929 resultados para Cooperative industrial research


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The Europe-Japan Collaborative Research Project on Concentrator Photovoltaics (CPV) has been initiated under support by the EC (European Commission) and NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) since June 2011. This is project (NGCPV Project; a New Generation of Concentrator PhotoVoltaic cells, modules and systems) is aiming to accelerate the move to very high efficiency and lower cost CPV technologies and to enhance widespread deployment of CPV systems. 7 organizations such as UPM, FhG-ISE Imperial College, BSQ, CEA-INES, ENEA, and PSE in Europe and 9 organizations such as TTI, Univ. Tokyo, AIST, Sharp Co. Daido Steel Co., Kobe Univ., Miyazaki Univ., Asahi Kasei Co., and Takano Co. participate in this project. The targets of this project are 1) to develop world-record efficiency CPV cells of more than 45%, 2) to develop world-record efficiency CPV modules of 35%, 3) to establish standard measurements of CPV cells and modules, 4) to install 50kW CPV system in Spain, to carry out field test of CPV system and to manage power generation of CPV systems, and 5) to develop high-efficiency and low-cost new materials and structure cells such as III-V-N, III-V-on-Si tandem, quantum dots and wells. This paper presents outline of this project and most recent results such as world record efficiency (37.9% under 1-sun) cell and high-efficiency (43.5% under 240-306 suns) concentrator cell with inverted epitaxial grown InGaP/GaAs/InGaAs 3-junction solar cells.


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This paper presents the development of the robotic multi-agent system SMART. In this system, the agent concept is applied to both hardware and software entities. Hardware agents are robots, with three and four legs, and an IP-camera that takes images of the scene where the cooperative task is carried out. Hardware agents strongly cooperate with software agents. These latter agents can be classified into image processing, communications, task management and decision making, planning and trajectory generation agents. To model, control and evaluate the performance of cooperative tasks among agents, a kind of PetriNet, called Work-Flow Petri Net, is used. Experimental results shows the good performance of the system.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a simulation‐based evaluation method for the comparison of different organizational forms and software support levels in the field of supply chain management (SCM). Design/methodology/approach – Apart from widely known logistic performance indicators, the discrete event simulation model considers explicitly coordination cost as stemming from iterative administration procedures. Findings - The method is applied to an exemplary supply chain configuration considering various parameter settings. Curiously, additional coordination cost does not always result in improved logistic performance. Influence factor variations lead to different organizational recommendations. The results confirm the high importance of (up to now) disregarded dimensions when evaluating SCM concepts and IT tools. Research limitations/implications – The model is based on simplified product and network structures. Future research shall include more complex, real world configurations. Practical implications – The developed method is designed for the identification of improvement potential when SCM software is employed. Coordination schemes based only on ERP systems are valid alternatives in industrial practice because significant investment IT can be avoided. Therefore, the evaluation of these coordination procedures, in particular the cost due to iterations, is of high managerial interest and the method provides a comprehensive tool for strategic IT decision making. Originality/value – Reviewed literature is mostly focused on the benefits of SCM software implementations. However, ERP system based supply chain coordination is still widespread industrial practice but associated coordination cost has not been addressed by researchers.


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The AUTOPIA program has been working on the development of intelligent autonomous vehicles for the last 10 years. Its latest advances have focused on the development of cooperative manœuvres based on communications involving several vehicles. However, so far, these manœuvres have been tested only on private tracks that emulate urban environments. The first experiments with autonomous vehicles on real highways, in the framework of the grand cooperative driving challenge (GCDC) where several vehicles had to cooperate in order to perform cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC), are described. In this context, the main challenge was to translate, through fuzzy controllers, human driver experience to these scenarios. This communication describes the experiences deriving from this competition, specifically that concerning the controller and the system implemented in a Citröen C3.


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The Quality of Life of a person may depend on early attention to his neurodevel-opment disorders in childhood. Identification of language disorders under the age of six years old can speed up required diagnosis and/or treatment processes. This paper details the enhancement of a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) aimed to assist pediatricians and language therapists at early identification and re-ferral of language disorders. The system helps to fine tune the Knowledge Base of Language Delays (KBLD) that was already developed and validated in clinical routine with 146 children. Medical experts supported the construction of Gades CDSS by getting scientific consensus from literature and fifteen years of regis-tered use cases of children with language disorders. The current research focuses on an innovative cooperative model that allows the evolution of the KBLD of Gades through the supervised evaluation of the CDSS learnings with experts¿ feedback. The deployment of the resulting system is being assessed under a mul-tidisciplinary team of seven experts from the fields of speech therapist, neonatol-ogy, pediatrics, and neurology.


