983 resultados para Fox hunting.


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As algas do género Nannochloropsis são microalgas marinhas que apresentam um perfil bioquímico único, principalmente no que é respeitante a lípidos, e uma vasta gama de compostos bioativos que possibilitam a sua aplicabilidade comercial em várias áreas biotecnológicas, destacando-se a alimentação e nutrição humana, indústria cosmética e farmacêutica, produção de biocombustíveis e a sua utilização em aquacultura. Em aquacultura, são usadas maioritariamente microalgas vivas, cuja produção representa elevados custos. Tem havido assim uma pesquisa de dietas alternativas, entre as quais os concentrados de microalgas se apresentam promissores. Os desafios atuais das empresas produtoras de concentrados de microalgas prendem-se com a conservação e armazenamento destes concentrados. Assim, neste trabalho foi proposto o estudo da influência da refrigeração, congelação e adição de conservantes a PhytoBloom Green Formula®, concentrado de Nannochloropsis sp. comercializado pela empresa Necton S.A., com o objetivo de averiguar a variação de parâmetros bioquímicos e organoléticos com a exposição do concentrado aos diferentes métodos de conservação. Pretendia-se assim observar se estes processos podem ser usados para aumentar o tempo de prateleira do concentrado em estudo. Para tal, foram avaliadas amostras recolhidas em três pontos temporais e analisados os seguintes parâmetros: perfil de ácidos gordos, quantificação de hidroperóxidos lipídicos, quantificação espectrofotométrica de clorofila a e carotenóides, bem como parâmetros organoléticos. Inicialmente, foi efetuada uma avaliação de diferentes parâmetros organoléticos, não se observando variações relevantes entre amostras das diferentes condições. Assim, foi posteriormente realizada a avaliação bioquímica. Primeiramente, foi efetuada a quantificação de ácidos gordos por GC-FID das diferentes amostras, nas quais não se observou diferenças significativas entre as condições experimentais. Foi também efetuado um ensaio de FOX II, que permitiu avaliar o grau de peroxidação lipídica de cada amostra por quantificação de hidroperóxidos lipídicos formados. As amostras nas quais houve adição de conservantes apresentaram um teor menor de hidropéroxidos lipídicos, permitindo inferir que a ação dos conservantes com propriedades antioxidantes permitiu uma melhor conservação da amostra. Quando se determinou a concentração de clorofila a e de carotenóides verificou-se que, em ambos os casos, a congelação conduziu a uma estabilização da concentração destes pigmentos. No entanto, os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando a combinação de congelação com adição de conservantes. Estes resultados, embora promissores, carecem de uma confirmação por um novo estudo, completando com análises com maior rigor e sensibilidade associados, no sentido de se verificar qual o método mais vantajoso para a extensão do tempo de prateleira de PhytoBloom Green Formula®.


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While recreational drug use in UK women is prevalent, to date there is little prospective data on patterns of drug use in recreational drug-using women immediately before and during pregnancy. A total of 121 participants from a wide range of backgrounds were recruited to take part in the longitudinal Development and Infancy Study (DAISY) study of prenatal drug use and outcomes. Eighty-six of the women were interviewed prospectively while pregnant and/or soon after their infant was born. Participants reported on use immediately before and during pregnancy and on use over their lifetime. Levels of lifetime drug use of the women recruited were high, with women reporting having used at least four different illegal drugs over their lifetime. Most users of cocaine, 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA) and other stimulants stopped using these by the second trimester and levels of use were low. However, in pregnancy, 64% of the sample continued to use alcohol, 46% tobacco and 48% cannabis. While the level of alcohol use reduced substantially, average tobacco and cannabis levels tended to be sustained at pre-pregnancy levels even into the third trimester (50 cigarettes and/or 11 joints per week). In sum, while the use of ‘party drugs’ and alcohol seems to reduce, levels of tobacco and cannabis use are likely to be sustained throughout pregnancy. The data provide polydrug profiles that can form the basis for the development of more realistic animal models.


