988 resultados para CELL-DISEASE


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PURPOSE: This multicenter phase III study evaluated the efficacy and safety of lapatinib, an epidermal growth factor receptor/ErbB2 inhibitor, administered concomitantly with chemoradiotherapy and as maintenance monotherapy in patients with high-risk surgically treated squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with resected stage II to IVA SCCHN, with a surgical margin ≤ 5 mm and/or extracapsular extension, were randomly assigned to chemoradiotherapy (66 Gy total radiation dose and cisplatin 100 mg/m(2) per day administered on days 1, 22, and 43) plus placebo or lapatinib (1,500 mg per day) before and during chemoradiotherapy, followed by 12 months of maintenance monotherapy. RESULTS: Six hundred eighty-eight patients were enrolled (lapatinib, n = 346; placebo, n = 342). With a median follow-up time of 35.3 months, the study ended early because of the apparent plateauing of disease-free survival (DFS) events. Median DFS assessed by an independent review committee was 53.6 months and not reached for lapatinib and placebo, respectively (hazard ratio, 1.10; 95% CI, 0.85 to 1.43). Investigator-assessed results confirmed the independent review committee assessment. No significant differences in DFS by human papillomavirus status or overall survival were observed between treatment arms. Similar numbers of patients in both treatment arms experienced adverse events (AEs), with more patients in the lapatinib arm than the placebo arm experiencing serious AEs (48% v 40%, respectively). The most commonly observed treatment-related AEs were diarrhea and rash, both predominantly in the lapatinib arm. CONCLUSION: Addition of lapatinib to chemoradiotherapy and its use as long-term maintenance therapy does not offer any efficacy benefits and had additional toxicity compared with placebo in patients with surgically treated high-risk SCCHN.


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AbstractRenal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the seventh most common histological type of cancer in the Western world and has shown a sustained increase in its prevalence. The histological classification of RCCs is of utmost importance, considering the significant prognostic and therapeutic implications of its histological subtypes. Imaging methods play an outstanding role in the diagnosis, staging and follow-up of RCC. Clear cell, papillary and chromophobe are the most common histological subtypes of RCC, and their preoperative radiological characterization, either followed or not by confirmatory percutaneous biopsy, may be particularly useful in cases of poor surgical condition, metastatic disease, central mass in a solitary kidney, and in patients eligible for molecular targeted therapy. New strategies recently developed for treating renal cancer, such as cryo and radiofrequency ablation, molecularly targeted therapy and active surveillance also require appropriate preoperative characterization of renal masses. Less common histological types, although sharing nonspecific imaging features, may be suspected on the basis of clinical and epidemiological data. The present study is aimed at reviewing the main clinical and imaging findings of histological RCC subtypes.


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When emerging from the ribosomes, new polypeptides need to fold properly, eventually translocate, and then assemble into stable, yet functionally flexible complexes. During their lifetime, native proteins are often exposed to stresses that can partially unfold and convert them into stably misfolded and aggregated species, which can in turn cause cellular damage and propagate to other cells. In animal cells, especially in aged neurons, toxic aggregates may accumulate, induce cell death and lead to tissue degeneration via different mechanisms, such as apoptosis as in Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases and aging in general. The main cellular mechanisms effectively controlling protein homeostasis in youth and healthy adulthood are: (1) the molecular chaperones, acting as aggregate unfolding and refolding enzymes, (2) the chaperone-gated proteases, acting as aggregate unfolding and degrading enzymes, (3) the aggresomes, acting as aggregate compacting machineries, and (4) the autophagosomes, acting as aggregate degrading organelles. For unclear reasons, these cellular defences become gradually incapacitated with age, leading to the onset of degenerative diseases. Understanding these mechanisms and the reasons for their incapacitation in late adulthood is key to the design of new therapies against the progression of aging, degenerative diseases and cancers.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess longitudinally the antiviral immune response of T cells from patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) treated with fingolimod (FTY) vs other disease-modifying treatments (DMTs). METHODS: We assessed cellular immune responses specific to influenza virus (FLU), JC virus (JCV), and varicella-zoster virus (VZV) using quantification of interferon-γ secretion by enzyme-linked immunospot in patients with MS on FTY (n = 31), including 2 with herpes zoster (HZ), natalizumab (n = 11), and other DMTs (n = 11). We used viral lysates for FLU and VZV and a pool of peptides for FLU, JCV (VP-1), and VZV (IE63). RESULTS: Besides an expected drop of T cells, we found that, proportionally to the number of CD3(+) T cells, only FTY-treated patients with MS exhibited an increased VZV/IE63-specific T cell response peaking 6 months into treatment, a response that returned to baseline after 12 and 24 months. Two FTY-treated patients developed an HZ 6 months into treatment, coinciding with an absent VZV/IE63-specific T cell response. However, cellular immune responses specific to VZV lysate, JCV, and FLU (lysate and pool of peptide epitopes) were similar between all 3 categories (FTY, natalizumab, and other DMTs) of study patients. CONCLUSIONS: FTY-treated patients with MS exhibit an increased VZV/IE63-specific cellular immune response after 6 months of treatment. FTY-treated patients who develop an HZ are not able to mount such a response, suggesting that a T cell response directed against this viral protein may be key in preventing the occurrence of HZ.


