975 resultados para Exportation of nutrients
This booklet contains descriptions and photographs of symptoms of deficiencies and toxicities of nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, boron, manganese, zinc, copper and molybdenum, and advice on treatment of affected crops.
During the past decade the use of stable isotopes to investigate transport pathways of nutrients in aquatic ecosystems has contributed new understanding and knowledge to many aspects of ecology; from the trophic structure of food webs to the spatial extent of nutrient discharges. At the same time aquatic monitoring programs around the world have become more interested in quantifying ecosystem health rather than simply measuring the physical and chemical properties of water (nutrients, pH, temperature and turbidity). A novel technique was initiated in 1998 as part of the development of the Ecosystem Health Monitoring Program in S.E. Queensland Australia (EHMP) using changes in the 15N value of the red macroalgae Catenella nipae, to indicate regions impacted by sewage nitrogen. Sewage plume mapping, using the 15N of C. nipae, has demonstrated that over the past 5 years there has been a large reduction in the magnitude and spatial extent of 15N enrichment at sites close to sewage treatment plants (STPs) discharging into Moreton Bay. This presentation will discuss how the 15N signatures of the C. nipae in the plume at the mouth of the Brisbane River have declined since it was first sampled in 1998 and will evaluate causes that may be responsible for these variations. A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate how environmental conditions influence the 15N signature of C, nipae over the incubation period. These data will be used to discuss the observed in situ decline in 15N in an attempt to determine if the reduction can be attributed solely to improvements in the wastewater discharge.
The aim of the investigation was to study the problem of colonization of shipboard fuel systems and to examine the effect of a number of environmental factors on microbial growth and survival in order to find potential preservative treatments. A variety of microbial species were isolated from samples taken from fuel storage tanks. Bacteria were more numerous than yeasts or fungi and most microorganisms were found at the fuel/water interface. 1he salinity, pH and phosphate concentration of some water bottoms were characteristic of sea water. Others were brackish, acidic and varied in phosphate content. Microorganisms were cultured under a number of environmental conditions. After prolonged incubation, the inoculum size had no effect on the final biomass of Cladosporium resinae but the time required to achieve the final mass decreased with increasing spore number. Undecane supported better growth of the fungus than diesel fuel and of four types of diesel fuel, two allowed more profuse growth. With sea water as the aqueous phase, a number of isolates were inhibited but the addition of nutrients allowed the development of many of the organisms. Agitation increased the growth of C. resinae on glucose but inhibited it on hydrocarbons. The optimum temperature fgr growth of C. resinae on surface culture lay between 25º C and 30º C and growth was evident at 5º C but not at 45º C. In aqueous suspension, 90% of spores were inactivated in around 60 hours at 45ºC and the same proportion of spores of C. resinae and Penicillium corylophilum were destroyed after about 30 seconds at 65ºC. The majority of bacteria and all yeasts in a water bottom sample were killed within 10 seconds at this temperature. An increase in the concentration of an organo-boron compound caused more rapid inactivation of C. resinae spores and raising the temperature from 25ºC to 45°C significantly enhanced the potency of the biocide.
The surface nature of Acanthamoeba trophozoites and cysts was investigated with respect to cell surface charge, hydrophobicity and surface carbohydrate composition. Particulate microelectrophoresis revealed a marked negative charge for both morphological forms, though less for cyst surfaces. Hydrophobicity was determined by adhesion to n-hexadecane and indicated a relatively low hydrophobic nature of both forms, though less so for cysts. Surface carbohydrate composition was studied by the use of fluorescent lectins and flow cytometry, using a ligand-receptor approach for further in depth analysis of binding of particular lectins. These studies showed trophozoite and cyst surfaces to be rich in N-acetylglucosamine, N-acteylneuraminic acid, mannose and glucose, with the addition of N-acetylgalactosamine on cysts. The importance of such surface properties was investigated with respect to phagocytosis of polystyrene latex microspheres, of different surface types and size. Investigations into the optimum conditions of uptake of beads indicated a preference for a medium devoid of nutrients, such as saline, though temperature was not a factor. An amoebal predilection for beads of lower charge and greater hydrophobicity was demonstrated. Furthermore, a preference for the largest bead size used (2.0 m) was observed. The influence of either Con A or mannose or glucose on bead association was apparently limited. The fate of foreign DNA ingested by Acanthamoeba appeared to indicate that such DNA was destroyed, as it could not be detected following extraction procedures and PCR amplification.