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Contributing to the acquisition of professional creativity and teamwork skills has been a special challenge for some of the subjects taught at the Technical University of Madrid (UPM), and this has been a starting point for the work described in this paper. Some professors have intuited that the use of cooperative classrooms could facilitate the acquisition of these skills. We describe the new methodologies applied within cooperative classrooms by some professors, and present the procedure for measuring students’ perception of their own learning outcomes, skill improvements, and overall satisfaction with the use of this kind of classroom. For this project, 250 students enrolled in several subjects answered a questionnaire. The featuresof thesubjectsinvolved intheproject arewidely disparate. We present the results of the statistical analysis with special emphasis on creativity and teamwork skills, and we conclude that the use of cooperative classroom has a positive influence on the acquisition of these skills. This work has the added value of being the first analysis of student perception of the use of cooperative classroom in the acquisition of creativity and teamwork skills.


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Nowadays, Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks (WAHSNs), specially limited in energy and resources, are subject to development constraints and difficulties such as the increasing RF spectrum saturation at the unlicensed bands. Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks (CWSNs), leaning on a cooperative communication model, develop new strategies to mitigate the inefficient use of the spectrum that WAHSNs face. However, few and poorly featured platforms allow their study due to their early research stage. This paper presents a versatile platform that brings together cognitive properties into WAHSNs. It combines hardware and software modules as an entire instrument to investigate CWSNs. The hardware fits WAHSN requirements in terms of size, cost, features, and energy. It allows communication over three different RF bands, becoming the only cognitive platform for WAHSNs with this capability. In addition, its modular and scalable design is widely adaptable to almost any WAHSN application. Significant features such as radio interface (RI) agility or energy consumption have been proven throughout different performance tests.


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La investigación que presentamos propone un modelo para entender, primero, las rutinas interorganizativas que existen entre la empresa matriz y las empresas concesionarias. Segundo, investigar cómo mejorarlas. Y tercero, cómo introducir nuevos modelos de relación de forma ágil.


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A crop management and precision agriculture software application facilitates the flow of information between disparate software/equipment and the network of individuals that work with them. A new generation of farmers are using precision technology to help them more efficiently manage their roplands. By measuring precisely the way their fields reflect and emit energy at visible and infrared wavelengths, precision farmers can monitor a wide range of variables that affect their crops,such as soil moisture, surface temperature, photosynthetic activity, and weed or pest infestations. Over thirty years have passed since Nelson and Winter put the concept of routines firmly at the center of the analysis of organizational and economic change. Taken as the central unit of analysis, routines would help understand energy and agriculture economy evolution.


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This paper groups recent supply chain management research focused on organizational design and its software support. The classification encompasses criteria related to research methodology and content. Empirical studies from management science focus on network types and organizational fit. Novel planning algorithms and innovative coordination schemes are developed mostly in the field of operations research in order to propose new software features. Operations and production management realize cost-benefit analysis of IT software implementations. The success of software solutions for network coordination depends strongly on the fit of three dimensions: network configuration, coordination scheme and software functionality. This paper concludes with proposals for future research on unaddressed issues within and among the identified research streams.


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Cooperative systems are suitable for many types of applications and nowadays these system are vastly used to improve a previously defined system or to coordinate multiple devices working together. This paper provides an alternative to improve the reliability of a previous intelligent identification system. The proposed approach implements a cooperative model based on multi-agent architecture. This new system is composed of several radar-based systems which identify a detected object and transmit its own partial result by implementing several agents and by using a wireless network to transfer data. The proposed topology is a centralized architecture where the coordinator device is in charge of providing the final identification result depending on the group behavior. In order to find the final outcome, three different mechanisms are introduced. The simplest one is based on majority voting whereas the others use two different weighting voting procedures, both providing the system with learning capabilities. Using an appropriate network configuration, the success rate can be improved from the initial 80% up to more than 90%.


