974 resultados para CLASS-2 INTEGRONS


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O objetivo do presente estudo consistiu em analisar a estabilidade das alterações oclusais em 18 pacientes com má oclusão de Classe II, divisão 1, idade média inicial de 10,77 anos, tratados com o aparelho regulador de função RF-2 durante 18 meses e reavaliados num período de pós-tratamento 7,16 anos, em média. Os 54 modelos de gesso foram avaliados no início do tratamento (T1), no final do tratamento (T2) e decorridos 7,16 anos pós-tratamento (T3). Foram analisadas as alterações transversais e sagitais; o Índice de irregularidade de Little e o Índice de Prioridade de Tratamento (IPT). As alterações ocorridas nos períodos analisados foram verificadas por meio da análise de Variância- ANOVA e, em seguida, pelo teste de comparações múltiplas de Bonferroni, com o valor crítico adotado de 0,05. Os resultados demonstraram que o tratamento com o RF-2 promoveu um aumento transversal estatisticamente significante, tanto no arco dentário superior quanto no inferior, porém, no período pós-tratamento, houve recidiva parcial ou mesmo total deste aumento na maioria das dimensões analisadas. Já o comprimento dos arcos dentários superior e inferior diminuiu durante todo o período avaliado. O Índice de Irregularidade de Little apresentou-se estável durante o tratamento, entretanto aumentou no período pós-tratamento. Além disso, o tratamento com o RF-2 proporcionou uma diminuição estatisticamente significante do IPT, refletindo a eficácia do tratamento realizado uma vez que esta diminuição permaneceu estável no período pós-tratamento. Portanto, o aparelho RF-2 demonstrou ser eficaz na correção dentária da má oclusão de Classe II, divisão 1, com estabilidade dos resultados decorridos 7,16 anos após o tratamento. Porém, em relação ao ganho transversal nos arcos dentários obtido durante o tratamento, houve recidiva parcial ou total de todas as variáveis analisadas.(AU)


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O objetivo deste estudo retrospectivo foi comparar a eficiência oclusal do tratamento ortopédico com os aparelhos funcionais Regulador de Função Fränkel-2 e Bionator de Balters em um estágio de desenvolvimento dental diferente e comparar com um grupo controle. A amostra constituiu-se de 45 registros de documentações, pertencentes ao arquivo do programa de pós-graduação em Odontologia, área de concentração Ortodontia, da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, com má oclusão inicial de Classe II bilateral, divisão 1, sendo 15 pacientes provenientes do grupo tratados com Bionator (grupo 1) com média de idade incial de 8,56 anos e com 80% dos casos em um estágio de desenvolvimento dental-2 (DS 2), 15 pacientes tratados com RF-2 (grupo 2) com média de idade inicial de 10,71 anos e com 80% dos casos em um estágio de desenvolvimento dental-3 (DS 3), e 15 pacientes controle (grupo 3) com media de idade incial de 10,03 anos e com estágio de desenvolvimento dental compatível com os grupos 1 e 2. Os grupos foram divididos em duas fases, de acordo com o período de avaliação: T1:início de tratamento e T2: final de tratamento, totalizando 90 pares de modelos. As avaliações oclusais foram realizadas em modelos de gesso, utilizando o Índice PAR com auxílio da régua PAR e de um paquímetro digital devidamente calibrado. Para comparação entre os três grupos foi utilizado Análise de Variância a um critério e em seguida o Teste de Tukey. A severidade da má oclusão (PAR Inicial) foi semelhante em ambos os grupos, porém, o PAR final apresentou uma diferença estatisticamente significante onde o percentual de redução do índice PAR para o grupo 1 foi de 20,72%, para o grupo 2 foi de 60,06% e no grupo 3 não houve alteração significante do valor do Índice PAR. O presente estudo conclui que o tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II, 1a divisão é mais eficiente quando iniciado no estágio de desenvolvimento dental 3 (DS 3) do que no estágio de desenvolvimento dental 2 (DS2). Além disso, ressalta-se a importância do uso mais prolongado do aparelho ortopédico, já que os pacientes do grupo 2 apresentaram melhores resultados oclusais.(AU)


