914 resultados para Conversores digitais-analogicos


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Digital signal processing (DSP) aims to extract specific information from digital signals. Digital signals are, by definition, physical quantities represented by a sequence of discrete values and from these sequences it is possible to extract and analyze the desired information. The unevenly sampled data can not be properly analyzed using standard techniques of digital signal processing. This work aimed to adapt a technique of DSP, the multiresolution analysis, to analyze unevenly smapled data, to aid the studies in the CoRoT laboratory at UFRN. The process is based on re-indexing the wavelet transform to handle unevenly sampled data properly. The was efective presenting satisfactory results


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Apresentamos um sistema implementado em Linux® com o intuito de proteger redes contendo estações de trabalho Windows® contra agentes maliciosos. O sistema, denominado LIV - Linux® Integrated Viruswall, agrega características existentes em outras soluções e acrescenta novas funcionalidades. Uma das funcionalidades implementadas é a capacidade de detecção de estações de trabalho contaminadas tendo como base a análise do tráfego de rede. Outra é o uso de uma técnica denominada compartilhamento armadilha para identificar agentes maliciosos em propagação na rede local. Uma vez detectado um foco de contaminação, o LIV é capaz de isolá-lo da rede, contendo a difusão do agente malicioso. Resultados obtidos pelo LIV na proteção de uma rede corporativa demonstram a eficácia da análise do tráfego de rede como instrumento de detecção de agentes maliciosos, especialmente quando comparada a mecanismos tradicionais de detecção, baseados exclusivamente em assinaturas digitais de códigos maliciosos


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Modern wireless systems employ adaptive techniques to provide high throughput while observing desired coverage, Quality of Service (QoS) and capacity. An alternative to further enhance data rate is to apply cognitive radio concepts, where a system is able to exploit unused spectrum on existing licensed bands by sensing the spectrum and opportunistically access unused portions. Techniques like Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) could help or be vital for such scenarios. Usually, AMC implementations rely on some form of signal pre-processing, which may introduce a high computational cost or make assumptions about the received signal which may not hold (e.g. Gaussianity of noise). This work proposes a new method to perform AMC which uses a similarity measure from the Information Theoretic Learning (ITL) framework, known as correntropy coefficient. It is capable of extracting similarity measurements over a pair of random processes using higher order statistics, yielding in better similarity estimations than by using e.g. correlation coefficient. Experiments carried out by means of computer simulation show that the technique proposed in this paper presents a high rate success in classification of digital modulation, even in the presence of additive white gaussian noise (AWGN)


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This work discusses the design of a transformer used in a plant plasma. This plant, which is being developed in UFRN, will be used in the treatment of waste. It consists basically of a radio frequency power supply and a inductive plasma torch. The transformer operates at the nominal frequency of 400 kHz, with 50 kW, allowing the adaptation of impedance between the power supply and torch. To develop the project, a study was done on the fabrication technologies and physical effects on the frequency of operation. This was followed by the modeling of this transformer. Finally, simulations and tests were conducted to validate the design


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The seismic method is of extreme importance in geophysics. Mainly associated with oil exploration, this line of research focuses most of all investment in this area. The acquisition, processing and interpretation of seismic data are the parts that instantiate a seismic study. Seismic processing in particular is focused on the imaging that represents the geological structures in subsurface. Seismic processing has evolved significantly in recent decades due to the demands of the oil industry, and also due to the technological advances of hardware that achieved higher storage and digital information processing capabilities, which enabled the development of more sophisticated processing algorithms such as the ones that use of parallel architectures. One of the most important steps in seismic processing is imaging. Migration of seismic data is one of the techniques used for imaging, with the goal of obtaining a seismic section image that represents the geological structures the most accurately and faithfully as possible. The result of migration is a 2D or 3D image which it is possible to identify faults and salt domes among other structures of interest, such as potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. However, a migration fulfilled with quality and accuracy may be a long time consuming process, due to the mathematical algorithm heuristics and the extensive amount of data inputs and outputs involved in this process, which may take days, weeks and even months of uninterrupted execution on the supercomputers, representing large computational and financial costs, that could derail the implementation of these methods. Aiming at performance improvement, this work conducted the core parallelization of a Reverse Time Migration (RTM) algorithm, using the parallel programming model Open Multi-Processing (OpenMP), due to the large computational effort required by this migration technique. Furthermore, analyzes such as speedup, efficiency were performed, and ultimately, the identification of the algorithmic scalability degree with respect to the technological advancement expected by future processors


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This work proposes a new technique for phasor estimation applied in microprocessor numerical relays for distance protection of transmission lines, based on the recursive least squares method and called least squares modified random walking. The phasor estimation methods have compromised their performance, mainly due to the DC exponential decaying component present in fault currents. In order to reduce the influence of the DC component, a Morphological Filter (FM) was added to the method of least squares and previously applied to the process of phasor estimation. The presented method is implemented in MATLABr and its performance is compared to one-cycle Fourier technique and conventional phasor estimation, which was also based on least squares algorithm. The methods based on least squares technique used for comparison with the proposed method were: forgetting factor recursive, covariance resetting and random walking. The techniques performance analysis were carried out by means of signals synthetic and signals provided of simulations on the Alternative Transient Program (ATP). When compared to other phasor estimation methods, the proposed method showed satisfactory results, when it comes to the estimation speed, the steady state oscillation and the overshoot. Then, the presented method performance was analyzed by means of variations in the fault parameters (resistance, distance, angle of incidence and type of fault). Through this study, the results did not showed significant variations in method performance. Besides, the apparent impedance trajectory and estimated distance of the fault were analysed, and the presented method showed better results in comparison to one-cycle Fourier algorithm


