874 resultados para FORMULAS


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Purpose To compare measurements taken using a swept-source optical coherence tomography-based optical biometer (IOLmaster 700) and an optical low-coherence reflectometry biometer (Lenstar 900), and to determine the clinical impacts of differences in their measurements on intraocular lens (IOL) power predictions. Methods Eighty eyes of 80 patients scheduled to undergo cataract surgery were examined with both biometers. The measurements made using each device were axial length (AL), central corneal thickness (CCT), aqueous depth (AQD), lens thickness (LT), mean keratometry (MK), white-to-white distance (WTW), and pupil diameter (PD). Holladay 2 and SRK/T formulas were used to calculate IOL power. Differences in measurement between the two biometers were determined using the paired t-test. Agreement was assessed through intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and Bland–Altman plots. Results Mean patient age was 76.3±6.8 years (range 59–89). Using the Lenstar, AL and PD could not be measured in 12.5 and 5.25% of eyes, respectively, while IOLMaster 700 took all measurements in all eyes. The variables CCT, AQD, LT, and MK varied significantly between the two biometers. According to ICCs, correlation between measurements made with both devices was excellent except for WTW and PD. Using the SRK/T formula, IOL power prediction based on the data from the two devices were statistically different, but differences were not clinically significant. Conclusions No clinically relevant differences were detected between the biometers in terms of their measurements and IOL power predictions. Using the IOLMaster 700, it was easier to obtain biometric measurements in eyes with less transparent ocular media or longer AL.


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Objective: To assess the epidemiological evidence on dietary fiber intake and chronic diseases and make public health recommendations for the population in Romania based on their consumption. Populations that consume more dietary fiber from cereals, fruits and vegetables have less chronic disease. Dietary Reference Intakes recommend consumption of 14 g dietary fiber per 1,000 kcal, or 25 g for adult women and 38 g for adult men, based on epidemiologic studies showing protection against cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, gastrointestinal disorders, colorectal -, breast -, gastric -, endometrial -, ovarian - and prostate cancer. Furthermore, increased consumption of dietary fiber improves serum lipid concentrations, lowers blood pressure, blood glucose leads to low glycemic index, aids in weight loss, improve immune function, reduce inflammatory marker levels, reduce indicators of inflammation. Dietary fibers contain an unique blend of bioactive components including resistant starches, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants. Dietary fiber components have important physiological effects on glucose, lipid, protein metabolism and mineral bioavailability needed to prevent chronic diseases. Materials and methods: Data regarding diet was collected based on questionnaires. We used mathematical formulas to calculate the mean dietary fiber intake of Romanian adult population and compared the results with international public health recommendations. Results: Based on the intakes of vegetables, fruits and whole cereals we calculated the Mean Dietary Fiber Intake/day/person (MDFI). Our research shows that the national average MDFI was 9.8 g fiber/day/person, meaning 38% of Dietary Requirements, and the rest of 62% representing a “fiber gap” that we have to take into account. This deficiency predisposes to chronic diseases. Conclusions and recommendations:The poor control of relationship between dietary fiber intake and chronic diseases is a major issue that can result in adverse clinical and economic outcomes. The population in Romania is at risk to develop such diseases due to the deficient fiber consumption. A model of chronic diseases costs is needed to aid attempts to reduce them while permitting optimal management of the chronic diseases. This paper presents a discussion of the burden of chronical disease and its socio-economic implications and proposes a model to predict the costs reduction by adequate intake of dietary fiber.