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Metacaspases (MCAs) are cysteine peptidases expressed in plants, fungi and protozoa, with a caspase-like histidine-cysteine catalytic dyad, but differing from caspases, for example, in their substrate specificity. The role of MCAs is subject to debate: roles in cell cycle control, in cell death or even in cell survival have been suggested. In this study, using a Leishmania major MCA-deficient strain, we showed that L. major MCA (LmjMCA) not only had a role similar to caspases in cell death but also in autophagy and this through different domains. Upon cell death induction by miltefosine or H2O2, LmjMCA is processed, releasing the catalytic domain, which activated substrates via its catalytic dyad His/Cys and a proline-rich C-terminal domain. The C-terminal domain interacted with proteins, notably proteins involved in stress regulation, such as the MAP kinase LmaMPK7 or programmed cell death like the calpain-like cysteine peptidase. We also showed a new role of LmjMCA in autophagy, acting on or upstream of ATG8, involving Lmjmca gene overexpression and interaction of the C-terminal domain of LmjMCA with itself and other proteins. These results allowed us to propose two models, showing the role of LmjMCA in the cell death and also in the autophagy pathway, implicating different protein domains.


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Epitheliocystis is an infectious disease affecting gills and skin of various freshwater and marine fishes, associated with high mortality and reduced growth of survivors. Candidatus Piscichlamydia salmonis and Clavochlamydia salmonicola have recently been identified as aetiological agents of epitheliocystis in Atlantic Salmon. In addition, several other members of the Chlamydiales order have been identified in other fish species. To clarify the pathogenicity of Chlamydia-like organisms towards fishes, we investigated the permissivity of two fish cell lines, EPC-175 (Fathead Minnow) and RTG-2 (rainbow trout) to three Chlamydia-related bacteria: Waddlia chondrophila, Parachlamydia acanthamoebae and Estrella lausannensis. Quantitative PCR and immunofluorescence demonstrated that W. chondrophila and, to a lesser extent, E. lausannensis were able to replicate in the two cell lines tested. Waddlia chondrophila multiplied rapidly in its host cell and a strong cytopathic effect was observed. During E. lausannensis infection, we observed a limited replication of the bacteria not followed by host cell lysis. Very limited replication of P. acanthamoebae was observed in both cell lines tested. Given its high infectivity and cytopathic effect towards fish cell lines, W. chondrophila represents the most interesting Chlamydia-related bacteria to be used to develop an in vivo model of epitheliocystis disease in fishes.