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With the continuous development in the fields of sensors, advanced data processing and communications, road transport oriented intelligent applications and services have reached a significant maturity and complexity. Cooperative ITS services, based on the idea of sharing accurate information among road entities, are currently being tested on a large scale by different initiatives. The field operational test (FOTsis) project contributes to the deployment environment with services that involve a significant number of entities out of the vehicle. This made necessary the specification of an architecture which, based on the ISO ITS station reference architecture for communications, could support the requirements of the services proposed in the project. During the project, internal implementation tests and external interoperability tests have resulted in the validation of the proposed architecture. At the same time, these tests have had as a result the awareness of areas in which the FOTsis architecture could be completed, mainly to take full advantage of all the emerging and foreseeable data sources which may be relevant in the road environment. In this study, the authors will outline an approach that, based on the current cooperative ITS architecture and the SmartCities and Internet Of Things (IoT) architectures, can provide a common convergence platform to maximise the information available for ITS purposes.


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En el presente trabajo se plantea el estudio de las características acústicas del ladrillo artesanal e industrial fabricado en Ecuador, considerando las características particulares respecto a la calidad de la materia prima, además del hecho de que a nivel artesanal su producción no está regularizada, si bien existen una serie de reglamentos no siempre son acatados por el productor artesanal, lo que hace que presente propiedades particulares. La idea principal de este trabajo es generar datos referenciales e iniciales, sobre las propiedades acústicas del ladrillo artesanal e industrial ya que en Ecuador, no existe ningún estudio de esta naturaleza sobre el tema. Además de crear los mecanismos necesarios para una posible ampliación del estudio a otros materiales propios de Ecuador que permitan generar una base de datos sobre sus propiedades acústicas. Otro aspecto importante sobre esta investigación es el familiarizarse con el uso de técnicas de medición, manejo de equipamiento y software diverso, del manejo y comparación de normativa. ABSTRACT. The purpose of this paper is the study of the acoustic characteristics of artisanal and industrial brick manufactured in Ecuador, considering the particular characteristics regarding the quality of raw materials, besides the fact that artisanal production level is unregulated, although there are a number of regulations are not always complied with by the artisan producer, which makes this particular properties. The main idea of this paper is to generate reference and baseline data on the acoustic properties of artisanal and industrial brick as in Ecuador, there is no study of this nature on the subject. In addition to creating the necessary mechanisms for a possible extension of the study to other materials from Ecuador that will generate a database on its acoustic properties. Another important aspect of this research is to get familiar with the use of measurement techniques, equipment and miscellaneous management software, management and comparison of legislation.


