878 resultados para Continuous Flow Automated Analysis (Gordon et al., 1993, WOCE Tech Rpt 93-1)


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This paper investigates to what extent the volatility of Finnish stock portfolios is transmitted through the "world volatility". We operationalize the volatility processes of Finnish leverage, industry, and size portfolio returns by asymmetric GARCH specifications according to Glosten et al. (1993). We use daily return data for January, 2, 1987 to December 30, 1998. We find that the world shock significantly enters the domestic models, and that the impact has increased over time. This applies also for the variance ratios, and the correlations to the world. The larger the firm, the larger is the world impact. The conditional variance is higher during recessions. The asymmetry parameter is surprisingly non-significant, and the leverage hypothesis cannot be verified. The return generating process of the domestic portfolio returns does usually not include the world information set, thus indicating that the returns are generated by a segmented conditional asset pricing model.


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Foot-and-mouth disease is an acute and highly contagious febrile disease affecting cloven-footed animals. Identification of the foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV), the causative agent of the disease, posed problems because of the occurrence of many types and subtypes of the virus. A molecular approach based on oligonucleotide mapping of FMDV RNA has been used for the identification and characterization of virus isolates obtained in a disease outbreak (King et al., 1981). One-dimensional oligonucleotide mapping was used for rapid analysis of FMDV RNA (LaTorre et al., 1982). FMDV types Ο and Asia 1 of Indian origin are being routinely used for vaccine production in India. This report presents the differences between FMDV types Ο and Asia 1 at molecular level based on one-dimensional oligonucleotide mapping of virus-induced poly (A) RNA.


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In this study, an attempt has been made to prepare the seismic intensity map for south India considering the probable earthquakes in the region. Anbazhagan et al. (Nat Hazards 60:1325-1345, 2012) have identified eight probable future earthquake zones in south India based on rupture-based seismic hazard analysis. Anbazhagan et al. (Eng Geol 171:81-95, 2014) has estimated the maximum future earthquake magnitude at these eight zones using regional rupture character. In this study, the whole south India is divided into several grids of size 1(o) x 1(o) and the intensity at each grid point is calculated using the regional intensity model for the maximum earthquake magnitude at each of the eight zones. The intensity due to earthquakes at these zones is mapped and thus eight seismic intensity maps are prepared. The final seismic intensity map of south India is obtained by considering the maximum intensity at each grid point due to the estimated earthquakes. By looking at the seismic intensity map, one can expect slight to heavy damage due to the probable earthquake magnitudes. Heavy damage may happen close to the probable earthquake zones.


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The Hawkesbury-Nepean River in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, is the largest river system in the Sydney metropolitan area, and it drains most of the developing areas to the west. This catchment is under increasing pressure from urban expansion and the river frequently experiences extended periods of low flows due to a combination of extensive river regulation and the Australian temperate climate. Added to this, the river and several of its tributaries receive treated sewage and stormwater from various sources. Habitats and biota within the Hawkesbury-Nepean River catchment have been altered since European settlement and many introduced species have spread throughout the terrestrial and aquatic environment (Recher et al. 1993). Submersed macrophyte assemblages within the river have undergone significant changes in their distribution and abundance due to eutrophication, habitat alteration and changes to river flows (Recher et al 1993). Anecdotal evidence and some early unpublished studies suggest that egeria (Egeria densa Planchon), introduced from South America as an aquarium plant, was present in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River prior to 1980. Sainty (1973) reported a persistent and troublesome infestation over a number of years at Wallacia in the upper Nepean River. Here, as part of a larger study on the ecology of macrophyte and invertebrate assemblages associated with anthropogenic disturbance in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River, we document the rapid spread of egeria since 1994. Significant increases in egeria biomass were also found, and we present preliminary evidence which suggest that the native ribbonweed, vallisneria (Vallisneria americana Michx.) is being displaced.


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Poster presentado al XX Congreso Nacional de Microbiología celebrado en Cáceres los días 19 -22 septiembre de 2005


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Commercially available software packages for IBM PC-compatibles are evaluated to use for data acquisition and processing work. Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (MLML) acquired computers since 1978 to use on shipboard data acquisition (Le. CTD, radiometric, etc.) and data processing. First Hewlett-Packard desktops were used then a transition to the DEC VAXstations, with software developed mostly by the author and others at MLML (Broenkow and Reaves, 1993; Feinholz and Broenkow, 1993; Broenkow et al, 1993). IBM PC were at first very slow and limited in available software, so they were not used in the early days. Improved technology such as higher speed microprocessors and a wide range of commercially available software made use of PC more reasonable today. MLML is making a transition towards using the PC for data acquisition and processing. Advantages are portability and available outside support.