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The neuronal calcium sensor proteins GCAPs (guanylate cyclase activating proteins) switch between Ca2+-free and Ca2+-bound conformational states and confer calcium sensitivity to guanylate cyclase at retinal photoreceptor cells. They play a fundamental role in light adaptation by coupling the rate of cGMP synthesis to the intracellular concentration of calcium. Mutations in GCAPs lead to blindness. The importance of functional EF-hands in GCAP1 for photoreceptor cell integrity has been well established. Mutations in GCAP1 that diminish its Ca2+ binding affinity lead to cell damage by causing unabated cGMP synthesis and accumulation of toxic levels of free cGMP and Ca2+. We here investigate the relevance of GCAP2 functional EF-hands for photoreceptor cell integrity. By characterizing transgenic mice expressing a mutant form of GCAP2 with all EF-hands inactivated (EF(-)GCAP2), we show that GCAP2 locked in its Ca2+-free conformation leads to a rapid retinal degeneration that is not due to unabated cGMP synthesis. We unveil that when locked in its Ca2+-free conformation in vivo, GCAP2 is phosphorylated at Ser201 and results in phospho-dependent binding to the chaperone 14-3-3 and retention at the inner segment and proximal cell compartments. Accumulation of phosphorylated EF(-)GCAP2 at the inner segment results in severe toxicity. We show that in wildtype mice under physiological conditions, 50% of GCAP2 is phosphorylated correlating with the 50% of the protein being retained at the inner segment. Raising mice under constant light exposure, however, drastically increases the retention of GCAP2 in its Ca2+-free form at the inner segment. This study identifies a new mechanism governing GCAP2 subcellular distribution in vivo, closely related to disease. It also identifies a pathway by which a sustained reduction in intracellular free Ca2+ could result in photoreceptor damage, relevant for light damage and for those genetic disorders resulting in 'equivalent-light'' scenarios.


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Plants constitute an excellent ecosystem for microorganisms. The environmental conditions offered differ considerably between the highly variable aerial plant part and the more stable root system. Microbes interact with plant tissues and cells with different degrees of dependence. The most interesting from the microbial ecology point of view, however, are specific interactions developed by plant-beneficial (either non-symbiotic or symbiotic) and pathogenic microorganisms. Plants, like humans and other animals, also become sick, but they have evolved a sophisticated defense response against microbes, based on a combination of constitutive and inducible responses which can be localized or spread throughout plant organs and tissues. The response is mediated by several messenger molecules that activate pathogen-responsive genes coding for enzymes or antimicrobial compounds, and produces less sophisticated and specific compounds than immunoglobulins in animals. However, the response specifically detects intracellularly a type of protein of the pathogen based on a gene-for-gene interaction recognition system, triggering a biochemical attack and programmed cell death. Several implications for the management of plant diseases are derived from knowledge of the basis of the specificity of plant-bacteria interactions. New biotechnological products are currently being developed based on stimulation of the plant defense response, and on the use of plant-beneficial bacteria for biological control of plant diseases (biopesticides) and for plant growth promotion (biofertilizers)


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In the past decades drug discovery practice has escaped from the complexity of the formerly used phenotypic screening in animals to focus on assessing drug effects on isolated protein targets in the search for drugs that exclusively and potently hit one selected target, thought to be critical for a given disease, while not affecting at all any other target to avoid the occurrence of side-effects. However, reality does not conform to these expectations, and, conversely, this approach has been concurrent with increased attrition figures in late-stage clinical trials, precisely due to lack of efficacy and safety. In this context, a network biology perspective of human disease and treatment has burst into the drug discovery scenario to bring it back to the consideration of the complexity of living organisms and particularly of the (patho)physiological environment where protein targets are (mal)functioning and where drugs have to exert their restoring action. Under this perspective, it has been found that usually there is not one but several disease-causing genes and, therefore, not one but several relevant protein targets to be hit, which do not work on isolation but in a highly interconnected manner, and that most known drugs are inherently promiscuous. In this light, the rationale behind the currently prevailing single-target-based drug discovery approach might even seem a Utopia, while, conversely, the notion that the complexity of human disease must be tackled with complex polypharmacological therapeutic interventions constitutes a difficult-torefuse argument that is spurring the development of multitarget therapies.


