868 resultados para Dissection virtuelle


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One of the known risk factors for abuse and neglect of the elderly is the decrease in functionat capacity, contributíng to self care dependency of instrumental actívities of daily living and basic activities of daily Itving (OMS, 2015). Methods: Cross-sectional study with non probabilistíc sample of 333 elderly, performed in a hospital, homes and day centers for the elderly. The data collectíon protocol tncluded socio-demographic data, Questíons to elicit Elder Abuse (Carney, Kahan B Paris, 2003 adap. By Ferreira Alves & Sousa, 2005), scale of instrumental actívi - ties of daily living Lawton and Brody and Katz index to assess the levei of independence in actívities of daily living. Objectives: To evaluate the assodation between abuse and neglect in the elderly, instrumental actívitíes of daily living and levei of independence in actívitíes of daily living. Results: Emotional abuse is signifícantty correlated with the levei of independence in activities of daity Uving (p = 0. 000), older peopie with less independence tend to have higher leveis of emotional abuse. The total abuse is signtficantly correlated with the leveis of independence in activittes of daily living (p = 0. 002), less independent elderty tend to suffer greater abuse and neglect. There were no statistically significant associations between abuse and neglect and instrumental activities of daily l1v1ng. Conclusions: The less independent elderly are more vulnerable to situatíons of abuse and neglect, being more exposed to emotional abuse. These results point to the need for health professionals/ nurses develop prevention interventions, including strategies to support carers and early screentng tn less independent elderly. Keywords: Elder abuse. Negligence. Nursing care. Frail elderly. PREVALENCE OF SURGICAL WOUND INFECTION AFTER SURGERY FOR BREAST CÂNCER: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW C. Amaral3, C. Teixeira"'1', F. Sousa'', C. Antãoa "Polythecnic Institute o f Bragança, Bragança, Portugal; bEPI Unit, Public Health Institute, University of Porto, Portugal. Contact details: catarinaisabeln.amaraliSsmaU.com Introduction: Breast câncer is one of the most common mahgnant pathology in European countries, as Portugal, where annual inddence is around 90 new cases per 100,000 women. Breast surgery is the usual treatment for this pathology, however such procedure can be complicated by the infection of surgical site. Objectives: To know the prevalence and determtnants of surgtcal wound infection after breast surgery. Methods: We conducted a systematic review by searching of the Web of Sdence electronic database for articles published over the last s1x years 1n developed countries. Over three hundred dtatíons were obtained and after excludtng citations with reasons, fíve artícles met our inclusion criteria and were included in the present review. Results: Prevalence of surgical wound infection varied across studies between 0. 1% and 12. 5%. Bilateral mastectomy is assodated with higher prevalence of wound infectíon than unilateral mastectomy (3. 6% vs 3, 3%), lumpectomy with immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) is related with higher frequency of wound infectíon than surgery with no IBR (0, 5% vs 0, 1%), also, mastectomy with IBR is associated with higher prevalence of wound infectíon than mastectomy wtth no IBR (1, 5% vs 0, 3%) and breast surgery followed by axiltary lymph nade dissectíon is related with higher prevalence of wound infection than surgical procedures wtth no axillary lymph node dissection (2, 82% vs 1, 66%). Conclusions: Nurses that provide post-operatíve care to women after breast surgery should be aware about risk of wound tnfectíon, partícularly after more invasive procedures.


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Aggression is a complex behavior that influences social relationships and can be seen as adaptive or maladaptive depending on the context and intensity of expression. A model organism suitable for genetic dissection of the underlying neural mechanisms of aggressive behavior is still needed. Zebrafish has already proven to be a powerful vertebrate model organism for the study of normal and pathological brain function. Despite the fact that zebrafish is a gregarious species that forms shoals, when allowed to interact in pairs, both males and females express aggressive behavior and establish dominance hierarchies. Here, we describe two protocols that can be used to quantify aggressive behavior in zebrafish, using two different paradigms: (1) staged fights between real opponents and (2) mirror-elicited fights. We also discuss the methodology for the behavior analysis, the expected results for both paradigms, and the advantages and disadvantages of each paradigm in face of the specific goals of the study.