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Résumé : Cette étude examine l'impact de la taille et de la gradation de particules sur les corrélations théoriques et empiriques existantes les plus connues entre la résistance au cisaillement et le comportement dilatatant des matériaux granulaires en condition de déformation plane et en compression triaxiale drainée. À cette fin, 276 tests de cisaillements symétriques directs et 35 tests de compressions triaxiales drainées ont été menés sur des échantillons composés de billes de basalte (particules rondes), et de sables constitués de particules angulaires (sable de Péribonka et sable d'Eastmain) sur une échelle de 63 µm à 2000 µm afin d'évaluer leur résistance au cisaillement et leur comportement de dilatance sur une vaste échelle de pressions normales et de densités relatives initiales. Premièrement, la fiabilité et l'applicabilité des limites de mesure à l’aide de tests physiques de cisaillements symétriques directs dans l'interprétation de la résistance au cisaillement frictionnel en déformation plane des matériaux granulaires ont été discutées et confirmées par l'usage du code informatique DEM, SiGran. L'accent a été particulièrement mis sur la validation du modèle DEM au moyen de comparaison des résultats des simulations DEM avec leurs équivalents physiques à une échelle macro. Les résultats virtuels DSA sont abordés du point de vue de la coaxialité entre les principales tensions et les principales directions des paliers de pression ainsi que de la déviation de la direction d'extension nulle à partir de la direction horizontale. Les résultats numériques fournissent également des données quantitatives sur les différentes formes d'énergie consommées durant le cisaillement confirmées par d'autres résultats physiques et numériques publiés. Sur la base des postulats précédents, un examen minutieux des résultats des essais de cisaillements directs et de données issues de la littérature a été accompli afin d'évaluer la fiabilité des formules empiriques bien connues de Bolton et Collins et al. avec leurs constantes couramment employées en condition de déformation plane. L'étude montre qu'une application des relations empiriques de force-dilatation de cisaillement avec les constantes proposées par Bolton (1986) et Collins et al. (1992) aux sables ayant une distribution de taille de particules différente peut conduire à surestimer leurs valeurs en terme de force de cisaillement. Dans cette étude, les coefficients des équations de Bolton et Collins et al. ont donc été ajustée afin de prendre en compte les caractéristiques des particules, en particulier le diamètre médian, D50. De manière analogue, les effets microstructuraux imposés par la géométrie interne des particules (par exemple la taille, la forme et la gradation des particules) sur la relation tension-dilatation très connue, celle de Rowe (1962), et son ajustement empirique en condition triaxiale drainée ont été examinés dans cette étude. Une comparaison des prédictions des formules proposées avec les données de force de cisaillement issues de la littérature fournit de nombreuses preuves en faveur des contraintes mises en place au sein des relations existantes de force-dilatation de cisaillement en condition de déformation plane et triaxiale. Ces comparaisons prouvent également que la prise en compte de la taille des grains conduit à des résultats plus tangibles que lorsque la taille de la particule n'est pas considérée. Les formules de force-dilatation ajustées peuvent se révéler avantageuses pour évaluer indépendamment la cohérence des forces de cisaillement déterminées expérimentalement et pour introduire des lois d’écoulement plus précises dans les analyses géotechniques analytiques et numériques.


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En Colombia, mediante la Ley 1508 de 2102, se estableció el régimen jurídico de las Asociaciones Público Privadas (APP) y con la aprobación de la Ley 1682 de 2013, se regularon los proyectos de infraestructura de transporte. Con la presente tesis se pretende demostrar la figura del Diálogo Competitivo como procedimiento incompleto e insuficiente, apropiado así por nuestro régimen jurídico en la Ley de APP, visto desde la perspectiva de la Unión Europea, especialmente de los modelos español, inglés y francés, porque carece de la mayoría de sus elementos característicos. Posteriormente se realiza una crítica al Diálogo Competitivo colombiano desde la perspectiva de la Unión Europea, ya que se evidencia en la figura interna su precariedad frente a un procedimiento debidamente definido y organizado como el de la Unión Europea. Entre las instituciones jurídicas adoptadas por la Ley de APP, se encuentra el Diálogo Competitivo, que es un procedimiento, verificado en la etapa de estructuración de los contratos APP de iniciativa pública, cuyos antecedentes registran el mayor reconocimiento internacional en la Unión Europea (UE). Ésta introdujo esa figura a su régimen jurídico, a través de la Directiva 2004/18/CE, a su vez derogada por la Directiva 2014/24/UCE. La tesis culmina con una serie de conclusiones y recomendaciones que se estiman útiles para repensar y reestructurar el Diálogo Competitivo en los proyectos de infraestructura vial en Colombia, tarea que le corresponde al Congreso Nacional, pues así lo ha dispuesta la jurisprudencia del Consejo de Estado.