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The mechanical properties of biological cells have long been considered as inherent markers of biological function and disease. However, the screening and active sorting of heterogeneous populations based on serial single-cell mechanical measurements has not been demonstrated. Here we present a novel monolithic glass chip for combined fluorescence detection and mechanical phenotyping using an optical stretcher. A new design and manufacturing process, involving the bonding of two asymmetrically etched glass plates, combines exact optical fiber alignment, low laser damage threshold and high imaging quality with the possibility of several microfluidic inlet and outlet channels. We show the utility of such a custombuilt optical stretcher glass chip by measuring and sorting single cells in a heterogeneous population based on their different mechanical properties and verify sorting accuracy by simultaneous fluorescence detection. This offers new possibilities of exact characterization and sorting of small populations based on rheological properties for biological and biomedical applications.


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Molekyylimarkkerit ja pitkäaikainen alfainterferonihoito munuaissyövässä Munuaissyöpäpotilaiden viiden vuoden elossaololuku on noin 50 %. Aikaisempien tutkimuksien mukaan viiden vuoden elossaololuku metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä on 3-16 %, kun käytettiin alfainterferonia sisältävää hoitoa. Tyypillisesti alfainterferonia on käytetty vähemmäin kuin 6 kuukautta. Avoimia kysymyksiä ovat alfainterferonin optimaalinen hoitoannos ja hoidon kesto yksin tai yhdessä uusien täsmähoitojen kanssa. Tärkeimmät tavoitteet olivat tutkia 1) jaksotetun pitkäaikaisen alfainterferonihoidon tehoa ja siedettävyyttä metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä ja 2) p53-, Ki-67- ja COX-2-proteiinituotannon ennusteellista merkitystä munuaissyövässä. Tutkimuksessa 117 metastasoituneelle munuaissyöpää sairastaneelle potilaalle etsittiin yksilöllinen hänen sietämänsä maksimaalinen hoitoannos rekombinanttia alfa2a-interferonia (Roferon-ATM). Hoitoa pyrittiin jatkamaan 24 kuukauden ajan. Kolmen hoitoviikon jälkeen pidettiin yhden viikon tauko. Hoito lopetettiin, jos ilmaantui vakavia haittavaikutuksia tai tauti eteni. Toisessa tutkimuksessa proteiinituotanto analysoitiin immunohistokemiallisesti munuaissyöpäpotilaiden kasvainnäytteistä, joita oli säilytetty parafiinissa. Kasvainnäytteet oli otettu talteen munuaisen poistoleikkauksen yhteydessä. Nämä potilaat jaettiin kolmeen eri ryhmään: metastasointi primaarivaiheessa (n=29), metastasointi myöhemmin (n=37) ja ei metastasointia (n=51). Keskimääräinen alfainterferonihoidon kesto oli 11 kuukautta (kk) [0,5 – 32 kk]. Objektiivinen hoitovaste todettiin 17 %:lla, tautitilanne pysyi ennallaan 42 %:lla ja myöhäinen vaste (yli 12 kk:tta hoidon aloittamisesta) todettiin 3 %:lla. Aika vasteen saavuttamisesta taudin etenemiseen oli keskimäärin 8 kk ja elinaika 19,1 kk. Viiden vuoden elossaololuku oli 16 %. Jos metastasoituneella munuaissyöpäpotilaalla oli keuhkometastasointi, hän selvisi todennäköisemmin viisi vuotta kuin muut potilaat. Henkeä uhkaavia sivuvaikutuksia ei todettu. Yli 12 kk:n ajan kestävä alfainterferonihoito on hyödyllistä niille potilaille, jotka ovat saaneet objektiivisen hoitovasteen tai tautitilanne on pysynyt ennallaan. Positiivinen p53- ja Ki-67-ekspressio yhdessä viittaavat suureen metastasoinnin todennäköisyyteen. Positiivinen COX-2-ekspressio viittaa viivästyneeseen metastaasien ilmaantumiseen. Metastasoituneilla potilailla positiiviset p53- ja Ki-67-ekspressiot viittaavat huonoon ennusteeseen, mutta positiivinen COX-2 ekspressio viittaa suotuisaan ennusteeseen. Positiivinen COX-2- ja negatiivinen Ki-67-ekspressio yhdessä viittaavat parantuneeseen ennusteeseen metastasoituneessa munuaissyövässä.


