922 resultados para Building material industry


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O objetivo primordial deste trabalho foi estabelecer um roteiro tecnológico para aplicação das tecnologias de “Captação, Utilização e Sequestração de Carbono - CCUS” em Portugal. Para o efeito procedeu-se à identificação da origem das maiores fontes emissoras estacionárias industriais de CO2, adotando como critério o valor mínimo de 1×105 ton CO2/ano e limitado apenas ao território continental. Com base na informação recolhida e referente aos dados oficiais mais recentes (ano de 2013), estimou-se que o volume de emissões industriais de CO2 possível de captar em Portugal, corresponde a cerca de 47 % do valor global das emissões industriais, sendo oriundo de três setores de atividade industrial: produção de cimento, de pasta de papel e centrais termoelétricas a carvão. A maioria das grandes fontes emissoras industriais localiza-se no litoral do país, concentrando-se entre Aveiro e Sines. Pelas condicionantes geográficas do país e, sobretudo pela vantagem de já existir uma rede de gasodutos para o transporte de gás natural, com as respetivas infraestruturas de apoio associadas, admitiu-se que o cenário mais favorável para o transporte do CO2 captado será a criação de um sistema de transporte por gasoduto específico para o CO2. Como critério de compatibilização da proximidade das fontes emissoras de CO2 com potenciais locais para o armazenamento geológico das correntes captadas, adotou-se a distância máxima de 100 km, considerada adequada perante a dimensão do território nacional e as características do tecido industrial nacional. Efetuou-se a revisão das tecnologias de captação de CO2 disponíveis, quer comercialmente, quer em níveis avançados de demonstração e procedeu-se à análise exploratória da adequação desses diferentes métodos de captação a cada um dos setores de atividade industrial previamente identificados com emissões de CO2 suscetíveis de serem captadas. Na perspetiva da melhor integração dos processos, esta análise preliminar tomou em consideração as características das misturas gasosas, assim como o contexto industrial correspondente e o processo produtivo que lhe dá origem. As possibilidades de utilização industrial do CO2 sujeito à captação no país foram tratadas neste trabalho de forma genérica dado que a identificação de oportunidades reais para a utilização de correntes de CO2 captadas exige uma análise de compatibilização das necessidades efetivas de utilização de CO2 por parte de potenciais utilizadores industriais que carece da caracterização prévia das propriedades dessas correntes. Este é um tipo de análise muito específico que pressupõe o interesse mútuo de diferentes intervenientes: agentes emissores de CO2, operadores de transporte e, principalmente, potenciais utilizadores de CO2 como: matéria-prima para a síntese de compostos, solvente de extração supercrítica na indústria alimentar ou farmacêutica, agente corretor de pH em tratamento de efluentes, biofixação por fotossíntese, ou outra das aplicações possíveis identificadas para o CO2 captado. A última etapa deste estudo consistiu na avaliação das possibilidades de armazenamento geológico do CO2 captado e envolveu a identificação, nas bacias sedimentares nacionais, de formações geológicas com características reconhecidas como sendo boas indicações para o armazenamento de CO2 de forma permanente e em segurança. Seguiu-se a metodologia preconizada por organizações internacionais aplicando à situação nacional, critérios de seleção e de segurança que se encontram reconhecidamente definidos. A adequação para o armazenamento de CO2 das formações geológicas pré-selecionadas terá que ser comprovada por estudos adicionais que complementem os dados já existentes sobre as características geológicas destas formações e, mais importante ainda, por testes laboratoriais e ensaios de injeção de CO2 que possam fornecer informação concreta para estimar a capacidade de sequestração e de retenção de CO2 nestas formações e estabelecer os modelos geológicos armazenamento que permitam identificar e estimar, de forma concreta e objetiva, os riscos associados à injeção e armazenamento de CO2.


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The usage of multi material structures in industry, especially in the automotive industry are increasing. To overcome the difficulties in joining these structures, adhesives have several benefits over traditional joining methods. Therefore, accurate simulations of the entire process of fracture including the adhesive layer is crucial. In this paper, material parameters of a previously developed meso mechanical finite element (FE) model of a thin adhesive layer are optimized using the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2). Objective functions are defined as the error between experimental data and simulation data. The experimental data is provided by previously performed experiments where an adhesive layer was loaded in monotonically increasing peel and shear. Two objective functions are dependent on 9 model parameters (decision variables) in total and are evaluated by running two FEsimulations, one is loading the adhesive layer in peel and the other in shear. The original study converted the two objective functions into one function that resulted in one optimal solution. In this study, however, a Pareto frontis obtained by employing the SPEA2 algorithm. Thus, more insight into the material model, objective functions, optimal solutions and decision space is acquired using the Pareto front. We compare the results and show good agreement with the experimental data.