This thesis describes the investigation of the effects of ocular supplements with different levels of nutrients on the macular pigment optical density (MPOD) in participants with healthy eyes. Abstract A review of the literature highlighted that ocular supplements are produced in various combinations of nutrients and concentrations. The ideal concentrations of nutrients such as lutein (L) have not been established. It was unclear whether different stages of eye disease require different concentrations of key nutrients, leading to the design of this study. The primary aim was to determine the effects of ocular supplements with different concentrations of nutrients on the MPOD of healthy participants. The secondary aim was to determine L and zeaxanthin (Z) intake at the start and end of the study through completion of food diaries. The primary study was split into two experiments. Experiment 1 was an exploratory study to determine sample size and experiment 2 the main study. Statistical power was calculated and a sample size of 38 was specified. Block stratification for age, gender and smoking habit was applied and from 101 volunteers 42 completed the study, 31 with both sets of food diaries. Four confounders were accounted for in the design of the study; gender, smoking habit, age and diet. Further factors that could affect comparability of results between studies were identified during the study and were not monitored; ethnicity, gastro-intestinal health, alcohol intake, body mass index and genetics. Comparisons were made between the sample population and the Sheffield general population according to recent demographic results in the public domain. Food diaries were analysed and shown to have no statistical difference when comparing baseline to final results. The average L and Z intake for the 31 participants who returned both sets of food diaries was initially 1.96mg and 1.51mg for the final food diaries. The effect of the two ocular supplements with different levels of xanthophyll (6mg lutein/zeaxanthin and 10mg lutein only) on MPOD was not significantly different over a four-month period.
To frail elders, the consumption of nutrients is a challenge. Individuals participating in home delivered meal programs achieve higher daily intakes of key nutrients over non participants. However many elders require special diet and modifications in food texture, features generally not provided by such programs.^ This study compared a pilot program providing individual homemaker prepared meals based on special needs with the traditional home delivered meal program. Eight participants in the model group and 19 participants in the control group completed the 180 day study. The high drop out rate in the model group was due to scheduling difficulties.^ No significant differences existed between the two groups with respect to weight gain/maintenance, macronutrient intake, intake of most micronutrients and customer satisfaction. Homemaker prepared meals is a viable option for individuals needing dietary adjustments. ^
Water management has altered both the natural timing and volume of freshwater delivered to Everglades National Park. This is especially true for Taylor Slough and the C-111 basin, as hypersaline events in Florida Bay have been linked to reduced freshwater flow in this area. In light of recent efforts to restore historical flows to the eastern Everglades, an understanding of the impact of this hydrologic shift is needed in order to predict the trajectory of restoration. I conducted a study to assess the importance of season, water chemistry, and hydrologic conditions on the exchange of nutrients in dwarf and fringe mangrove wetlands along Taylor Slough. I also performed mangrove leaf decomposition studies to determine the contribution of biotic and abiotic processes to mass loss, the effect of salinity and season on degradation rates, and the importance of this litter component as a rapid source of nutrients. ^ Dwarf mangrove wetlands consistently imported total nutrients (C, N, and P) and released NO2− +NO3 −, with enhanced release during the dry season. Ammonium flux shifted from uptake to release over the study period. Dissolved phosphate activity was difficult to discern in either wetland, as concentrations were often below detection limits. Fluxes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in the fringe wetland were positively related to DIN concentrations. The opposite was found for total nitrogen in the fringe wetland. A dynamic budget revealed a net annual export of TN to Florida Bay that was highest during the wet season. Simulated increases and decreases in freshwater flow yielded reduced exports of TN to Florida Bay as a result of changes in subsystem and water flux characteristics. Finally, abiotic processes yielded substantial nutrient and mass losses from senesced leaves with little influence of salinity. Dwarf mangrove leaf litter appeared to be a considerable source of nutrients to the water column of this highly oligotrophic wetland. To summarize, nutrient dynamics at the subsystem level were sensitive to short-term changes in hydrologic and seasonal conditions. These findings suggest that increased freshwater flow has the potential to lead to long-term, system-level changes that may reach as far as eastern Florida Bay. ^
Periphyton is an abundant and ubiquitous feature of the Florida Everglades, often forming thick mats that blanket shallow sediments and submersed plants. They are considered to be primary ecosystem engineers in the Everglades by forming and stabilizing soils, controlling concentrations of nutrients and gases, and supplying food and structure for other organisms. Distribution patterns are related to underlying physicochemical gradients as well as those hydrologic changes imposed by water management. Because communities respond rapidly to environmental change, their use has been advocated to provide indication of system degradation or restoration. The authors review studies on the distribution of periphyton in the Everglades, highlighting major findings relevant to water management, and also areas where additional exploration is necessary.