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Studies on natural infection by Leishmania spp of sandflies collected in endemic and nonendemic areas can provide important information on the distribution and intensity of the transmission of these parasites. This study sought to investigate the natural infection by Leishmania in wild female sandflies. The specimens were caught in the city of Corumbá, state of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil) between October 2012-March 2014, and dissected to investigate flagellates and/or submitted to molecular analysis to detect Leishmania DNA. A total of 1,164 females (77.56% of which were Lutzomyia cruzi ) representing 11 species were investigated using molecular analysis; 126 specimens of Lu. cruzi were dissected and also submitted to molecular analysis. The infection rate based on the presence of Leishmania DNA considering all the sandfly species analysed was 0.69%; only Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis was identified in Lu. cruzi by the molecular analysis. The dissections were negative for flagellates. This is the first record of the presence of L. (L.) amazonensis DNA in Lu. cruzi, and the first record of this parasite in this area. These findings point to the need for further investigation into the possible role of this sandfly as vector of this parasite.


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Determinar la influencia de las espículas peneanas en los cobayos machos sobre el comportamiento sexual, fertilidad y valores espermáticos, fue el objetivo principal de este proyecto de investigación, para ello se incluyeron 10 cobayos machos de cinco meses de edad, peso promedio 988,3±11,40 g y 40 hembras de cuatro meses de edad, peso promedio 815,3±11,80 g, bajo las mismas condiciones de alimentación y mantenimiento. Cinco machos seleccionados al azar fueron extirpados quirúrgicamente las espículas peneanas. Un cobayo entero y un intervenido fueron mantenidos, como reemplazo en el caso de muerte de una unidad experimental y se los excluyó del procedimiento inicial. Se realizaron tres ensayos: en el primero se dividieron en dos tratamientos T1= 4 cobayos machos con espículas peneanas + 20 hembras en jaulas separadas, T2= 4 cobayos machos extirpados las espículas peneanas + 20 hembras en jaulas separadas. Se analizó durante ocho días consecutivos el comportamiento sexual por observación directa de los cobayos en cada jaula. Para el segundo ensayo los mismos tratamientos T1 y T2, permanecieron por treinta días en empadre, para evaluación de la fertilidad. Finalmente en el último ensayo se analizaron parámetros espermáticos, por medio de la extirpación quirúrgica de los testículos y disección del epidídimo de los cobayos en estudio, para este ensayo se incluyeron los cobayos de reemplazo. El diseño experimental que se utilizó en la investigación fue un diseño completamente al azar, las pruebas de significación fueron, T de Student, prueba de Shapiro Wilk, para el análisis de homogeneidad de varianza se utilizó la técnica de Levene y se realizó el análisis de medias repetidas, todo esto con el programa SPSS para Windows versión 22®. Los parámetros de comportamiento sexual, olfateos, mordiscos y montas fueron similares (P>0,05), el número promedio de acicalamientos fue mayor en el grupo de machos enteros en relación al grupo sin espículas (P<0,05). El grupo de hembras que fueron copuladas por cobayos enteros quedaron preñadas un 65% más en comparación con las hembras que fueron cubiertas por los machos extirpados las espículas (P<0,01). No se encontraron diferencias significativas en los análisis de parámetros seminales de los machos en estudio. Por lo tanto se concluye que la remoción de las espículas peneanas influye en la fertilidad, pero no en el comportamiento sexual y los valores espermáticos


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The seaweed Gracilaria domingensis is a common species in the coast of Rio Grande do Norte. This species lives in the intertidal zone, where colour strains (red, green and brown) co-occur during the whole year. Seaweeds that live in this region are exposed to daily changes and to the rhythm of the tide. During the low tide they are exposed to dissection, hiper-or hipo-osmotic shock, high temperatures and high irradiance. The aim of this study was to analyze whether the pigment and protein content of the colour strains of G. domingensis is affected by some environmental parameters in a temporal scale. The seaweeds were collected during 10 months in the seashore of Rio do Fogo (RN). The total soluble proteins and the phycobiliprotein were extracted in phosphate buffer and the carotenoids were analyzed by a standardized method through HPLC-UV. The pigments analysis showed that phycoerithrin is the most abundant pigment in the three strains. This pigment was strongly correlated with nitrogen and the photosynthetically active radiation. Chlorophyll presented higher concentrations than carotenoids during the whole, but the ratio carotenoid/chlorophyll-a was modified by incident radiation. The most abundant carotenoid was ß-carotene and zeaxanthin, which had higher concentrations in the higher radiation months. The concentration increase of zeaxanthin in this period indicated a photoprotective response of the seaweed. The three strains presented a pigment profile that indicates different radiation tolerance profile. Our results pointed that the green strain is better adapted to high irradiance levels than the red and brown strains


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Ce mémoire de recherche-création est accompagné du court métrage «Tala». Pour visionner en ligne : vimeo.com/ondemand/talapierphilippechevigny


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Ce mémoire de recherche-création est accompagné du court métrage «Tala». Pour visionner en ligne : vimeo.com/ondemand/talapierphilippechevigny