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This thesis introduce a new innovation methodology called IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION that was developed according to an on-going experimental research project started in 2007. This new approach to innovation has initial based on Design thinking for innovation theory and practice. The concept of design thinking for innovation has received much attention in recent years. This innovation approach has climbed from the design and designers knowledge field towards other knowledge areas, mainly business management and marketing. Human centered approach, radical collaboration, creativity and breakthrough thinking are the main founding principles of Design thinking that were adapted by those knowledge areas due to their assertively and fitness to the business context and market complexity evolution. Also Open innovation, User-centered innovation and later on Living Labs models emerge as answers to the market and consumers pressure and desire for new products, new services or new business models. Innovation became the principal business management focus and strategic orientation. All this changes had an impact also in the marketing theory. It is possible now to have better strategies, communications plans and continuous dialogue systems with the target audience, incorporating their insights and promoting them to the main dissemination ambassadors of our innovations in the market. Drawing upon data from five case studies, the empirical findings in this dissertation suggest that companies need to shift from Design thinking for innovation approach to an holistic, multidimensional and integrated innovation system. The innovation context it is complex, companies need deeper systems then the success formulas that “commercial “Design thinking for innovation “preaches”. They need to learn how to change their organization culture, how to empower their workforce and collaborators, how to incorporate external stakeholders in their innovation processes, hoe to measure and create key performance indicators throughout the innovation process to give them better decision making data, how to integrate meaning and purpose in their innovation philosophy. Finally they need to understand that the strategic innovation effort it is not a “one shot” story it is about creating a continuous flow of interaction and dialogue with their clients within a “value creation chain“ mindset; RESUMO: Metodologia de co-criação de um produto/marca cruzando Marketing, Design Thinking, Criativity and Management - IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION. Esta dissertação apresenta uma nova metodologia de inovação chamada IDEAS(R)EVOLUTION, que foi desenvolvida segundo um projecto de investigação experimental contínuo que teve o seu início em 2007. Esta nova abordagem baseou-se, inicialmente, na teoria e na práctica do Design thinking para a inovação. Actualmente o conceito do Design Thinking para a inovação “saiu” do dominio da area de conhecimento do Design e dos Designers, tendo despertado muito interesse noutras áreas como a Gestão e o Marketing. Uma abordagem centrada na Pessoa, a colaboração radical, a criatividade e o pensamento disruptivo são principios fundadores do movimento do Design thinking que têm sido adaptados por essas novas áreas de conhecimento devido assertividade e adaptabilidade ao contexto dos negócios e à evolução e complexidade do Mercado. Também os modelos de Inovação Aberta, a inovação centrada no utilizador e mais tarde os Living Labs, emergem como possiveis soluções para o Mercado e para a pressão e desejo dos consumidores para novos productos, serviços ou modelos de negócio. A inovação passou a ser o principal foco e orientação estratégica na Gestão. Todas estas mudanças também tiveram impacto na teoria do Marketing. Hoje é possivel criar melhores estratégias, planos de comunicação e sistemas continuos de diálogo com o público alvo, incorporando os seus insights e promovendo os consumidores como embaixadores na disseminação da inovação das empresas no Mercado Os resultados empiricos desta tese, construídos com a informação obtida nos cinco casos realizados, sugerem que as empresas precisam de se re-orientar do paradigma do Design thinking para a inovação, para um sistema de inovação mais holistico, multidimensional e integrado. O contexto da Inovação é complexo, por isso as empresas precisam de sistemas mais profundos e não apenas de “fórmulas comerciais” como o Design thinking para a inovação advoga. As Empresas precisam de aprender como mudar a sua cultura organizacional, como capacitar sua força de trabalho e colaboradores, como incorporar os públicos externos no processo de inovação, como medir o processo de inovação criando indicadores chave de performance e obter dados para um tomada de decisão mais informada, como integrar significado e propósito na sua filosofia de inovação. Por fim, precisam de perceber que uma estratégia de inovação não passa por ter “sucesso uma vez”, mas sim por criar um fluxo contínuo de interação e diálogo com os seus clientes com uma mentalidade de “cadeia de criação de valor”


