875 resultados para Electronic commerce, Information transfer, Suppliers, Supply chain management
This pilot study explored the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational commitment among provate club board and committee volunteer members. The top three items, ranked by mean scores, of each of three EI dimensions -- IN, OUT, and RELATIONSHIPS wer discussed. A sample of 57 volunteer leaders furhter was split into high EI and low EI groups based on respndents' overall EO median score. Statistical differences between high and low EI groups in three aspects of organizational commitment - affective, continuance, and normative commitment - wer present. 4 t-test results showed that the difference between high and low EI groups in affective commitment among private club volunteer leaders was statistcally significant at p <.05.
Electronic database handling of buisness information has gradually gained its popularity in the hospitality industry. This article provides an overview on the fundamental concepts of a hotel database and investigates the feasibility of incorporating computer-assisted data mining techniques into hospitality database applications. The author also exposes some potential myths associated with data mining in hospitaltiy database applications.
Background: Since 2007, there has been an ongoing collaboration between Duke University and Mulago National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Kampala, Uganda to increase surgical capacity. This program is prepared to expand to other sites within Uganda to improve neurosurgery outside of Kampala as well. This study assessed the existing progress at Mulago NRH and the neurosurgical needs and assets at two potential sites for expansion. Methods: Three public hospitals were visited to assess needs and assets: Mulago NRH, Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital (RRH), and Gulu RRH. At each site, a surgical capacity tool was administered and healthcare workers were interviewed about perceived needs and assets. A total of 39 interviews were conducted between the three sites. Thematic analysis of the interviews was conducted to identify the reported needs and assets at each hospital. Results: Some improvements are needed to the Duke-Mulago Collaboration model prior to expansion; minor changes to the neurosurgery residency program as well as the method for supply donation and training provided during neurosurgery camps need to examined. Neurosurgery can be implemented at Mbarara RRH currently but the hospital needs a biomedical equipment technician on staff immediately. Gulu RRH is not well positioned for Neurosurgery until there is a CT Scanner somewhere in the Northern Region of Uganda or at the hospital. Conclusions: Neurosurgery is already present in Uganda on a small scale and needs rapid expansion to meet patient needs. This progression is possible with prudent allocation of resources on strategic equipment purchases, human resources including clinical staff and biomedical staff, and changes to the supply chain management system.
Currently, there is growing interest in developing ante and post mortem meat inspection (MI) to incorporate measures of pig health and welfare for use as a diagnostic tool on pig farms. However, the success of the development of the MI process requires stakeholder engagement with the process. Knowledge gaps and issues of trust can undermine the effective exchange and utilisation of information across the supply chain. A social science research methodology was employed to establish stakeholder perspectives towards the development of MI to include measures of pig health and welfare. In this paper the findings of semi-structured telephone interviews with 18 pig producers from the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland are presented.
Producers recognised the benefit of the utilisation of MI data as a health and welfare diagnostic tool. This acknowledgment, however, was undermined for some by dissatisfaction with the current system of MI information feedback, by trust and fairness concerns, and by concerns regarding the extent to which data would be used in the producers’ interests. Tolerance of certain animal welfare issues may also have a negative impact on how producers viewed the potential of MI data. The private veterinary practitioner was viewed as playing a vital role in assisting them with the interpretation of MI data for herd health planning.
The development of positive relationships based on trust, commitment and satisfaction across the supply chain may help build a positive environment for the effective utilisation of MI data in improving pig health and welfare. The utilisation of MI as a diagnostic tool would benefit from the development of a communication strategy aimed at building positive relationships between stakeholders in the pig industry.
