866 resultados para F53 - International Agreements and Observance


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Este trabalho resultado de uma pesquisa realizada com sujeitos jovens e adultos privados de liberdade, reincidentes, com pelo menos metade da pena cumprida na Penitenciria de Benguela/Angola. Teve como foco a compreenso do sentido atribudo por esses sujeitos experincia de ser preso reincidente, percebendo como experienciam o programa de reeducao do sistema prisional local. Os fundamentos tericos da investigao basearam-se em autores que discutem a realidade da priso; o direito educao de pessoas em espaos de privao de liberdade; e a situao histrica de Angola, marcada pela longa guerra civil, aps a Independncia que a livrou do colonialismo do governo portugus, por tantos anos. Autores angolanos contriburam para o desvelamento dessa condio histrica, e vrios brasileiros foram fundamentais para compreender a temtica relativa priso. O tema tornou-se relevante entre pesquisadores na academia brasileira, provocados em grande parte por acordos internacionais sobre direitos humanos e, especialmente, sobre o direito educao de pessoas jovens e adultas em espaos de privao de liberdade. O balizamento brasileiro e internacional serviu para avaliar como o Estado angolano se porta diante desse direito, e de que forma atende (ou no) o preceituado nas prises angolanas, sendo signatrio de acordos internacionais. A investigao pode ser considerada um estudo de caso qualitativo, cuja recolha de informaes utilizou observao, entrevistas e questionrios que geraram dados quantitativos. Estes resultaram de questionrios aplicados a dez reeducadores dos servios prisionais e a 26 reclusos reincidentes, entre os quais 23 do sexo masculino e trs do sexo feminino, todos no identificados. As entrevistas realizadas se fizeram desde o diretor da instituio penal ao responsvel provincial da reeducao; ouviram o responsvel pela rea de segurana do presdio, um advogado de presos e a me de um dos reclusos reincidentes. Problemas de ordem poltica, econmica, social, assim como o fator guerra que acompanhou toda a histria de Angola (1975-2002) contriburam, em grande parte, para que os sujeitos especialmente jovens cometessem delitos e sofressem a privao da liberdade. No dizer dos sujeitos, a expectativa de mudana de vida se pe na volta escola e no aprendizado de uma profisso no que depositam esperanas de que a cadeia possa contribuir, para que a sociedade os discrimine menos, porque egressos do sistema penitencirio de Angola.


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A pesquisa objetivou traar um perfil de alunos da educao de jovens e adultos (EJA) em duas escolas pblicas municipais do Rio de Janeiro, de oferta diurna, na mesma regio geogrfica e administrativa, identificando e caracterizando os sujeitos e o significado do ensino diurno para o seguimento da escolarizao. Os alunos, em maioria jovens, encontravam-se matriculados no Programa de Educao de Jovens e Adultos (PEJA). A natureza do objeto conduziu-me metodologicamente para um estudo de caso e, para desenvolv-la, fiz uso de aplicao de questionrio e, posteriormente, realizei entrevista semiestruturada com 25 alunos. Meu locus de pesquisa conectou-se a contextos mais amplos com os quais o campo da EJA dialoga, como acordos e documentos resultantes de Conferncias Internacionais de Educao de Adultos (CONFINTEAs) e bases legais do direito educao para todos no Brasil. A matriz terica da pesquisa viabilizou um olhar investigativo sustentado pelo mtodo de pensamento adotado, inspirado na teoria da complexidade. Meus resultados levaram-me a compreender que pensar a EJA diurna como mais uma oferta no sistema pode anunciar possibilidades de adequao s caractersticas dos sujeitos, mas pode, na prtica, constituir novas excluses intrassistemas e interdies a sujeitos julgados, continuadamente, como incapazes de aprender


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The crab (swimming crab; Portunus pelagicus) fishery in coastal Cambodia appears to have declined in recent years due to over-fishing and a growth in the number of fishermen, but remains an important source of income for households along the coast. Several initiatives have started since 2007, with support from NGOs, international organizations and the Fisheries Administration (FiA), to test stock enhancement techniques through the release of crab larvae. The so-called crab bank initiative involves keeping harvested gravid crabs alive in cages for a few days until they spawn, instead of immediately selling them for consumption or processing. In Cambodia, this initiative has developed within the framework of Community Fisheries (CFis) and thus implies a communitybased approach. The FiA has promoted the continuation of such initiatives; however, the nature of crab fisheries and the results from crab bank initiatives have not been documented in detail. The scope of this study was to understand the diversity of approaches to crab bank development in Cambodia, as well as their operational status and the challenges faced at differen


