871 resultados para Employer unions
This chapter considers the following questions: • Why did more men register a civil partnership initially than women? • Why has the gender ratio equalised? • Why have women dissolved their civil partnership at a consistently higher rate than men? • What has happened to the argument that same-sex unions will be different from, or better than (with its assumption of longer-lasting), heterosexual unions?
Although women's land rights are often affirmed unequivocally in constitutions and international human rights conventions in many African countries, customary practices usually prevail on the ground and often deny women's land inheritance. Yet land inheritance often goes unnoticed in wider policy and development initiatives to promote women's equal access to land. This paper draws on feminist ethnographic research among the Serer ethnic group in two contrasting rural communities in Senegal. Through analysis of land governance, power relations and 'technologies of the self', this article shows how land inheritance rights are contingent on the specific effects of intersectionality in particular places. The contradictions of legal pluralism, greater adherence to Islam and decentralisation led to greater application of patrilineal inheritance practices. Gender, religion and ethnicity intersected with individuals' marital position, status, generation and socio-ecological change to constrain land inheritance rights for women, particularly daughters, and widows who had been in polygamous unions and who remarried. Although some women were aware that they were legally entitled to inherit a share of the land, they tended not to 'demand their rights'. In participatory workshops, micro-scale shifts in women's and men's positionings reveal a recognition of the gender discriminatory nature of customary and Islamic law and a desire to 'change with the times'. While the effects of 'reverse' discourses are ambiguous and potentially reinforce prevailing patriarchal power regimes, 'counter' discourses, which emerged in participatory spaces, may challenge customary practices and move closer to a rights-based approach to gender equality and women's land inheritance.
This thesis is an empirical-based study of the European Union’s Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) and its implications in terms of corporate environmental and financial performance. The novelty of this study includes the extended scope of the data coverage, as most previous studies have examined only the power sector. The use of verified emissions data of ETS-regulated firms as the environmental compliance measure and as the potential differentiating criteria that concern the valuation of EU ETS-exposed firms in the stock market is also an original aspect of this study. The study begins in Chapter 2 by introducing the background information on the emission trading system (ETS), which focuses on (i) the adoption of ETS as an environmental management instrument and (ii) the adoption of ETS by the European Union as one of its central climate policies. Chapter 3 surveys four databases that provide carbon emissions data in order to determine the most suitable source of the data to be used in the later empirical chapters. The first empirical chapter, which is also Chapter 4 of this thesis, investigates the determinants of the emissions compliance performance of the EU ETS-exposed firms through constructing the best possible performance ratio from verified emissions data and self-configuring models for a panel regression analysis. Chapter 5 examines the impacts on the EU ETS-exposed firms in terms of their equity valuation with customised portfolios and multi-factor market models. The research design takes into account the emissions allowance (EUA) price as an additional factor, as it has the most direct association with the EU ETS to control for the exposure. The final empirical Chapter 6 takes the investigation one step further, by specifically testing the degree of ETS exposure facing different sectors with sector-based portfolios and an extended multi-factor market model. The findings from the emissions performance ratio analysis show that the business model of firms significantly influences emissions compliance, as the capital intensity has a positive association with the increasing emissions-to-emissions cap ratio. Furthermore, different sectors show different degrees of sensitivity towards the determining factors. The production factor influences the performance ratio of the Utilities sector, but not the Energy or Materials sectors. The results show that the capital intensity has a more profound influence on the utilities sector than on the materials sector. With regard to the financial performance impact, ETS-exposed firms as aggregate portfolios experienced a substantial underperformance during the 2001–2004 period, but not in the operating period of 2005–2011. The results of the sector-based portfolios show again the differentiating effect of the EU ETS on sectors, as one sector is priced indifferently against its benchmark, three sectors see a constant underperformance, and three sectors have altered outcomes.
This paper investigates employer perceptions of the nature and importance of the English language in public relations agencies in Hong Kong. Based on in-depth interviews with senior managers from eight Hong Kong-based public relations companies, it examines how the linguistic currency ofEnglish is used collaboratively in creative organizations. Findings suggest that English is used as the common language among transnational public relations work teams and the clients that they service. Itis also used as a creative resource for facilitating collaboration, staff development and socialization into corporate and professional cultures.