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During pregnancy, the maternal cardiovascular system undergoes major adaptation. One of these changes is a 40-50 % increase in circulating blood volume which requires a systemic remodelling of the vasculature in order to regulate maternal blood pressure and maximise blood supply to the developing placenta and fetus. These changes are broadly conserved between humans and rats making them an appropriate pre-clinical model in which to study the underlying mechanisms of pregnancy-dependent cardiovascular remodelling. Whilst women are normally protected against cardiovascular disease; pregnancy marks a period of time where women are susceptible to cardiovascular complications. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of maternal mortality in the United Kingdom; in particular hypertensive conditions are among the most common complications of pregnancy. One of the main underlying pathologies of these pregnancy complications is thought to be a failure of the maternal cardiovascular system to adapt. The remodelling of the uterine arteries, which directly supply the maternal-fetal interface, is paramount to a healthy pregnancy. Failure of the uterine arteries to remodel sufficiently can result in a number of obstetric complications such as preeclampsia, fetal growth restriction and spontaneous pregnancy loss. At present, it is poorly understood whether this deficient vascular response is due to a predisposition from existing maternal cardiovascular risk factors, the physiological changes that occur during pregnancy or a combination of both. Previous work in our group employed the stroke prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHRSP) as a model to investigate pregnancy-dependent remodelling of the uterine arteries. The SHRSP develops hypertension from 6 weeks of age and can be contrasted with the control strain, the Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rat. The phenotype of the SHRSP is therefore reflective of the clinical situation of maternal chronic hypertension during pregnancy. We showed that the SHRSP exhibited a deficient uterine artery remodelling response with respect to both structure and function accompanied by a reduction in litter size relative to the WKY at gestational day (GD) 18. A previous intervention study using nifedipine in the SHRSP achieved successful blood pressure reduction from 6 weeks of age and throughout pregnancy; however uterine artery remodelling and litter size at GD18 was not improved. We concluded that the abnormal uterine artery remodelling present in the SHRSP was independent of chronic hypertension. From these findings, we hypothesised that the SHRSP could be a novel model of spontaneously deficient uterine artery remodelling in response to pregnancy which was underpinned by other as yet unidentified cardiovascular risk factors. In Chapter 1 of this thesis, I have characterised the maternal, placental and fetal phenotype in pregnant (GD18) SHRSP and WKY. The pregnant SHRSP exhibit features of left ventricular hypertrophy in response to pregnancy and altered expression of maternal plasma biomarkers which have been previously associated with hypertension in human pregnancy. I developed a protocol for accurate dissection of the rat uteroplacental unit using qPCR probes specific for each layer. This allowed me to make an accurate and specific statement about gene expression in the SHRSP GD18 placenta; where oxidative stress related gene markers were increased in the vascular compartments. The majority of SHRSP placenta presented at GD18 with a blackened ring which encircled the tissue. Further investigation of the placenta using western blot for caspase 3 cleavage determined that this was likely due to increased cell death in the SHRSP placenta. The SHRSP also presented with a loss of one particular placental cell type at GD18: the glycogen cells. These cells could have been the target of cell death in the SHRSP placenta or were utilised early in pregnancy as a source of energy due to the deficient uterine artery blood supply. Blastocyst implantation was not altered but resorption rate was increased between SHRSP and WKY; indicating that the reduction in litter size in the SHRSP was primarily due to late (>GD14) pregnancy loss. Fetal growth was not restricted in SHRSP which led to the conclusion that SHRSP sacrifice part of their litter to deliver a smaller number of healthier pups. Activation of the immune system is a common pathway that has been implicated in the development of both hypertension and adverse pregnancy outcome. In Chapter 2, I proposed that this may be a mechanism of interest in SHRSP pregnancy and measured the pro-inflammatory cytokine, TNFα, as a marker of inflammation in pregnant SHRSP and WKY and in the placentas from these animals. TNFα was up-regulated in maternal plasma and urine from the GD18 SHRSP. In addition, TNFα release was increased from the GD18 SHRSP placenta as was the expression of the pro-inflammatory TNFα receptor 1 (Tnfr1). In order to investigate whether this excess TNFα was detrimental to SHRSP pregnancy, a vehicle-controlled intervention study using etanercept (a monoclonal antibody which works as a TNFα antagonist) was carried out. Etanercept treatment at GD0, 6, 12 and 18 resulted in an improvement in pregnancy outcome in the SHRSP with an increased litter size and reduced resorption rate. Furthermore, there was an improved uterine artery function in GD18 SHRSP treated with etanercept which was associated with an improved uterine artery blood flow over the course of gestation. In Chapter 3, I sought to identify the source of this detrimental excess of TNFα by designing a panel for maternal leukocytes in the blood and placenta at GD18. A population of CD3- CD161+ cells, which are defined as rat natural killer (NK) cells, were increased in number in the SHRSP. Intracellular flow cytometry also identified this cell type as a source of excess TNFα in blood and placenta from pregnant SHRSP. I then went on to evaluate the effects of etanercept treatment on these CD3- CD161+ cells and showed that etanercept reduced the expression of CD161 and the cytotoxic molecule, granzyme B, in the NK cells. Thus, etanercept limits the cytotoxicity and potential damaging effect of these NK cells in the SHRSP placenta. Analysing the urinary peptidome has clinical potential to identify novel pathways involved with disease and/or to develop biomarker panels to aid and stratify diagnosis. In Chapter 4, I utilised the SHRSP as a pre-clinical model to identify novel urinary peptides associated with hypertensive pregnancy. Firstly, a characterisation study was carried out in the kidney of the WKY and SHRSP. Urine samples from WKY and SHRSP taken at pre-pregnancy, mid-pregnancy (GD12) and late pregnancy (GD18) were used in the peptidomic screen. In order to capture peptides which were markers of hypertensive pregnancy from the urinary peptidomic data, I focussed on those that were only changed in a strain dependent manner at GD12 and 18 and not pre-pregnancy. Peptide fragments from the uromodulin protein were identified from this analysis to be increased in pregnant SHRSP relative to pregnant WKY. This increase in uromodulin was validated at the SHRSP kidney level using qPCR. Uromodulin has previously been identified to be a candidate molecule involved in systemic arterial hypertension but not in hypertensive pregnancy thus is a promising target for further study. In summary, we have characterised the SHRSP as the first model of maternal chronic hypertension during pregnancy and identified that inflammation mediated by TNFα and NK cells plays a key role in the pathology. The evidence presented in this thesis establishes the SHRSP as a pre-clinical model for pregnancy research and can be continued into clinical studies in pregnant women with chronic hypertension which remains an area of unmet research need.