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El consumo energético de las Redes de Sensores Inalámbricas (WSNs por sus siglas en inglés) es un problema histórico que ha sido abordado desde diferentes niveles y visiones, ya que no solo afecta a la propia supervivencia de la red sino que el creciente uso de dispositivos inteligentes y el nuevo paradigma del Internet de las Cosas hace que las WSNs tengan cada vez una mayor influencia en la huella energética. Debido a la tendencia al alza en el uso de estas redes se añade un nuevo problema, la saturación espectral. Las WSNs operan habitualmente en bandas sin licencia como son las bandas Industrial, Científica y Médica (ISM por sus siglas en inglés). Estas bandas se comparten con otro tipo de redes como Wi-Fi o Bluetooth cuyo uso ha crecido exponencialmente en los últimos años. Para abordar este problema aparece el paradigma de la Radio Cognitiva (CR), una tecnología que permite el acceso oportunista al espectro. La introducción de capacidades cognitivas en las WSNs no solo permite optimizar su eficiencia espectral sino que también tiene un impacto positivo en parámetros como la calidad de servicio, la seguridad o el consumo energético. Sin embargo, por otra parte, este nuevo paradigma plantea algunos retos relacionados con el consumo energético. Concretamente, el sensado del espectro, la colaboración entre los nodos (que requiere comunicación adicional) y el cambio en los parámetros de transmisión aumentan el consumo respecto a las WSN clásicas. Teniendo en cuenta que la investigación en el campo del consumo energético ha sido ampliamente abordada puesto que se trata de una de sus principales limitaciones, asumimos que las nuevas estrategias deben surgir de las nuevas capacidades añadidas por las redes cognitivas. Por otro lado, a la hora de diseñar estrategias de optimización para CWSN hay que tener muy presentes las limitaciones de recursos de estas redes en cuanto a memoria, computación y consumo energético de los nodos. En esta tesis doctoral proponemos dos estrategias de reducción de consumo energético en CWSNs basadas en tres pilares fundamentales. El primero son las capacidades cognitivas añadidas a las WSNs que proporcionan la posibilidad de adaptar los parámetros de transmisión en función del espectro disponible. La segunda es la colaboración, como característica intrínseca de las CWSNs. Finalmente, el tercer pilar de este trabajo es teoría de juegos como algoritmo de soporte a la decisión, ampliamente utilizado en WSNs debido a su simplicidad. Como primer aporte de la tesis se presenta un análisis completo de las posibilidades introducidas por la radio cognitiva en materia de reducción de consumo para WSNs. Gracias a las conclusiones extraídas de este análisis, se han planteado las hipótesis de esta tesis relacionadas con la validez de usar capacidades cognitivas como herramienta para la reducción de consumo en CWSNs. Una vez presentada las hipótesis, pasamos a desarrollar las principales contribuciones de la tesis: las dos estrategias diseñadas para reducción de consumo basadas en teoría de juegos y CR. La primera de ellas hace uso de un juego no cooperativo que se juega mediante pares de jugadores. En la segunda estrategia, aunque el juego continúa siendo no cooperativo, se añade el concepto de colaboración. Para cada una de las estrategias se presenta el modelo del juego, el análisis formal de equilibrios y óptimos y la descripción de la estrategia completa donde se incluye la interacción entre nodos. Con el propósito de probar las estrategias mediante simulación e implementación en dispositivos reales hemos desarrollado un marco de pruebas compuesto por un simulador cognitivo y un banco de pruebas formado por nodos cognitivos capaces de comunicarse en tres bandas ISM desarrollados en el B105 Lab. Este marco de pruebas constituye otra de las aportaciones de la tesis que permitirá el avance en la investigación en el área de las CWSNs. Finalmente, se presentan y discuten los resultados derivados de la prueba de las estrategias desarrolladas. La primera estrategia proporciona ahorros de energía mayores al 65% comparados con una WSN sin capacidades cognitivas y alrededor del 25% si la comparamos con una estrategia cognitiva basada en el sensado periódico del espectro para el cambio de canal de acuerdo a un nivel de ruido fijado. Este algoritmo se comporta de forma similar independientemente del nivel de ruido siempre que éste sea espacialmente uniformemente. Esta estrategia, a pesar de su sencillez, nos asegura el comportamiento óptimo en cuanto a consumo energético debido a la utilización de teoría de juegos en la fase de diseño del comportamiento de los nodos. La estrategia colaborativa presenta mejoras respecto a la anterior en términos de protección