872 resultados para Fermi superfluid


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Context. 1ES 1011+496 (z = 0.212) was discovered in very high-energy (VHE, E >100 GeV) γ rays with MAGIC in 2007. The absence of simultaneous data at lower energies led to an incomplete characterization of the broadband spectral energy distribution (SED). Aims. We study the source properties and the emission mechanisms, probing whether a simple one-zone synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) scenario is able to explain the observed broadband spectrum. Methods. We analyzed data in the range from VHE to radio data from 2011 and 2012 collected by MAGIC, Fermi-LAT, Swift, KVA, OVRO, and Metsähovi in addition to optical polarimetry data and radio maps from the Liverpool Telescope and MOJAVE. Results. The VHE spectrum was fit with a simple power law with a photon index of 3.69 ± 0.22 and a flux above 150 GeV of (1.46±0.16)×10^(−11) ph cm^(−2) s^(−1) . The source 1ES 1011+496 was found to be in a generally quiescent state at all observed wavelengths, showing only moderate variability from radio to X-rays. A low degree of polarization of less than 10% was measured in optical, while some bright features polarized up to 60% were observed in the radio jet. A similar trend in the rotation of the electric vector position angle was found in optical and radio. The radio maps indicated a superluminal motion of 1.8 ± 0.4 c, which is the highest speed statistically significant measured so far in a high-frequency-peaked BL Lac. Conclusions. For the first time, the high-energy bump in the broadband SED of 1ES 1011+496 could be fully characterized from 0.1 GeV to 1 TeV, which permitted a more reliable interpretation within the one-zone SSC scenario. The polarimetry data suggest that at least part of the optical emission has its origin in some of the bright radio features, while the low polarization in optical might be due to the contribution of parts of the radio jet with different orientations of the magnetic field with respect to the optical emission.


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The MAGIC (Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov) telescopes observed the BL Lac object H1722+119 (redshift unknown) for six consecutive nights between 2013 May 17 and 22, for a total of 12.5 h. The observations were triggered by high activity in the optical band measured by the KVA (Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien) telescope. The source was for the first time detected in the very high energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) γ-ray band with a statistical significance of 5.9 σ. The integral flux above 150 GeV is estimated to be (2.0 ± 0.5) per cent of the Crab Nebula flux. We used contemporaneous high energy (HE, 100MeV < E < 100 GeV) γ-ray observations from Fermi-LAT (Large Area Telescope) to estimate the redshift of the source. Within the framework of the current extragalactic background light models, we estimate the redshift to be z = 0.34±0.15. Additionally, we used contemporaneous X-ray to radio data collected by the instruments on board the Swift satellite, the KVA, and the OVRO (Owens Valley Radio Observatory) telescope to study multifrequency characteristics of the source. We found no significant temporal variability of the flux in the HE and VHE bands. The flux in the optical and radio wavebands, on the other hand, did vary with different patterns. The spectral energy distribution (SED) of H1722+119 shows surprising behaviour in the ∼ 3×1014 −1018 Hz frequency range. It can be modelled using an inhomogeneous helical jet synchrotron self-Compton model.


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Experiments with ultracold atoms in optical lattice have become a versatile testing ground to study diverse quantum many-body Hamiltonians. A single-band Bose-Hubbard (BH) Hamiltonian was first proposed to describe these systems in 1998 and its associated quantum phase-transition was subsequently observed in 2002. Over the years, there has been a rapid progress in experimental realizations of more complex lattice geometries, leading to more exotic BH Hamiltonians with contributions from excited bands, and modified tunneling and interaction energies. There has also been interesting theoretical insights and experimental studies on “un- conventional” Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices and predictions of rich orbital physics in higher bands. In this thesis, I present our results on several multi- band BH models and emergent quantum phenomena. In particular, I study optical lattices with two local minima per unit cell and show that the low energy states of a multi-band BH Hamiltonian with only pairwise interactions is equivalent to an effec- tive single-band Hamiltonian with strong three-body interactions. I also propose a second method to create three-body interactions in ultracold gases of bosonic atoms in a optical lattice. In this case, this is achieved by a careful cancellation of two contributions in the pair-wise interaction between the atoms, one proportional to the zero-energy scattering length and a second proportional to the effective range. I subsequently study the physics of Bose-Einstein condensation in the second band of a double-well 2D lattice and show that the collision aided decay rate of the con- densate to the ground band is smaller than the tunneling rate between neighboring unit cells. Finally, I propose a numerical method using the discrete variable repre- sentation for constructing real-valued Wannier functions localized in a unit cell for optical lattices. The developed numerical method is general and can be applied to a wide array of optical lattice geometries in one, two or three dimensions.


