879 resultados para Correlation Nmr-spectroscopy
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The ZnO luminescent properties are strongly influenced by the preparation method and they are principally related to electronic and crystalline structures. This work reports about the correlation among luminescence properties of ZnO, obtained from zinc hydroxycarbonate, and crystalline lattice defects, microstrain, as function of thermal treatment. The crystallite size increase and the qualitative microstrain, obtained by Williamson-Hall plots, decrease as function of temperature. The evolution of electronic defects is analyzed by luminescence spectroscopy based on energy of the electronic transitions. From excitation spectrum, it is verified two bands around 377 nm and 405 nm attributed to the transitions between valence-conduction bands and valence band to interstitial zinc level, respectively. The emission spectra of sample treated at 600 degreesC shows large band at 670 nm. However, the green emission around 530 nm is observed for samples treated at 900 degreesC. The intensities of excitation and emission bands are associated with the increase of the electronic defects that depend on the strain lattice decrease. The lowest strain lattice results on the best green luminescent properties of zinc oxide. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
A sensor was fashioned to monitor the volume of nutrient in a solid substrate-based growth media by using electrochemical admittance spectroscopy. Several experimental parameters were investigated (i.e. The use of two- or three-electrode cells, the superficial area of the electrode, the amount of nutrient solution added to the growth media, and the influence of varying the dc and ac potential) to assess how these variables affect the admittance of the system. A linear correlation was observed between the maximum of the imaginary admittance and the volume of nutrient present. The response factor was 2.8 x 10(-5) S cm(-2) ml(-1) and the limit of detection (LOD) was 0.54 ml. The humidity of the growth media does not change the response of the nutrient toward the monitoring measurements. These results demonstrate that the volume of nutrient in this solid substrate-based growth media can be assessed using a ceramic sensor to measure the imaginary admittance. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
In this report an analytical method to determine furosemide by using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy is presented. This study shows that this technique can give quantitative results using spot test analysis, particularly in the case of pharmaceuticals containing furosemide. The color spot test could be obtained by reaction between furosemide with p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde, in acid medium. This reaction produced a stable complex on filter paper after heating to 80degreesC for 5 min. All reflectance measurements were carried out at 585 nm and the linear range was from 7.56 x 10(-3) to 6.05 x 10(-2) mol l(-1), with a correlation coefficient of 0.999. The limit of detection was estimated to be 2.49 x 10(-3) mol l(-1) (R.S.D. = 1.7%) and the effect of common excipients on the reflectance measurements was evaluated. The method was applied to determine furosemide in commercial brands of pharmaceuticals. The results obtained by the proposed method were favorably compared with those of the official method, showing for the first time ever that quantitative spot test analysis by diffuse reflectance could be successfully used to determine furosemide in tablets. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Resin solvation properties affect the efficiency of the coupling reactions in solid-phase peptide synthesis. Here we report a novel approach to evaluate resin solvation properties, making use of spin label electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The aggregating VVLGAAIV and ING sequences were assembled in benzhydrylamine-resin with different amino group contents (up to 2.6 mmol/g) to examine the extent of chain association within the beads. These model peptidyl-resins were first labeled at their N-terminus with the amino acid spin label 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl-4-amino-4-carboxylic acid (Toac). Their solvation properties in different solvents were estimated, either by bead swelling measurement or by assessing the dynamics of their polymeric matrixes through the analysis of Toac EPR spectra, and were correlated with the yield of the acylation reaction. In most cases the coupling rate was found to depend on bead swelling. Comparatively, the EPR approach was more effective. Line shape analysis allowed the detection of more than one peptide chain population, which influenced the reaction. The results demonstrated the unique potential of EPR spectroscopy not only for improving the yield of peptide synthesis, even in challenging conditions, but also for other relevant polymer-supported methodologies in chemistry and biology.
This paper reports the identification of di- and triglycosylated flavonoids from Sorocea bomplandii (Moraceae) by liquid chromatography coupled on-line to nuclear magnetic resonance (LC-NMR). These glycosylated flavonoids may be used as a taxonomic marker in future work. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V All rights reserved.
The dimeric compound [Pd(bzan)(mu-OOCCH3)](2) (1) (bzan=N-benzylideneaniline) reacts with KX, in methanol/acetone (2:1), affording the analogous dimeric pseudohalogen-bridged species [Pd(bzan)(mu-X)](2) [X=NCO(2), SCN(3), CN(4)]. The compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, NMR and thermogravimetric analysis. IR data for 2-4 showed bands typical of coordinated pseudohalogen ligands clearly indicating the occurrence of the exchange reaction. Their thermal behaviour was investigated and suggested that their stability is influenced by the bridging ligand. The thermal stability decreased in the order [Pd(bzan)(mu-CN)](2)>[Pd(bzan)(mu-SCN)](2)>[Pd(bzan)(mu-OOCCH3)](2)>[Pd(bzan)(mu-NCO)](2). X-ray results showed the formation of Pddegrees as final decomposition product.