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O objetivo desta pesquisa constituiu em avaliar, por meio das telerradiografias posteroanteriores, as alterações transversais promovidas pelo aparelho Frankel-2 em pacientes com maloclusão de Classe II, divisão 1, além de verificar a estabilidade das mesmas após um período médio de 7,11 anos pós-tratamento. A amostra compreendeu um total de 45 telerradiografias posteroanteriores provenientes de 15 pacientes tratados com o RF-2, realizadas em três fases: (T1) início do tratamento; (T2) final de tratamento; (T3) pós-tratamento. Foram avaliadas outras 36 telerradiografias posteroanteriores de 18 pacientes não tratados (grupo controle), acompanhados num período correspondente ao tratamento (T1-T2). As telerradiografias foram digitalizadas e foi utilizado o software Radiocef Studio 2 para realizar as mensurações das medidas cefalométricas. Para a comparação entre as alterações ocorridas no grupo tratado e no grupo controle, foi aplicado o teste t não pareado. Já para as modificações nas fases inicial, final e pós-tratamento no grupo tratado, foi empregada a Análise de Variância seguida do teste de comparações múltiplas de Tukey, com o valor crítico de 0,05. Os resultados mostraram que durante o período de tratamento as distâncias intercaninos inferiores e intermolares superiores aumentaram de forma estatisticamente significante. Já as distâncias que representam a largura da cavidade nasal, altura facial inferior, largura mandibular e distância intermolares inferiores não sofreram alterações estatisticamente significantes. No período pós-tratamento, observou-se uma suave redução nas distâncias intercaninos inferiores e intermolares superiores. Porém, considerando-se as alterações ocorridas devido ao crescimento e desenvolvimento transversal dos arcos dentários no período analisado, em que haveria uma redução destas distâncias, provavelmente houve uma estabilidade relativa das alterações dentárias transversais promovidas pelo RF-2. Portanto, pode-se concluir que o RF-2 não possui qualquer efeito esquelético transversal. Contudo, há um aumento das distâncias intermolares superiores e intercaninos inferiores durante o tratamento, que permanece relativamente estável, considerando-se as alterações ocorridas pelo crescimento e desenvolvimento normal dos arcos dentários.


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O objetivo do estudo consistiu em verificar uma possível alteração no tamanho da coroa clínica dos dentes ântero-inferiores em 50 indivíduos portadores de má Oclusão de Angle Classe II. A amostra foi dividida em 2 grupos: um grupo tratado com 25 indivíduos (14 do sexo masculino e 11 do feminino) com idade média em T1 (tempo inicial do tratamento) de 11 anos (dp = 9 meses), e em T2 (tempo pós-tratamento) de 12 anos e 7 meses (dp = 7 meses), tratados com o aparelho regulador de função Fränkel-2, durante 18 meses; e, um grupo controle com 25 indivíduos (12 do sexo masculino e 13 do feminino) com idade média em T1 de 10 anos e 3 meses (dp = 11 meses) e em T2 de 12 anos e 1 mês (dp = 11 meses). Os 100 modelos em gesso dos indivíduos foram analisados e comparados em relação ao início e ao término do tratamento por meio de um paquímetro digital, utilizando-se como medida a distância da borda incisal até a porção mais côncava da margem gengival dos incisivos e caninos inferiores. Os dados foram analisados por meio do teste t de Student e teste t pareado. Dentre os seis dentes ântero-inferiores, todos apresentaram aumento significante no grupo tratado, e apenas três dentes (33,42 e 43) apresentaram aumento significante no grupo controle. Já em relação ao grupo tratado e o grupo controle em T2, houve um aumento significante da coroa nos dentes 32, 33 e 43. Houve um aumento estatisticamente significante em apenas dois dentes (31 e 41) em ambos os sexos. Os resultados não demonstraram relevância estatística quando comparados com a alteração do tamanho da coroa no decorrer da idade. Conclui-se que as medidas das coroas clínicas dos dentes diferiram entre os grupos, sendo maior no grupo tratado. O aumento da coroa clinica dos dentes, não esta relacionado somente pela presença de inclinação para vestibular dos mesmo, mas pode ser considerado como multifatorial.