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é a segunda doença neurodegenerativa mais frequente depois da Doença de Alzheimer, afetando aproximadamente 1% da população com idade superior a 65 anos. Clinicamente, esta doença caracteriza-se pela presença de tremor em repouso, bradicinesia, rigidez muscular e instabilidade postural, os quais podem ser controlados com a administração do levodopa. As características patológicas da DP incluem a despigmentação da substância nigra devido à perda dos neurônios dopaminérgicos e a presença de inclusões proteicas denominadas corpos de Lewy nos neurônios sobreviventes. As vias moleculares envolvidas com esta patologia ainda são obscuras, porém a DP é uma doença complexa, resultante da interação entre fatores ambientais e causas genéticas. Mutações no gene leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2; OMIM 609007) constituem a forma mais comum de DP. Este gene codifica uma proteína, membro da família de proteínas ROCO, que possui, entre outros domínios, dois domínios funcionais GTPase (ROC) e quinase (MAPKKK). Neste estudo, os principais domínios do gene LRRK2 foram analisados em 204 pacientes brasileiros com DP por meio de sequenciamento dos produtos da PCR. Através da análise de 14 exons correspondentes aos domínios ROC, COR e MAPKKK foram identificadas 31 variantes. As alterações novas, p.C1770R e p.C2139S, possuem um potencial papel na etiologia da DP. Três alterações exônicas (p.R1398R, p.T1410M e p.Y2189C) e nove intrônicas (c.4317+16C>T, c.5317+59A>C, c.5509+20A>C, c.5509+52T>C, c.5509+122A>G, c.5657-46C>T, c.6382-36G>A, c.6382-37C>T e c.6576+44T>C) são potencialmente não patogênicas. Ao todo, dezessete variantes exônicas e intrônicas constituem polimorfismos já relatados na literatura (p.R1398H, p.K1423K, p.R1514Q, p.P1542S, c.4828-31T>C, p.G1624G, p.K1637K, p.M1646T, p.S1647T, c.5015+32A>G, c.5170+23T>A, c.5317+32C>T, p.G1819G, c.5948+48C>T, p.N2081D, p.E2108E e c.6381+30A>G). A frequência total de alterações potencialmente patogênicas ou patogênicas detectadas em nossa amostra foi de 3,4% (incluindo a mutação p.G2019S, anteriormente descrita em 2 artigos publicados por nosso grupo: Pimentel et al., 2008; Abdalla-Carvalho et al., 2010), sendo a frequência de mutações nos casos familiares (11,1%) cerca de seis vezes maior do que a encontrada nos casos isolados da DP (1,8%). Os resultados alcançados neste estudo revelam que mutações no gene LRRK2 desempenham um papel significativo como fator genético para o desenvolvimento da DP em pacientes brasileiros.


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A avaliação da qualidade de vida tem sido cada vez mais utilizada pelos profissionais da área de saúde para mensurar o impacto de doenças na vida dos pacientes, bem como para avaliar os resultados dos tratamentos realizados. O crescente interesse por protocolos de pesquisa clínica em doenças não degenerativas do quadril tem encontrado muitos obstáculos na avaliação objetiva de seus resultados, principalmente nos estudos de observação de novas intervenções terapêuticas, como a artroscopia. O Nonarthritic Hip Score (NAHS) é um instrumento de avaliação clínica, desenvolvido originalmente em inglês, cujo objetivo é avaliar a função da articulação do quadril em pacientes jovens e fisicamente ativos. O objetivo desse estudo foi traduzir esse instrumento para a língua portuguesa, adaptá-lo para a cultura brasileira e validá-lo para que possa ser utilizado na avaliação de qualidade de vida de pacientes brasileiros com dor no quadril, sem doença degenerativa. A metodologia utilizada é a sugerida por Guillemin et al. (1993) e revisado por Beaton et al. (2000), que propuseram um conjunto de instruções padronizadas para adaptação cultural de instrumentos de qualidade de vida, incluindo cinco etapas: tradução, tradução de volta, revisão pelo comitê, pré-teste e teste, com reavaliação dos pesos dos escores, se relevante. A versão de consenso foi aplicada em 30 indivíduos. As questões sobre atividades esportivas e tarefas domésticas foram modificadas, para melhor adaptação à cultura brasileira. A versão brasileira do Nonarthritic Hip Score (NAHS-Brasil) foi respondida por 64 pacientes com dor no quadril, a fim de avaliar as propriedades de medida do instrumento: reprodutibilidade, consistência interna e validade. A reprodutibilidade foi 0,9, mostrando uma forte correlação; a consistência interna mostrou correlação entre 0,8 e 0,9, considerada boa e excelente; a validade foi considerada respectivamente boa e excelente; a correlação entre NAHS-Brasil e WOMAC foi 0,9; e a correlação entre o NAHS-Brasil e Questionário Algofuncional de Lequesne foi 0,79. O Nonarthritic Hip Score foi traduzido para a língua portuguesa e adaptado à cultura brasileira, de acordo com o conjunto de instruções padronizadas para adaptação cultural de instrumentos de qualidade de vida. Sua reprodutibilidade, consistência interna e validade foram também demonstradas.


