1000 resultados para Calibration coefficients


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NIR Hyperspectral imaging (1000-2500 nm) combined with IDC allowed the detection of peanut traces down to adulteration percentages 0.01% Contrary to PLSR, IDC does not require a calibration set, but uses both expert and experimental information and suitable for quantification of an interest compound in complex matrices. The obtained results shows the feasibility of using HSI systems for the detection of peanut traces in conjunction with chemical procedures, such as RT-PCR and ELISA


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This study analyses the differences between two calculation models for guardrails on building sites that use wooden boards and tubular steel posts. Wood was considered an isotropic material in one model and an orthotropic material in a second model. The elastic constants of the wood were obtained with ultrasound. Frequencies and vibration modes were obtained for both models through linear analysis using the finite element method. The two models were experimentally calibrated through operational modal analysis. The results obtained show that for the three types of wood under analysis, the model which considered them as an orthotropic material fitted the experimental results better than the model which considered them as an isotropic material.


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Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS) was employed to determine the optimal specific molar flow of Sb needed to grow GaInP with a given order parameter by MOVPE. The RAS signature of GaInP surfaces exposed to different Sb/P molar flow ratios were recorded, and the RAS peak at 3.02 eV provided a feature that was sensitive to the amount of Sb on the surface. The range of Sb/P ratios over which Sb acts as a surfactant was determined using the RA intensity of this peak, and different GaInP layers were grown using different Sb/P ratios. The order parameter of the resulting layers was measured by PL at 20 K. This procedure may be extensible to the calibration of surfactant-mediated growth of other materials exhibiting characteristic RAS signatures.


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The CENTURY soil organic matter model was adapted for the DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer), modular format in order to better simulate the dynamics of soil organic nutrient processes (Gijsman et al., 2002). The CENTURY model divides the soil organic carbon (SOC) into three hypothetical pools: microbial or active material (SOC1), intermediate (SOC2) and the largely inert and stable material (SOC3) (Jones et al., 2003). At the beginning of the simulation, CENTURY model needs a value of SOC3 per soil layer which can be estimated by the model (based on soil texture and management history) or given as an input. Then, the model assigns about 5% and 95% of the remaining SOC to SOC1 and SOC2, respectively. The model performance when simulating SOC and nitrogen (N) dynamics strongly depends on the initialization process. The common methods (e.g. Basso et al., 2011) to initialize SOC pools deal mostly with carbon (C) mineralization processes and less with N. Dynamics of SOM, SOC, and soil organic N are linked in the CENTURY-DSSAT model through the C/N ratio of decomposing material that determines either mineralization or immobilization of N (Gijsman et al., 2002). The aim of this study was to evaluate an alternative method to initialize the SOC pools in the DSSAT-CENTURY model from apparent soil N mineralization (Napmin) field measurements by using automatic inverse calibration (simulated annealing). The results were compared with the ones obtained by the iterative initialization procedure developed by Basso et al., 2011.


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The requirements for a good stand in a no-till field are the same as those for conventional planting as well as added field and machinery management. Among the various factors that contribute towards producing a successful maize crop, seed depth placement is a key determinant. Although most no-till planters on the market work well under good soil and residue conditions, adjustments and even modifications are frequently needed when working with compacted or wet soils or with heavy residues. The main objective of this study, carried out in 2010, 2011 and 2012, was to evaluate the vertical distribution and spatial variability of seed depth placement in a maize crop under no-till conditions, using precision farming technologies and conventional no-till seeders. The results obtained indicate that the seed depth placement was affected by soil moisture content and forward speed. The seed depth placement was negatively correlated with soil resistance and seeding depth had a significant impact on mean emergence time and the percentage of emerged plants. Shallow average depth values and high coefficients of variation suggest a need for improvements in controlling the seeders’ sowing depth mechanism or more accurate calibration by operators in the field.


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A new language recognition technique based on the application of the philosophy of the Shifted Delta Coefficients (SDC) to phone log-likelihood ratio features (PLLR) is described. The new methodology allows the incorporation of long-span phonetic information at a frame-by-frame level while dealing with the temporal length of each phone unit. The proposed features are used to train an i-vector based system and tested on the Albayzin LRE 2012 dataset. The results show a relative improvement of 33.3% in Cavg in comparison with different state-of-the-art acoustic i-vector based systems. On the other hand, the integration of parallel phone ASR systems where each one is used to generate multiple PLLR coefficients which are stacked together and then projected into a reduced dimension are also presented. Finally, the paper shows how the incorporation of state information from the phone ASR contributes to provide additional improvements and how the fusion with the other acoustic and phonotactic systems provides an important improvement of 25.8% over the system presented during the competition.


