953 resultados para Dental prostheses and dental implants


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The knee joint is a key structure of the human locomotor system. The knowledge of how each single anatomical structure of the knee contributes to determine the physiological function of the knee, is of fundamental importance for the development of new prostheses and novel clinical, surgical, and rehabilitative procedures. In this context, a modelling approach is necessary to estimate the biomechanic function of each anatomical structure during daily living activities. The main aim of this study was to obtain a subject-specific model of the knee joint of a selected healthy subject. In particular, 3D models of the cruciate ligaments and of the tibio-femoral articular contact were proposed and developed using accurate bony geometries and kinematics reliably recorded by means of nuclear magnetic resonance and 3D video-fluoroscopy from the selected subject. Regarding the model of the cruciate ligaments, each ligament was modelled with 25 linear-elastic elements paying particular attention to the anatomical twisting of the fibres. The devised model was as subject-specific as possible. The geometrical parameters were directly estimated from the experimental measurements, whereas the only mechanical parameter of the model, the elastic modulus, had to be considered from the literature because of the invasiveness of the needed measurements. Thus, the developed model was employed for simulations of stability tests and during living activities. Physiologically meaningful results were always obtained. Nevertheless, the lack of subject-specific mechanical characterization induced to design and partially develop a novel experimental method to characterize the mechanics of the human cruciate ligaments in living healthy subjects. Moreover, using the same subject-specific data, the tibio-femoral articular interaction was modelled investigating the location of the contact point during the execution of daily motor tasks and the contact area at the full extension with and without the whole body weight of the subject. Two different approaches were implemented and their efficiency was evaluated. Thus, pros and cons of each approach were discussed in order to suggest future improvements of this methodologies. The final results of this study will contribute to produce useful methodologies for the investigation of the in-vivo function and pathology of the knee joint during the execution of daily living activities. Thus, the developed methodologies will be useful tools for the development of new prostheses, tools and procedures both in research field and in diagnostic, surgical and rehabilitative fields.


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L'attività di ricerca descritta in questa tesi fornisce linee guida per la progettazione di arti protesici inferiori, con particolare riferimento alla progettazione di protesi a basso costo. La necessità di efficienti protesi a basso costo risulta infatti sentita nei Paesi in via di sviluppo ma anche dalle fasce meno abbienti dei paesi occidentali. Al fine di comprendere le strategie adottate dall'apparato locomotorio per muoversi con le protesi sono analizzati il cammino fisiologico, le protesi presenti sul mercato ed infine le modalità con cui le loro prestazioni sono valutate. Con il presente lavoro, dopo aver osservato la presenza di una scarsa strutturazione della metodologia di progettazione che riguarda specialmente il settore del basso costo, si propone una metodologia il più possibile oggettiva e ripetibile tesa ad individuare quali sono gli aspetti essenziali di una protesi per garantire al paziente una buona qualità di vita. Solo questi aspetti dovranno essere selezionati al fine di ottenere la massima semplificazione della protesi e ridurre il più possibile i costi. Per la simulazione delle attività di locomozione, in particolare del cammino, è stato elaborato un apposito modello spaziale del cammino. Il modello proposto ha 7 membri rigidi (corrispondenti a piedi, tibie, femori e bacino) e 24 gradi di libertà. Le articolazioni e l'appoggio dei piedi al suolo sono modellati con giunti sferici. La pianta del piede consente tre possibili punti di appoggio. I criteri di realizzazione delle simulazioni possono comprendere aspetti energetici, cinematici e dinamici considerati come obiettivo dall'apparato locomotorio. In questa tesi vengono trattati in particolare gli aspetti cinematici ed è mostrata un'applicazione della procedura nella quale vengono dapprima identificati i riferimenti fisiologici del cammino e quindi simulato il cammino in presenza di una menomazione al ginocchio (eliminazione della flessione in fase di appoggio). Viene quindi lasciato a sviluppi futuri il completamento della procedura e la sua implementazione in un codice di calcolo.