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The interaction of ocean climate and growth conditions during the postsmolt phase is emerging as the primary hypothesis to explain patterns of adult recruitment for individual stocks and stock complexes of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Friedland et al. (1993) first reported that contrast in sea surface temperature (SST) conditions during spring appeared to be related to recruitment of the European stock complex. This hypothesis was further supported by the relationship between cohort specific patterns of recruitment for two index stocks and regional scale SST (Friedland et al., 1998). One of the index stocks, the North Esk of Scotland, was shown to have a pattern of postsmolt growth that was positively correlated with survival, indicating that growth during the postsmolt year controls survival and recruitment (Friedland et al., 2000). A similar scenario is emerging for the North American stock complex where contrast in ocean conditions during spring in the postsmolt migration corridors was associated with the recruitment pattern of the stock complex (Friedland et al., 2003a, 2003b). The accumulation of additional data on the postsmolt growth response of both stock complexes will contribute to a better understanding of the recruitment process in Atlantic salmon.


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Water currents are vertically structured in many marine systems and as a result, vertical movements by fish larvae and zooplankton affect horizontal transport (Power, 1984). In estuaries, the vertical movements of larvae with tidal periods can result in their retention or ingress (Fortier and Leggett, 1983; Rijnsdorp et al., 1985; Cronin and Forward, 1986; Forward et al., 1999). On the continental shelf, the vertical movements of organisms interact daily and ontogenetically with depth-varying currents to affect horizontal transport (Pillar et al., 1989; Barange and Pillar, 1992; Cowen et al., 1993, 2000; Batchelder et al., 2002).


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Light traps are one of a number of different gears used to sample pelagic larval and juvenile fishes. In contrast to conventional towed nets, light traps primarily collect larger size classes, including settlement-size larvae (Choat et al., 1993; Hickford and Schiel, 1999 ; Hernandez and Shaw, 2003), and, therefore, have become important tools for discerning recruitment dynamics (Sponaugle and Cowen, 1996; Wilson, 2001). The relative ease with which multiple synoptic light trap samples can be taken means that larval distribution patterns can be mapped with greater spatial resolution (Doherty, 1987). Light traps are also useful for sampling shallow or structurally complex habitats where towed nets are ineffective or prohibited (Gregory and Powles, 1985; Brogan, 1994; Hernandez and Shaw, 2003).


