978 resultados para Cochin, Nicolas, 1610-1686.


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A short access to homocalystegine analogues silylated at C7 is described. The synthesis involves the desymmetrization of a (phenyldimethylsilyl)methylcycloheptatriene using osmium-mediated dihydroxylation, followed by the diol protection and a cycloaddition involving the remaining diene moiety and an acylnitroso reagent. Additions of the osmium and acylnitroso reagents were shown, through X-ray diffraction studies of the resulting major isomers, to occur anti and syn, respectively, relative to the SiCH2 substituent. N-O bond cleavage on the resulting cycloadduct then produces the aminopolyol having a silylmethyl substituent. Oxidation of the C-Si bond also afforded an access to unusual amino-heptitols having five contiguous stereogenic centers. In the course of this work, we finally observed a unusual rearrangement taking place on cycloheptanone 18 substituted by two acetyl groups and a neighboring Boc-protected amine. A profound reorganization of the substituents on the seven-membered ring effectively took place under acidic conditions (TFA) leading to the thermodynamically more stable homocalystegine-type compound., DFT calculations of the conformational energy of isomeric silyl homocalystegines indicated that the product observed upon the acid-mediated rearrangement was the most stable of a series of analogues with various distributions of substituents along the seven-membered ring backbone. A tentative mechanism is proposed to rationalize the acetate migrations and inversions of the stereochemistry at various stereocenters.


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A team of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with limited communication ranges and limited resources are deployed in a region to search and destroy stationary and moving targets. When a UAV detects a target, depending on the target resource requirement, it is tasked to form a coalition over the dynamic network formed by the UAVs. In this paper, we develop a mechanism to find potential coalition members over the network using principles from internet protocol and introduce an algorithm using Particle Swarm Optimization to generate a coalition that destroys the target is minimum time. Monte-Carlo simulations are carried out to study how coalition are formed and the effects of coalition process delays.


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A general and simple methodology for spirocyclopentannulation of cyclic ketones (or 4,4-disubstituted cyclopentenones from acyclic ketones) and its application in the synthesis of the spirodienone 7 via a prochiral precursor constituting a formal total synthesis of (+/-)-acorone (6), are described.


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A hexagonal mesoporous phase based on SnO2 is synthesized for the first time by using an anionic surfactant; hexagonal phases of TiO2 are prepared with neutral amine surfactants.


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C19H26O4, M(r) = 318.41, orthorhombic, P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 10.591 (1), b = 11.133 (1), c = 13.657 (2) angstrom, V = 1610.29 angstrom 3, Z = 4, D(m) (flotation in KI) = 1.301, D(x) = 1.313 g cm-3, Mo K-alpha, lambda = 0.7107 angstrom, mu = 0.85 cm-1, F(000) = 688, T = 293 K, R = 0.057 for 1253 significant reflections. The A ring is disordered with atoms C(2) and O(19) occupying two possible sites. The molecules are held together by a hydrogen bond [O(9)...O(17) = 2.89 angstrom].


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We address the problem of exact complex-wave reconstruction in digital holography. We show that, by confining the object-wave modulation to one quadrant of the frequency domain, and by maintaining a reference-wave intensity higher than that of the object, one can achieve exact complex-wave reconstruction in the absence of noise. A feature of the proposed technique is that the zero-order artifact, which is commonly encountered in hologram reconstruction, can be completely suppressed in the absence of noise. The technique is noniterative and nonlinear. We also establish a connection between the reconstruction technique and homomorphic signal processing, which enables an interpretation of the technique from the perspective of deconvolution. Another key contribution of this paper is a direct link between the reconstruction technique and the two-dimensional Hilbert transform formalism proposed by Hahn. We show that this connection leads to explicit Hilbert transform relations between the magnitude and phase of the complex wave encoded in the hologram. We also provide results on simulated as well as experimental data to validate the accuracy of the reconstruction technique. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America


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Solubilization of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) in aqueous milieu by self assembly of bivalent glycolipids is described. Thorough analysis of the resulting composites involving Vis/near-IR spectroscopy, surface plasmon resonance, confocal Raman and atomic force microscopy reveals that glycolipid-coated SWNTs possess specific molecular recognition properties towards lectins.


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Precompression, wherein the probable settlements are achieved at an accelerated pace through preloading, well before the construction is take up, has been widely used in areas of ground improvement with respect to soft clays. By applying a temporary surcharge load in excess or less than the permanent load, the soil achieves higher initial effective stress and when the final load is applied, the soil experiences, lower load increment ratio or negative load increment ratio. In this paper, based on the laboratory experiments conducted on cochin marine clays and Mangalore marine clays, attempts have been made to analyse the volume change behaviour of preloaded clays. It has been brought out that for a preloaded clay, the final load increment ratio has an important role in its behaviour. Effective preloading not only reduces the final settlement due to primary, the secondary consolidation settlement also gets reduced.