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The muscarinic receptor from the cerebral cortex, heart, and lacrimal gland can be solubilized in the zwitterionic detergent 3-(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio-2-hydroxy-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPSO) with retention of high affinity [3H]N-methyls-copolamine binding. However, in this detergent there are significant differences in the binding properties of the receptors, compared with those observed in membranes and digitonin solution. Some agents retain a degree of selectivity. In the heart and cortex, agonists can bind with high affinity to a receptor-GTP-binding protein complex. A second, lower affinity, agonist binding state is also present, which resembles a class of sites seen in membranes but not in digitonin solution. The high affinity agonist binding state has been resolved from the lower affinity state on sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Hydrodynamic analysis suggests that the high affinity state is approximately 110,000 Da larger than the lower affinity state. The binding properties of the receptor in CHAPSO can be altered to those seen in digitonin by exchanging detergents after CHAPSO solubilization.


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This paper explores the representation of the first African World Cup in the British and South African press. Drawing on the output of a variety of media outlets between 2004, when South Africa was awarded the right to host the 2010 event, and the culmination of the tournament in July 2010, this paper contends that a range of representations of Africa have been put forward by the British and South African media. These can be interpreted as alarmist, sensationalist and even racist in certain extreme instances, and hypernationalist and overly defensive in other cases. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The size class frequency distribution of a sample of senile plaques (SP) was determined in a total of 20 brain regions from 5 elderly cases of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The purpose of the study was to determine whether a comparison of the frequency distributions could be used to determine the chronology of SP development in the AD brain. SP from 10 microns to a maximum diameter of 160 microns were present in the tissue and the size class frequency distributions were positively skewed. The frequency distributions varied between brain regions in: (1) the size class containing the mode, (2) the degree of positive skew, and (3) the ratio of large to small SP. In most patients the ratio of large to small SP was higher in the hippocampus or adjacent gyrus compared with temporal, parietal and frontal neocortex. If the diameter of a SP reflects its age in the tissue than the data suggest that SP formed earlier either in the hippocampus or adjacent gyrus compared with the other neocortical tissues. However, this conclusion rests on a number of assumptions including: (1) that SP diameter is directly related to age, (2) that SP development occurs at similar rates in different brain regions and (3) that, once formed, SP are not removed from the tissue by astrocytes.


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This research examines the relationship between 'race' and class in Britain. This is achieved by considering how these two concepts articulate in the overall structuring of class relationships in a society which is typified by the incorporatation of black labour into a majority white society, This relationship is examined through an investigation of those black workers who occupy a position in the objectively defined middle class. The basic theme underlying this research is that 'race, in the form of structural racism, plays a significant role at two levels. Firstly, it serves to structure the class position of black labour in Britain. Secondly, it serves to determine the type of race, class and political consciousness generated by black labour. The study was carried out in the London area. Occupation was used as an indicator of 'objective' class position when selecting respondents to be included in the two survey populations required for the research. A 'network' approach was used to actually locate the respondents. In-depth interviews were carried out with all the respondents. The study concludes that the concepts of 'race' and class are not independent of each other in the overall structuring of class relationships between black and white labour. It is argued that the inter-relationship identified between these two concepts serves to highlight the fact that the structural position of black labour, the type of consciousness generated and the type of decisions taken by those who took part in the research are to a large extent a result of the structural constraints deriving from the effects of structural racism in Britain.