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Companies operating in the wood processing industry need to increase their productivity by implementing automation technologies in their production systems. An increasing global competition and rising raw material prizes challenge their competitiveness. Yet, too extensive automation brings risks such as a deterioration in situation awareness and operator deskilling. The concept of Levels of Automation is generally seen as means to achieve a balanced task allocation between the operators’ skills and competences and the need for automation technology relieving the humans from repetitive or hazardous work activities. The aim of this thesis was to examine to what extent existing methods for assessing Levels of Automation in production processes are applicable in the wood processing industry when focusing on an improved competitiveness of production systems. This was done by answering the following research questions (RQ): RQ1: What method is most appropriate to be applied with measuring Levels of Automation in the wood processing industry? RQ2: How can the measurement of Levels of Automation contribute to an improved competitiveness of the wood processing industry’s production processes? Literature reviews were used to identify the main characteristics of the wood processing industry affecting its automation potential and appropriate assessment methods for Levels of Automation in order to answer RQ1. When selecting the most suitable method, factors like the relevance to the target industry, application complexity or operational level the method is penetrating were important. The DYNAMO++ method, which covers both a rather quantitative technical-physical and a more qualitative social-cognitive dimension, was seen as most appropriate when taking into account these factors. To answer RQ 2, a case study was undertaken at a major Swedish manufacturer of interior wood products to point out paths how the measurement of Levels of Automation contributes to an improved competitiveness of the wood processing industry. The focus was on the task level on shop floor and concrete improvement suggestions were elaborated after applying the measurement method for Levels of Automation. Main aspects considered for generalization were enhancements regarding ergonomics in process design and cognitive support tools for shop-floor personnel through task standardization. Furthermore, difficulties regarding the automation of grading and sorting processes due to the heterogeneous material properties of wood argue for a suitable arrangement of human intervention options in terms of work task allocation.  The application of a modified version of DYNAMO++ reveals its pros and cons during a case study which covers a high operator involvement in the improvement process and the distinct predisposition of DYNAMO++ to be applied in an assembly system.


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Hot stamping is now commonplace in the automotive industry. The continuing need by automotive manufacturers to reduce weight while increasing crashworthiness has driven the industry to seek new hot stamping solutions. Tailored hot stamping can be thought to produce a part that has patchwork of hard and soft regions. In this context, patchwork means that there is a relational organization (topology) to the network of hard and soft regions. The next generation of tailored hot stamping will therefore combine new steel grades together into a single part, and secondly will be able to locally tailor material properties to meet detailed engineering targets. The key to meeting engineering demands will be how the patchwork material properties are organized on the part. This paper will briefly outline our latest research in tailoring parts.


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BIM has received considerable attention from academics and innovative construction companies in recent years within the Iranian context. However, there is a conspicuous lack of studies, which give a picture of the current state of BIM in Iran. To address this gap in the body of the knowledge, this study intends to present an account on the current state of BIM with a focus on barriers and drivers associated with its adoption in Iran based on the perceptions of Iranian construction practitioners. Drawing upon a questionnaire survey completed by 44 construction practitioners and through deploying data visualization alongside statistical analyses, it came to light that industry practitioners in Iran are inexperienced as to BIM’s use and the level of BIM implementation in the country is at the lowest level of BIM maturity. That is, 29.5% of construction companies are involved in some level of BIM adoption whereas 56.8% have had no exposure to BIM and 36.4% do not even have any plans to adopt BIM in the near future. The findings also showed that the highest ranked barriers to adoption of BIM in Iran are almost entirely associated with the structure of the Iranian market, the nature of the construction industry and the predominant business environment in the country as well as lack of attention by policy makers and the government. On the other hand, major drivers were found to be associated with monetary gains and enhancing competitiveness in the market. The clear message is that widespread adoption of BIM in Iran will not occur in the absence of a supportive regulatory environment and financial assistance by policy makers. The paper contributes to the field by sharing the preliminary findings of the first study conducted on BIM adoption in Iran, which provides a sound basis for further inquiries on the topic.


