Doctorado en Sanidad Animal
Programa de doctorado: Sanidad animal
An anaerobic consortium, capable of efficiently converting into methane the organic fraction of mechanically sorted municipal solid waste (MS-OFMSW), was obtained through a dedicated enrichment procedure in a 0.36 L up-flow anaerobic recirculated reactor. This result was obtained after several micro-reactor fed-batch procedures that allowed to obtain only a few methanization of the MS-OFMSW.
La sperimentazione aveva il fine di valutare l’attività antimicrobica di oli essenziali di timo e cannella in hamburger di bovino. In primo luogo è stata fatta una caratterizzazione di questi oli mediante analisi GC-MS-SPME, da cui è emerso che le molecole a maggiore attività antimicrobica (rispettivamente timolo/carvacrolo ed aldeide cinnamica) erano presenti a concentrazioni piuttosto basse. Successivamente sono state valutate MIC e MBC nei confronti di microrganismi patogeni di interesse alimentare. Infine, tali oli sono stati incapsulati in chitosano per valutare un eventuale effetto sinergico e favorire un rilascio graduale degli oli. Il processo di incapsulazione ha mostrato una efficienza piuttosto bassa (solo il 25% dell’olio aggiunto veniva effettivamente incapsulato), per cui non è stato possibile utilizzare nanoparticelle “caricate” con quantità di olio tali da inibire significativamente lo sviluppo microbico in hamburger di carne bovina. Infatti, l’effetto sinergico chitosano/olio essenziale è stato in grado di ridurre solo lievemente il carico di enterobatteri durante la conservazione refrigerata, soprattutto nei campioni confezionati in atmosfera modificata. Una prova effettuata utilizzando i due oli in forma libera ad elevata concentrazione (1000 mg/kg), la cannella si è dimostrata molto più efficace del timo, riducendo il carico cellulare di enterobatteri a fine shelf-life, con effetto più evidente nei campioni di hamburger confezionati in atmosfera modificata (riduzione di un ciclo logaritmico). Inoltre, essa è risultata in grado di ridurre lievemente lo sviluppo di lieviti e funghi. Concludendo, gli oli essenziali usati in questa sperimentazione, poiché caratterizzati da una bassa concentrazione di molecole ad elevata attività antimicrobica (timolo/carvacrolo per il timo, aldeide cinnamica per la cannella), non sono stati in grado di prolungare in modo significativo la shelf-life di hamburger di bovino, nemmeno se incapsulati in chitosano.
Despite an increasing number of publications regarding the Pre-Columbian earthworks of the Llanos de Moxos, there have been no serious attempts to undertake a systematic survey of the archaeological remains of this lowland region in the Bolivian Amazon. Based on the GIS analysis of data gathered in the field and retrieved from satellite images, we discuss the spatial distribution of the Pre-Columbian settlements in a 4500 Km2 area of the Llanos de Moxos to the east of Trinidad, capital of the Beni Department, and their relationship with the geographical settings. Our findings shed new light on the prehistory of the region and bear important implications for our understanding of the impact of Pre-Columbian human occupation.
The reconstruction of past environmental and historical events is much needed in Amazonia, a region at the centre of heated debates about the extent of pre-Columbian human disturbance of the natural ecosystems. Important aspects of this debate are to establish to what extent the rise of social complexity was influenced by the local geo-ecology; and what productive strategies were adopted in order to sustain these societies. The Llanos de Moxos (LM), in the Bolivian Amazon, is a vast floodplain made up of a variety of geo-ecological sub regions that host many different types of pre-Columbian earthworks. Therefore, it offers an excellent opportunity to compare different kinds of archaeological landscapes and their relationship to different pre-Columbian cultures and environmental settings. This paper analyses the links between pre-Columbian earthworks and the local geo-ecology in two regions of the LM: 1) the platform field region (PFR) in the north of Santa Ana de Yacuma, where the highest concentration of raised fields has been documented, and 2) the monumental mounds region (MMR) south and east of Trinidad, where >100 pre-Columbian monumental mounds are found. The study draws from remote sensing and GIS analysis, field work in the Bolivian lowlands, and laboratory analysis. Differences in the way people transformed the landscape in the PFR and MMR seem to respond to differences in the local geo-ecology of the two sites. The results also suggest that environmental conditions exerted an important, though not exclusive, control over the levels of social complexity that were reached in different areas of the LM.