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Modelling class B G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) using class A GPCR structural templates is difficult due to lack of homology. The plant GPCR, GCR1, has homology to both class A and class B GPCRs. We have used this to generate a class A-class B alignment, and by incorporating maximum lagged correlation of entropy and hydrophobicity into a consensus score, we have been able to align receptor transmembrane regions. We have applied this analysis to generate active and inactive homology models of the class B calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor, and have supported it with site-directed mutagenesis data using 122 CGRP receptor residues and 144 published mutagenesis results on other class B GPCRs. The variation of sequence variability with structure, the analysis of polarity violations, the alignment of group-conserved residues and the mutagenesis results at 27 key positions were particularly informative in distinguishing between the proposed and plausible alternative alignments. Furthermore, we have been able to associate the key molecular features of the class B GPCR signalling machinery with their class A counterparts for the first time. These include the [K/R]KLH motif in intracellular loop 1, [I/L]xxxL and KxxK at the intracellular end of TM5 and TM6, the NPXXY/VAVLY motif on TM7 and small group-conserved residues in TM1, TM2, TM3 and TM7. The equivalent of the class A DRY motif is proposed to involve Arg(2.39), His(2.43) and Glu(3.46), which makes a polar lock with T(6.37). These alignments and models provide useful tools for understanding class B GPCR function.


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One feature of nineteenth-century German migrant communities was a dense network of religious and secular ethnic institutions in virtually all destination countries. The article is a microhistorical study of a representative German community in Britain. Ethnic institutions in Glasgow included two protestant congregations and a variety of associations fostering sociability, culture and philanthropy. The institutions served as a platform to negotiate questions of ethnicity, class and gender. They were mostly financed by a small elite within the German business community which, in turn, used them to exercise power and confirm social stratification. In the pre-war years, ethnic life was increasingly permeated by nationalism. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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Purpose: To investigate the role of thioredoxin (TRX), a novel regulator of extracellular transglutaminase 2 (TG2), in celiac patients IgA (CD IgA) mediated TG2 enzymatic activation. Methods: TG2 enzymatic activity was evaluated in endothelial cells (HUVECs) under different experimental conditions by ELISA and Western blotting. Extracellular TG2 expression was studied by ELISA and immunofluorescence. TRX was analysed by Western blotting and ELISA. Serum immunoglobulins class A from healthy subjects (H IgA) were used as controls. Extracellular TG2 enzymatic activity was inhibited by R281. PX12, a TRX inhibitor, was also employed in the present study. Results: We have found that in HUVECs CD IgA is able to induce the activation of extracellular TG2 in a dose-dependent manner. Particularly, we noted that the extracellular modulation of TG2 activity mediated by CD IgA occurred only under reducing conditions, also needed to maintain antibody binding. Furthermore, CD IgA-treated HUVECs were characterized by a slightly augmented TG2 surface expression which was independent from extracellular TG2 activation. We also observed that HUVECs cultured in the presence of CD IgA evinced decreased TRX surface expression, coupled with increased secretion of the protein into the culture medium. Intriguingly, inhibition of TRX after CD IgA treatment was able to overcome most of the CD IgA-mediated effects including the TG2 extracellular transamidase activity. Conclusions: Altogether our findings suggest that in endothelial cells CD IgA mediate the constitutive activation of extracellular TG2 by a mechanism involving the redox sensor protein TRX. © 2013 Nadalutti et al.


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Background - Modelling the interaction between potentially antigenic peptides and Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules is a key step in identifying potential T-cell epitopes. For Class II MHC alleles, the binding groove is open at both ends, causing ambiguity in the positional alignment between the groove and peptide, as well as creating uncertainty as to what parts of the peptide interact with the MHC. Moreover, the antigenic peptides have variable lengths, making naive modelling methods difficult to apply. This paper introduces a kernel method that can handle variable length peptides effectively by quantifying similarities between peptide sequences and integrating these into the kernel. Results - The kernel approach presented here shows increased prediction accuracy with a significantly higher number of true positives and negatives on multiple MHC class II alleles, when testing data sets from MHCPEP [1], MCHBN [2], and MHCBench [3]. Evaluation by cross validation, when segregating binders and non-binders, produced an average of 0.824 AROC for the MHCBench data sets (up from 0.756), and an average of 0.96 AROC for multiple alleles of the MHCPEP database. Conclusion - The method improves performance over existing state-of-the-art methods of MHC class II peptide binding predictions by using a custom, knowledge-based representation of peptides. Similarity scores, in contrast to a fixed-length, pocket-specific representation of amino acids, provide a flexible and powerful way of modelling MHC binding, and can easily be applied to other dynamic sequence problems.