Our employer, Gaddad, is a tattoo and piercing community that was created in 2006 with the basic idea to make it easier for people to get in touch with the tattoo artists and piercers from all over Sweden. With the homepage’s popularity at 2009 they decided to expand with the news page Inkzine. 2011 they contacted us with a plan to expand the homepage to Europe and then merge their two sites under the name Inkzine.The goal of this project was to create design suggestions for Gaddad / Inkzine that both the administration and the current users liked and would consider implementing on the website. In order to evaluate the current design and our suggestions we decided to use two questionnaires . The first questionnaire evaluated the currentdesign to provide us with information for the redesign. The second questionnaire evaluated our new suggestions.With these questionnaire we also carried out an analysis to see the differences in opinions among the users and also between the administration and the users.We also investigated other community homepages, company homepages that had been internationalized, and other tattoo homepages. To see what others had done to adapt to the international market and to investigate the design of tattoo homepages.We also did literary studies in redesign and internationalization, in order to obtain a theoretical foundation for our work.The results of the investigation of other homepages showed that in order to perform an internationalization of a web site no major changes to the looks were necessary, only linguistic changes. The results of our questionnairesshowed that users had in most cases put the majority of their votes on
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur ledare hanterar situationer där medarbetares privata problem inverkar negativt på arbetet för både arbetsgivare och övriga medarbetare. För att få svar på det har vi inspirerats av vinjettstudie som utgår från diskussioner av fiktiva fall. Vi har genomfört studien med fyra enskilda semistrukturerade intervjuer och en fokusgruppsintervju där vi först introducerade respondenterna med vinjetterna. Deltagarna till undersökningen valdes ut genom ett subjektivt urval där vi riktade in oss på ledare, angående vilken organisation de tillhörde var av mindre vikt. I teoridelen introducerades teorierna ledarskap, medarbetarskap, individen i gruppen, ekonomi, hälsa, lagar, organisationskultur och föreskrifter samt försäkringskassans roll. Resultatet analyserades sedan mot teorierna och vi kan konstatera att respondenterna generellt menade att det var viktigt att prioritera kommunikation och relationer. Betydelsefullt var att relationerna etablerades innan problemen uppstår eftersom det anses vara svårt att skapa relationer i konfliktfyllda lägen. Tiden har betydelse vid hantering av problem av den orsaken att gränsen för vad som är acceptabelt förflyttas med tidens gång. Beroende på problem varierade graden av toleransnivå hos chefer och övriga medarbetare i vår undersökning. Resultatet visade att gränsen för privatlivets påverkan på arbetslivet går när arbetet blir misskött och när kunder och andra medarbetare påverkas. Utifrån ett genusperspektiv ansåg intervjupersonerna att det saknade betydelse om chefen var en man eller kvinna när det handlade om att hantera problem som uppkom, det ansågs vara personligt.
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur en medelstor kommun kan arbeta strategiskt med problematiken gällande kompetensförlust samt att vara en attraktiv arbetsgivare inför kommande pensionsavgångar. Vidare syftar studien till att, utifrån resultatet, arbeta fram ett förslag till HR-strategi för den problematik de förestående pensionsavgångarna för med sig. För att få svar på våra undersökningsfrågor har vi utfört en fallstudie i Falu kommun och för denna använt oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra personer i chefsposition och en mångfaldskommunikatör, samt en fokusgrupp bestående av fyra medarbetare från HR-avdelningen. Detta gav oss flera perspektiv på problematiken, vilket vi anser stärker tillförlitligheten i resultatet. I efterhand kan vi dock se att ett större antal intervjupersoner hade varit att föredra, detta för att få fler medarbetares tankar och åsikter om ämnet. Emellertid var detta inte möjligt då chefer i kommunen var svåra att få kontakt med.Resultatet visar att uppfattningen om pensionsavgångar är varierande då en av respondenterna menar att det inte är något att oroa sig över, medan övriga respondenter anser att det är en stor utmaning kommunen har framför sig. Resultatet visar även att Falu kommun i dagsläget arbetar strategiskt med ett flertal olika åtgärder för att stärka sitt arbetsgivarmärke externt såsom exempelvis ambassadörskap och talent management, vilket tidigare forskning visar är en nödvändighet för en organisations konkurrenskraft och således attrahera samt behålla medarbetare. Gällande kompetensöverföring visar resultatet att det idag finns en medvetenhet om riskerna för kompetensförluster. Dock utförs ett begränsat arbete för att överföra viktiga kompetenser, åtminstone med syfte att hantera den risk för kompetensförlust som väntas i och med den förestående generationsväxlingen. Tidigare forskning inom området pensionsavgångar visar dock att förlusten av viktiga kompetenser är det största hotet.Vår slutsats av denna studie är att Falu kommun är på rätt väg att hantera den problematik som förväntas uppstå, dock behöver kommunen öka medvetenheten genom kommunikation och intern marknadsföring samt arbeta samman en gemensam syn på pensionsavgångarna i alla förvaltningar. Vi menar även att det är av stor vikt att se över kompetenserna i organisationen och börja agera för att inte mista viktiga kompetenser i och med de förestående pensionsavgångarna. Detta är områden som behandlas i det förslag till HR-strategi vi har arbetat fram.
