909 resultados para Ferramentas de tecnologia de informação


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This monograph has as objective to study the human relations and the Public Relations in the contemporary time in witch the new technologies of the information got closer to the various existent cultures, but who make of the informative society of the global era, the expansion of the capital and of the culture of the more value. Man kind is backing away from the human relations, because the social interactions in the global world are done by objects such as the television, the internet and the telephone in witch cases the subjectivity and the human contact are traded for the informative quantity, because man kind doesn’t have anymore time to think, reflect and to exchange information. Man kind isolates itself and fills it’s subjective emptiness with the products offered by the neoliberal capitalism. The public relations in the organizations seek the human values created from a complex network of social interactions in all the heterogeneous of the organization. Through the communication the public relations tries to manage the relationships with the dialogical communication, between the public-organization, to harmonize the conflicting differences of the organizational environment. Thus, the public relations has to assume the roll of the information manager, and administrator of the human relations in this new global world, informative and that functions from the capital


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The objective of this research is to understand whether the mathematics lessons teachers use ICT and how they see their use. For this, we prepared a questionnaire with four questions for the subjects of our research, which are ex - students of Bachelor in Mathematics FEG / UNESP, in exercise of the profession. The questionnaire data were analyzed following the procedures of phenomenological research. This approach enabled us to draw up three open categories. The first Recourse to boost student learning and school, leads us to interpret that for the interviewees, ICT resources are leading students to do research making them responsible for their learning and providing them with conditions respond the issues raised by the teacher, which generates greater interactivity. The second, Possibility to use software related to mathematical content shows that the subject sees ICT as resources that allow the study of mathematical content, especially geometry and functions, so that student learning is leverage. The third, Obstacles to the use of technology in the classroom shows that even if the subjects recognize the importance of ICT use, they do not use it as often as they would like because of the difficulties that are related to infrastructure and didactic and pedagogical conditions


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With the implementation of new technologies on the world stage of communication, Internet access has become increasingly numerous. Being sought by this means all kinds of information, from knowledge to entertainment. This paper intends to report the experience in two communities of the Internet, particularly in the social network Orkut, entitled I Hate Mathematics and I Love Mathematics, whose members are students, teachers and people who want to express how they feel about mathematics. The goal is to understand what took the members of these communities to hate or love Mathematics, clarifying the nature of the network Orkut and its contribution to mathematics education. For the analysis of data from field work, we use the phenomenological approach. The procedures followed by such approach allowed us to build four open categories: Research and Background, revealing that the research activities allow students to develop strategies, develop creativity and shows that what is learned in classroom is not just an accumulation of knowledge; Teacher's Role shows that it is necessary that the teacher understands the meaning of being a teacher and worry about being a student; Acquisition Technique, it is necessary that students be able to understand what is done and how it is done, and Sense of What is Done, to do is not directly linked to comprehend. The interpretation of these categories helped us understand the investigated giving us source to analyze how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can help the teacher understand the student's relationship with Mathematics


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This research work aims to analyze and understand the teaching of geography in the perspective of historical and critical pedagogy, with the object of analysis, the Center for Integrated Natural Disaster Alerts (CIADEN) for students in Cycle I of the Elementary School, located in Etec “Astor de Mattos Carvalho”, in Cabrália Paulista-SP. Deepening the knowledge of geography teaching in a critical and controversial about the bad weather and the use of new technologies to transform the social order and its relationship with the environment. Contributing to the students and the community have a new proposal for action from the content learned, capable of solving the present and future with respect to weather, climate and natural disasters. To implement a culture of prevention and risk perception, providing the diffusion of knowledge socially useful


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Considering the necessity of implementation of the Information Technologies and Communication (ICT) in the public Brazilian schools, the São Paulo State government hearing the call of the federal government and, with the objective to promote the digital inclusion, created the Programa Acessa Escola. The research that we realized and bring expressed on this text, is about such program and allowed us comprehend how it had been developed in the public state schools of the city of Guaratinguetá. By visiting the schools, we saw the manner that each school make use of his informatics laboratory; how they understand the government Project; how they develop actions of use of the laboratory and, particularly, how they use the informatics laboratory to the teaching and learning of mathematics helping the professor and the students. To make possible to understand this use, was realized interviews with the responsible intern of each one of the 14 (fourteen) schools of Guaratinguetá; with the pedagogical coordinator or director of the school and with the mathematics teacher. By the analysis, realized using a qualitative approach of phenomenological nature, we understand that the intern see himself as an auxiliary of the student and professor in the use of the laboratory. The director or pedagogical coordinator understand that the laboratory is an excellent resource to the school, but still exist the necessity of more resources that allow to attend properly the community; and the mathematics teacher consider important the program in the school as much for the students digital inclusion as for the teaching but they feel not safe to use into his classes, because they consider that there is a lack of capacitation and collaboration to make their activities relevant to the learning. That make possible to recognize what is the function of the intern and what is the way that the students and professor ... ( Complete abstract click eletroctronic access below)


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All the time, organizations are seeking ways to relate to their audiences, in order to become stronger institutionally and merchandising. In the era of information technology contacts occur increasingly in virtual form, minimizing the face-to-face. Thus, this study contextualizes the trade fairs as a way to bring business relations / public interest in a real environment and provides the friendly atmosphere, much as in a short time, the company with a large amount of their customers, potential customers, partners, suppliers, and other audiences that may be interesting. However, shows that for the success of these events is a necessary strategic planning, so that subsequent implementation is possible to measure the results. It also envisions the trade fairs getting a new format, that is, their commercial character to give the space for the relational as a way to bring more awareness to organizations and to strengthen ties with their audiences. This beneath the optics of Public Relation as the appropriate professional to manage relationships and therefore be the strategist of the company's participation in a trade fair