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Apesar da relevncia econmica, a atividade de Explorao e Produo (E&P) considerada potencialmente causadora de impactos ambientais, dentre estes destaca-se a gerao de resduos slidos. Neste cenrio, esto sendo criados uma srie de regulamentaes e acordos internacionais cada vez mais restritivos pertinentes a esta temtica, dentre estes a Nota Tcnica CGPEG/DILIC/IBAMA n 01/11, que estabelece a implementao do Projeto de Controle da Poluio (PCP). Alm de marcos regulatrios cada vez mais rgidos, o gerenciamento de resduos fundamental para a minimizao de impactos ambientais, pois se o mesmo no for realizado de maneira eficiente, pode gerar custos e problemas ambientais e a imagem da empresa pode ficar comprometida atravs de passivos ambientais. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho visa analisar o processo de Gerenciamento de Resduos Slidos gerados em instalaes martimas de perfurao de poos de petrleo, bem como a adequao deste processo legislao vigente de modo a identificar os principais entraves para a minimizao dos efeitos ambientais provocados pela atividade. O estabelecimento de um marco regulatrio para controle da poluio dessa atividade definiu novas diretrizes, que levaro a reduo dos quantitativos gerados, bem como a adoo de melhores formas para tratamento e disposio dos resduos. Contudo, o crescimento das atividades de explorao de petrleo dever ser acompanhado tambm do desenvolvimento e ampliao do mercado nacional voltado ao transporte, tratamento e disposio final de resduos, de forma a reduzir ao mximo o impacto ambiental causado por estas atividades.


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This is the NRA's role in wetland conservation report produced by the National Rivers Authority in 1995. This document is the third of a series of three R&D Notes produced as part of an integrated research programme addressing aspects of the NRA's role in wetland management and conservation. Chapter 1 considers the nature of the wetland resource and its definition. Chapter 2 presents the NRA's current legislative and policy framework relating to its role in wetland conservation. National and international legislation and agreements are considered, and particular attention is afforded to the potential implications of the 'Habitats Directive'. Chapter 4 presents key examples of operational casework involving wetlands. Differences in approach and external perceptions of the NRA's current and likely future role in wetland conservation are discussed within Chapter 5. Other issues highlighted in this report are: policy guidance required on NRAs role in land drainage; standard of flood defence service for wetlands; cost-benefit analysis; strategies for halting and reversing the decline and degradation of wetland resource; and Catchment Management Planning.


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In this paper, we engage a Lagrangian, particle-based CFD method, named Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) to study the solitary wave motion and its impact on coastal structures. Two-dimensional weakly compressible and incompressible SPH models were applied to simulate wave impacting on seawall and schematic coastal house. The results confirmed the accuracy of both models for predicting the wave surface profiles. The incompressible SPH model performed better in predicting the pressure field and impact loadings on coastal structures than the weakly compressible SPH model. The results are in qualitatively agreement with experimental results. Copyright 2011 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).


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Offshore software development has been identified as one of the most striking manifestations of contemporary globalisation and as evidence of placelessness, the idea that information and communication technologies have rendered location irrelevant. Research in the International Business and Information Systems fields, in contrast, has suggested that all locations are not equal and has identified a number of characteristics that may influence the attractiveness of a location for multinational investment and offshoring, respectively. These literatures, however, focus almost exclusively on quantitative, economic characteristics that are seen as fixed and applying uniformly throughout a whole country. They therefore offer little guidance on the suitability of particular locations as offshoring destinations, especially in countries without a track record in offshore software development. Drawing on two cases of nearshore software development centres set up by offshore service providers in the Caribbean, this paper illustrates that, while the initial decision to establish the ventures reflected a logic of placelessness, characteristics of these particular locations affected their subsequent success. Through the findings, we therefore develop a typology of espoused, unanticipated and remediable locational characteristics, which illustrates that locational attractiveness may vary significantly within countries and that offshore service providers and government agencies can modify locational characteristics to their advantage.


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The numerical solution of problems in unbounded physical space requires a truncation of the computational domain to a reasonable size. As a result, the conditions on the artificial boundaries are generally unknown. Assumptions like constant pressure or velocities are only valid in the far field and lead to spurious reflections if applied on the boundaries of the truncated domain. A number of attempts have been made over the past decades to design conditions that prevent such reflections. One approach is based on characteristics. The standard analysis assumes a spatially uniform mean flow field but this is often impractical. In the present paper we show how to extend the formulation to the more general case of a non-uniform mean velocity field. A number of test cases are provided and our results compare favourably with other boundary conditions. In principle the present approach can be extended to include non-uniformities in all variables.


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A novel cadmium-inducible metallothionein (MT) gene (Tpig-MT1) was cloned and sequenced from the ciliate Tetrahymena pigmentosa. The number of deduced amino acids is 118. The polypeptide possesses CCC and CC clusters characteristic of typical Tetrahymena Cd-inducible MTs. The structure of Tpig-MT1 is different from the reported Cd-MT in T. pyriformis, T. thermophila and T. pigmentosa. Tpig-MT1 contains two intragenic tandem repeats with 72.9% identity described as Tpig-MT1 (repeat A1) and Tpig-MT1 (repeat A2). The transcriptional response of Tpig-MT1 gene to different heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb) and oxidative stress (H2O2) was measured using real-time quantitative PCR. The results showed that the gene was quickly induced (1 h) by the five heavy metals and the order of expression level was Hg>Pb>Cd>Cu>Zn. The induction effect of H2O2 was 5-fold after about 15 min, but soon decreased to a non-significant level (30 min). The genetic diversity of Tetrahymena MT genes is discussed in relation to the unique structure of the Tpig-MT1 gene and other reported Cd-MT isoforms. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.