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The relevance of human joint models has been shown in the literature. They can help in diagnosis, in prostheses and ortheses design and in predicting the joints’ behavior. Recently a sequential approach for the modeling of the human diarthrodial joints composed of three steps has been proposed. At each step the role of some anatomical structures is considered. Starting from a limited number of structures, the model gets more and more sophisticated until all the components, both passive (articular surfaces, ligaments and tendons) and active (muscles), are incorporated in the final model. According to this procedure, the behavior of the human ankle during passive motion (no loads applied) has been previously modeled by a one degree of freedom 5-5 fully parallel mechanism. Starting from this model, the kinetostatic model of the human ankle joint that replicates its behavior when external loads are applied is developed. The anatomical and mechanical characteristics and the role of the passive structures are considered; a multifiber model is developed and an optimization criteria based on experimental data is proposed. Finally an application of the developed model to an amputated ankle is presented, together with the results obtained from the optimization of the geometrical and mechanical Parameters. Although some improvements can be achieved, the model is satisfactorily able to replicate the behavior of the human ankle subject to the anterior drawer and the inversion clinical tests applied in the neutral position.


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Die Wechselwirkung zwischen Proteinen und anorganischen Oberflächen fasziniert sowohl aus angewandter als auch theoretischer Sicht. Sie ist ein wichtiger Aspekt in vielen Anwendungen, unter anderem in chirugischen Implantaten oder Biosensoren. Sie ist außerdem ein Beispiel für theoretische Fragestellungen betreffend die Grenzfläche zwischen harter und weicher Materie. Fest steht, dass Kenntnis der beteiligten Mechanismen erforderlich ist um die Wechselwirkung zwischen Proteinen und Oberflächen zu verstehen, vorherzusagen und zu optimieren. Aktuelle Fortschritte im experimentellen Forschungsbereich ermöglichen die Untersuchung der direkten Peptid-Metall-Bindung. Dadurch ist die Erforschung der theoretischen Grundlagen weiter ins Blickfeld aktueller Forschung gerückt. Eine Möglichkeit die Wechselwirkung zwischen Proteinen und anorganischen Oberflächen zu erforschen ist durch Computersimulationen. Obwohl Simulationen von Metalloberflächen oder Proteinen als Einzelsysteme schon länger verbreitet sind, bringt die Simulation einer Kombination beider Systeme neue Schwierigkeiten mit sich. Diese zu überwinden erfordert ein Mehrskalen-Verfahren: Während Proteine als biologische Systeme ausreichend mit klassischer Molekulardynamik beschrieben werden können, bedarf die Beschreibung delokalisierter Elektronen metallischer Systeme eine quantenmechanische Formulierung. Die wichtigste Voraussetzung eines Mehrskalen-Verfahrens ist eine Übereinstimmung der Simulationen auf den verschiedenen Skalen. In dieser Arbeit wird dies durch die Verknüpfung von Simulationen alternierender Skalen erreicht. Diese Arbeit beginnt mit der Untersuchung der Thermodynamik der Benzol-Hydratation mittels klassischer Molekulardynamik. Dann wird die Wechselwirkung zwischen Wasser und den [111]-Metalloberflächen von Gold und Nickel mittels eines Multiskalen-Verfahrens modelliert. In einem weiteren Schritt wird die Adsorbtion des Benzols an Metalloberflächen in wässriger Umgebung studiert. Abschließend wird die Modellierung erweitert und auch die Aminosäuren Alanin und Phenylalanin einbezogen. Dies eröffnet die Möglichkeit realistische Protein- Metall-Systeme in Computersimulationen zu betrachten und auf theoretischer Basis die Wechselwirkung zwischen Peptiden und Oberflächen für jede Art Peptide und Oberfläche vorauszusagen.