Flexible working conditions is used extensively in organizations today as a way to create flexibility for the employer. Recently we’ve been reading in the newspapers that this approach is a growing problem and the EU has warned Sweden twice that abuse of these forms of employment must be stopped. The Government has recently submitted a proposed rule change to reduce the possibility of stacking one temporary contract after another. Borlänge kommun makes themselves more flexible with the intermittent employments. This study aims to examine why infrequent employments, such as the intermittent employment is used and preferred by Borlänge kommun and how it’s perceived by affected employees in the organization. The questions related, besides why the intermittent employment is used by the organization and how its perceived by those involved, also includes the management of intermittent employment and how the organization is handling work contracts. The background information on the employment law implications gives the reader an insight into how the regulatory framework works surrounding the topic. The theory section highlights the main theories about flexibility and its different shapes and perspectives. For the study a qualitative approach is used. A case study with semi-structured interviews was performed. The respondents were employees involved in the staffing of intermittent employees and also members of the staff with an intermittent employment. The results show that the employment and contracts is correctly handled by labour law regulations. This study shows that Borlänge kommun uses intermittent employments extensively, with its 1 320 intermittently employees. If this is abuse, or not, is not clear from the result. The authors discuss, however, if that is the case. The intermittent employment is used mainly because of the great needs. This is because society is changing and the average age is increasing, both by those using the services and the employees. All respondents perceive the intermittent employment as most flexible for the employees. Respondents working in the staffing department say that they are not flexible enough. The intermittent employees’ working today does not cover the great need. Borlänge kommun think that the flexibility should benefit them more and is currently trying to become more flexible. The employees were generally satisfied with their work situation. Some tendencies of insecurity and uncertainty could be inferred from the intermittent employees answers. The author’s conclusions are that flexibility and the intermittent employment contracts mainly benefit the employer and the employees who actively choose this type of work, such as students. This kind of employment affects, however, the society and those who need a secure lifestyle. The necessary permanent contracts are becoming fewer and replaced by precarious and flexible employment conditions.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the expectations of the workingGerman Generation Y regarding its current work and employer. As a result, the mainelements which could be considered by companies to retain the Generation Y inGermany will be pointed out and discussed.Design/methodology/approach – Semi-structured interviews were used in order toexplore the work expectations of this young generation within a German company. Anon-probability and purposive sample was used and six respondents part of theGeneration Y and working in the same company were interviewed. Furthermore, aseventh interview was conducted with the HMR of the company.Findings – Several findings are consistent with previous results of Gen Y from othernationalities than Germany such as the importance of varied tasks, opportunities forself-development, responsibilities and a pleasant working atmosphere. However,differences were found in particular regarding the importance of the work-life balanceand new expectations such as trust, autonomy and internationality have been broughtto light. Furthermore, several findings are also consistent with other studies aboutemployee retention, commitment and job satisfaction.Originality/value – This research extended previous studies of the expectations of theGeneration Y by providing firstly findings for Germany, a country where such studieshave not been conducted yet and secondly by focusing on the Generation Y who isalready working and therefore not studying anymore.
The unauthorized migrants in the Swedish construction sector – a study in the policy of deportation 1990–2004 The unauthorized migration of construction workers to Sweden increased during the 1990s, especially at the end of the decade. The migrants often came from Poland and the Baltic states. The aim of this article is to examine this change of the migration pattern to Sweden and how the Swedish Building Workers Union responded to this new situation. I examine how the Building Workers Union cooperated with the Police authorities to find, capture and deport unauthorized migrants. A conclusion is that the Building Workers Union has not adopted a more inclusionary strategy towards unauthorized migrants, as have trade unions in Spain and US. The main strategy has instead been to try to restrict this migration. One explanation of this is that the Building Workers Union is a strong and well organized trade union. It didn’t perceive of unauthorized migrants as potential new members, but as a threat to wages and work conditions. Another explanation is that it has been able to restrict migration in the past. This may contribute to making demands for restrictions an attractive strategy in the present even when the possibilities of succeeding with this have diminished.