Motivated by new and innovative rental business models, this paper develops a novel discrete-time model of a rental operation with random loss of inventory due to customer use. The inventory level is chosen before the start of a finite rental season, and customers not immediately served are lost. Our analysis framework uses stochastic comparisons of sample paths to derive structural results that hold under good generality for demands, rental durations, and rental unit lifetimes. Considering different \recirculation" rules | i.e., which rental unit to choose to meet each demand | we prove the concavity of the expected profit function and identify the optimal recirculation rule. A numerical study clarifies when considering rental unit loss and recirculation rules matters most for the inventory decision: Accounting for rental unit loss can increase the expected profit by 7% for a single season and becomes even more important as the time horizon lengthens. We also observe that the optimal inventory level in response to increasing loss probability is non-monotonic. Finally, we show that choosing the optimal recirculation rule over another simple policy allows more rental units to be profitably added, and the profit-maximizing service level increases by up to 6 percentage points.
Tämä työ tarkastelee toimitusketjussa käytettyjä kustannusjohtamismenetelmiä. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää mitkä menetelmät ovat useimmiten käytössä ja miten niiden käyttöä on tutkittu kirjallisuudessa. Työ on kirjallisuuskatsaus aiempaan tutkimukseen ja tiedonhaun perusteella pyritään luomaan mahdollisimman laaja kuva tutkituista ja käytössä olevista kustannusjohtamismenetelmistä toimitusketjussa. Työssä tarkasteltuja kustannusjohtamismenetelmiä toimitusketjuissa ovat toimintolaskenta, tavoitekustannuslaskenta, elinkaarikustannuslaskenta ja Balanced Scorecard. Työ esittelee näiden menetelmien teoriat ja tarkastelee niiden käyttötapoja toimitusketjuissa ja tutkittuja käyttökohteita työkaluille. Tutkimus kustannusjohtamismenetelmiin toimitusketjussa on hajanaista. Toimintolaskentaa ja tavoitekustannuslaskentaa on tutkittu laajasti, kun taas elinkaarikustannuslaskennan ja Balanced Scorecardin yleisiä malleja toimitusketjussa on tutkittu vähän ja menetelmien käyttö on tapauskohtaista.
Purpose – In the field of humanitarianism, cluster thinking has been suggested as a solution to the lack of coordinated disaster response. Clusters for diverse functions, including sheltering, logistics and water and sanitation, can be viewed as an effort to achieve functional coordination. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a greater understanding of the potential of cluster concepts using supply chain coordination and inter‐cluster coordination. The focus is on the conceptual level rather than on specific means of coordination. Design/methodology/approach – The cluster concept in humanitarian relief, along with some key empirical issues, is based on a case study. The concept is then compared to the literature on clusters and coordination in order to develop a theoretical framework with propositions on the tradeoffs between different types of coordination. Findings – The results provide important reflections on one of the major trends in contemporary development of humanitarian logistics. This paper shows that there is a tradeoff between different types of coordination, with horizontal coordination inside cluster drawing attention away from important issues of the supply chain as well as the need to coordinate among the clusters. Research limitations/implications – There is a need for more in‐depth case studies of experiences with clusters in various operations. Various perspectives should be taken into account, including the field, responding agencies, beneficiaries, donors, military and commercial service providers, both during and between disasters. Practical implications – The paper presents the tradeoffs between different types of coordination, in which basic aims such as standardisation through functional coordination, must be balanced with cross‐functional and vertical coordination in order to more successfully serve the users' composite needs. Originality/value – The focus on possible trade‐offs between different types of coordination is an important complement to the literature, which often assumes simultaneous high degrees of horizontal and vertical coordination.
Purpose: There is a need for theory development within the field of humanitarian logistics to understand logistics needs in different stages of a crisis and how to meet these. This paper aims to discuss three dimensions identified in logistics and organization theories and how they relate to three different cases of humanitarian logistics operations - the regional concept of the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, the development and working of the United Nations Joint Logistics Centre and coordination challenges of military logistics in UN mandated peacekeeping operations. The purpose is to build a framework to be used in further studies. Design/methodology/approach: A framework for the study of humanitarian logistics along three dimensions is developed, followed by a discussion of the chosen cases in relation to these dimensions. The framework will be used as basis for the case studies to be undertaken for the purpose of understanding and identification of new questions and needs for other or revised concepts from theory. Findings: The paper shows the relevance of a wide literature to the issues pertinent to humanitarian logistics. There is considerable promise in extant literature on logistics, SCM and coordination, but this needs to be confronted with the particular issues seen in the humanitarian logistics setting to achieve further theory development. Originality/value: The major contribution of the paper lies in its breadth of theoretical perspectives presented and combined in a preliminary theoretical framework. This is applied more specifically in the three case studies described in the paper.