frente al ruido en escenarios de ruido más complejos donde aporta una mejora del 50% comparada con la estrategia anterior. ABSTRACT Energy consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is a known historical problem that has been addressed from different areas and on many levels. But this problem should not only be approached from the point of view of their own efficiency for survival. A major portion of communication traffic has migrated to mobile networks and systems. The increased use of smart devices and the introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) give WSNs a great influence on the carbon footprint. Thus, optimizing the energy consumption of wireless networks could reduce their environmental impact considerably. In recent years, another problem has been added to the equation: spectrum saturation. Wireless Sensor Networks usually operate in unlicensed spectrum bands such as Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) bands shared with other networks (mainly Wi-Fi and Bluetooth). To address the efficient spectrum utilization problem, Cognitive Radio (CR) has emerged as the key technology that enables opportunistic access to the spectrum. Therefore, the introduction of cognitive capabilities to WSNs allows optimizing their spectral occupation. Cognitive Wireless Sensor Networks (CWSNs) do not only increase the reliability of communications, but they also have a positive impact on parameters such as the Quality of Service (QoS), network security, or energy consumption. These new opportunities introduced by CWSNs unveil a wide field in the energy consumption research area. However, this also implies some challenges. Specifically, the spectrum sensing stage, collaboration among devices (which requires extra communication), and changes in the transmission parameters increase the total energy consumption of the network. When designing CWSN optimization strategies, the fact that WSN nodes are very limited in terms of memory, computational power, or energy consumption has to be considered. Thus, light strategies that require a low computing capacity must be found. Since the field of energy conservation in WSNs has been widely explored, we assume that new strategies could emerge from the new opportunities presented by cognitive networks. In this PhD Thesis, we present two strategies for energy consumption reduction in CWSNs supported by three main pillars. The first pillar is that cognitive capabilities added to the WSN provide the ability to change the transmission parameters according to the spectrum. The second pillar is that the ability to collaborate is a basic characteristic of CWSNs. Finally, the third pillar for this work is the game theory as a decision-making algorithm, which has been widely used in WSNs due to its lightness and simplicity that make it valid to operate in CWSNs. For the development of these strategies, a complete analysis of the possibilities is first carried out by incorporating the cognitive abilities into the network. Once this analysis has been performed, we expose the hypotheses of this thesis related to the use of cognitive capabilities as a useful tool to reduce energy consumption in CWSNs. Once the analyses are exposed, we present the main contribution of this thesis: the two designed strategies for energy consumption reduction based on game theory and cognitive capabilities. The first one is based on a non-cooperative game played between two players in a simple and selfish way. In the second strategy, the concept of collaboration is introduced. Despite the fact that the game used is also a non-cooperative game, the decisions are taken through collaboration. For each strategy, we present the modeled game, the formal analysis of equilibrium and optimum, and the complete strategy describing the interaction between nodes. In order to test the strategies through simulation and implementation in real devices, we have developed a CWSN framework composed by a CWSN simulator based on Castalia and a testbed based on CWSN nodes able to communicate in three different ISM bands. We present and discuss the results derived by the energy optimization strategies. The first strategy brings energy improvement rates of over 65% compared to WSN without cognitive techniques. It also brings energy improvement rates of over 25% compared with sensing strategies for changing channels based on a decision threshold. We have also seen that the algorithm behaves similarly even with significant variations in the level of noise while working in a uniform noise scenario. The collaborative strategy presents improvements respecting the previous strategy in terms of noise protection when the noise scheme is more complex where this strategy shows improvement rates of over 50%.