Violence at work as a social problem: a study of the media coverage on workplace violence in Swedish trade union journals 1978–2004 The main purpose of this study was to find out the extent of the unions media coverage on workplace violence and the ways in which the topic was framed. The study shows that the reporting of violence in the workplace described in journals is on a stable level during the period 1978–98. However from the year 2000 and onwards, there is a clear increase in the attention. Four categories of workplace violence were used to identify and recognize different types of violence: intrusive-, consumer-, relationship-and organizational violence. This shows that much of the attention over time has shifted from intrusive violence to organizational violence and consumer violence. What seems to have happened is that workplace violence has become more than just robberies and assaults in the retail business. The stereotypical image of the criminal is challenged by non-traditional criminals like nurses, elderly people and companies. Certain groups, e.g. care workers, come to account for an increasing proportion of attention, both as perpetrators and victims of violence. This study is an important step in understanding the increased reports of workplace violence in Sweden.
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad som väcker uppmärksamhet hos arbetsgivaren i den digitala portfolion. Studiens fokus är riktad mot nyexaminerade studenter. Den digitala portfolion ersätter successivt den analoga portfolion och som grafisk designer är portfolion en viktig del av identiteten. Idag finns ingen anledning till att inte använda sig av en digital portfolio. Semistrukturerade djupintervjuer utfördes för att undersöka hur kreatören på bästa sätt väcker arbetsgivarens uppmärksamhet genom den digitala portfolion. Studien undersökte även vilken roll lärosätet har när arbetsgivaren granskar portfolion. Resultaten presenteras genom olika teman som t ex alstren ska vara i fokus, unika lösningar och nytänkande väcker uppmärksamhet och vikten av ett bra första intryck. Studien visade att alstren i en digital portfolio ska tala för sig själva och vara relevanta för tiden, ingen överarbetad design ska finnas på portfolion. Likaså är lärosätet mindre viktigt för arbetsgivare, däremot kan högre krav ställas på en portfolio från vissa lärosäten.
The newly adopted energy efficiency directive (2012/27/EU) highlights the importance of energy efficiency in reaching the Union’s 2020 targets. The directive commits member states to defining national energy efficiency targets (art. 3), achieving yearly energy savings of 1.5% of the annual energy sales through the energy efficiency obligation scheme (art. 7), and providing a long-term strategy for the building sector that aims at a 3% refurbishment rate for public buildings (art. 4+5). Buildings currently account for 40% of energy use in most countries, putting them among the largest end-use sectors. This report takes a closer look at the best practices for implementing increasing energy efficiency in different regions and countries in Europe. The final aim is to identify some policy tools to be suggested to the region of Dalarna (Dalarna having been chosen as the pilot county in Sweden) as a means of implementing energy efficiency in the building sector. The final objective is to give analysts and decision-makers a better analytical foundation to explore future policy development in the area of buildings to be proposed and tested at the regional level in Dalarna and later at the national level in Sweden.
We present a method using an extended logical system for obtaining programs from specifications written in a sublanguage of CASL. These programs are “correct” in the sense that they satisfy their specifications. The technique we use is to extract programs from proofs in formal logic by techniques due to Curry and Howard. The logical calculus, however, is novel because it adds structural rules corresponding to the standard ways of modifying specifications: translating (renaming), taking unions, and hiding signatures. Although programs extracted by the Curry-Howard process can be very cumbersome, we use a number of simplifications that ensure that the programs extracted are in a language close to a standard high-level programming language. We use this to produce an executable refinement of a given specification and we then provide a method for producing a program module that maximally respects the original structure of the specification. Throughout the paper we demonstrate the technique with a simple example.
The theme of family in literature and in popular discourse occurs at times when the family as an institution is under attack. Attacks against the family coupled with defence of the family are viewed as the barometer of people’s satisfaction with the society in which they live. This outpouring of emotion, whether it is in defence of or attacking the family, is the result of the family’s position on the bridge between nature and society – a fortunate (or a detrimental) link between an individual and the units that make up a society. Across the United States and much of the western world, the battle for gay marriage and inclusive civil unions has revealed the fissures in our collective moral view of the family. The conservative concern about the absence of ‘family values’ is magnified by our situation in a world of flux. Inflation, war, terrorist threats, and the depletion of natural resources are but a few examples. When so much is unknown, how do we position ourselves? What anchors us to the past, gives us comfort in the present, and supports us in the future if not the family? Alternatively, what coddles us more in the past, shackles us more to the present, and lulls us more into a fixed conception of the future than the family? My research is not a sociological survey into the family nor does it stake any claims to understanding the present state of the family in society. The study seeks, however, to shed light on the rhetorical uses of the family by analysing two novels that are inextricably concerned with the theory of the family in times of heightened social change. In particular, my research focuses upon the social role and political meaning of the family in Anna Karenina and Jia.