Trabajo de investigación (Magíster en Supply Chain Management) -- Universidad del Pacífico, Escuela de Postgrado, 2015.
O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um modelo de gestão da cadeia de abastecimento sustentável, posteriormente operacionalizado num conjunto de empresas. O principal elemento diferenciador do modelo apresentado é o seu cariz operacional, focado na fase da implementação com a integração de um conjunto de práticas de apoio à sustentabilidade. Para responder às pressões da conjuntura económica atual, das alterações climáticas, da escassez de recursos e das desigualdades sociais é necessário desenvolver de forma consolidada e abrangente um novo paradigma de gestão nas empresas. Muitas destas pressões fazem-se sentir nas atividades da Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento. O grande desafio é conseguir que as empresas obtenham bons resultados económicos, sociais e ambientais. A sustentabilidade tem sido abordada como a área de estudo donde deverá emergir este novo paradigma de gestão. Atendendo a esta problemática, a principal questão de investigação do presente trabalho é “Como se implementa a Sustentabilidade na Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento?” A metodologia de investigação partiu da revisão da literatura que permitiu estruturar um conjunto de pressupostos teóricos, estruturados num modelo conceptual sobre a implementação da sustentabilidade na Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento. O modelo foi aplicado em dois grupos de estudos empíricos: Análise Qualitativa de Relatórios de Sustentabilidade publicados por seis empresas com atividade em Portugal (Sonae; Lipor, Galp; EDP; Portucel e AutoEuropa); e o desenvolvimento de dois Estudos de Caso nas empresas Bosch Termotecnologia e Gestamp Aveiro. Os resultados permitiram o desenvolvimento de um Modelo Teórico de Implementação da Sustentabilidade na Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento. Bem como, um modelo de classificação das ferramentas de apoio à implementação da sustentabilidade adequadas a cada etapa que constitui o modelo de implementação. No desenvolvimento deste trabalho, acreditou-se que o caminho da sustentabilidade é possível e tangível. Os modelos desenvolvidos explicam que a integração da sustentabilidade se enceta pela estruturação da área da sustentabilidade na organização, prosseguindo com o processo de implementação constituído por quatro etapas: Envolvimento, Execução, Monitorização e Comunicação. A implementação necessita de ser abrangente a toda a cadeia de valor e apoiada num conjunto de ferramentas adequadas a cada fase de implementação.
Many production systems have acquisition and merge operations to increase productivity. This paper proposes a novel method to anticipate whether a merger in a market is generating a major or a minor consolidation, using InvDEA model. A merger between two or more decision making units (DMUs) producing a single merged DMU that affects the efficiency frontier, defined by the pre-consolidation market conditions, is called a major consolidation. The corresponding alternative case is called a minor consolidation. A necessary and sufficient condition to distinguish the two types of consolidations is proven and two numerical illustrations in banking and supply chain management are discussed. The crucial importance of anticipating the magnitude of a consolidation in a market is outlined.