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La industria metalúrgica estatal venezolana ha vivido, desde sus inicios, procesos cíclicos de cambios y ajustes tecnológicos. Estos procesos no han sido objeto de sistematización que asegure el aprendizaje y apropiación del conocimiento. Este hecho, aún hoy, ha obstaculizado los procesos de apropiación y mejora de las tecnologías asociadas al sector. A partir del acompañamiento a iniciativas de participación de grupos de interés surgidos del seno de los trabajadores, se planteó esta investigación que tuvo como propósito la determinación de condiciones y relaciones para su participación directa en los procesos de mejora de las tecnologías existentes y el fortalecimiento del aprendizaje asociado. Se consideraron dos ámbitos Latinoamericanos donde hay manifestación de gestión colectiva y participación: Venezuela y Argentina. En el caso venezolano, el abordaje se realizó bajo la Investigación Acción Participativa (IAP), desarrollando la “investigación próxima”, como estrategia de acompañamiento, mediante “talleres de formación-investigación” y la sistematización de experiencias considerando la perspectiva y necesidades de los actores. En el caso argentino, el abordaje se realizó mediante visitas, entrevistas, reuniones y encuentros. Los talleres realizados en Venezuela, en un contexto de diálogo de saberes, facilitaron el surgimiento de herramientas prácticas para la sistematización de su propia experiencia (“Preguntas generadoras”, “Mi historia con la tecnología”, “Bitácora de aprendizaje”). El intercambio con los pares argentinos ha generado una red que plantea la posibilidad de construcción y nucleación conjunta de saberes y experiencia, tanto para los trabajadores como para los investigadores. Los casos estudiados referidos a las empresas recuperadas por los trabajadores (ERTs) argentinos evidencian un proceso de participación marcada por su autonomía en la gestión de la empresa, dadas las circunstancias que los llevó a asumirla para conservar sus puestos de trabajo. De estos casos emergieron categorías asociadas con elementos de gestión de un proceso técnico–tecnológico, como la participación en la planificación, concepción o diseño de la mejora. La participación en general está asociada al hecho asambleario, vinculado a las prácticas de toma de decisiones autogestionarias como expresión de una alta participación. La Asamblea, como máxima instancia de participación, y el Consejo de Administración son las formas de participación prevalecientes. En cuanto al aprendizaje, los trabajadores de las ERTs argentinas aportaron categorías de gran significación a los procesos de socialización del conocimiento: conocimiento colectivo y cooperación del conocimiento, rescate de los saberes y formación de trabajadores que tomen el relevo. Las categorías surgidas de las ERTs argentinas, los referentes teóricos y el interés de los trabajadores venezolanos fueron la base para la valoración tanto de su grado de participación en las mejoras a procesos tecnológicos emprendidas, como del aprendizaje asociado. Ésta valoración se realizó bajo una aproximación borrosa dado el carácter ambiguo de estas categorías que fueron trabajadas como conjuntos que se relacionan, más que como variables. Se encontró que la participación, se configura como un sub-conjunto del aprendizaje para contribuir a su fortalecimiento. Las condiciones y relaciones para fortalecer la participación en los asuntos tecnológicos surgieron a partir de la sistematización y síntesis de ambas experiencias (Venezuela y Argentina) conjugando una estructura que contempla la formación para la nucleación de colectivos de saberes (proyectos de mejora o innovaciones), las redes por afinidad, la sistematización de su propia experiencia técnica y los enlaces institucionales. Estos resultados dan cuenta de la integración de los intereses de las partes (trabajadores, investigadores, instituciones), mediante las estrategias de encuentro, de sistematización de los propios métodos y de conformación de los “colectivos de saberes”, la red de IAP en la industria (IAP Industrial) considerando la “deriva de la investigación”, bajo discursos práctico–teóricos propios, como posibilidad de posicionamiento de su participación en los asuntos tecnológicos de sus respectivas organizaciones, abriendo una oportunidad de ampliación de la experiencia en otros ámbitos y sectores. ABSTRACT Venezuelan's state owned steel industry has experienced since its earliest years, cycles of change and technological adjustments. These processes have not been systematized to ensure learning and knowledge in those organizations. This fact, even today, has hindered the processes of appropriation and improving the technologies associated with the sector. In order to support initiatives involving metalworker interest groups, this research was aimed at determining conditions and relations for their direct participation in process improvements to existing technologies and strengthening the associated learning. Two Latin American countries, Venezuela and Argentina, were considered on the base of their collective management and participation experiences. The Venezuelan approach was carried out under the Participatory Action Research (PAR) strategy, through the ‘proximal research’ as support strategy, by means of ‘workshops–research’ and systematization of experiences considering the perspective and needs of actors. Workshops were carried out in metallurgical enterprises from steel and aluminum at Guayana, Venezuela and its affiliates in the Central region. Those industries have been promoted collective management. The Argentine approach was carried out through visits, interviews, meetings and gatherings. The workshops held in Venezuela, in a dialogue of knowledge context, facilitated the emergence of tools for the systematization of their own experience (‘generating questions’, ‘My history with technology’, ‘Learning Log’). The relation with Argentine peers has generated a network that creates opportunities of knowledge and experience construction and its nucleation for both, workers and researchers. The cases studied relating to Argentine workers’ recuperated enterprises show a participatory process marked by autonomy in the management of the factory, given the circumstances that led them to take it in order to maintain their jobs. From these cases emerged categories associated with management aspects about technical-technology process, such as participation in planning, design or implementation of the improvement. Participation, in general, is associated with assemblies, joined to the practices of self-management decision-making as an expression of a high participation. The Cooperative General Assembly, as the highest instance of participation, and the Board of Directors are the prevalent forms of participation. In relation to learning, Argentine workers’ recuperated enterprises provided categories of great significance to the process of socialization of knowledge: collective knowledge and knowledge cooperation, recovery of knowledge and training workers for replacement. Based on categories arising from the Argentine experience, theoretical framework and the interest of the Venezuelan workers the assessment of both, their degree of participation on technical improvements and the associated technological learning were made considering a fuzzy approach, given the ambiguous nature of these categories that were worked as sets rather than variables. It was found that participation is configured as a subset of learning to contribute to its strengthening. The conditions and relations to strengthen participation in technology issues emerged from the systematization and synthesis of both experiences (Venezuela and Argentina) combining a structure which provides training for the nucleation of collectives of knowledge (improvement projects or innovations), affinity networks, systematization of their own expertise and institutional links. These results show the integration of the interests of stakeholders (workers, researchers, institutions) through strategies like meetings, systematization of their own methods, forming ‘collectives of technological knowledge’ and a participative action research network in this industry (Industrial PAR) considering the ‘research drift’, under their own practical-theoretical discourses positioned as a possibility of their participation in technological activities in their respective organizations, opening an opportunity for scaling to other areas and sectors.