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Sr2SbMnO6 (SSMO) ceramics were, fabricated using the nanocrystalline powders obtained via molten salt synthesis (MSS) method. High temperature X-ray diffraction studies confirmed the structural phase transition (room temperature tetragonal (I4/mcm) to the cubic phase (Pm-3m)) temperature to be around 736K. The discontinuity in the phase transition indicated its first order nature reflecting the presence of ferroelectric-like distortions in SSMO prepared from MSS which seemed to be unique as it was not observed so far in the case of SSMO prepared using solid-state reaction method. The dielectric behavior of SSMO was studied in the 300-950 K temperature range at high frequencies (MHz range) in order to suppress the of space charge and related effects that dominate at such higher temperatures and mask the real phase transition.


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The rapid disruption of tropical forests probably imperils global biodiversity more than any other contemporary phenomenon(1-3). With deforestation advancing quickly, protected areas are increasingly becoming final refuges for threatened species and natural ecosystem processes. However, many protected areas in the tropics are themselves vulnerable to human encroachment and other environmental stresses(4-9). As pressures mount, it is vital to know whether existing reserves can sustain their biodiversity. A critical constraint in addressing this question has been that data describing a broad array of biodiversity groups have been unavailable for a sufficiently large and representative sample of reserves. Here we present a uniquely comprehensive data set on changes over the past 20 to 30 years in 31 functional groups of species and 21 potential drivers of environmental change, for 60 protected areas stratified across the world's major tropical regions. Our analysis reveals great variation in reserve `health': about half of all reserves have been effective or performed passably, but the rest are experiencing an erosion of biodiversity that is often alarmingly widespread taxonomically and functionally. Habitat disruption, hunting and forest-product exploitation were the strongest predictors of declining reserve health. Crucially, environmental changes immediately outside reserves seemed nearly as important as those inside in determining their ecological fate, with changes inside reserves strongly mirroring those occurring around them. These findings suggest that tropical protected areas are often intimately linked ecologically to their surrounding habitats, and that a failure to stem broad-scale loss and degradation of such habitats could sharply increase the likelihood of serious biodiversity declines.


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We propose a Riesz transform approach to the demodulation of digital holograms. The Riesz transform is a higher-dimensional extension of the Hilbert transform and is steerable to a desired orientation. Accurate demodulation of the hologram requires a reliable methodology by which quadrature-phase functions (or simply, quadratures) can be constructed. The Riesz transform, by itself, does not yield quadratures. However, one can start with the Riesz transform and construct the so-called vortex operator by employing the notion of quasi-eigenfunctions, and this approach results in accurate quadratures. The key advantage of using the vortex operator is that it effectively handles nonplanar fringes (interference patterns) and has the ability to compensate for the local orientation. Therefore, this method results in aberration-free holographic imaging even in the case when the wavefronts are not planar. We calibrate the method by estimating the orientation from a reference hologram, measured with an empty field of view. Demodulation results on synthesized planar as well as nonplanar fringe patterns show that the accuracy of demodulation is high. We also perform validation on real experimental measurements of Caenorhabditis elegans acquired with a digital holographic microscope. (c) 2012 Optical Society of America


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The thermodynamic properties of the HoRhO3 were determined in the temperature range from 900 to 1300 K by using a solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating calcia-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte. The standard Gibbs free energy of formation of orthorhombic perovskite HoRhO3, from Ho2O3 with C-rare earth structure and Rh2O3 with orthorhombic structure, can be expressed by the equation; Delta G(f)degrees((ox)) (+/- 78)/(J/mol) = -50535 + 3.85(T/K) Using the thermodynamic data of HoRhO3 and auxiliary data for binary oxides from the literature, the phase relations in the Ho-Rh-O system were computed at 1273 K. Thermodynamic data for intermetallic phases in the binary Ho-Rh were estimated from experimental enthalpy of formation for three compositions from the literature and Miedema's model, consistent with the phase diagram. The oxygen potential-composition diagram and three-dimensional chemical potential diagram at 1273 K, and temperature-composition diagrams at constant oxygen partial pressures were computed for the system Ho-Rh-O. The decomposition temperature of HoRhO3 is 1717(+/- 2) K in pure O-2 and 1610(+/- 2) K in air at a total pressure p(o) = 0.1 MPa.