Process systems design, operation and synthesis problems under uncertainty can readily be formulated as two-stage stochastic mixed-integer linear and nonlinear (nonconvex) programming (MILP and MINLP) problems. These problems, with a scenario based formulation, lead to large-scale MILPs/MINLPs that are well structured. The first part of the thesis proposes a new finitely convergent cross decomposition method (CD), where Benders decomposition (BD) and Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition (DWD) are combined in a unified framework to improve the solution of scenario based two-stage stochastic MILPs. This method alternates between DWD iterations and BD iterations, where DWD restricted master problems and BD primal problems yield a sequence of upper bounds, and BD relaxed master problems yield a sequence of lower bounds. A variant of CD, which includes multiple columns per iteration of DW restricted master problem and multiple cuts per iteration of BD relaxed master problem, called multicolumn-multicut CD is then developed to improve solution time. Finally, an extended cross decomposition method (ECD) for solving two-stage stochastic programs with risk constraints is proposed. In this approach, a CD approach at the first level and DWD at a second level is used to solve the original problem to optimality. ECD has a computational advantage over a bilevel decomposition strategy or solving the monolith problem using an MILP solver. The second part of the thesis develops a joint decomposition approach combining Lagrangian decomposition (LD) and generalized Benders decomposition (GBD), to efficiently solve stochastic mixed-integer nonlinear nonconvex programming problems to global optimality, without the need for explicit branch and bound search. In this approach, LD subproblems and GBD subproblems are systematically solved in a single framework. The relaxed master problem obtained from the reformulation of the original problem, is solved only when necessary. A convexification of the relaxed master problem and a domain reduction procedure are integrated into the decomposition framework to improve solution efficiency. Using case studies taken from renewable resource and fossil-fuel based application in process systems engineering, it can be seen that these novel decomposition approaches have significant benefit over classical decomposition methods and state-of-the-art MILP/MINLP global optimization solvers.
El objetivo de esta investigación se centra en el análisis de los factores que inciden con mayor frecuencia en el fracaso de los emprendimientos en Colombia, y considerar su proximidad con el concepto de logística como actividad elemental para el desarrollo de los emprendimientos en el país. La finalidad de esta investigación es mostrar que los patrones que conducen al fracaso, los cuales están catalogados dentro de las categorías financiera, organizacional, operativa, de entorno, de mercadeo o de recursos humanos, tienen un nivel de incidencia dentro del fracaso, por lo cual, se puede ejecutar un análisis que permita demostrar el orden de las seis categorías mencionadas según su impacto dentro del fracaso y a su vez, brindar estrategias que permitan reducir las posibilidades de fracasar en los emprendimientos.
Actualmente la relación que existe entre la logística humanitaria y la seguridad agroalimentaria es muy estrecha, estos dos conceptos constituyen un elemento sumamente importante en situaciones que se presentan hoy en día a nivel mundial, como por ejemplo en los diferentes tipos de desastres naturales como terremotos, tsunamis, sequías, hambrunas, entre otros, o simplemente, en zonas de alta pobreza. La logística humanitaria es hoy en día un concepto novedoso que nace de la necesidad de poder suministrar los recursos adecuados en zonas que han sido afectadas por desastres naturales, o situaciones de orden público, como por ejemplo los conflictos armados. Estos recursos deben asegurarle a la población afectada que puedan mantener a lo largo de un tiempo sus necesidades básicas, y así mismo, que estos recursos aseguren a la población afectada que puedan tener una vida digna y segura, lo que conlleva entre otras cosas, tener una seguridad agroalimentaria. A medida que se presentan diferentes escenarios de desastres naturales, la ayuda humanitaria a nivel mundial es necesaria, y el tiempo de respuesta juega un papel sumamente importante. En consecuencia, esta investigación presenta un enfoque que involucra los conceptos de logística humanitaria y de seguridad agroalimentaria, con el fin de contextualizar su evolución y los estudios que se llevan a cabo hoy en día.
En esta tesis se presenta la influencia que tiene la Cultura Nacional en el desempeño Logístico de una Nación, en especial de los 123 primeros países evaluados por el Índice de Desempeño Logístico (LPI) realizado por el Banco Mundial. Este estudio se realiza a partir de los seis ítems evaluados en el LPI y de las seis Dimensiones Culturales de Hofstede, para relacionar estas calificaciones se empleará el programa estadístico SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Sciences obteniendo como resultado posibles correlaciones para probar la hipótesis del efecto de la cultura en el desempeño logístico y establecer patrones de comportamiento en los mejores países de cada correlación. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos de estas correlaciones, se encontró que si existe una relación entre la cultura nacional y el desempeño logístico de un país, al igual que las dimensiones culturales más influyentes para obtener dichos resultados y se identificaron los países que cuentan con condiciones sobresalientes que facilitan tener altas posiciones en el LPI.