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El síndrome aórtico agudo puede presentarse como un cuadro clínico característico de una emergencia vascular, o por el contrario de una forma completamente atípica, donde el diagnóstico reta al médico de emergencias, llevando a errores fatales al pasar por alto el diagnóstico de esta entidad. Con el objetivo de mostrar la utilidad del ultrasonido realizado a la cabecera del paciente en el diagnóstico de disección aórtica, se describen 9 casos de pacientes que ingresaron al departamento de emergencias y que fueron diagnosticados con síndrome aórtico agudo, gracias a la valoración ultrasonográfica inicial realizada por residentes y Especialistas en Medicina de Emergencias en un hospital de Bogotá D.C., Colombia. Este reporte de casos muestra que el ultrasonido a la cabecera del paciente, es un método diagnóstico no invasivo, accesible y útil para la detección temprana de esta patología en los servicios de emergencias.


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Objetivo: Describir los desenlaces funcionales, complicaciones postoperatorias, dolor y satisfacción de un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de inestabilidad de segunda articulación metatarsofalángica y lesión de la placa plantar, que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente para su reconstrucción en el Hospital Universitario de cuarto nivel Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá, en el periodo comprendido entre Enero de 2010 hasta Diciembre de 2015. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal que evalúa desenlaces funcionales, dolor y satisfacción para un grupo consecutivo de pacientes con diagnóstico de inestabilidad de la segunda articulación metatarsofalángica que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente mediante reconstrucción de la placa plantar entre Enero de 2010 a Diciembre de 2015 en el Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa fe de Bogotá. Resultados: El procedimiento se realizó a 39 pacientes (40 MTF), encontrando mejoría en dolor, función y satisfacción. El dolor postoperatorio paso de severo a leve en el 80% de los pacientes, 67.5% de los pacientes presentaron prueba de aprehensión positiva, 85% alineamiento adecuado, el reporte de escala de AOFAS postoperatoria fue de 87, y los resultados fueron satisfactorios en un 94.5%. La principal complicación con la cirugía fue la extensión residual del dedo operado (22.5%). Conclusiones: La reconstrucción de la placa plantar en casos de inestabilidad metatarsofalángica ha demostrado tener resultados satisfactorios, en el presente estudio encontramos mejoría respecto a dolor, función y satisfacción posterior a la realización del procedimiento. Sin embargo puede presentar complicaciones como extensión residual del dedo o elevación, rigidez y recidiva.