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Questa tesi valuta l’efficacia della tecnica delle griglie in titanio con osso particolato nella ricostruzione dei difetti alveolari tridimensionali ai fini della riabilitazione dentale implanto-protesica. Il primo studio ha considerato la metodica in termini di complicanze post-operatorie e di risultati implanto-protesici. Sono stati considerati 24 pazienti con difetti tridimensionali trattati con l’applicazione di 34 griglie di titanio e osso particolato e riabilitati protesicamente dopo circa 8-9 mesi. 4 su 34 griglie sono state rimosse prima dell’inserimento implantare (11.76% di fallimento totale); 20 su 34 griglie si sono esposte per deiscenza dei tessuti molli (58.82% di complicanze): 4 (11.77%) prima e 16 (47.05%) dopo le prime 4-6 settimane dall’intervento; in nessun caso il piano di trattamento implanto-protesico ha subito variazioni. Dopo un follow-up medio di 20 (3-48) mesi dal carico protesico, nessuno degli 88 impianti ha perso la propria osteo-integrazione (100% di sopravvivenza implantare), con un valore complessivo di successo implantare di 82.9%. Il secondo studio ha calcolato in termini volumetrici la ricostruzione ossea ottenuta con griglie e la sua corre-lazione con l’estensione dell’esposizione e la tempistica del suo verificarsi. Sono stati valutati 12 pazienti con 15 difetti alveolari. Per ciascun sito sono state studiate le immagini TC con un software dedicato per misurare i volumi in tre dimensioni: il volume di osso non formatosi rispetto a quanto pianificato, lacking bone volume (LBV), è stato calcolato sottraendo il volume di osso ricostruito, reconstructed bone volume (RBV) in fase di ri-entro chirurgico dal volume di osso pianificato pre-operativamente, planned bone volume (PBV). LBV è risultato direttamente proporzionale all’area di esposizione della griglia, con un valore del 16.3% di LBV per ogni cm2 di griglia esposta. Si sono evidenziate, inoltre, correlazioni positive tra LBV , la tempistica precoce di esposizione e il valore di PBV.


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To evaluate the clinical and radiographic changes at implants in posterior maxillary and mandibular areas supporting single-unit crowns (SCs) and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) with one mesial or distal cantilever extension after an observation period of at least 3 years.


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To monitor clinical, microbiological and host-derived alterations occurring around teeth and titanium implants during the development of experimental gingivitis/mucositis and their respective healing sequence in humans.


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INTRODUCTION: Autogenous bone is the most successful bone-grafting material; however, multiple disadvantages continue to drive developments of improved methods for bone regeneration. AIM: The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that an arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) modified polyethylene glycol-based matrix (PEG) containing covalently bound peptides of the parathyroid hormone (PTH(1-34)) enhances bone regeneration to a degree similar to autogenous bone. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Six American foxhounds received a total of 48 cylindrical titanium implants placed in the mandible between the first premolar and the second molar. Five, respectively, 7 months following tooth extraction, implants were placed into the center of surgically created defects. This resulted in a circumferential bone defect simulating an alveolar defect with a circular gap of 1.5 mm. Four treatment modalities were randomly allocated to the four defects per side: (1) PEG-matrix containing 20 microg/ml of PTH(1-34), and 350 microg/ml cys-RGD peptide, (2) PEG alone, (3) autogenous bone and (4) empty defects. Histomorphometric analysis was performed 4 and 12 weeks after implantation. The area fraction of newly formed bone was determined within the former defect and the degree of bone-to-implant contact (BIC) was evaluated both in the defect region and in the apical region of the implant. For statistical analysis ANOVA and subsequent pairwise Student's t-test were applied. RESULTS: Healing was uneventful and all implants were histologically integrated. Histomorphometric analysis after 4 weeks showed an average area fraction of newly formed bone of 41.7+/-1.8% for matrix-PTH, 26.6+/-4.1% for PEG alone, 43.9+/-4.5% for autogenous bone, and 28.9+/-1.5% for empty defects. After 12 weeks, the respective values were 49.4+/-7.0% for matrix-PTH, 39.3+/-5.7% for PEG alone, 50.5+/-3.4% for autogenous bone and 38.7+/-1.9% for empty defects. Statistical analysis after 4 and 12 weeks revealed significantly more newly formed bone in the PTH(1-34) group compared with PEG alone or empty defects, whereas no difference could be detected against autogenous bone. Regarding BIC no significant difference was observed between the four treatment groups neither at 4 nor at 12 weeks. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that an RGD-modified PEG hydrogel containing PTH(1-34) is an effective matrix system to obtain bone regeneration.