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Two algorithms, based onBayesian Networks (BNs), for bacterial subcellular location prediction, are explored in this paper: one predicts all locations for Gram+ bacteria and the other all locations for Gram- bacteria. Methods were evaluated using different numbers of residues (from the N-terminal 10 residues to the whole sequence) and residue representation (amino acid-composition, percentage amino acid-composition or normalised amino acid-composition). The accuracy of the best resulting BN was compared to PSORTB. The accuracy of this multi-location BN was roughly comparable to PSORTB; the difference in predictions is low, often less than 2%. The BN method thus represents both an important new avenue of methodological development for subcellular location prediction and a potentially value new tool of true utilitarian value for candidate subunit vaccine selection.


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We study the dynamics of a growing crystalline facet where the growth mechanism is controlled by the geometry of the local curvature. A continuum model, in (2+1) dimensions, is developed in analogy with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model is considered for the purpose. Following standard coarse graining procedures, it is shown that in the large time, long distance limit, the continuum model predicts a curvature independent KPZ phase, thereby suppressing all explicit effects of curvature and local pinning in the system, in the "perturbative" limit. A direct numerical integration of this growth equation, in 1+1 dimensions, supports this observation below a critical parametric range, above which generic instabilities, in the form of isolated pillared structures lead to deviations from standard scaling behaviour. Possibilities of controlling this instability by introducing statistically "irrelevant" (in the sense of renormalisation groups) higher ordered nonlinearities have also been discussed.


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Oral therapy for type 2 diabetes mellitus, when used appropriately, can safely assist patients to achieve glycaemic targets in the short to medium term. However, the progressive nature of type 2 diabetes usually requires a combination of two or more oral agents in the longer term, often as a prelude to insulin therapy. Issues of safety and tolerability, notably weight gain, often limit the optimal application of anti-diabetic drugs such as sulforylureas and thiazolidinediones. Moreover, the impact of different drugs, even within a single class, on the risk of long-term vascular complications has come under scrutiny. For example, recent publication of evidence suggesting potential detrimental effects of rosiglitazone on myocardial events generated a heated debate and led to a reduction in use of this drug. In contrast, current evidence supports the view that pioglitazone has vasculoprotective properties. Both drugs are contraindicated in patients who are at risk of heart failure. An additional recently identified safety concern is an increased risk of fractures, especially in postmenopausal women. Several new drugs with glucose-lowering efficacy that may offer certain advantages have recently become available. These include (i) injectable glucagonlike peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists and oral dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors; (ii) the amylin analogue pramlintide; and (iii) selective cannabinoid receptor-1 (CB1) antagonists. GLP-1 receptor agonists, such as exenatide, stimulate nutrient-induced insulin secretion and reduce inappropriate glucagon secretion while delaying gastric emptying and reducing appetite. These agents offer a low risk of hypoglycaemia combined with sustained weight loss. The DPP-4 inhibitors sitagliptin and vildagliptin are generally weight neutral, with less marked gastrointestinal adverse effects than the GLP-1 receptor agonists. Potential benefits of GLP-1 receptor stimulation on P cell neogenesis are under investigation. Pancreatitis has been reported in exenatide-treated patients. Pramlintide, an injected peptide used in combination with insulin, can reduce insulin dose and bodyweight. The CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant promotes weight loss and has favourable effects on aspects of the metabolic syndrome, including the hyperglycaemia of type 2 diabetes. However, in 2007 the US FDA declined approval of rimonabant, requiring more data on adverse effects, notably depression. The future of dual peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha/gamma agonists, or glitazars, is presently uncertain following concerns about their safety. In conclusion, several new classes of drugs have recently become available in some countries that offer new options for treating type 2 diabetes. Beneficial or neutral effects on bodyweight are an attractive feature of the new drugs. However, the higher cost of these agents, coupled with an absence of long-term safety and clinical outcome data, need to be taken into consideration by clinicians and healthcare organizations.