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Atualmente há uma grande preocupação em relação a substituição das fontes não renováveis pelas fontes renováveis na geração de energia elétrica. Isto ocorre devido a limitação do modelo tradicional e da crescente demanda. Com o desenvolvimento dos conversores de potência e a eficácia dos esquemas de controle, as fontes renováveis têm sido interligadas na rede elétrica, em um modelo de geração distribuída. Neste sentido, este trabalho apresenta uma estratégia de controle não convencional, com a utilização de um controlador robusto, para a interconexão de sistemas fotovoltaicos com à rede elétrica trifásica. A compensação da qualidade de energia no ponto de acoplamento comum (PAC) é realizada pela estratégia proposta. As técnicas tradicionais utilizam detecção de harmônicos, já neste trabalho o controle das correntes é feita de uma forma indireta sem a necessidade desta detecção. Na estratégia indireta é de grande importância que o controle da tensão do barramento CC seja efetuado de uma forma que não haja grandes flutuações, e que a banda passante do controlador em regime permanente seja baixa para que as correntes da rede não tenham um alto THD. Por este motivo é utilizado um controlador em modo dual DSM-PI, que durante o transitório se comporta como um controlador em modo deslizante SM-PI, e em regime se comporta como um PI convencional. A corrente é alinhada ao ângulo de fase do vetor tensão da rede elétrica, obtido a partir do uso de um PLL. Esta aproximação permite regular o fluxo de potência ativa, juntamente com a compensação dos harmônicos e também promover a correção do fator de potência no ponto de acoplamento comum. Para o controle das correntes é usado um controlador dupla sequencia, que utiliza o princípio do modelo interno. Resultados de simulação são apresentados para demonstrar a eficácia do sistema de controle proposto


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The use of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) for development of digital control strategies for power electronics applications has aroused a growing interest of many researchers. This interest is due to the great advantages offered by FPGA, which include: lower design effort, high performance and highly flexible prototyping. This work proposes the development and implementation of an unified one-cycle controller for boost CFP rectifier based on FPGA. This controller can be applied to a total of twelve converters, six inverters and six rectifiers defined by four single phase VSI topologies and three voltage modulation types. The topologies considered in this work are: full-bridge, interleaved full-bridge, half-bridge and interleaved half-bridge. While modulations are classified in bipolar voltage modulation (BVM), unipolar voltage modulation (UVM) and clamped voltage modulation (CVM). The proposed project is developed and prototyped using tools Matlab/Simulink® together with the DSP Builder library provided by Altera®. The proposed controller was validated with simulation and experimental results


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Currently, there are several power converter topologies applied to wind power generation. The converters allow the use of wind turbines operating at variable speed, enabling better use of wind forces. The high performance of the converters is being increasingly demanded, mainly because of the increase in the power generation capacity by wind turbines, which gave rise to various converter topologies, such as parallel or multilevel converters. The use of converters allow effective control of the power injected into the grid, either partially, for the case using partial converter, or total control for the case of using full converter. The back-to-back converter is one of the most used topologies in the market today, due to its simple structure, with few components, contributing to robust and reliable performance. In this work, is presented the implementation of a wind cogeneration system using a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) associated with a back-to-back power converter is proposed, in order to inject active power in an electric power system. The control strategy of the active power delivered to the grid by cogeneration is based on the philosophy of indirect control


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Wireless sensor networks are reality nowadays. The growing necessity of connectivity between existing industrial plant equipments pushes the research and development of several technologies. The IEEE 802.15.4 LR-WPAN comes as a low-cost and powersaving viable solution, which are important concerns while making decisions on remote sensoring projects. This study intends to propose a wireless communication system which makes possible the monitoring of analogic and/or digital variables (i. e., the pressure studied) involved on the artificial methods for oil and gas lifting. The main issues are: To develop a software based on SMAC Standard in order to create a wireless network to monitoring analogic and/or digital variables; To evaluate the communication link based on the number of lost packets tested in different environments (indoor and outdoor) and To propose an instrumentation system consisting of wireless devices


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There has been an increasing tendency on the use of selective image compression, since several applications make use of digital images and the loss of information in certain regions is not allowed in some cases. However, there are applications in which these images are captured and stored automatically making it impossible to the user to select the regions of interest to be compressed in a lossless manner. A possible solution for this matter would be the automatic selection of these regions, a very difficult problem to solve in general cases. Nevertheless, it is possible to use intelligent techniques to detect these regions in specific cases. This work proposes a selective color image compression method in which regions of interest, previously chosen, are compressed in a lossless manner. This method uses the wavelet transform to decorrelate the pixels of the image, competitive neural network to make a vectorial quantization, mathematical morphology, and Huffman adaptive coding. There are two options for automatic detection in addition to the manual one: a method of texture segmentation, in which the highest frequency texture is selected to be the region of interest, and a new face detection method where the region of the face will be lossless compressed. The results show that both can be successfully used with the compression method, giving the map of the region of interest as an input