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PURPOSE: The aim was (1) to evaluate the soft-tissue reaction of a synthetic polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel used as a barrier membrane for guided bone regeneration (GBR) compared with a collagen membrane and (2) to test whether or not the application of this in situ formed membrane will result in a similar amount of bone regeneration as the use of a collagen membrane. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Tooth extraction and preparation of osseous defects were performed in the mandibles of 11 beagle dogs. After 3 months, 44 cylindrical implants were placed within healed dehiscence-type bone defects resulting in approximately 6 mm exposed implant surface. The following four treatment modalities were randomly allocated: PEG+autogenous bone chips, PEG+hydroxyapatite (HA)/tricalcium phosphate (TCP) granules, bioresorbable collagen membrane+autogenous bone chips and autogenous bone chips without a membrane. After 2 and 6 months, six and five dogs were sacrificed, respectively. A semi-quantitative evaluation of the local tolerance and a histomorphometric analysis were performed. For statistical analysis, repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) and subsequent pairwise Student's t-test were applied (P<0.05). RESULTS: No local adverse effects in association with the PEG compared with the collagen membrane was observed clinically and histologically at any time-point. Healing was uneventful and all implants were histologically integrated. Four out of 22 PEG membrane sites revealed a soft-tissue dehiscence after 1-2 weeks that subsequently healed uneventful. Histomorphometric measurement of the vertical bone gain showed after 2 months values between 31% and 45% and after 6 months between 31% and 38%. Bone-to-implant contact (BIC) within the former defect area was similarly high in all groups ranging from 71% to 82% after 2 months and 49% to 91% after 6 months. However, with regard to all evaluated parameters, the PEG and the collagen membranes did not show any statistically significant difference compared with sites treated with autogenous bone without a membrane. CONCLUSION: The in situ forming synthetic membrane made of PEG was safely used in the present study, revealing no biologically significant abnormal soft-tissue reaction and demonstrated similar amounts of newly formed bone for defects treated with the PEG membrane compared with defects treated with a standard collagen membrane.


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OBJECTIVE Recent review articles have shown that open debridement is more effective in the treatment of peri-implantitis than closed therapy. However, surgery may result in marginal recession and compromise esthetics. The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of nonsurgical antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) in moderate vs severe defects. METHOD AND MATERIALS The study encompassed 16 patients with a total of 18 ailing implants. Ten of these implants showed moderate bone loss (< 5 mm; Group 1) and eight implants severe defects (5 through 8 mm; Group 2). All implants received aPDT without surgical intervention. At baseline and 2 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months after therapy, peri-implant health was assessed including sulcus bleeding index (SBI), probing depth (PD), distance from implant shoulder to marginal mucosa (DIM), and clinical attachment level (CAL). Radiographic evaluation of distance from implant to bone (DIB) allowed comparison of peri-implant hard tissues after 6 months. RESULTS Baseline values for SBI were comparable in both groups. Three months after therapy, in both groups, SBI and CAL decreased significantly. In contrast, after 6 months, CAL and DIB increased significantly in Group 2, not in Group 1. However, DIM-values were not statistically different 6 months after therapy in both groups. CONCLUSION Within the limits of this 6-month study, nonsurgical aPDT could stop bone resorption in moderate peri-implant defects but not in severe defects. However, marginal tissue recession was not significantly different in both groups at the end of the study. Therefore, especially in esthetically important sites, surgical treatment of severe peri-implantitis defects seems to remain mandatory.


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PURPOSE To investigate the adequacy of potential sites for insertion of orthodontic mini-implants (OMIs) in the anterior alveolar region (delimited by the first premolars) through a systematic review of studies that used computed tomography (CT) or cone beam CT (CBCT) to assess anatomical hard tissue parameters, such as bone thickness, available space, and bone density. MATERIALS AND METHODS MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews were searched to identify all relevant papers published between 1980 and September 2011. An extensive search strategy was performed that included the key words "computerized (computed) tomography" and "mini-implants." Information was extracted from the eligible articles for three anatomical areas: maxillary anterior buccal, maxillary anterior palatal, and mandibular anterior buccal. Quantitative data obtained for each anatomical variable under study were evaluated qualitatively with a scoring system. RESULTS Of the 790 articles identified by the search, 8 were eligible to be included in the study. The most favorable area for OMI insertion in the anterior maxilla (buccally and palatally) and mandible is between the canine and the first premolar. The best alternative area in the maxilla (buccally) and the mandible is between the lateral incisor and the canine, while in the maxillary palatal area it is between the central incisors or between the lateral incisor and the canine. CONCLUSIONS Although there is considerable heterogeneity among studies, there is a good level of agreement regarding the optimal site for OMI placement in the anterior region among investigations of anatomical hard tissue parameters based on CT or CBCT scans. In this context, the area between the lateral incisor and the first premolar is the most favorable. However, interroot distance seems to be a critical factor that should be evaluated carefully.