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We define Landau quasiparticles within the Gutzwiller variational theory and derive their dispersion relation for general multiband Hubbard models in the limit of large spatial dimensions D. Thereby we reproduce our previous calculations which were based on a phenomenological effective single-particle Hamiltonian. For the one-band Hubbard model we calculate the frst-order corrections in 1/D and find that the corrections to the quasiparticle dispersions are small in three dimensions. They may be largely absorbed in a rescaling of the total bandwidth, unless the system is close to half band filling. Therefore, the Gutzwiller theory in the limit of large dimensions provides quasiparticle bands which are suitable for a comparison with real, three-dimensional Fermi liquids.


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We describe the construction and characterization of a new apparatus that can produce degenerate quantum gases of strontium. The realization of degenerate gases is an important first step toward future studies of quantum magnetism. Three of the four stable isotopes of strontium have been cooled into the degenerate regime. The experiment can make nearly pure Bose-Einstein condensates containing approximately 1x10^4 atoms, for strontium-86, and approximately 4x10^5 atoms, for strontium-84. We have also created degenerate Fermi gases of strontium-87 with a reduced temperature, T/T_F of approximately 0.2. The apparatus will be able to produce Bose-Einstein condensates of strontium-88 with straightforward modifications. We also report the first experimental and theoretical results from the strontium project. We have developed a technique to accelerate the continuous loading of strontium atoms into a magnetic trap. By applying a laser addressing the 3P1 to 3S1 transition in our magneto-optical trap, the rate at which atoms populate the magnetically-trapped 3P2 state can be increased by up to 65%. Quantum degenerate gases of atoms in the metastable 3P0 and 3P2 states are a promising platform for quantum simulation of systems with long-range interactions. We have performed an initial numerical study of a method to transfer the ground state degenerate gases that we can currently produce into one of the metastable states via a three-photon transition. Numerical simulations of the Optical Bloch equations governing the three-photon transition indicate that >90% of a ground state degenerate gas can be transferred into a metastable state.


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This document introduces the planned new search for the neutron Electric Dipole Moment at the Spallation Neutron Source at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A spin precession measurement is to be carried out using Ultracold neutrons diluted in a superfluid Helium bath at T = 0.5 K, where spin polarized 3He atoms act as detector of the neutron spin polarization. This manuscript describes some of the key aspects of the planned experiment with the contributions from Caltech to the development of the project.

Techniques used in the design of magnet coils for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance were adapted to the geometry of the experiment. Described is an initial design approach using a pair of coils tuned to shield outer conductive elements from resistive heat loads, while inducing an oscillating field in the measurement volume. A small prototype was constructed to test the model of the field at room temperature.

A large scale test of the high voltage system was carried out in a collaborative effort at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The application and amplification of high voltage to polished steel electrodes immersed in a superfluid Helium bath was studied, as well as the electrical breakdown properties of the electrodes at low temperatures. A suite of Monte Carlo simulation software tools to model the interaction of neutrons, 3He atoms, and their spins with the experimental magnetic and electric fields was developed and implemented to further the study of expected systematic effects of the measurement, with particular focus on the false Electric Dipole Moment induced by a Geometric Phase akin to Berry’s phase.

An analysis framework was developed and implemented using unbinned likelihood to fit the time modulated signal expected from the measurement data. A collaborative Monte Carlo data set was used to test the analysis methods.