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The vehicles are the main mobile sources of carbon monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (HC) released into the atmosphere. In the last years the increment of the fleet of vehicles in the municipal district of Natal-RN it is contributing to the increase of the emissions of those pollutants. The study consisted of a statistical analysis of the emissions of CO and HC of a composed sample for 384 vehicles with mechanization Gasoline/CNG or Alcohol/Gasoline/CNG of the municipal district of Natal-RN. The tests were accomplished in vehicles submitted to Vehicular Safety's Inspection, in the facilities of INSPETRANS, Organism of Vehicular Inspection. An partial gases analyzer allowed to measure, for each vehicle, the levels of CO and HC in two conditions of rotation of the motor (900 and 2500 rpm). The statistical analysis accomplished through the STATISTICA software revealed a sensitive reduction in the efficiency of the converters catalytic after 6 years of use with emission average it is of 0,78% of CO and 156 (ppm) of HC, Which represents approximately 4 (four) times the amount of CO and the double of HC in comparison with the newest vehicles. The result of a Student s t-test, suggests strongly that the average of the emissions of HC (152 ppm), at 900 rpm, is 40% larger than at 2500 rpm, for the motor without load. This result reveals that the efficiency of the catalytic conversion is limited kinetically in low engine speeds. The Study also ends that when comparing the emissions of CO and HC considering the influence of the fuels, it was verified that although the emissions of CO starting from CNG are 62% smaller than arising from the gasoline, there are not significant differences among the emissions of HC originating from of CNG and of the gasoline. In synthesis, the results place the current criteria of vehicular inspection, for exhaust gases, in doubt, leading the creation of emission limits of pollutant more rigorous, because the efficiency of the converters catalytic is sensibly reduced starting from 6 years of use. It is also raised the possibility of modifications in the test conditions adopted by the current norms, specifically in the speed engine, have seen that in the condition without load the largest emission indexes were registered in slow march. That fact that allows to suggest the dismissal of the tests in high speed engine, reducing the time of inspection in half and generating economy of fuel


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Low voltage solar panels increase the reliability of solar panels due to reduction of in series associations the configurations of photovoltaic cells. The low voltage generation requires DCDC converters devices with high efficiency, enabling raise and regulate the output voltage. This study analyzes the performance of a photovoltaic panel of Solarex, MSX model 77, configured to generate an open circuit voltage of 10.5 V, with load voltage of 8.5 V, with short circuit current of 9 A and a power of 77 W. The solar panel was assembled in the isolated photovoltaic system configuration, with and without energy storage as an interface with a DCDC converter, Booster topology. The converter was designed and fabricated using SMD (Surface Mounted Devices) technology IC (integrated circuit) that regulates its output voltage at 14.2 V, with an efficiency of 87% and providing the load a maximum power of 20.88 W. The system was installed and instrumented for measurement and acquisition of the following data: luminosities, average global radiation (data of INPE Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais), solar panel and environment temperatures, solar panel and DC-DC converter output voltages, panel, inverter, and battery charge output currents. The photovoltaic system was initially tested in the laboratory (simulating its functioning in ideal conditions of operation) and then subjected to testing in real field conditions. The panel inclination angle was set at 5.5°, consistent with the latitude of Natal city. Factors such as climatic conditions (simultaneous variations of temperature, solar luminosities and ra diation on the panel), values of load resistance, lower limit of the maximum power required by the load (20.88 W) were predominant factors that panel does not operate with energy efficiency levels greater than 5 to 6%. The average converter efficiency designed in the field test reached 95%


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The development of non-linear controllers gained space in the theoretical ambit and of practical applications on the moment that the arising of digital computers enabled the implementation of these methodologies. In comparison with the linear controllers more utilized, the non -linear controllers present the advantage of not requiring the linearity of the system to determine the parameters of control, which permits a more efficient control especially when the system presents a high level of non-linearity. Another additional advantage is the reduction of costs, since to obtain the efficient control through linear controllers it is necessary the utilization of sensors and more refined actuators than when it is utilized a non-linear controller. Among the non-linear theories of control, the method of control by gliding ways is detached for being a method that presents more robustness, before uncertainties. It is already confirmed that the adoption of compensation on the region of residual error permits to improve better the performance of these controllers. So, in this work it is described the development of a non-linear controller that looks for an association of strategy of control by gliding ways, with the fuzzy compensation technique. Through the implementation of some strategies of fuzzy compensation, it was searched the one which provided the biggest efficiency before a system with high level of nonlinearities and uncertainties. The electrohydraulic actuator was utilized as an example of research, and the results appoint to two configurations of compensation that permit a bigger reduction of the residual error


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)