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Introducción: El cáncer gástrico es uno de los más frecuentes a nivel mundial y Colombia se sitúa entre los países de mayor incidencia en este tipo de patología. Objetivo: Describir las características epidemiológicas, clínicas, el tratamiento administrado y los desenlaces inmediatos de los pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer gástrico atendidos en el Hospital Universitario Mayor de Bogotá entre los años 2011 y 2014. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo con diagnóstico de cáncer gástrico. Se realizaron análisis univariados por medio de proporciones para las variables cualitativas y medidas de tendencia central para las variables cuantitativas según la distribución. Resultados: Un total de 189 pacientes fueron analizados. El dolor fue el síntoma más frecuente en los pacientes (30.7%) y el principal signo encontrado fue una masa palpable en abdomen (9,5%). Los pacientes fueron sometidos a diferentes abordajes terapéuticos, la mayoría recibieron manejo paliativo no quirúrgico (52.9%) y la opción quirúrgica más usada en los pacientes fue la gastrectomía total (20.6%), y la subtotal (16,4) seguidas de quimioterapia y/o radiación perioperatoria. Los pacientes que sobrevivieron a los 2 años fueron 7,4% del total. Conclusiones: El registro de los pacientes con cáncer gástrico es bueno en el Méderi-Hospital Universitario Mayor es bueno y permite caracterizar los pacientes, la presentación de la patología y los resultados del tratamiento que concuerdan con los presentados en contextos similares en la literatura.


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Antecedentes: El cáncer gástrico se diagnostica tardíamente. Sólo en países como Corea y Japón existen políticas de tamizaje, que se justificarían en cualquier país con alta prevalencia de cáncer gástrico como Colombia o Chile. El análisis del pepsinógeno sérico se ha propuesto para el diagnóstico de lesiones premalignas y malignas gástricas, por lo cual se pretende revisar sistemáticamente en la literatura el valor diagnóstico del cociente pepsinógeno I/II como marcador de lesiones premalignas y malignas gástricas. Metodología: Se revisó la literatura hasta septiembre del 2016 con palabras claves lesiones malignas, premalignas gástricas y pepsinógeno en las bases de datos PubMed, OVID, EMBASE, EBSCO, LILACS, OPENGRAY y Dialnet, artículos de prueba diagnóstica que evaluaran el cociente pepsinógeno I/II en relación con los hallazgos histológicos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 21 artículos conun total de 20601 pacientes, que demuestranuna sensibilidad entre13.7% - 91.2%, una especificidad entre 38.5% - 100%, un Valor Predictivo Positivo entre 6.3% - 100% y un Valor Predictivo Negativo entre 33.3% - 98.8%del cociente pepsinógeno I/II en relación con el diagnósticode lesiones premalignas y malignas gástricas. Conclusiones: Los valores del cociente pepsinógeno I/II disminuidos se relacionan con la presencia delesiones premalignas y malignas gástricas.Dado que tiene mejor especificidad que sensibilidad, en cuanto prueba para tamizaje, sería útil para la selección de pacientes que se beneficiaríande la EVDA. Se requieren más estudios de prueba diagnóstica para validar un punto de corte específico que pueda ser utilizado como valor estándar.


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Los niños que padecen trisomía 21 poseen una serie de características físicas, neurológicas y neuropsicológicas específicas, las cuales han sido investigadas a profundidad en diferentes países, de lo cual se han desarrollado protocolos de evaluación para estos niños acorde a su nacionalidad (García, 2010). A pesar de que Colombia es uno de los países en los cuales el síndrome de Down se presenta con mayor frecuencia, hasta la fecha, no se encuentran estudios que enfaticen en las habilidades neuropsicológicas de esta población específica, por lo cual no se han desarrollado protocolos de evaluación adecuados para los niños con síndrome este síndrome. Esta investigación se llevó acabo con una población de 88 niños a los cuales se les aplicó el inventario de desarrollo BATTELLE, y se identificó que los niños con síndrome Down de 5 a 12 años obtienen un puntaje que se encuentra en 4 desviaciones estándar por debajo de la media típica. Lo anterior demuestra una característica específica de esta población en cuanto a patrones de desarrollo en las cuales, se evidencia dificultad más importante en las área cognición y de la comunicación expresiva. Con respecto a los intervalos de edad se identificó que a lo largo de estos el desempeño en las áreas evaluadas decrece. esto puede estar relacionado con la mayor complejidad de los hitos del desarrollo para una edad esperada. Debido a que los hitos del desarrollo esperados varían a lo largo de los periodos del ciclo vital del ser humano, estos tienden a aumentar su complejidad en etapas del desarrollo más avanzados; como estos niños poseen una serie de dificultades en las funciones ejecutivas y cognición, no lograrán alcanzar dichos hitos del desarrollo.