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Background. Multiple myeloma (MM) is the second most common hematologic malignancy after lymphomas In Finland: the annual incidence of MM is approximately 200. For three decades the median survival remained at 3 to 4 years from diagnosis until high-dose melphalan treatment supported by autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) became the standard of care for newly diagnosed MM since the mid 1990’s and the median survival increased to 5 – 6 years. This study focuses on three important aspects of ASCT, namely 1) stem cell mobilization, 2) single vs. double ASCT as initial treatment, and 3) the role of minimal residual disease (MRD) for longterm outcome. Aim. The aim of this series of studies was to evaluate the outcomes of MM patients and the ASCT procedure at the Turku University Central Hospital, Finland. First, we tried to identify which factors predict unsuccessful mobilization of autologous stem cells. Second, we compared the use of short-acting granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (GCSF) with long-acting G-CSF as mobilization agents. Third, one and two successive ASCTs were compared in 100 patients with MM. Fourth, for patients in complete response (CR) after stem cell transplantation (SCT), patient-specific probes for quantitative allele-specific oligonucleotide polymerase-chain reaction (qASO-PCR) measurements were designed to evaluate MRD and its importance for long-term outcome. Results. The quantity of previous chemotherapy and previous interferon use were significant pre-mobilization factors that predicted mobilization failure, together with some factors related to mobilization therapy itself, such as duration and degree of cytopenias and occurrence of sepsis. Short-acting and long-acting G-CSF combined with chemotherapy were comparable as stem cells mobilizers. The progression free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) tended to be longer after double ASCT than after single ASCT with a median follow-up time of 4 years, but this difference disappeared as the follow-up time increased. qASO-PCR was a good and sensitive divider of the CR patients into two prognostic groups: MRD low/negative (≤ 0.01%) and MRD high (>0.01%) groups with a significant difference in PFS and suggestively also in OS. Conclusions. When the factors prediciting a poor outcome of stem cell mobilization prevail, it is possible to identify those patients who need specific efforts to maximize the mobilization efficacy. Long-acting pegfilgrastim is a practical and effective alternative to short-acting filgrastim for mobilization therapy. There is no need to perform double ASCT on all eligible patients. MRD assessment with qASO-PCR is a sensitive method for evaluation of the depth of the CR response and can be used to predict long-term outcome after ACST.


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The nucleus is a membrane enclosed organelle containing most of the genetic information of the cell in the form of chromatin. The nucleus, which can be divided into many sub-organelles such as the nucleoli, the Cajal bodies and the nuclear lamina, is the site for several essential cellular functions such as the DNA replication and its regulation and most of the RNA synthesis and processing. The nucleus is often affected in disease: the size and the shape of the nucleus, the chromatin distribution and the size of the nucleoli have remained the basis for the grading of several cancers. The maintenance of the vertebrate body shape depends on the skeleton. Similarly, in a smaller context, the shape of the cell and the nucleus are mainly regulated by the cytoskeletal and nucleoskeletal elements. The nuclear matrix, which by definition is a detergent, DNase and salt resistant proteinaceous nuclear structure, has been suggested to form the nucleoskeleton responsible for the nuclear integrity. Nuclear mitotic apparatus protein, NuMA, a component of the nuclear matrix, is better known for its mitotic spindle organizing function. NuMA is one of the nuclear matrix proteins suggested to participate in the maintenance of the nuclear integrity during interphase but its interphase function has not been solved to date. This thesis study concentrated on the role of NuMA and the nuclear matrix as structural and functional components of the interphase nucleus. The first two studies clarified the essential role of caspase-3 in the disintegration of the nuclear structures during apoptosis. The second study also showed NuMA and chromatin to co-elute from cells in significant amounts and the apoptotic cleavage of NuMA was clarified to have an important role in the dissociation of NuMA from the chromatin. The third study concentrated on the interphase function of NuMA showing NuMA depletion to result in cell cycle arrest and the cytoplasmic relocalization of NuMA interaction partner GAS41. We suggest that the relocalization of the transcription factor GAS41 may mediate the cell cycle arrest. Thus, this study has given new aspects in the interactions of NuMA, chromatin and the nuclear matrix.