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Cette recherche porte sur les caractéristiques familiales associées à l'initiation précoce à la consommation de psychotropes chez les enfants âgés de 10, 11 et 12 ans. Cette étude s'appuie sur le constat suivant : bien que la plupart des individus s'initient à la consommation de psychotropes au cours de l'adolescence ou au début de l'âge adulte, un certain nombre d'entre eux en consommeront dès l'enfance (Oxford, Harachi, Catalano et Abbott, 2000). Aussi, on note que depuis le début des années 1990, les jeunes manifesteraient de moins en moins leur désapprobation à l'égard de la consommation de psychotropes, augmentant ainsi le niveau d'inquiétude face à cette situation (Johnston, O'Malley et Bachman, 1999). Il est reconnu que les enfants qui s'initient à la consommation de psychotropes, tels que le tabac, l'alcool et la marijuana, avant l'âge de 12 ans augmentent singulièrement leurs risques de développer des problèmes de consommation (abus, dépendance) à l'adolescence et à l'âge adulte (Kuperman, Chan, Kramer, Bierut, Bucholz, Fox, Hesselbrock et al. , 2005; Lambert, 2005), et de présenter différents problèmes d'adaptation sur les plans personnel, familial et social (Kuperman et al. , 2005). II semble donc important de s'intéresser à cette problématique, d'autant plus que la période de développement prépubertaire est reconnue fondamentale, notamment sur le plan du développement social, émotionnel, physique, comportemental, cognitif et affectif (Thomassin, 2004). Afin d'intervenir en amont de ces difficultés et d'offrir des programmes de prévention adaptés aux enfants s'étant initiés précocement aux psychotropes, il s'avère essentiel de mieux connaître les caractéristiques familiales associées à ce phénomène (Gouvernement du Québec, 2001). Cela se justifie par le fait qu'il appartient au système familial d'exercer une influence positive afin que l'enfant adopte des comportements adaptés (Clark, Cornelius, Kirisci, et Tarter, 2005; Sung, Erkanli, Angold, et Costello, 2003; Thomassin, 2004). On retrouve effectivement différentes caractéristiques familiales qui seraient associées à l'initiation précoce des enfants à la consommation de psychotropes, notamment, la structure familiale (Saint-Jacques, Turcotte, Drapeau, Cloutier et Doré, 2004), les caractéristiques personnelles des parents dont la présence d'un problème avec la justice, de santé mentale ou de consommation de psychotropes, les pratiques éducatives lacunaires des parents à l'égard des enfants, ainsi qu'un faible engagement parental (Vitaro, Carbonneau, Gosselin, Tremblay et Zoccolillo, 2000). Les objectifs de l'étude sont donc : (1) d'identifier les caractéristiques familiales associées à l'initiation précoce à la consommation de psychotropes chez ces enfants et (2) d'identifier, parmi ces caractéristiques familiales, celles qui sont les plus fortement associées à une initiation précoce aux psychotropes."--Résumé abrégé par UMI.


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Annual report of the Audubon Society of South Carolina, 1 January 1911, discusses hunting licensing, fish and game laws, educational bird work performed by the Charleston Museum, and membership information.


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This document initially contains a directory of the society’s officers and directors. There is then a report of the society’s objects and present condition following the first annual report. They describe their legislature campaign as well as its shortfalls. The document describes the current hunting and resident licenses in the state. A description of the fish and game commissioner is included as well as a description as to why such a position needed to be created. This document includes a description of the Society’s work since the last meeting as well as the overall attitude of the society. There is a description of various different types of birds in order to have an official description to describe the bird that correlates to the laws protecting it. There is a description of the work of the wardens as well as a report and a list of wardens who have not given a report to the society. There is a list of each county and how many non-resident licenses each county has issued along with how much income those sales generated. There are then several bills proposed by the society followed by the secretary’s report. The document then includes the treasurer’s report and a list of members.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2013


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Tese de mestrado em Biologia da Conservação, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016


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Counsellors working with students or other young adults may encounter individuals who have self-harmed, either with suicidal or non-suicidal intent. Recent US studies reported rates of self-injury of up to 37% of the student population, but studies in the UK have focussed primarily on younger adolescents. This study examined reported self-harm incidents (scratching, cutting, poisoning, overdose etc) from a sample of 617 university students. A total of 27% reported at least one incident of self-harm, with almost 10% having harmed themselves while at university. Gender differences were not significant but psychology students reported significantly more self-harm than other students. Participants reporting self-harm scored significantly higher on maladaptive coping styles, rumination, and alexithymia (specifically difficulty in identifying emotions) and these differences were most marked for students reporting repetitive and recent self-harm. Rumination and Alexithymia factor 1 (difficulty identifying feelings) emerged as the most robust factors predicting self-harm status. Comments from students who self-harmed at university highlighted the importance of accessible services and academic staff support. The implications of these findings for counselling interventions are discussed, including challenging negative rumination tendencies and developing mindfulness skills.