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Validating modern oceanographic theories using models produced through stereo computer vision principles has recently emerged. Space-time (4-D) models of the ocean surface may be generated by stacking a series of 3-D reconstructions independently generated for each time instant or, in a more robust manner, by simultaneously processing several snapshots coherently in a true ?4-D reconstruction.? However, the accuracy of these computer-vision-generated models is subject to the estimations of camera parameters, which may be corrupted under the influence of natural factors such as wind and vibrations. Therefore, removing the unpredictable errors of the camera parameters is necessary for an accurate reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm that can jointly perform a 4-D reconstruction as well as correct the camera parameter errors introduced by external factors. The technique is founded upon variational optimization methods to benefit from their numerous advantages: continuity of the estimated surface in space and time, robustness, and accuracy. The performance of the proposed algorithm is tested using synthetic data produced through computer graphics techniques, based on which the errors of the camera parameters arising from natural factors can be simulated.


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El riesgo asociado a la rotura de un depósito de agua en entorno urbano (como la ocurrida, por ejemplo, en la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla en Noviembre de 1997) y los potenciales daños que puede causar, pone en duda la seguridad de este tipo de infraestructuras que, por necesidades del servicio de abastecimiento de agua, se construyen habitualmente en puntos altos y cercanos a los núcleos de población a los que sirven. Sin embargo, la baja probabilidad de que se produzca una rotura suele rebajar los niveles de alerta asociados a los depósitos, haciéndose hincapié en la mejora de los métodos constructivos sin elaborar metodologías que, como en el caso de las presas y las balsas de riego, establezcan la necesidad de clasificar el riesgo potencial de estas infraestructuras en función de su emplazamiento y de estudiar la posible construcción de medidas mitigadoras de una posible rotura. Por otro lado, para establecer los daños que pueden derivarse de una rotura de este tipo, se hace imprescindible la modelización bidimensional de la ola de rotura por cuanto la malla urbana a la que afectaran no es susceptible de simulaciones unidimensionales, dado que no hay un cauce que ofrezca un camino preferente al agua. Este tipo de simulación requiere de una inversión económica que no siempre está disponible en la construcción de depósitos de pequeño y mediano tamaño. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo el diseño de una metodología simplificada que, por medio de graficas y atendiendo a las variables principales del fenómeno, pueda estimar un valor para el riesgo asociado a una posible rotura y sirva como guía para establecer si un deposito (existente o de nueva implantación) requiere de un modelo de detalle para estimar el riesgo y si es conveniente implantar alguna medida mitigadora de la energía producida en una rotura de este tipo. Con carácter previo se ha establecido que las variables que intervienen en la definición de riesgo asociado a la rotura, son el calado y la velocidad máxima en cada punto sensible de sufrir daños (daños asociados al vuelco y arrastre de personas principalmente), por lo que se ha procedido a estudiar las ecuaciones que rigen el problema de la rotura del depósito y de la transmisión de la onda de rotura por la malla urbana adyacente al mismo, así como los posibles métodos de resolución de las mismas y el desarrollo informático necesario para una primera aproximación a los resultados. Para poder analizar las condiciones de contorno que influyen en los valores resultantes de velocidad y calado, se ha diseñado una batería de escenarios simplificados que, tras una modelización en detalle y un análisis adimensional, han dado como resultado que las variables que influyen en los valores de calado y velocidad máximos en cada punto son: la altura de la lamina de agua del depósito, la pendiente del terreno, la rugosidad, la forma del terreno (en términos de concavidad) y la distancia del punto de estudio al deposito. Una vez definidas las variables que influyen en los resultados, se ha llevado a cabo una segunda batería de simulaciones de escenarios simplificados que ha servido para la discusión y desarrollo de las curvas que se presentan como producto principal de la metodología simplificada. Con esta metodología, que solamente necesita de unos cálculos simples para su empleo, se obtiene un primer valor de calado y velocidad introduciendo la altura de la lámina de agua máxima de servicio del depósito cuyo riesgo se quiere evaluar. Posteriormente, y utilizando el ábaco propuesto, se obtienen coeficientes correctores de los valores obtenidos para la rugosidad y pendiente media del terreno que se esta evaluando, así como para el grado de concavidad del mismo (a través de la pendiente transversal). Con los valores obtenidos con las curvas anteriores se obtienen los valores de calado y velocidad en el punto de estudio y, aplicando la formulación propuesta, se obtiene una estimación del riesgo asociado a la rotura de la infraestructura. Como corolario a la metodología mencionada, se propone una segunda serie de gráficos para evaluar, también de forma simplificada, la reducción del riesgo que se obtendría con la construcción de alguna medida mitigadora como puede ser un dique o murete perimetral al depósito. Este método de evaluación de posible medidas mitigadoras, aporta una guía para analizar la posibilidad de disminuir el riesgo con la construcción de estos elementos, o la necesidad de buscar otro emplazamiento que, si bien pueda ser no tan favorable desde el punto de vista de la explotación del depósito, presente un menor riesgo asociado a su rotura. Como complemento a la metodología simplificada propuesta, y además