesophase formation. Here, a new main chain LCP, poly(triethyleneglycol methyl p,p'-bibenzoate), PTEMeB, has been synthesized. It shows a rather slow mesophase formation making possible to study independently both the amorphous and the liquid crystalline states. The structure and phase transitions of PTEMeB have been investigated by calorimetry, variable-temperature MAXS/WAXS employing synchrotron radiation, and X-ray diffraction in oriented fibers. These experiments have pointed out the presence of two glass transitions, related to the amorphous or to the liquid crystal phases. Additionally, the mesophase seems to be a coexistence of orthogonal and tilted smectic phases. A dielectric relaxation study of PTEMeB over broad ranges of temperature and pressure has been performed. The dynamic glass transition turns out to be slower for the amorphous state than for the liquid crystal. Monitoring of the α relaxation has allowed us to follow the isothermal mesophase formation at atmospheric pressure. Additionally, the dynamical behavior at high pressures has pointed out the fast formation of the mesophase induced by sudden pressure changes.


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A filamentary model of “metallic” conduction in layered high temperature superconductive cuprates explains the concurrence of normal state resistivities (Hall mobilities) linear in T (T−2) with optimized superconductivity. The model predicts the lowest temperature T0 for which linearity holds and it also predicts the maximum superconductive transition temperature Tc. The theory abandons the effective medium approximation that includes Fermi liquid as well as all other nonpercolative models in favor of countable smart basis states.


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We study the effects of finite temperature on the dynamics of non-planar vortices in the classical, two-dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg model with XY- or easy-plane symmetry. To this end, we analyze a generalized Landau-Lifshitz equation including additive white noise and Gilbert damping. Using a collective variable theory with no adjustable parameters we derive an equation of motion for the vortices with stochastic forces which are shown to represent white noise with an effective diffusion constant linearly dependent on temperature. We solve these stochastic equations of motion by means of a Green's function formalism and obtain the mean vortex trajectory and its variance. We find a non-standard time dependence for the variance of the components perpendicular to the driving force. We compare the analytical results with Langevin dynamics simulations and find a good agreement up to temperatures of the order of 25% of the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition temperature. Finally, we discuss the reasons why our approach is not appropriate for higher temperatures as well as the discreteness effects observed in the numerical simulations.


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Estudamos transições de fases quânticas em gases bosônicos ultrafrios aprisionados em redes óticas. A física desses sistemas é capturada por um modelo do tipo Bose-Hubbard que, no caso de um sistema sem desordem, em que os átomos têm interação de curto alcance e o tunelamento é apenas entre sítios primeiros vizinhos, prevê a transição de fases quântica superfluido-isolante de Mott (SF-MI) quando a profundidade do potencial da rede ótica é variado. Num primeiro estudo, verificamos como o diagrama de fases dessa transição muda quando passamos de uma rede quadrada para uma hexagonal. Num segundo, investigamos como a desordem modifica essa transição. No estudo com rede hexagonal, apresentamos o diagrama de fases da transição SF-MI e uma estimativa para o ponto crítico do primeiro lobo de Mott. Esses resultados foram obtidos usando o algoritmo de Monte Carlo quântico denominado Worm. Comparamos nossos resultados com os obtidos a partir de uma aproximação de campo médio e com os de um sistema com uma rede ótica quadrada. Ao introduzir desordem no sistema, uma nova fase emerge no diagrama de fases do estado fundamental intermediando a fase superfluida e a isolante de Mott. Essa nova fase é conhecida como vidro de Bose (BG) e a transição de fases quântica SF-BG que ocorre nesse sistema gerou muitas controvérsias desde seus primeiros estudos iniciados no fim dos anos 80. Apesar dos avanços em direção ao entendimento completo desta transição, a caracterização básica das suas propriedades críticas ainda é debatida. O que motivou nosso estudo, foi a publicação de resultados experimentais e numéricos em sistemas tridimensionais [Yu et al. Nature 489, 379 (2012), Yu et al. PRB 86, 134421 (2012)] que violam a lei de escala $\\phi= u z$, em que $\\phi$ é o expoente da temperatura crítica, $z$ é o expoente crítico dinâmico e $ u$ é o expoente do comprimento de correlação. Abordamos essa controvérsia numericamente fazendo uma análise de escalonamento finito usando o algoritmo Worm nas suas versões quântica e clássica. Nossos resultados demonstram que trabalhos anteriores sobre a dependência da temperatura de transição superfluido-líquido normal com o potencial químico (ou campo magnético, em sistemas de spin), $T_c \\propto (\\mu-\\mu_c)^\\phi$, estavam equivocados na interpretação de um comportamento transiente na aproximação da região crítica genuína. Quando os parâmetros do modelo são modificados de maneira a ampliar a região crítica quântica, simulações com ambos os modelos clássico e quântico revelam que a lei de escala $\\phi= u z$ [com $\\phi=2.7(2)$, $z=3$ e $ u = 0.88(5)$] é válida. Também estimamos o expoente crítico do parâmetro de ordem, encontrando $\\beta=1.5(2)$.


