1000 resultados para Electrónica analógica


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Nos últimos anos, Cabo verde tem estado a apostar fortemente nas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, com grande foco na governação electrónica, e conseguintemente na disponibilização de informações e serviços aos cidadãos através de sites, aplicações Web e outros meios. Neste contexto, torna-se necessário que esses websites e aplicações estejam dotados de mecanismos capazes de minimizar os riscos de eventuais cyberataques. Este artigo analisa as principais vulnerabilidades existentes nos sites das instituições do governo de Cabo Verde, e apresenta recomendações sobre as medidas que deverão ser implementadas para minimizar esses problemas.


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Cabo Verde tem conhecido nos últimos anos, progressos notórios no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, especialmente na área da governação electrónica e da democratização do acesso à Internet. Neste contexto, a usabilidade reveste-se de grande importância. O presente artigo analisa a usabilidade dos sites governamentais de Cabo Verde, identificando os problemas existentes e propondo medidas correctivas. Esta análise é feita recorrendo a uma amostra de 10 sites governamentais, utilizando o focusgroup e testes de usabilidade para cada um desses sites.


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The chemical resistance of ceramic tiles is the subject of the European Standard UNE-EN ISO 10545-13. In order to evaluate the effect of aqueous solutions of several chemicals agents on the aspect of the tile surface, this standard establishes a series of tests at room temperature followed by visual inspection. According to this standard the tiles of this study are classified as being of maximum resistance (UHA). However operating conditions can be more aggressive than those detailed in the standard. So, a systematic study has been undertaken. In the present work, the effect of aqueous solutions of several organic and inorganic acids on the tile surface is evaluated. Samples immersed in different solutions are subjected to the following conditions: T= 60º C; pH=2 and to agitation processes. Visual analysis, as well as optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed in order to determine the possible variation of the superficial aspect of tiles. Moreover, atomic absorption spectrophotometry has been used in order to obtain quantitative information concerning the solubility of system M (III)-L (M= Fe; L= H2O or L= ligand). The results obtained show, in all cases, a progressive dissolution of iron oxide precipitates presents in the ceramic body


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[ANGLÈS] This project introduces GNSS-SDR, an open source Global Navigation Satellite System software-defined receiver. The lack of reconfigurability of current commercial-of-the-shelf receivers and the advent of new radionavigation signals and systems make software receivers an appealing approach to design new architectures and signal processing algorithms. With the aim of exploring the full potential of this forthcoming scenario with a plurality of new signal structures and frequency bands available for positioning, this paper describes the software architecture design and provides details about its implementation, targeting a multiband, multisystem GNSS receiver. The result is a testbed for GNSS signal processing that allows any kind of customization, including interchangeability of signal sources, signal processing algorithms, interoperability with other systems, output formats, and the offering of interfaces to all the intermediate signals, parameters and variables. The source code release under the GNU General Public License (GPL) secures practical usability, inspection, and continuous improvement by the research community, allowing the discussion based on tangible code and the analysis of results obtained with real signals. The source code is complemented by a development ecosystem, consisting of a website (http://gnss-sdr.org), as well as a revision control system, instructions for users and developers, and communication tools. The project shows in detail the design of the initial blocks of the Signal Processing Plane of the receiver: signal conditioner, the acquisition block and the receiver channel, the project also extends the functionality of the acquisition and tracking modules of the GNSS-SDR receiver to track the new Galileo E1 signals available. Each section provides a theoretical analysis, implementation details of each block and subsequent testing to confirm the calculations with both synthetically generated signals and with real signals from satellites in space.


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S’ha caracteritzat un conjunt de catorze líquids iònics (ILs) (tres d’ells sòlid a temperatura ambient) per la seva conductivitat i rang de potencial útil. La seva utilització com a dissolvents en reaccions on la primera etapa és una transferència electrònica, depèn de la composició dels ILs. Així per estudiar oxidacions monoelectròniques, com per exemple el ferrocè, els ILs útils són : BMIMBF4, BMIMPF6, BMIMTFSI, EMIMOTf i EMIMTFSI. Mentre que per les reduccions monoelectròniques, com per exemple el p-nitrotoluè, els ILs més adequats són: EMIMTFSI i BMIMTFSI. L’ús dels ILs de tercera generació, està molt més restringit degut a la naturalesa de l’anió. Així doncs, la utilització dels ILs ha de ser dissenyada segons el procés a estudiar.


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Solicitud de verificación de la titulaciónGrado en Ciencias y Tecnologías de Telecomunicación por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ‐ ETSETBSegún el protocolo VERIFICA de la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación.


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Solicitud de verificación de la titulaciónGrado en Ingeniería de Sistemas Audiovisuales por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ‐ ETSETB según el protocolo VERIFICA de la Agencia Nacional deEvaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación.


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This poster shows how to efficiently observe high-frequency figures of merit in RF circuits by measuring DC temperature with CMOS-compatible built-in sensors.


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The impact of topography and mixed pixels on L-band radiometric observations over land needs to be quantified to improve the accuracy of soil moisture retrievals. For this purpose, a series of simulations has been performed with an improved version of the soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) end-to-end performance simulator (SEPS). The brightness temperature generator of SEPS has been modified to include a 100-m-resolution land cover map and a 30-m-resolution digital elevation map of Catalonia (northeast of Spain). This high-resolution generator allows the assessment of the errors in soil moisture retrieval algorithms due to limited spatial resolution and provides a basis for the development of pixel disaggregation techniques. Variation of the local incidence angle, shadowing, and atmospheric effects (up- and downwelling radiation) due to surface topography has been analyzed. Results are compared to brightness temperatures that are computed under the assumption of an ellipsoidal Earth.


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La detección de caídas mediante un sensor basado en microcontrolador y un sensor de aceleración triaxial, se basa en detectar un patrón en la señal medida por el acelerómetro durante una caída


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RESUM El llum electric és un tipus d’energia amb la que s’il•lumina tot el món i s’utilitza tant per a il•luminar la nit com per a disposar de llum addicional durant el dia. L’energia es pren directament de la xarxa de subministrament elèctric i permet encendre tot tipus de focus i bombetes. Actualment la necessitat de controlar la intensitat lumínica de focus és de gran utilitat i es poden veure exemples en escenaris de teatres, concerts musicals, domòtica bàsica a vivendes, botigues, restaurants, etc. on s’incorporen aparells òptims per aquest control. Aspectes com la programació d’encesa, apagat i intensitat desitjada de focus a una hora convinguda facilita el fet de fer-ho manualment i disposar de més temps propi. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és dissenyar i construir un regulador de llum controlat per ordinador capac de regular la intensitat lumínica de 8 focus independentment l’un de l’altre. El control de regulació s’efectua mitjancant un programa informàtic compatible amb ordinadors que incorporin el sistema operatiu Windows i és programable en el temps permetent seleccionar la intensitat desitjada a diferents hores del dia seleccionat. Com a conclusions es pot destacar un estalvi energètic al regular la intensitat dels focus evitant així la permanent connexio a una tensió màxima de 230 VAC i la oportunitat de construir un regulador de llum amb els documents subministrats.