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A detailed investigation both of the DC and of the AC electrical properties of the Schottky barrier formed between aluminium and electrodeposited poly(3-methylthiophene) is reported. The devices show rectification ratios up to 2 x 10(4) which can be increased further after post-metal annealing. The reverse characteristics of the devices follow predictions based on the image-force lowering of the Schottky barrier, from which the doping density can be estimated, As the forward voltage increases, the device current is limited by the bulk resistance of the polymer with some evidence for injection limitation at the gold counter-electrode at high bias. In the bulk-limited regime, the device current is thermally activated near room temperature with an activation energy in the range 0.2-0.3 eV. Below about 150 K the device current is almost independent of temperature. Capacitance-voltage plots obtained at frequencies well below the device relaxation frequency indicate the presence of two distinct acceptor states, A set of shallow acceptor states are active in forward bias and are believed to determine the bulk conductivity of the polymer. A set of deeper accepters are active only for very small forward voltages and for all reverse voltages, namely when band banding causes the Fermi energy to cross these states. The density of these deeper states is approximately an order of magnitude greater than that of the shallow states. Evidence is presented also for the influence of fabrication conditions on the formation of an insulating interfacial layer at the rectifying interface. The presence of such a layer leads to inversion at the polymer surface and a modification of the I-V characteristics.


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A detailed investigation both of the DC and of the AC electrical properties of the Schottky barrier formed between aluminium and electrodeposited poly(3-methylthiophene) is reported. The devices show rectification ratios up to 2 x 10(4) which can be increased further after post-metal annealing. The reverse characteristics of the devices follow predictions based on the image-force lowering of the Schottky barrier, from which the doping density can be estimated, As the forward voltage increases, the device current is limited by the bulk resistance of the polymer with some evidence for injection limitation at the gold counter-electrode at high bias. In the bulk-limited regime, the device current is thermally activated near room temperature with an activation energy in the range 0.2-0.3 eV. Below about 150 K the device current is almost independent of temperature. Capacitance-voltage plots obtained at frequencies well below the device relaxation frequency indicate the presence of two distinct acceptor states, A set of shallow acceptor states are active in forward bias and are believed to determine the bulk conductivity of the polymer. A set of deeper accepters are active only for very small forward voltages and for all reverse voltages, namely when band banding causes the Fermi energy to cross these states. The density of these deeper states is approximately an order of magnitude greater than that of the shallow states. Evidence is presented also for the influence of fabrication conditions on the formation of an insulating interfacial layer at the rectifying interface. The presence of such a layer leads to inversion at the polymer surface and a modification of the I-V characteristics.


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The present work reports some experimental results on the electrical AC behaviour of metal-undoped diamond Schottky diodes fabricated with a free-standing MPCVD diamond film (5 mum thick). The metals are gold for the ohmic contact and aluminium for the rectifier. The capacitance and loss tangent vs, frequency shows that capacitance presents a relaxation maximum at frequencies near 10 kHz at room temperature. Although the simple model (small equivalent circuit) can justify the values for the relaxation, it cannot justify the departure from the Debye model, also verified in the Cole-Cole plot. Taking into account the existence of traps in the depletion region, a best fit to the experimental results was obtained. The difference between the Fermi level and the band edge of 0.2-0.3 eV is in agreement with the activation energy found from the loss tangent analysis. The capacitance with applied voltage (Mott-Schottky plots) gives a defect density of 10(16) cm(-3) with contact potentials near 0.5 V and the profile of defect density obtained shows a major density (approx. 10(17) cm(-3)) in a layer with a thickness less than 50 nm from the junction, decreasing by one order of magnitude with increasing distance. Finally a structural model is proposed to explain the AC behaviour found. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è la trattazione della materia oscura partendo dalle evidenze sperimentali, ripercorrendo i possibili costituenti e riportando dati relativi a rivelazioni dirette ed indirette. Il primo capitolo è dedicato alla discussione delle due più importanti evidenze della presenza di materia oscura, ossia le curve di rotazione ed il Bullet Cluster, che risultano entrambe interazioni di tipo gravitazionale. Si provvede inoltre a fornire le due più plausibili soluzioni in grado di spiegare i risultati ottenuti dalle osservazioni sperimentali e a discutere la loro validità come modello per la descrizione di tali fenomeni. Il capitolo successivo è volto all'esposizione delle possibili particelle che compongono la materia oscura, discutendo quali siano le più probabili, e alla spiegazione della loro creazione nell'Universo primordiale. La terza parte è dedicata alle rilevazioni dirette, consistenti nello scattering fra particelle di materia oscura e nuclei, ed in particolare all'analisi del modello dei neutralini. Vengono poi riportati nello stesso capitolo i risultati di tali rilevazioni, con riferimento agli esperimenti CDMS II, XENON100 e LUX. Nel quarto capitolo si tratteranno i risultati delle rilevazioni indirette, ossia osservazioni di processi derivanti dall'annichilazione di materia oscura, e verranno riportati i risultati degli esperimenti più importanti, fra cui i più recenti sono Fermi-LAT e CTA (ancora in sviluppo). L'ultimo paragrafo è riservato ad un breve riassunto dei risultati e delle ipotesi trattate, per raccogliere i dati più importanti e fornire una visione generale della materia oscura.