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Thermal analysis methods (differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, and dynamic mechanical thermal analysis) were used to characterize the nature of polyester-melamine coating matrices prepared under nonisothermal, high-temperature, rapid-cure conditions. The results were interpreted in terms of the formation of two interpenetrating networks with different glass-transition temperatures (a cocondensed polyester-melamine network and a self-condensed melamine-melamine network), a phenomenon not generally seen in chemically similar, isothermally cured matrices. The self-condensed network manifested at high melamine levels, but the relative concentrations of the two networks were critically dependent on the cure conditions. The optimal cure (defined in terms of the attainment of a peak metal temperature) was achieved at different oven temperatures and different oven dwell times, and so the actual energy absorbed varied over a wide range. Careful control of the energy absorption, by the selection of appropriate cure conditions, controlled the relative concentrations of the two networks and, therefore, the flexibility and hardness of the resultant coatings. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Cbem 41: 1603-1621, 2003.


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In the extrusion manufacture of starch-based thermoplastics, such as biodegradable packaging materials, glycerol is an effective additive as a plasticiser, that is, to diminish the brittle nature of the product and provide the desired extent of flexibility. However, the addition of glycerol may also affect the gelatinisation behaviour of the starch-water mixture, and hence the required processing conditions for producing a homogeneously gelatinised starch-based material. The effect of glycerol on the gelatinisation of wheat starch was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Mixtures of starch, water and glycerol were investigated with a water content ranging from 12 - 40% and a glycerol concentration up to 75%. Dependent on composition, the enthalpy of gelatinisation ranged from 1.7 - 12.6 J/g (on a dry starch basis), while the onset and peak temperatures varied from 54 to 86 degreesC and 60 to 90 degreesC, respectively. As expected, water acted as a plasticiser in that the onset temperature for gelatinisation (TO) decreased with increasing moisture content. Glycerol, however, increased To. It is shown that the T-0 of starch-glycerol-water mixtures may be predicted on the basis of the effective moisture content of the starch fraction of these mixtures resulting from the relative speed of moisture absorption by glycerol and starch, respectively. Moisture sorption kinetics of wheat starch and glycerol in 100% relative humidity were determined and used to predict the preferential water absorption by glycerol in starch-glycerol-water mixtures and hence the resulting T-0 of the system.


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Dynamic rheological behaviour of starch-honey systems was studied using a strain-controlled rheometer. A dynamic temperature (30-130 degreesC) ramp test was used at 10 rad s(-1) frequency, 1% strain, 2 degreesC min(-1) ramp rate, 25 mm parallel plate, and 1.5 min gap, using Wheaten cornflour(TM) and five honeys to generate 25 formulations (0.34-0.80 g water/g dry starch). G', G, and eta* increased upon gelatinisation, and they reduced as the honey content was increased. For all the formulations, G' was higher than G, and tan 6 was generally less than 1.0. Key gelatinisation characterising temperatures (onset, peak and end) ranged from 96.0 to 122.3 degreesC, but did not vary much (CV < 5%) for each honey irrespective of the concentration. The influence of water, fructose and glucose, singly and in combination, on gelatinisation indices (temperature and rheological parameters) was investigated. An exponential equation was employed to describe the relationship, and relevant parameters were obtained. The consequences of the observations in the study are discussed particularly as they relate to extrusion of such systems, and possible interactions between fructose and glucose in the starch-honey systems. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Miscibility and phase separation in the blends of phenolphthalein poly(aryl ether ketone) (PPAEK) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) were investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The PPAEK/PEO blends prepared by solution casting from N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) displayed single composition-dependent glass transition temperatures (T-g), intermediate between those of the pure components, suggesting that the blend system is miscible in the amorphous state at all compositions. All the blends underwent phase separation at higher temperatures and the system exhibited a lower critical solution temperature (LCST) behavior. A step-heating thermal analysis was designed to determine the phase boundaries with DSC. The significant changes in the thermal properties of blends were utilized to judge the mixing status for the blends and the phase diagram was thus established. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.