Ca0.95Sm0.05TiO3 (CT:Sm) powder was prepared by the polymeric precursor method (PPM). Order-disorder at short and long range has been investigated by means of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), and photoluminescence emission (PL) experimental techniques. The broad PL band and the Sm emission spectrum measured at room temperature indicate the increase of structural order with annealing temperature. The measured PL emission reveals that the PL intensity changes with the degree of disorder in the CT: Sm. The electronic structures were performed by the ab initio periodic method in the DFT level with the hybrid nonlocal B3LYP approximation. Theoretical results are analyzed in terms of DOS, charge densities, and Mulliken charges. Localized levels into the band gap of the CT: Sm material favor the creation of the electron-hole pair, supporting the observed room-temperature PL phenomenon.
NMR study of ion-conducting organic-inorganic nanocomposites poly(ethylene glycol) - Silica - LiClO4
Hybrid organic-inorganic ionic conductors, also called ormolytes, were obtained by dissolution of LiClO4 into silica/poly(ethylene glycol) matrices. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to probe the inorganic phase structure (Si-29) and the effects of the temperature and composition on the dynamic behavior of the ionic species (Li-7) and the polymer chains (H-1 and C-13). The NMR results between -100 and +90 degrees C show a strong correlation with ionic conductivity and differential scanning calorimetry experiments. The results also demonstrate that the cation mobility is assisted by segmental motion of the polymer, which is in agreement with the results previously reported for pure poly(ethylene oxide), PEG, electrolytes.
Vitreous samples were prepared in the (100 - x)% NaPO3-x% MoO3 (0 <= x <= 70) glass-forming system by a modified melt method that allowed good optical quality samples to be obtained. The structural evolution of the vitreous network was monitored as a function of composition by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), Raman scattering, and solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for P-31, Na-23, and Mo-95 nuclei. Addition of MoO3 to the NaPO3 glass melt leads to a pronounced increase in the glass transition temperatures up to x = 45, suggesting a significant increase in network connectivity. For this same composition range, vibrational spectra suggest that the Mo6+ ions are bonded to some nonbridging oxygen atoms (Mo-O- or Mo=O bonded species). Mo-O-Mo bond formation occurs only at MoO3 contents exceeding x = 45. P-31 magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectra, supported by two-dimensional J-resolved spectroscopy, allow a clear distinction between species having two, one, and zero P-O-P linkages. These sites are denoted as Q(2Mo)((2)), Q(1Mo)((2)), and Q(0Mo)((2)), respectively. For x < 0.45, the populations of these sites can be described along the lines of a binary model, according to which each unit of MoO3 converts two Q(nMo)((2)) sites into two Q((n+1)Mo)((2)) sites (n = 0, 1). This structural model is consistent with the presence of tetrahedral Mo(=O)(2)(O-1/2)(2) environments. Indeed, Mo-95 NMR data suggest that the majority of the molybdenum species are four-coordinated. However, the presence of additional six-coordinate molybdenum in the MAS NMR spectra indicates that the structure of these glasses may be more complicated and may additionally involve sharing of network modifier oxide between the network formers phosphorus and molybdenum. This latter hypothesis is further supported by Na-23{P-31} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) data, which clearly reveal that the magnetic dipole-dipole interactions between P-31 and Na-23 are increasingly diminished with increasing molybdenum content. The partial transfer of modifier from the phosphate to the molybdate network former implies a partial repolymerization of the phosphate species, resulting in the formation of Q(nMo)((3)) species and accounting for the observed increase in the glass transition temperature with increasing MoO3 content that is observed in the composition range 0 <= x <= 45. Glasses with MoO3 contents beyond x = 45 show decreased thermal and crystallization stability. Their structure is characterized by isolated phosphate species [most likely of the P(OMo)(4) type] and molybdenum oxide clusters with a large extent of Mo-O-Mo connectivity.
H-1-N-15 2D NMR data for S-allyl-L-cysteine (deoxyalliin) and for bis(S-allyl-L-cysteinate)palladium(II) complex are presented in this manuscript. Large upfield N-15 NMR shift of the amine nitrogen in the spectrum of the complex when compared to the spectrum of the ligand shows clearly coordination of S-allyl-L-cysteine, in the anion form, to palladium(II) through the NH2 group. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.