Periphyton communities dominate primary production in much of the Florida Everglades wetland and therefore contribute to soil production, ecosystem metabolism and secondary production as well as the composition of dependent communities. Decades of research in the Everglades have supported research findings from other wetland types that cumulatively show that periphyton communities respond very rapidly to alterations in the two dominant drivers of wetland structure and function—hydrology and water quality. Hydrology controls periphyton productivity and composition by regulating moisture availability, substrate types available for colonization and supply of nutrients. Nutrients, particularly the limiting nutrient in this system, phosphorus (P), control levels of production and community composition. Because periphyton communities are well-established to be related to hydrology and water quality, an indicator was developed based on three periphyton attributes: abundance, quality (i.e., nutrient content) and community composition. This assessment tool offers a qualitative assessment of ecosystem response to potential changes in management activities at a time scale appropriate for active management. An example is provided of how the indicator can be used to assess the current water quality and hydrological conditions from high-density spatial surveys. Detected patterns of deterioration align with expectations derived from model predictions and known sources of nutrients and unnatural hydrologic regimes. If employed adaptively in ecosystem management, this tool can be used to both detect and react to change before the system has been irreparably altered.
Concentrations and fluxes of C, N, and P were measured in dwarf and fringe mangrove wetlands along the Taylor River, Florida, USA from 1996 to 1998. Data from these studies revealed considerable spatial and temporal variability. Concentrations of C, N, and P in the dwarf wetland showed seasonal trends, while water source was better at explaining concentrations in the fringe wetland. The total and dissolved organic carbon (TOC and DOC), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP) content of both wetlands was higher during the wet season or when water was flowing to the south (Everglades source). Concentrations of nitrate plus nitrite (NOx –), ammonium (NH4 +), and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) in the fringe wetland were all highest during the dry season or northerly flow (bay source). Nutrient concentrations most effectively explained patterns of flux in both wetlands. Increased wetland uptake of a given constituent was usually a function of its availability in the water column. However, the release of NOx – from the dwarf wetland was related to the NH4 + concentration, suggesting a nitrification signal. Nitrogen flux in the dwarf wetland was also related to surface water salinity and temperature. Our findings indicate that freshwater Everglades marshes are an important source of dissolved organic matter to these wetlands, while Florida Bay may be a source of dissolved inorganic nutrients. Our data also suggest that temperature, salinity, and nutrient concentrations (as driven by season and water source) influence patterns of materials flux in this mangrove wetland. Applying long-term water quality data to the relationships we extracted from these flux data, we estimated that TN and TP were imported by the dwarf wetland 87 ± 10 and 48 ± 17% of the year, respectively. With Everglades restoration, modifications in freshwater delivery may have considerable effects on the exchanges of nutrients and organic matter in these transitional mangrove wetlands.
The construction of artificial reefs in the oligotrophic seagrass meadows of central Florida Bay attracted large aggregations of fish and invertebrates, and assays of nutrient availability indicated increases in availability of nutrients to sediment microalgae, periphyton, and seagrasses around reefs. An average of 37.8 large (> 10 cm) mobile animals were observed on each small artificial reef. The dominant fish species present was the gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus Linnaeus, 1758). Four yrs after the establishment of the artificial reefs, microphytobenthos abundance was twice as high in reef plots (1.7 ± 0.1 μg chl-a cm-2) compared to control plots (0.9 ± 0.1 μg chl-a cm-2). The accumulation of periphyton on glass periphytometers was four times higher in artificial reef plots (200.1 ± 45.8 mg chl-a m-2) compared to control plots (54.8 ± 6.8 mg chl-a m-2). The seagrass beds surrounding the artificial reefs changed rapidly, from a sparse Thalassia testudinum (Banks & Soland. ex König) dominated community, which persisted at control plots, to a community dominated by Halodule wrightii (Ascherson). Such changes mirror the changes induced in experimentally fertilized seagrass beds in Florida, strongly suggesting that the aggregations of animals attracted by artificial reefs concentrated nutrients in this oligotrophic seascape, favoring the growth of fast-growing primary producers like microphytobenthos and periphyton, and changing the competitively dominant seagrass from slow-growing T. testudinum to faster-growing H. wrightii in the vicinity of the reefs.