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The spatial distribution of the magnetic field and the coupling between the coils in the Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) systems is an important aspect to consider in the system design and efficiency optimization. The presented study in this paper is based on tests performed on a physical model. The transmitting (primary) equipment, is an electrical three-phase system, capable to be connected in star or delta (both electrically and geometrically). The measured results allow to describe graphically the magnetic field distribution in three dimensions. The analytical formulas aim to help to understand and to quantify the physical phenomena but they cannot be considered a universal approach and the measurement results help to understand better the observable facts. In the WPT, the key issues that will influence the efficiency, are the alignment of the coils, the spatial orientation of the magnetic field, the detachment and the tilt between the windings, all they changing the magnetic coupling between the transmitter and the receiver of energy. This research is directed not only to the magnetic field distribution but finally, to optimize the energy transfer efficiency.


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Recibido 11 de noviembre de 2010 • Aceptado 09 de marzo de 2011 • Corregido 03 de junio de 2011 En tiempos en los que se habla ya de nanociencia, de nanotecnología, de biología sistémica, de reingeniería genética, de ecoalfabetización, de ecoeconomía, de revolución biotecnológica, etc., pareciera que aún permanecen viejas escuelas con supuestos científicos y referentes teóricos que en su momento dieron respuestas a necesidades científicas, pero que ya hoy son insuficientes. Se menciona esto porque resulta un atraso para la ciencias de la educación y para las ciencias del deporte el hecho de que aún se sigan enseñando en congresos nacionales e internacionales, seminarios, jornadas de investigación, en nuestras universidades y en cualquier tipo de reuniones científicas, algunos supuestos que han perdido vigencia y que, por lo tanto, han caducado en cuanto a su legitimidad y validez. Reconocemos los avances que para la ciencia del ejercicio físico y la fisiología del ejercicio representaron, en su momento, algunas fórmulas predictivas para el cálculo de la frecuencia cardíaca máxima estimada (FCME), hay aspectos dignos de considerar que atienden a la necesidad. No que las despreciemos, lo que se pretende a través del presente trabajo es mostrar y desmitificar el hecho de la fórmula tradicional como casi el único patrón de medición y cálculo de la FCME, y más allá ofrecer, desde la perspectiva de otros investigadores, posibilidades para una mejora en cuanto a la dosificación del ejercicio físico para ciertos tipos de poblaciones con especificidades singulares.


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The purpose of this article is to present the results obtained from a questionnaire applied to Costa Rican high school students, in order to know their perspectives about geometry teaching and learning. The results show that geometry classes in high school education have been based on a traditional system of teaching, where the teacher presents the theory; he presents examples and exercises that should be solved by students, which emphasize in the application and memorization of formulas. As a consequence, visualization processes, argumentation and justification don’t have a preponderant role. Geometry is presented to students like a group of definitions, formulas, and theorems completely far from their reality and, where the examples and exercises don’t possess any relationship with their context. As a result, it is considered not important, because it is not applicable to real life situations. Also, the students consider that, to be successful in geometry, it is necessary to know how to use the calculator, to carry out calculations, to have capacity to memorize definitions, formulas and theorems, to possess capacity to understand the geometric drawings and to carry out clever exercises to develop a practical ability.


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La técnica del análisis multicriterio se aplicó en la evaluación de técnicas de manejo alternativo para áreas de pendiente deforestadas usadas en la agricultura en Costa Rica y Guatemala. Se identificaron objetivos de evalua­ción entre los actores locales, con la ayuda de diferentes herramientas; pudién­dose identificar la pérdida de suelo, el ingreso de la finca, los insumes agrícolas, el lavado de nitrógeno, protección de la biodiversidad y necesidades nutricionales. Luego mediante algoritmos y fórmulas matemáticas, fueron caracteriza­dos todos los objetivos. Este modelo se utilizó como base para la construcción de una herramienta para apoyar la toma de decisiones que hace posible el cálculo del valor de cada objetivo bajo diferentes escenarios de producción y protección. ABSTRACT The multimedia analysis approach was applied to the evaluation of alternative management practices in deforested sloping áreas used for farming in Central American countries (Guatemala, Costa Rica). A major number of major evaluation objectives were identified, with the help of workshop ,whit local actors, including soil loss, farm income, agricultural inputs, nitrogen leaching, protection of biodiversity, and local nutrition needs. Then, appropriate algorithms and other mathematical formulas were put together for the quantitative characterization of all these objectives. This model was used as the basis for the construction of a user-friendly decision support tool, making possible the calculation of the values of the objectives for each scenario.