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Este trabalho busca os pontos de intersecção entre a Revolução das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação e a Economia Solidária, que propuseram um cenário novo à produção cultural, utilizando como foco de estudo uma iniciativa de produção cultural em rede colaborativa e autogerida: o Circuito Fora do Eixo. Partindo da influência mútua, a análise demonstra como o paradigma informacional potencializou os princípios solidários, com mudanças que ocorreram no âmbito do trabalho e da produção material, assim como transformações que se estabeleceram nas relações sociais e na subjetividade. E como os princípios solidários intervieram no paradigma informacional, possibilitando a produção de tecnologias abertas


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This paper aims to discuss the influence of new technologies in the field of media, more specifically, within the press. The discussion will contribute on concepts that emerge from new technologies in the environment of cyberspace, acceleration time; cyberculture, besides raising discussions on the social sphere in relation to the democratization of information via the Internet and the interests of political and marketing, which permeates the universe of the press professional. The intention of this work is to create an agenda for discussion around new technologies and their influence in changing the paradigm of communication and its impact cibersocial. Finally, the discussion of new technologies as an auxiliary tool in the work of the communicator in contemporary times


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In radiotherapy, computational systems are used for radiation dose determination in the treatment’s volume and radiometric parameters quality analysis of equipment and field irradiated. Due to the increasing technological advancement, several research has been performed in brachytherapy for different computational algorithms development which may be incorporated to treatment planning systems, providing greater accuracy and confidence in the dose calculation. Informatics and information technology fields undergo constant updating and refinement, allowing the use Monte Carlo Method to simulate brachytherapy source dose distribution. The methodology formalization employed to dosimetric analysis is based mainly in the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) studies, by Task Group nº 43 (TG-43) and protocols aimed at dosimetry of these radiation sources types. This work aims to analyze the feasibility of using the MCNP-5C (Monte Carlo N-Particle) code to obtain radiometric parameters of brachytherapy sources and so to study the radiation dose variation in the treatment planning. Simulations were performed for the radiation dose variation in the source plan and determined the dosimetric parameters required by TG-43 formalism for the characterization of the two high dose rate iridium-192 sources. The calculated values were compared with the presents in the literature, which were obtained with different Monte Carlo simulations codes. The results showed excellent consistency with the compared codes, enhancing MCNP-5C code the capacity and viability in the sources dosimetry employed in HDR brachytherapy. The method employed may suggest a possible incorporation of this code in the treatment planning systems provided by manufactures together with the equipment, since besides reducing acquisition cost, it can also make the used computational routines more comprehensive, facilitating the brachytherapy ...


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This work aims to give greater visibility to the issue of software security, due to people talk a lot in security conferences, that much of both IT (Information Technology) staff and, more specifically, IS (Information Security) staff does not know this, and, thanks to the spread of the mobile computing and of the cloud computing, this lack of deeper knowledge on this subject is increasingly becoming worrisome. It aims too, make applications to be developed in a security manner, priorizing the security of the information processed. It attempts to demonstrate the secure coding techniques, the principles of software security, the means to identify software vulnerabilities, the cutting-edge software exploitation techniques and the mechanisms of mitigation. Nowadays, the security guys are in charge of the most of the security tests in applications, audits and pentests, and it is undeniable that the so-called security experts, most often come from computer network field, having few experience in software development and programming. Therefore, the development process does not consider the security issue, thanks to the lack of knowledge on the subject by the developer, and the security tests could be improved whether security experts had a greater know-how on application development. Given this problem, the goal here is to integrate information security with software development, spreading out the process of secure software development. To achieve this, a Linux distribution with proof of concept applicati... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research shows an investigation on teaching formation in regards to the TICs. Our interest in this subject is due to the fact that new generations of students who attend school require that the classes make use of technology in the classroom environment. By following the phenomenological orientation we have carried out a study which involved a field research at the College of Engineering in Guaratinguetá using the graduate as well as senior students of the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics of this university. We have analyzed the data under the light of texts of the following authors: Filho (2007), Valente (1993), Miskulin (2006), Borba and Penteado (2001) among others in order to understand the teacher`s formation process to act using technologies in the classroom and its relevance. The data that has been analyzed was obtained in interviews which were conducted with the students of this university. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed according to the rigor of phenomenological research procedures involving ideographic and nomothetic analysis. This analysis has led us to three open categories: 1) Mathematics learning through TICs; 2) Technologies that have been used; 3) Teacher`s role. By understanding the open categories we have been able to grasp that the students -future teachers- admit feeling capable of using technology in their classes, however their testimonies in regards to the TIC`s have led us to believe that there would be a reproduction of the content studied at their time at college without using further reflection upon the subject or autonomy in order to create new projects for teaching Mathmatics using these TICs


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Management information systems such as ERP can bring to businesses many competitive advantages. There is a great demand for systems projects to consulting firms that have knowledge to manage this particular type of project. However, the rate of system projects that cannot achieve success is very high. The methodology of Project Management, standardized by the Project Management Institute, is a globally recognized standard and used even in projects involving information technology. In the present study, was made a case study of an ERP system implementation project in a large company, by a consulting firm. From this analysis and on contributions from the literature, recommendations were proposed for the project management, in order to better direct the PMI methodology in large projects involving systems like ERP