Despite marked gradients in nutrient availability that control the abundance and species composition of seagrasses in south Florida, and the importance of nutrient availability in controlling abundance and composition of epiphytes on seagrasses in other locations, we did not find that epiphyte load on the dominant seagrass, Thalassia testudinum, or that the relative contribution of algal epiphytes to the epiphyte community, was positively correlated with nutrient availability in the water column or the sediment in oligotrophic seagrass beds. Further, the abundance of microphytobenthos, as indicated by Chlorophyll-aconcentration in the sediments, was not directly correlated with concentrations of nutrients in the sediments. Our results suggest that epiphyte and microphytobenthos abundance are not unambiguous indicators of nutrient availability in relatively pristine seagrass environments, and therefore would make poor candidates for indicators of the status and trends of seagrass ecosystems in relatively low-nutrient environments like the Florida Keys.
An oligotrophic phosphorus (P) limited seagrass ecosystem in Florida Bay was experimentally fertilized in a unique way. Perches were installed to encourage seabirds to roost and deliver an external source of nutrients via defecation. Two treatments were examined: (1) a chronic 23-year fertilization and (2) an earlier 28-month fertilization that was discontinued when the chronic treatment was initiated. Because of the low mobility of P in carbonate sediments, we hypothesized long-term changes to ecosystem structure and function in both treatments. Structural changes in the chronic treatment included a shift in the dominant seagrass species from Thalassia testudinum to Halodule wrightii, large increases in epiphytic biomass and sediment chlorophyll-a, and a decline in species richness. Functional changes included increased benthic metabolism and quantum efficiency. Initial changes in the 28-month fertilization were similar, but after 23 years of nutrient depuration T. testudinum has reestablished itself as the dominant species. However, P remains elevated in the sediment and H. wrightii has maintained a presence. Functionally the discontinued treatment remains altered. Biomass exceeds that in the chronic treatment and indices of productivity, elevated relative to control, are not different from the chronic fertilization. Cessation of nutrient loading has resulted in a superficial return to the pre-disturbance character of the community, but due to the nature of P cycles functional changes persist.
The freshwater Everglades is a complex system containing thousands of tree islands embedded within a marsh-grassland matrix. The tree island-marsh mosaic is shaped and maintained by hydrologic, edaphic and biological mechanisms that interact across multiple scales. Preserving tree islands requires a more integrated understanding of how scale-dependent phenomena interact in the larger freshwater system. The hierarchical patch dynamics paradigm provides a conceptual framework for exploring multi-scale interactions within complex systems. We used a three-tiered approach to examine the spatial variability and patterning of nutrients in relation to site parameters within and between two hydrologically defined Everglades landscapes: the freshwater Marl Prairie and the Ridge and Slough. Results were scale-dependent and complexly interrelated. Total carbon and nitrogen patterning were correlated with organic matter accumulation, driven by hydrologic conditions at the system scale. Total and bioavailable phosphorus were most strongly related to woody plant patterning within landscapes, and were found to be 3 to 11 times more concentrated in tree island soils compared to surrounding marshes. Below canopy resource islands in the slough were elongated in a downstream direction, indicating soil resource directional drift. Combined multi-scale results suggest that hydrology plays a significant role in landscape patterning and also the development and maintenance of tree islands. Once developed, tree islands appear to exert influence over the spatial distribution of nutrients, which can reciprocally affect other ecological processes.
An unprecedented series of ecological disturbances have been recurring within Florida Bay since the summer of 1987. Persistent and widespread phytoplankton and cyanobacteria blooms have coincided with the large scale decimation of sponge communities. One hypothesis is that the large scale loss of suspension-feeding sponges has rendered the Florida Bay ecosystem susceptible to these recurring blooms. The primary objective of this study was to experimentally evaluate the potential for suspension-feeding sponges to control nuisance phytoplankton blooms within Florida Bay prior to a large sponge die-off event. To achieve this objective, we determined the extent and biomass of the surviving sponge community in the different basins of Florida Bay. Many areas within Florida Bay possessed sponge densities and biomasses of 1 to 3 ind. m–2 or 100 to 300 g m–2 respectively. The dominant species includedSpheciospongia vesparia, Chondrilla nucula, Cinachyra alloclada, Tedania ignis and Ircinia sp., which accounted for 68% of individual sponges observed and 88% of sponge biomass. Laboratory grazing rates of these dominant sponges were experimentally determined on 4 different algal food treatments: a monoculture of cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatus, a monoculture of the diatom Cyclotella choctawhatcheeana, a monoculture of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum hoffmanianum, and an equal volume of the 3 monocultures combined. To estimate the impact of a mass sponge mortality event on the system-wide filtration rate of Florida Bay, we combined estimates of the current sponge biomass and laboratory sponge filtration rates with estimates of mean volumes of the sub-basins of Florida Bay. This study implies that the current blooms occurring within the central region of Florida Bay can be explained by the loss of the dominant suspension feeder in this system, and there is no need to invoke a new addition of nutrients within this region for the blooms to occur.