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Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare i dati raccolti dal Large Area Telescope a bordo del satellite Fermi con l'obiettivo di ricavare il flusso di raggi-γ, di energia compresa tra 100 MeV e 300 GeV, prodotti dal Blazar PKS B1424-418 in un periodo compreso tra l'1 Gennaio 2012 e il 4 Settembre 2016. Secondo alcuni modelli questo blazar potrebbe essere infatti la prima sorgente di Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray associata sperimentalmente all'emissione di neutrini. L'analisi dei dati è effettuata tramite il pacchetto di software Fermi Science Tools.


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The Geminga pulsar, one of the brighest gamma-ray sources, is a promising candidate for emission of very-high-energy (VHE > 100 GeV) pulsed gamma rays. Also, detection of a large nebula have been claimed by water Cherenkov instruments. We performed deep observations of Geminga with the MAGIC telescopes, yielding 63 hours of good-quality data, and searched for emission from the pulsar and pulsar wind nebula. We did not find any significant detection, and derived 95% confidence level upper limits. The resulting upper limits of 5.3 × 10^(−13) TeV cm^(−2)s^(−1) for the Geminga pulsar and 3.5 × 10^(−12) TeV cm^(−2)s^(−1) for the surrounding nebula at 50 GeV are the most constraining ones obtained so far at VHE. To complement the VHE observations, we also analyzed 5 years of Fermi-LAT data from Geminga, finding that the sub-exponential cut-off is preferred over the exponential cut-off that has been typically used in the literature. We also find that, above 10 GeV, the gamma-ray spectra from Geminga can be described with a power law with index softer than 5. The extrapolation of the power-law Fermi-LAT pulsed spectra to VHE goes well below the MAGIC upper limits, indicating that the detection of pulsed emission from Geminga with the current generation of Cherenkov telescopes is very difficult.


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We report the observation of the insulator-to-metal transition in crystalline silicon samples supersaturated with vanadium. Ion implantation followed by pulsed laser melting and rapid resolidification produce high quality single-crystalline silicon samples with vanadium concentrations that exceed equilibrium values in more than 5 orders of magnitude. Temperature-dependent analysis of the conductivity and Hall mobility values for temperatures from 10K to 300K indicate that a transition from an insulating to a metallic phase is obtained at a vanadium concentration between 1.1 × 10^(20) and 1.3 × 10^(21) cm^(−3) . Samples in the insulating phase present a variable-range hopping transport mechanism with a Coulomb gap at the Fermi energy level. Electron wave function localization length increases from 61 to 82 nm as the vanadium concentration increases in the films, supporting the theory of impurity band merging from delocalization of levels states. On the metallic phase, electronic transport present a dispersion mechanism related with the Kondo effect, suggesting the presence of local magnetic moments in the vanadium supersaturated silicon material.


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We propose a method to create higher orbital states of ultracold atoms in the Mott regime of an optical lattice. This is done by periodically modulating the position of the trap minima (known as shaking) and controlling the interference term of the lasers creating the lattice. These methods are combined with techniques of shortcuts to adiabaticity. As an example of this, we show specifically how to create an anti-ferromagnetic type ordering of angular momentum states of atoms. The specific pulse sequences are designed using Lewis-Riesenfeld invariants and a fourlevel model for each well. The results are compared with numerical simulations of the full Schrodinger equation.