de llevar a cabo la calibración de la misma con los datos obtenidos tras la rotura del depósito de agua de Melilla, se ha realizado una serie de ejemplos de utilización de la metodología para, además de servir de guía de uso de la misma, poder analizar la diferencia entre los resultados que se obtendrían con una simulación bidimensional detallada de cada uno de los casos y el método simplificado aplicado a los mismos. The potential risk of a catastrophic collapse of a water supply reservoir in an urban area (such as the one occurred in Melilla in November 1997) and the damages that can cause, make question the security in this kind of infrastructures, which, by operational needs, are frequently built in high elevations and close to the urban areas they serve to. Since the likelihood of breakage is quite low, the alert levels associated to those infrastructures have also been downgraded focussing on the improvement of the constructive methods without developing methodologies (like the ones used in the case of dams or irrigation ponds) where there is a need of classifying the potential risk of those tanks and also of installing mitigating measures. Furthermore, to establish the damages related to a breakage of this kind, a twodimensional modelling of the breakage wave becomes imperative given that the urban layout does not provide a preferential way to the water. This kind of simulation requires financial investment that is not always available in the construction of small and medium sized water tanks. The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to design a simplified methodology, by means of charts and attending to the main variables of the phenomenon, that could estimate a value to the risk associated to a possible breakage. It can also be used as a guidance to establish if a reservoir (existing or a new one) requires a detailed model to estimate the risk of a breakage and the benefits of installing measures to mitigate the breakage wave effects. Previously, it has been established that the variables involved in the risk associated to a breakage are the draft and the maximum speed in every point susceptible to damages (mainly damages related to people). Bellow, the equations ruling the problem of the reservoir breakage have been studied as well as the transmission of the breakage wave through the urban network of the city and the possible methods to solve the equations and the computer development needed to a first approach to the results. In order to be able to analyse the boundary conditions affecting the values resulting (speed and draft), a set of scenarios have been designed. After a detailed modelling and a dimensionless analysis it has been proved that the variables that influence the operational draughts and the maximum speed in every point are the water level in the tank, the slope, the roughness and form (in terms of concavity) of the terrain and the distance between the tank and the control point. Having defined the involving variables, a second set of simulations of the simplified scenarios has been carried out and has helped to discuss and develop the curves that are here presented as the final product of the simplified methodology. This methodology only needs some simple calculations and gives a first value of draft and speed by introducing the maximum water level of the tank being evaluated. Subsequently, using the suggested charts, the method gives correction coefficients of the measured values for roughness and average slope of the assessed terrain as well as the degree of concavity (through transverse gradient).With the values from the previous curves (operational draughts and speed at the point of survey) and applying the proposed formulation, an estimation of the risk associated to the breakage of the infrastructure is finally obtained. As a corollary of the mentioned methodology, another set of diagrams is proposed in order to evaluate, in a simplified manner also, the risk reduction that could be gained with the construction of some mitigating measures such as dikes or retaining walls around the reservoir. This evaluating method provides a guide to analyse the possibility to reduce the risk, constructing those elements or even looking for a different site that could be worse in terms of exploitation of the tank but much safer. As a complement to the simplified methodology here proposed, and apart from completing its calibration with the obtained data after the reservoir breakage in Melilla, a number of examples of the use of the methodology have been made to be used as a user guide of the methodology itself, as well as giving the possibility of analysing the different results that can be obtained from a thorough two-dimensional simulation or from the simplified method applied to the examples.


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A mathematical model of the process employed by a sonic anemometer to build up the measured wind vector in a steady flow is presented to illustrate the way the geometry of these sensors as well as the characteristics of aerodynamic disturbance on the acoustic path can lead to singularities in the transformation function that relates the measured (disturbed) wind vector with the real (corrected) wind vector, impeding the application of correction/calibration functions for some wind conditions. An implicit function theorem allows for the identification of those combinations of real wind conditions and design parameters that lead to undefined correction/ calibration functions. In general, orthogonal path sensors do not show problematic combination of parameters. However, some geometric sonic sensor designs, available in the market, with paths forming smaller angles could lead to undefined correction functions for some levels of aerodynamic disturbances and for certain wind directions. The parameters studied have a strong influence on the existence and number of singularities in the correction/ calibration function as well as on the number of singularities for some combination of parameters. Some conclusions concerning good design practices are included.