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Se evalúa la eficacia en varios lugares de Costa Rica de las formulas empíricas más utilizadas en la estimación de la radiación global, según la literatura obtenida, en donde se compara el valor estimado para la estimación meteorológica en estudio. Se obtiene el mejor método – de los tratados en este estudio –para estimar la radiación global en Costa Rica.


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The thesis mainly concerns the study of intrinsically regular submanifolds of low codimension in the Heisenberg group H^n, called H-regular surfaces of low codimension, from the point of view of geometric measure theory. We consider an H-regular surface of H^n of codimension k, with k between 1 and n, parametrized by a uniformly intrinsically differentiable map acting between two homogeneous complementary subgroups of H^n, with target subgroup horizontal of dimension k. In particular the considered submanifold is the intrinsic graph of the parametrization. We extend various results of Ambrosio, Serra Cassano and Vittone, available for the case when k = 1. We prove that the uniform intrinsic differentiability of the parametrizing map is equivalent to the existence and continuity of its intrinsic differential, to the local existence of a suitable approximating family of Euclidean regular maps, and, when the domain and the codomain of the map are orthogonal, to the existence and continuity of suitably defined intrinsic partial derivatives of the function. Successively, we present a series of area formulas, proved in collaboration with V. Magnani. They allow to compute the (2n+2−k)-dimensional spherical Hausdorff measure and the (2n+2−k)-dimensional centered Hausdorff measure of the parametrized H-regular surface, with respect to any homogeneous distance fixed on H^n. Furthermore, we focus on (G,M)-regular sets of G, where G and M are two arbitrary Carnot groups. Suitable implicit function theorems ensure the local existence of an intrinsic parametrization of such a set, at any of its points. We prove that it is uniformly intrinsically differentiable. Finally, we prove a coarea-type inequality for a continuously Pansu differentiable function acting between two Carnot groups endowed with homogeneous distances. We assume that the level sets of the function are uniformly lower Ahlfors regular and that the Pansu differential is everywhere surjective.


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In this work, a colorimetric indicator for food oxidation based on the detection of hexanal in gas-phase, has been developed. In fact, in recent years, the food packaging industry has evolved towards new generation of packaging, like active and intelligent. According to literature (Pangloli P. et al. 2002), hexanal is the main product of a fatty acid oxidation: the linoleic acid. So, it was chosen to analyse two kinds of potato chips, fried in two different oils with high concentration of linoleic acid: olive oil and sunflower oil. Five different formulas were prepared and their colour change when exposed to hexanal in gas phase was evaluated. The formulas evaluations were first conducted on filter paper labels. The next step was to select the thickener to add to the formula, in order to coat a polypropylene film, more appropriate than the filter paper for a production at industrial scale. Three kinds of thickeners were tested: a cellulose derivative, an ethylene vinyl-alcohol and a polyvinyl alcohol. To obtain the final labels with the autoadhesive layer, the polypropylene film with the selected formula and thickener was coat with a water based adhesive. For both filter paper and polypropylene labels, with and without autoadhesive layer, the detection limit and the detection time were measured. For the selected formula on filter paper labels, the stability was evaluated, when conserved on the dark or on the light, in order to determine the storage time. Both potato chips samples, stocked at the same conditions, were analysed using an optimised Headspace-Solid Phase Microextraction-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS) method, in order to determine the concentration of volatilized hexanal. With the aim to establish if the hexanal can be considered as an indicator of the end of potato chips shelf life, sensory evaluation was conducted each day of HS-SPME-GC-MS analysis.