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Résumé : Les ions hydronium (H3O + ) sont formés, à temps courts, dans les grappes ou le long des trajectoires de la radiolyse de l'eau par des rayonnements ionisants à faible transfert d’énergie linéaire (TEL) ou à TEL élevé. Cette formation in situ de H3O + rend la région des grappes/trajectoires du rayonnement temporairement plus acide que le milieu environnant. Bien que des preuves expérimentales de l’acidité d’une grappe aient déjà été signalées, il n'y a que des informations fragmentaires quant à son ampleur et sa dépendance en temps. Dans ce travail, nous déterminons les concentrations en H3O + et les valeurs de pH correspondantes en fonction du temps à partir des rendements de H3O + calculés à l’aide de simulations Monte Carlo de la chimie intervenant dans les trajectoires. Quatre ions incidents de différents TEL ont été sélectionnés et deux modèles de grappe/trajectoire ont été utilisés : 1) un modèle de grappe isolée "sphérique" (faible TEL) et 2) un modèle de trajectoire "cylindrique" (TEL élevé). Dans tous les cas étudiés, un effet de pH acide brusque transitoire, que nous appelons un effet de "pic acide", est observé immédiatement après l’irradiation. Cet effet ne semble pas avoir été exploré dans l'eau ou un milieu cellulaire soumis à un rayonnement ionisant, en particulier à haut TEL. À cet égard, ce travail soulève des questions sur les implications possibles de cet effet en radiobiologie, dont certaines sont évoquées brièvement. Nos calculs ont ensuite été étendus à l’étude de l'influence de la température, de 25 à 350 °C, sur la formation in situ d’ions H3O + et l’effet de pic acide qui intervient à temps courts lors de la radiolyse de l’eau à faible TEL. Les résultats montrent une augmentation marquée de la réponse de pic acide à hautes températures. Comme de nombreux processus intervenant dans le cœur d’un réacteur nucléaire refroidi à l'eau dépendent de façon critique du pH, la question ici est de savoir si ces fortes variations d’acidité, même si elles sont hautement localisées et transitoires, contribuent à la corrosion et l’endommagement des matériaux.


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Abstract : Although concrete is a relatively green material, the astronomical volume of concrete produced worldwide annually places the concrete construction sector among the noticeable contributors to the global warming. The most polluting constituent of concrete is cement due to its production process which releases, on average, 0.83 kg CO[subscript 2] per kg of cement. Self-consolidating concrete (SCC), a type of concrete that can fill in the formwork without external vibration, is a technology that can offer a solution to the sustainability issues of concrete industry. However, all of the workability requirements of SCC originate from a higher powder content (compared to conventional concrete) which can increase both the cost of construction and the environmental impact of SCC for some applications. Ecological SCC, Eco-SCC, is a recent development combing the advantages of SCC and a significantly lower powder content. The maximum powder content of this concrete, intended for building and commercial construction, is limited to 315 kg/m[superscript 3]. Nevertheless, designing Eco-SCC can be challenging since a delicate balance between different ingredients of this concrete is required to secure a satisfactory mixture. In this Ph.D. program, the principal objective is to develop a systematic design method to produce Eco-SCC. Since the particle lattice effect (PLE) is a key parameter to design stable Eco-SCC mixtures and is not well understood, in the first phase of this research, this phenomenon is studied. The focus in this phase is on the effect of particle-size distribution (PSD) on the PLE and stability of model mixtures as well as SCC. In the second phase, the design protocol is developed, and the properties of obtained Eco-SCC mixtures in both fresh and hardened states are evaluated. Since the assessment of robustness is crucial for successful production of concrete on large-scale, in the final phase of this work, the robustness of one the best-performing mixtures of Phase II is examined. It was found that increasing the volume fraction of a stable size-class results in an increase in the stability of that class, which in turn contributes to a higher PLE of the granular skeleton and better stability of the system. It was shown that a continuous PSD in which the volume fraction of each size class is larger than the consecutive coarser class can increase the PLE. Using such PSD was shown to allow for a substantial increase in the fluidity of SCC mixture without compromising the segregation resistance. An index to predict the segregation potential of a suspension of particles in a yield stress fluid was proposed. In the second phase of the dissertation, a five-step design method for Eco-SCC was established. The design protocol started with the determination of powder and water contents followed by the optimization of sand and coarse aggregate volume fractions according to an ideal PSD model (Funk and Dinger). The powder composition was optimized in the third step to minimize the water demand while securing adequate performance in the hardened state. The superplasticizer (SP) content of the mixtures was determined in next step. The last step dealt with the assessment of the global warming potential of the formulated Eco-SCC mixtures. The optimized Eco-SCC mixtures met all the requirements of self-consolidation in the fresh state. The 28-day compressive strength of such mixtures complied with the target range of 25 to 35 MPa. In addition, the mixtures showed sufficient performance in terms of drying shrinkage, electrical resistivity, and frost durability for the intended applications. The eco-performance of the developed mixtures was satisfactory as well. It was demonstrated in the last phase that the robustness of Eco-SCC is generally good with regards to water content variations and coarse aggregate characteristics alterations. Special attention must be paid to the dosage of SP during batching.


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The modification of peripherally metalated meso-η1-platiniometalloporphyrins, such as trans-[PtBr(NiDAPP)(PPh3)2] (H2DAPP = 5-phenyl-10,20-bis(3‘,5‘-di-tert-butylphenyl)porphyrin), leads to the analogous platinum(II) nitrato and triflato electrophiles in almost quantitative yields. Self-assembly reactions of these meso-platinioporphyrin tectons with pyridine, 4,4‘-bipyridine, or various meso-4-pyridylporphyrins in chloroform generate new multicomponent organometallic porphyrin arrays containing up to five porphyrin units. These new types of supramolecular arrays are formed exclusively in high yields and are stable in solution or in the solid state for extended periods. They were characterized by multinuclear NMR and UV−visible spectroscopy as well as high-resolution electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.