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The aim of this paper is to reflect on how conceptions of networked learning have changed, particularly in relation to educational practices and uses of technology, that can nurture new ideas of networked learning to sustain multiple and diverse communities of practice in institutional settings. Our work is framed using two theoretical frameworks: Giddens's (1984) structuration theory and Callon & Latour's (1981) Actor Network Theory as critiqued by Fox (2005) in relation to networked learning. We use these frameworks to analyse and critique ideas of networked learning embodied in both cases. We investigate three questions: (a) the role of individual agency in the development of networked learning; (b) the impact of technological developments on approaches to supporting students within institutional infrastructures; and (c) designing networked learning to incorporate Web 2.0 practices that sustain multiple communities and foster engagement with knowledge in new ways. We use an interpretivist approach by drawing on experiential knowledge of the Masters programme in Networked Collaborative Learning and the decision making process of designing the virtual graduate schools. At this early stage, we have limited empirical data related to the student experience of networked learning in current and earlier projects. Our findings indicate that the use of two different theoretical frameworks provided an essential tool in illuminating, situating and informing the process of designing networked learning that involves supporting multiple and diverse communities of practice in institutional settings. These theoretical frameworks have also helped us to analyze our existing projects as case studies and to problematize and begin to understand the challenges we face in facilitating the participation of research students in networked learning communities of practice and the barriers to that participation. We have also found that this process of theorizing has given us a way of reconceptualizing communities of practice within research settings that have the potential to lead to new ideas of networked learning.


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The investigation which employed the action research method (qualitative analysis)was divided into four fases. In phases 1-3 the participants were six double bass students at Nossa Senhora do Cabo Music School. Pilot exercises in creativity were followed by broader and more ambitious projects. In phase 4 the techniques were tested and amplified during a summer course for twelve double bass students at Santa Cecilia College.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Linguística


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O presente trabalho, desenvolvido nas instalações da FISIPE, teve como objectivo a caracterização de fibra oxidada (FOX),actualmente em desenvolvimento, com vista ao controlo de processo e de qualidade, e centrou-se em quatro parâmetros: i. Densidade; ii. Índice de Aromaticidade; iii. Índice de Oxigénio Limitante; iv. Grupos funcionais. No estudo da densidade realizou-se: a. Consolidação do método actualmente usado na empresa, observando-se uma redução da incerteza para metade (±0,005 gcm-3). b. Análise de diferentes amostras de FOX que apresentaram valores entre 1,348-1,387 gcm-3, que atendendo à incerteza do método, se encontram dentro dos valores de referência (1,35-1,39 gcm-3). c. Previsão de densidades ao longo da etapa de estabilização oxidativa. Confirmou-se ser apenas possível pela expressão apresentada numa das fontes consultada. Para o Índice de Aromaticidade (AI) efectuou-se: a. Estudo de quatro métodos de integração de curvas de DSC para determinação do calor de combustão que permite determinar o AI. Verificou-se que o mais indicado seria o uso da temperatura de on-set como limite inferior à linha de base de integração. b. Análise de diferentes amostras de FOX, observando-se valores de AI entre os 66% e 81%. Na determinação do Índice de Oxigénio Limitante, parâmetro exclusivo de qualidade, analisaram-se amostras de cabo pela adaptação da norma ASTM D 2863-06a. Obtiveram-se valores acima dos 40%O2 para a fibra oxidada. Para a verificação dos grupos funcionais realizou-se: a. Análise de FTIR, confirmando-se o desaparecimento de grupos nitrilo em função do tempo de oxidação, e a formação de bandas conjugadas e sobrepostas, indicando a presença de estruturas ciclizadas e aromatizadas. b. Proposta de um mecanismo reaccional para a reacção de oxidação de uma determinada fibra precursora. Com o intuito de minimizar o tempo de caracterização das FOX, procurou-se ainda encontrar uma correlação entre a densidade e o Índice de Aromaticidade, tanto ao longo da etapa de oxidação, como da fibra oxidada final. Conclui-se que não é possível estabelecer uma relação matemática para as amostras analisadas.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Comunicação Social


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The evolution of grasses using C4 photosynthesis and their sudden rise to ecological dominance 3 to 8 million years ago is among the most dramatic examples of biome assembly in the geological record. A growing body of work suggests that the patterns and drivers of C4 grassland expansion were considerably more complex than originally assumed. Previous research has benefited substantially from dialog between geologists and ecologists, but current research must now integrate fully with phylogenetics. A synthesis of grass evolutionary biology with grassland ecosystem science will further our knowledge of the evolution of traits that promote dominance in grassland systems and will provide a new context in which to evaluate the relative importance of C4 photosynthesis in transforming ecosystems across large regions of Earth.