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Over the past years, ray tracing (RT) models popularity has been increasing. From the nineties, RT has been used for field prediction in environment such as indoor and urban environments. Nevertheless, with the advent of new technologies, the channel model has become decidedly more dynamic and to perform RT simulations at each discrete time instant become computationally expensive. In this thesis, a new dynamic ray tracing (DRT) approach is presented in which from a single ray tracing simulation at an initial time t0, through analytical formulas we are able to track the motion of the interaction points. The benefits that this approach bring are that Doppler frequencies and channel prediction can be derived at every time instant, without recurring to multiple RT runs and therefore shortening the computation time. DRT performance was studied on two case studies and the results shows the accuracy and the computational gain that derives from this approach. Another issue that has been addressed in this thesis is the licensed band exhaustion of some frequency bands. To deal with this problem, a novel unselfish spectrum leasing scheme in cognitive radio networks (CRNs) is proposed that offers an energy-efficient solution minimizing the environmental impact of the network. In addition, a network management architecture is introduced and resource allocation is proposed as a constrained sum energy efficiency maximization problem. System simulations demonstrate an increment in the energy efficiency of the primary users’ network compared with previously proposed algorithms.


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In this thesis I show a triple new connection we found between quantum integrability, N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories and black holes perturbation theory. I use the approach of the ODE/IM correspondence between Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) and Integrable Models (IM), first to connect basic integrability functions - the Baxter’s Q, T and Y functions - to the gauge theory periods. This fundamental identification allows several new results for both theories, for example: an exact non linear integral equation (Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz, TBA) for the gauge periods; an interpretation of the integrability functional relations as new exact R-symmetry relations for the periods; new formulas for the local integrals of motion in terms of gauge periods. This I develop in all details at least for the SU(2) gauge theory with Nf=0,1,2 matter flavours. Still through to the ODE/IM correspondence, I connect the mathematically precise definition of quasinormal modes of black holes (having an important role in gravitational waves’ obervations) with quantization conditions on the Q, Y functions. In this way I also give a mathematical explanation of the recently found connection between quasinormal modes and N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories. Moreover, it follows a new simple and effective method to numerically compute the quasinormal modes - the TBA - which I compare with other standard methods. The spacetimes for which I show these in all details are in the simplest Nf=0 case the D3 brane in the Nf=1,2 case a generalization of extremal Reissner-Nordström (charged) black holes. Then I begin treating also the Nf=3,4 theories and argue on how our integrability-gauge-gravity correspondence can generalize to other types of black holes in either asymptotically flat (Nf=3) or Anti-de-Sitter (Nf=4) spacetime. Finally I begin to show the extension to a 4-fold correspondence with also Conformal Field Theory (CFT), through the renowned AdS/CFT correspondence.


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This coupled model combines two state-of-the-art numerical models, NEMO for the oceanic component and WRF for the atmospheric component and implements them at an appropriate resolution. The oceanic model has been implemented starting from the Mediterranean Forecasting System with a resolution of 1/24° and the domain was extended to exactly match the grid of a newly implemented atmospheric model for the same area. The uncoupled ocean model has been validated against SST observed data, both in the simulation of an extreme event and in the short-term forecast of two seasonal periods. A new setup of the model was successfully tested in which the downward radiative fluxes were prescribed from atmospheric forecasts. Various physical schemes, domain, boundary, and initial conditions were tested with the atmospheric model to obtain the best representation of medicane Ianos. The heat fluxes calculated by the uncoupled models were compared to determine which setup gave the best energy balance between the components of the coupled model. The coupling strategy used is the traditional one, where the ocean is driven by the surface stress, heat fluxes, and radiative fluxes computed in the atmospheric component, which in turn receives the SST and surface currents. As expected, the overall skills of the coupled model are slightly degraded compared to the uncoupled models, even though the positioning and timing of the cyclone at the time of the landfall is enhanced. The mean heat fluxes do not change compared to the uncoupled model, whereas the pattern of the shortwave radiation and latent heat is changed. Moreover, the two energy fluxes are larger in absolute values than those calculated with the MFS formulas. The fact that they have opposite signs give raise to a compensation error that limits the overall degradation of the coupled simulation.