971 resultados para Anthony G. Marshall
Published ab-initio and pseudopotential calculations for the dialkali halide systems suggest that the preferred co-linear geometry is for the metal to approach the metal end of the alkali halide. Here, ab-initio calculations on the Li2F system reveal that the well depth on the halide side in this radical is much deeper and is a local saddle-point associated with the ionic non-linear global minima. Although many features of the pseudopotential surfaces are confirmed, significant differences are apparent including the existence of a linear excited state instead of a triangular one, a considerably deeper global minimum some 50% lower in energy and a close approach between the X2A1 and the states, with the minimum 87 kJ mol-1 below the ground state asymptote. All the results can be rationalised as the avoided crossings between a long range, covalent potential dominant within the LiLiF geometry and an ionic state that forms the global minimum. Calculations on the 3rd 2A' potential indicate that even for Li + LiF collisions at ultracold temperatures the collision dynamics could involve as many as three electronic states.
La doctrina de la Proliferación teórica de Paul Karl Feyerabend ha sido interpretada por sus especialistas como un intento de salvaguardar el ideal del progreso científico. Aunque tales estudios hacen justicia, en parte, a la intencionalidad de nuestro filósofo no explicitan la crítica fundamental que implica para Feyerabend el pluralismo teórico. La proliferación teórica constituye en sí misma una reductio ad absurdum de los distintos intentos del positivismo lógico y del racionalismo crítico por definir la ciencia a expensas de lo metafísico. Este artículo presenta la proliferación teórica como una reivindicación del papel positivo que ocupa la metafísica en el quehacer científico. Se consigna la defensa que hace Feyerabend de la metafísica en cuanto que ésta constituye la posibilidad de superar el conservadurismo conceptual, aumentar de contenido empírico de la ciencia y recuperar el valor descriptivo de las teorías científicas.
Intracellular accumulation of polyphosphate by the yeast Candida humicola G-1 in response to acid pH
Cells of a newly isolated environmental strain of Candida humicola accumulated 10-fold more polyphosphate (polyP), during active growth, when grown in complete glucose-mineral salts medium at pH 5.5 than when grown at pH 7.5. Neither phosphate starvation, nutrient limitation, nor anaerobiosis was required to induce polyP formation. An increase in intracellular polyP was accompanied by a 4.5-fold increase in phosphate uptake from the medium and sixfold-higher levels of cellular polyphosphate kinase activity. This novel accumulation of polyP by C. humicola G-1 in response to acid pH provides further evidence as to the importance of polyP in the physiological adaptation of microbial cells during growth and development and in their response to environmental stresses.
In 1997, New Labour set about the task of reforming public services in the United Kingdom through the use of an ideology that became known as the ‘Third Way’. This research examines the context from which this concept emerged, and explores its relationship with the tools of delivery, with particular reference to the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). The paper begins by reviewing the Third Way, before analysing the arguments for and against PFI. Using an example from the Northern Ireland education sector, the paper argues that the characteristics associated with the Third Way are mirrored in the operational tools of public service delivery, such as PFI. The paper concludes that, within the context of the case study reviewed, there is a ‘consistent pragmatism’ in play in relation to how these delivery initiatives are operated and how they relate to their conceptual underpinnings.
The aim of this paper is to use Markov modelling to
investigate survival for particular types of kidney patients
in relation to their exposure to anti-hypertensive treatment
drugs. In order to monitor kidney function an intuitive three
point assessment is proposed through the collection of blood
samples in relation to Chronic Kidney Disease for Northern
Ireland patients. A five state Markov Model was devised
using specific transition probabilities for males and
females over all age groups. These transition probabilities
were then adjusted appropriately using relative risk scores
for the event death for different subgroups of patients. The
model was built using TreeAge software package in order to
explore the effects of anti-hypertensive drugs on patients.