In the Bolivian Amazon several paleochannel generations are preserved. Their wide spectrum of morphologies clearly provides crucial information on the type and magnitude of geomorphic and hydrological changes within the drainage network of the Andean foreland. Therefore, in this study we mapped geomorphological characteristics of paleochannels, and applied radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating. Seven paleochannel generations are identified. Significant changes in sinuosity, channel widths and river pattern are observed for the successive paleochannel generations. Our results clearly reflect at least three different geomorphic and hydrological periods in the evolution of the fluvial system since the late Pleistocene. Changes in discharge and sediment load may be controlled by combinations of two interrelated mechanisms: (i) spatial changes and re-organizations of the drainage network in the upper catchment, and/or (ii) climate changes with their associated local to catchment-scale modifications in vegetation cover, and changes in discharge, inundation frequencies and magnitudes, which have likely affected the evolution of the fluvial system in the Llanos de Moxos. In summary, our study has revealed the enormous potential which geomorphic mapping and analysis combined with luminescence based chronologies hold for the reconstruction of the late Pleistocene to recent fluvial system in a large portion of Amazonia.
Microprograma que explica qué son los alimentos funcionales y cuales son sus beneficios ante patologías cardiovasculares.
Se determinó la rentabilidad del feedlot bajo distintos escenarios productivos y económicos para la situación de precios del ganado vigentes en 2009 y 2010. La información básica provino de encuestas en feedlots, entrevistas con informantes clave y consulta bibliográfica. La tasa interna de retorno y el valor actual neto se estimaron considerando un costo de oportunidad del capital del 12% anual. El capital total varió en función de la adquisición total o producción parcial de alimentos para el ganado. Los ingresos para 3.000 animales año-1 se incrementaron 50% en 2010 respecto de 2009. Durante 2009, sin compensaciones, no existió rentabilidad al adquirir los alimentos. Se obtuvo rentabilidad sin compensaciones con aumentos del 5, 10 y 15% en inversiones y gastos operativos con producciones de 4.466, 6.214 y 9.670 animales año-1, respectivamente, al adquirir el alimento y con 2.110, 2.430 y 2.880 animales año-1 con producción del mismo. Los precios de la hacienda de 2010 con respecto a los de 2009 aumentaron la rentabilidad tanto al adquirir como al producir alimentos sin dependencia del cobro de compensaciones. Con 2.300 y 1.500 animales año-1 para las situaciones de alimento adquirido y producido, respectivamente, se alcanza rentabilidad con los precios del ganado de 2010. Se comprobó la hipótesis que la rentabilidad depende de la escala productiva y su interrelación con los escenarios contemplados.
La demanda creciente por alimentos orgánicos presenta ventas por encima de los cinco mil millones de dólares por año a nivel mundial. Esta demanda también se extiende a los países en desarrollo como es el caso chileno, el cual exporta el 90% de su producción, generando un mercado interno poco desarrollado para este tipo de productos. La presente investigación intenta identificar los constructos que caracterizan los potenciales consumidores de alimentos orgánicos. Para el desarrollo del estudio se aplicó una encuesta a una muestra de 422 consumidores de la Región del Maule en Chile central (N. C. = 95,5%; e = 3,0%). La información posteriormente fue analizada a través de la técnica multivariante denominada análisis factorial de componentes principales. Los resultados de la investigación revelan la existencia de cuatro dimensiones o constructos: (1) beneficios de la agricultura orgánica; (2) alimentación sana; (3) estilos de vida y (4) atributos de los productos orgánicos. Estas dimensiones influyen en la actitud e intención de compra por parte de los consumidores hacia los alimentos orgánicos y son elementos clave para formular estrategias de comercialización para productos orgánicos.