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OBJECTIVES To histologically and immunologically assess experimental peri-implant mucositis at surface enhanced modified (mod) hydrophilic titanium implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS In a split-mouth design (n = 6 foxhounds), four different implants were inserted on each side of the maxilla: three titanium-zirconium alloy implants (TiZr) with either modSLA (sand-blasted, acid etched and chemically mod), modMA (machined, acid etched and chemically mod), or M (machined) surfaces in the transmucosal portion, and one titanium implant with a machined transmucosal portion (TiM). Experimental mucositis was induced at one randomly assigned side (NPC), whereas the contra-lateral maxillary side received mechanical plaque removal three times per week (PC). At 16 weeks, tissue biopsies were processed for histological (primary outcome: apical extension of the inflammatory cell infiltrate measured from the mucosal margin - PM-aICT) and immunohistochemical (CD68 antigen reactivity) analyses. Peri-implant sulcus fluid was analysed for interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-8, matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-8 and myeloperoxidase (MPO). RESULTS Mean PM-aICT values varied between 1.86 (TiZrmodSLA) and 3.40 mm (TiM) in the UPC group, and between 0.88 (TiZrmodSLA) and 2.08 mm (TiZrM) in the PC group. Mean CD68, IL-1β, IL-8, MMP-8 and MPO values were equally distributed between mod- and control implants in both NPC and PC groups. CONCLUSIONS The progression of experimental mucositis was comparable at all implant surfaces investigated.


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This paper reviews the methods, benefits and challenges associated with the adoption and translation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling within cardiovascular medicine. CFD, a specialist area of mathematics and a branch of fluid mechanics, is used routinely in a diverse range of safety-critical engineering systems, which increasingly is being applied to the cardiovascular system. By facilitating rapid, economical, low-risk prototyping, CFD modelling has already revolutionised research and development of devices such as stents, valve prostheses, and ventricular assist devices. Combined with cardiovascular imaging, CFD simulation enables detailed characterisation of complex physiological pressure and flow fields and the computation of metrics which cannot be directly measured, for example, wall shear stress. CFD models are now being translated into clinical tools for physicians to use across the spectrum of coronary, valvular, congenital, myocardial and peripheral vascular diseases. CFD modelling is apposite for minimally-invasive patient assessment. Patient-specific (incorporating data unique to the individual) and multi-scale (combining models of different length- and time-scales) modelling enables individualised risk prediction and virtual treatment planning. This represents a significant departure from traditional dependence upon registry-based, population-averaged data. Model integration is progressively moving towards 'digital patient' or 'virtual physiological human' representations. When combined with population-scale numerical models, these models have the potential to reduce the cost, time and risk associated with clinical trials. The adoption of CFD modelling signals a new era in cardiovascular medicine. While potentially highly beneficial, a number of academic and commercial groups are addressing the associated methodological, regulatory, education- and service-related challenges.


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Pelvic discontinuity is a complex problem in revision total hip arthroplasty. Although rare, the incidence is likely to increase due to the ageing population and the increasing number of total hip arthroplasties being performed. The various surgical options available to solve this problem include plating, massive allografts, reconstruction rings, custom triflanged components and tantalum implants. However, the optimal solution remains controversial. None of the known methods completely solves the major obstacles associated with this problem, such as restoration of massive bone loss, implant failure in the short- and long-term and high complication rates. This review discusses the diagnosis, decision making, and treatment options of pelvic discontinuity in revision total hip arthroplasty.


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Conclusion. The new Provox(R) NID (TM) non- indwelling voice prosthesis investigated in this study provides a good option for laryngectomized patients using non- indwelling voice prostheses and can potentially improve safety and increase patients' satisfaction with their voice and speech. Objective. To investigate the feasibility of and patient satisfaction with the Provox NID non- indwelling voice prosthesis. Material and methods. Pre- and post- study questionnaires were used to evaluate the patients' former voice prosthesis and the Provox NID voice prosthesis. In addition, measurements of pull- out force, maximum phonation time and loudness were made for both voice prostheses. In vitro measurements of airflow characteristics were also made. Following a 6- week trial, all patients provided feedback on the new voice prosthesis and the results were used to further improve the Provox NID. This final version of the new voice prosthesis was subsequently trialled and evaluated by 10 patients 6 months later. Results. Overall results showed that patient satisfaction with the Provox NID non- indwelling voice prosthesis was favourable. The pull- out force for the new prosthesis was significantly higher than that for the formerly used prosthesis and its aerodynamic characteristics were better.