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The accelerometers used for the measurement of microvibrations or microgravity applications, such as active control of space structures, attitude control, scientific payloads, or even on-Earth testing of structures at very low-excitation levels, require a dedicated calibration procedure that includes the gravitational effects. Otherwise, on-Earth calibrations can be inaccurate due to the collateral projection of the local gravity onto the sensitive axis. An on-Earth calibration technique for the 107102s amplitude range and 0-100-Hz frequency range is described. Special attention has been given to the modeling of gravitational effects on the response of the calibration device and the accelerometer itself. The sensitivity and resolution tests performed on piezoelectric accelerometers showthe accuracy andthe potential of thistechnique. Typical scale factorun certainty, which hasbeen carefully analyzed, is of the order of 2% at acceleration levels of 10sg.


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Piotr Omenzetter and Simon Hoell’s work within the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research.


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A conceptual proof is given of the fact that the coefficients of the characteristic series of the U-operator acting on families of overconvegent modular forms lie in the Iwasawa algebra.


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Chlorarachniophytes are amoeboid algae with chlorophyll a and b containing plastids that are surrounded by four membranes instead of two as in plants and green algae. These extra membranes form important support for the hypothesis that chlorarachniophytes have acquired their plastids by the ingestion of another eukaryotic plastid-containing alga. Chlorarachniophytes also contain a small nucleus-like structure called the nucleomorph situated between the two inner and the two outer membranes surrounding the plastid. This nucleomorph is a remnant of the endosymbiont's nucleus and encodes, among other molecules, small subunit ribosomal RNA. Previous phylogenetic analyses on the basis of this molecule provided unexpected and contradictory evidence for the origin of the chlorarachniophyte endosymbiont. We developed a new method for measuring the substitution rates of the individual nucleotides of small subunit ribosomal RNA. From the resulting substitution rate distribution, we derived an equation that gives a more realistic relationship between sequence dissimilarity and evolutionary distance than equations previously available. Phylogenetic trees constructed on the basis of evolutionary distances computed by this new method clearly situate the chlorarachniophyte nucleomorphs among the green algae. Moreover, this relationship is confirmed by transversion analysis of the Chlorarachnion plastid small subunit ribosomal RNA.


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Nighttime satellite imagery from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) has a unique capability to observe nocturnal light emissions from sources including cities, wild fires, and gas flares. Data from the DMSP OLS is used in a wide range of studies including mapping urban areas, estimating informal economies, and estimating urban populations. Given the extensive and increasing list of applications a repeatable method for assessing geolocation accuracy, performing inter-calibration, and defining the minimum detectable brightness would be beneficial. An array of portable lights was designed and taken to multiple field sites known to have no other light sources. The lights were operated during nighttime overpasses by the DMSP OLS and observed in the imagery. A first estimate of the minimum detectable brightness is presented based on the field experiments conducted. An assessment of the geolocation accuracy was performed by measuring the distance between the GPS measured location of the lights and the observed location in the imagery. A systematic shift was observed and the mean distance was measured at 2.9km. A method for in situ radiance calibration of the DMSP OLS using a ground based light source as an active target is presented. The wattage of light used by the active target strongly correlates with the signal measured by the DMSP OLS. This approach can be used to enhance our ability to make inter-temporal and inter-satellite comparisons of DMSP OLS imagery. Exploring the possibility of establishing a permanent active target for the calibration of nocturnal imaging systems is recommended. The methods used to assess the minimum detectable brightness, assess the geolocation accuracy, and build inter-calibration models lay the ground work for assessing the energy expended on light emitted into the sky at night. An estimate of the total energy consumed to light the night sky globally is presented.


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Using a scanning tunnelling microscope or mechanically controllable break junction it has been shown that it is possible to control the formation of a wire made of single gold atoms. In these experiments an interatomic distance between atoms in the chain of ∼3.6 Å was reported which is not consistent with recent theoretical calculations. Here, using precise calibration procedures for both techniques, we measure the length of the atomic chains. Based on the distance between the peaks observed in the chain length histogram we find the mean value of the interatomic distance before chain rupture to be 2.5±0.2 Å. This value agrees with the theoretical calculations for the bond length. The discrepancy with the previous experimental measurements was due to the presence of He gas, that was used to promote the thermal contact, and which affects the value of the work function that is commonly used to calibrate distances in scanning tunnelling microscopy and mechanically controllable break junctions at low temperatures.