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黄精族隶属于广义的百合科,通过对其研究历史的回顾,指出了它目前存在的问题,即(1)族的概念和范围不清、(2)属间的界限模糊、(3)族内各属的系统排列不明确.针对这些问题,本文从形态、解剖、胚胎、孢粉和细胞方面对族内各类群进行了野外调查和一些实验工作,本此基础上,并结合前人的工作,对黄精族的系统发育进行了探讨. 一, 形态本文通过黄精族各属大量标本,尤其是国产类群标本的认真研究,并结合6个多月的野外调查资料,分析了本族植物21个形态性状及其状态在属间和属内的分布,指出了一些性状的稳定性及其系统学价值, 二,解剖本文对黄精族5属17个种的茎、根状茎及子房进行了解剖学观察,同时对7属41种植物的叶表皮进行光镜观察,并对5属12种的叶表皮进行扫描电镜的观察,结果表明:(1)七筋姑属花葶的维管柱缺乏纤维鞘,这和本族其它类群不同.(2)扭柄花属、黄精属、竹根七属和鹿药属植物子房中具草酸盐针晶,而七筋姑属和万寿草属未发现这种晶体.(3)本族植物的气孔器均为无规则型,但邻近细胞及其周壁的形状在不同类群中是不同的,据此我们将本族叶表皮划分为七个类型,并认为叶表皮邻近细胞呈多边形、周壁直是黄精族叶表皮最基本的形式. 三,胚胎本文对黄精族3属4种植物以及铃兰(Convallaria majalis)进行了胚胎学研究,其中小玉竹(Polygonatum humile)和铃兰得到了完整的胚胎学资料,实验结果显示(1)黄精族植物小孢子发生过程中胞质分裂均为连续型,胚乳发育为核型;(2)小玉竹的胚囊发育方式为葱型,鹿药(Smilacina japonica)为英地百合型.万寿竹(Disporum cantoniense)和长蕊万寿竹(D. bodinicri)为蓼型,铃兰为葱型或英地百合型;(3)周缘细胞的有或无在小玉竹,鹿药和铃兰中是不稳定的. 四,孢粉本文对6属42种植物花粉进行了扫描电镜观察,结果表明(1)萌发孔的类型和数目在本族中不稳定,系统价值不大;(2)花粉外壁纹饰比较稳定,是一个十分重要的分类学性状.我们将黄精族植物的花粉外壁纹饰划分为9种类型.并认为孔穴型是一种原始类型,其它类型是由它演化而成, 五,细胞在前人工作的基础上,通过与其它性状的综合分析,本文认为黄精族植物有五种原始染色体基数:七筋姑属x=7;万寿竹属和扭柄花属x=8;黄精属x=9:鹿药属和舞鹤草属x= 18;竹根七属x=20. 在上述实验结果的基础上,结合前人的工作,对黄精族的各种性状进行了分析,本文得出如下结论: 1.包括万寿竹属、扭柄花属、七筋姑属、黄精属、竹根七属、鹿药属和舞鹤草属的黄精族是一个单系类群. 2.本文赞同Dahlgren et al.(1985),Tahktajan (1987)对黄精族系统位置的处理,即它与铃兰族,蜘蛛抱蛋族和沿阶草族关系较近,且共同组成铃兰科.相比之下,黄精族是该科中比较原始的一个族. 3.本文在性状分析的基础上,总结出20个比较稳定、系统价值较大的性状,并指出了它们的演化趋势;同时总结出黄精族原始类群应具有如下特征:(1).具细线形根状茎;(2).地上茎具分枝;(3).叶茎生;(4).具腋生的圆锥或总状花序;(5).花为三基数,花被片离生;(6).花被片具多条开放型脉;(7) .胚珠多数;(8).胚囊发育为单孢子型;(9).厚珠心胚珠;(10) .花粉外壁具覆盖层. 4.本文认为黄精族植物可分为三支:一是以染色体基数x=9及其衍生的类群,包括黄精属,竹根七属、鹿药属和舞鹤草属;二是以x=8为基数的一支,它包括万寿竹属和扭柄花属;三是七筋姑属单独形成的一支,它的染色体基数x=7.同时认为万寿竹属是本族比较原始的一个类群. 5.本文认为东亚北方是黄精族植物起源地. 6.本文赞同汤彦承(1978.见汪发缵、唐进1978)对卵叶扭柄花(Streptopus ovalis (Ohwi) Wang et Y.C.Tang)的分类学处理,而不赞同汪发缵、唐进(1983)把金佛山鹿药(Smilacina jinfoshanica Wang et Tang)从鹿药属转隶至黄精属的观点. 7.本文认为鹿药属和舞鹤草属亲缘关系较近,但区别特征明显,从而不赞同LaFrankie (1986),李恒(1990)将二者合并的观点。


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Brachyuran larvae are the most common zooplankton component of the Manora Channel, Karachi, Pakistan. The identification of these larvae would assist in the assessment of brachyuran species and provide information on percentage composition, occurrence, abundance and breeding habits of the brachyuran species in the Manora Channel area. However plankton caught larvae is not easily identified. An accurate identification of such material is only possible by the comparison with larvae reared under laboratory conditions and documented with illustrations. The identifications for this present study were based on the works of Gurney (1938); Atkins (1954); Chhapgar (1955); Raja Bai (1960); Hashmi (1969, 1970a, b); Baba and Miyata (1971); Kakati and Sankolli (1975); Rice (1975); Kakati (1977); Lim and Tan (1981); Yatsuzuka and Sakai (1984); Fielder, et al (1984); Amir (1989, M. Phil thesis unpublished); Ingle (1992); Siddiqui and Tirmizi (1992); Tirmizi et al (1993); Bano (1999, M. Phil thesis unpublished); Ghory and Siddiqui (2001); Ghory (2002, M. Phil thesis unpublished); Ghory and Siddiqui (2002).