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High-throughput screening of cellular effects of RNA interference (RNAi) libraries is now being increasingly applied to explore the role of genes in specific cell biological processes and disease states. However, the technology is still limited to specialty laboratories, due to the requirements for robotic infrastructure, access to expensive reagent libraries, expertise in high-throughput screening assay development, standardization, data analysis and applications. In the future, alternative screening platforms will be required to expand functional large-scale experiments to include more RNAi constructs, allow combinatorial loss-of-function analyses (e.g. genegene or gene-drug interaction), gain-of-function screens, multi-parametric phenotypic readouts or comparative analysis of many different cell types. Such comprehensive perturbation of gene networks in cells will require a major increase in the flexibility of the screening platforms, throughput and reduction of costs. As an alternative for the conventional multi-well based high-throughput screening -platforms, here the development of a novel cell spot microarray method for production of high density siRNA reverse transfection arrays is described. The cell spot microarray platform is distinguished from the majority of other transfection cell microarray techniques by the spatially confined array layout that allow highly parallel screening of large-scale RNAi reagent libraries with assays otherwise difficult or not applicable to high-throughput screening. This study depicts the development of the cell spot microarray method along with biological application examples of high-content immunofluorescence and phenotype based cancer cell biological analyses focusing on the regulation of prostate cancer cell growth, maintenance of genomic integrity in breast cancer cells, and functional analysis of integrin protein-protein interactions in situ.


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Cells of epithelial origin, e.g. from breast and prostate cancers, effectively differentiate into complex multicellular structures when cultured in three-dimensions (3D) instead of conventional two-dimensional (2D) adherent surfaces. The spectrum of different organotypic morphologies is highly dependent on the culture environment that can be either non-adherent or scaffold-based. When embedded in physiological extracellular matrices (ECMs), such as laminin-rich basement membrane extracts, normal epithelial cells differentiate into acinar spheroids reminiscent of glandular ductal structures. Transformed cancer cells, in contrast, typically fail to undergo acinar morphogenic patterns, forming poorly differentiated or invasive multicellular structures. The 3D cancer spheroids are widely accepted to better recapitulate various tumorigenic processes and drug responses. So far, however, 3D models have been employed predominantly in the Academia, whereas the pharmaceutical industry has yet to adopt a more widely and routine use. This is mainly due to poor characterisation of cell models, lack of standardised workflows and high throughput cell culture platforms, and the availability of proper readout and quantification tools. In this thesis, a complete workflow has been established entailing well-characterised 3D cell culture models for prostate cancer, a standardised 3D cell culture routine based on high-throughput-ready platform, automated image acquisition with concomitant morphometric image analysis, and data visualisation, in order to enable large-scale high-content screens. Our integrated suite of software and statistical analysis tools were optimised and validated using a comprehensive panel of prostate cancer cell lines and 3D models. The tools quantify multiple key cancer-relevant morphological features, ranging from cancer cell invasion through multicellular differentiation to growth, and detect dynamic changes both in morphology and function, such as cell death and apoptosis, in response to experimental perturbations including RNA interference and small molecule inhibitors. Our panel of cell lines included many non-transformed and most currently available classic prostate cancer cell lines, which were characterised for their morphogenetic properties in 3D laminin-rich ECM. The phenotypes and gene expression profiles were evaluated concerning their relevance for pre-clinical drug discovery, disease modelling and basic research. In addition, a spontaneous model for invasive transformation was discovered, displaying a highdegree of epithelial plasticity. This plasticity is mediated by an abundant bioactive serum lipid, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), and its receptor LPAR1. The invasive transformation was caused by abrupt cytoskeletal rearrangement through impaired G protein alpha 12/13 and RhoA/ROCK, and mediated by upregulated adenylyl cyclase/cyclic AMP (cAMP)/protein kinase A, and Rac/ PAK pathways. The spontaneous invasion model tangibly exemplifies the biological relevance of organotypic cell culture models. Overall, this thesis work underlines the power of novel morphometric screening tools in drug discovery.