1000 resultados para Ana Maria Freitas


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In the Atlantic forest of Rio de Janeiro, Callithrix aurita (É. Geoffroy in Humboldt, 1812) is a native species vulnerable to extinction and C. jacchus (Linnaeus, 1758) and C. penicillata (É. Geoffroy, 1812) are invasive species. The major threats to the native species are habitat degradation and hybridization, although there are currently no genetic data about natural hybrids available. Previous studies have revealed that species of the Callithrix genus are extremely homogeneous in their karyotypes with the exceptions of the morphology and size of the Y chromosome and its nucleolar organizer region (NOR) banding pattern. Three male marmosets captured in the wild in Guapimirim municipality, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, considered as possible hybrids between C. aurita and C. jacchus or C. penicillata on the basis of pelage pattern, were cytogenetically studied. Metaphase chromosomes were obtained by using short-term lymphocyte cultures and Ag-NOR staining was performed. The hybrids karyotypes were 2n=46, 14 uni- and 30 bi-armed autosomes, a median size submetacentric X and NOR bearing autosomes, being compatible with that observed for the genus. In the three individuals studied, Y chromosomes were similar to those found for C. aurita, without NORs. The data obtained suggest the involvement of C. aurita in natural hybridization with one of the invasive species. We discuss the possible consequences of this hybridization.


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Considerado um bioma ameaçado, o Pampa possui um dos menores percentuais de área legalmente protegida. Além disso, o conhecimento sobre comunidades de anuros neste bioma ainda é escasso. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a composição de anuros em uma área de Pampa no sul do Brasil. Entre janeiro de 2009 e fevereiro de 2010 foi realizado um inventário na Fundação Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária do município de São Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul. A procura dos exemplares foi realizada em poças permanentes, semi-permanentes e temporárias pelo método de levantamento em sítio de reprodução. Foram registradas 21 espécies pertencentes a cinco famílias, o que corresponde a aproximadamente 20% das espécies do estado e 42% das espécies conhecidas para a ecorregião Savana Uruguaia. Dez espécies foram consideradas frequentes, sete comuns e quatro foram raras. Foram registrados três modos reprodutivos, sendo que 57% das espécies utilizam o modo 1, que parece estar relacionado à homogeneidade da área. A análise de agrupamento comparando a composição de anuros de quatro localidades distintas mostrou maior similaridade com o município de Candiota (região da Campanha). As espécies presentes na área de estudo são associadas a formações campestres do estado e países vizinhos e podem ser consideradas típicas do bioma Pampa.


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RESUMO A urbanização é um processo globalmente estudado e considerado um dos distúrbios mais drásticos sobre a biodiversidade. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar como diferentes intensidades de urbanização atuam na estruturação da avifauna em uma cidade de tamanho médio e inserida em região de área úmida. Além das métricas tradicionais de riqueza, abundância e composição taxonômica, verificou-se como a diversidade e redundâncias funcionais das aves são influenciadas pelo gradiente urbano. A área urbana estudada foi a cidade de Pelotas (31°46'S, 52°20'W), extremo sul do Brasil, que está inserida em uma área úmida do bioma Pampa. A amostragem das aves e a medida das variáveis urbanas (número de árvores, número de construções de até dois andares ou de mais de dois andares, presença de ambiente aquático e presença de ambiente aberto) foram realizadas em 216 pontos fixos de observação que foram marcados em diferentes intensidades de urbanização. Os atributos funcionais utilizados para caracterizar as espécies foram os relacionados à massa, dieta, substrato de forrageamento e substrato de nidificação. O aumento da intensidade de urbanização diminuiu a riqueza, a abundância e a diversidade funcional, sendo que a redundância, diferente do esperado, não aumentou com a urbanização. Foi possível observar que os atributos relacionados a áreas com urbanização mais intensa (com contruções de até dois andares e de mais de dois andares) foram: preferência por forrageamento no ar, onivoria e ninhos em cavidades. Os atributos relacionados a áreas com menor intensidade de urbanização e com áreas úmidas foram: preferência de forrageamento na água e de ninhos sobre a água; e aquele relacionados a menores intensidades de urbanização (com maior número de árvores e maior presença de ambientes abertos) foram: preferência por ninhos em vegetação, em locais baixos e no solo e carnivoria. O estudo mostrou a importância da presença de habitats abertos e aquáticos para a avifauna, paisagem tipicamente não citada em estudos urbanos, que destacam a necessidade de adequar as ações de mitigação para os esforços de conservação dentro de habitats urbanos de acordo com o pool regional de espécies.


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Epimastigotes were found multiplying in the anal glands and in hemocultures of an opossum; rare metacyclics were seen in the cultures. The flagellate is possibly T. (Megatrypanum) freitasi Rego, Magalhães & Siqueira, 1957, but its final identification is still pending.


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HBsAg positive serum samples (896) from five brazilian regions were analysed for HBsAg subtypes. The presence of five different subtypes (ayw2, ayw3, ayw4, adw2 and adw4) was detected. In Northern region subtypes adw4 (41.2%) and adw2 (37.2%) were predominant. In the North East only subtype adw2 was encountered. In Central West, South-East and South, subtypes ayw2, ayw3, adw2 and adw4 were present, with predominance of adw2 in Central West and South East (84.3% and 69.4% respectively) whereas in the South the predominant subtype was ayw3 (41.9%) followed by ayw2 (36.4%). Subtypes ayw1, ayr and adr were not found among the samples studied. These results show the difference in the incidence of HBsAg subtypes in the different regions of Brazil and their significance in relation to the colonization and migrations in this country.


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De larvas e pupas de Musca domestica, Chrysomya albiceps, Cochliomyia homivorax, Stomoxys calcitrans e Syntesiomyia nudiseta coletadas em diversos ambiente, em São Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul e Minas Gerais, foram obtidas dez espécies de microhimenópteros parasitóides da supermamília Chalcidoidea, algumas assinaladas pela primeira vez no Brasil.


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The specific antibody responses were compared among susceptible (A/Sn), moderately susceptible (Balb/c) and resistant (C57 BL/lOJ) mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi (Y strain). Sera obtained during the second week of infection recognized a surface trypomastigote antigen of apparent Mr 80 kDa while displaying complex reactivity to surface epimastigote antigens. Complex trypomastigote antigens recognition was detected around the middle of the third week of infection. No major differences were observed along the infection, among the three strains of mice, neither in the patterns of surface antigen recognition by sera, nor in the titres of antibodies against blood trypomastigotes (lytic antibodies), tissue culture trypomastigotes or epimastigotes. On immunoblot analysis, however, IgG of the resistant strain displayed the most complex array of specificities against both trypo and epimastigote antigens, followed by the susceptible strain. IgM antibodies exhibited a more restricted antigen reactivity, in the three mouse strains studied. Balb/c sera (IgG and IgM) showed the least complex patterns of reactivity to antigens in the range of 30 kDa to 80 kDa. The onset of reactivity in the serum to trypomastigote surface antigens was also dependent on the parasite load to which the experimental animal was subjected.


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Ferromagnetic dacron is proposed as an alternative solid-phase for magnetic enzyme immunoassays. Human serum albumin (HSA) was covalentlyimmobilized onto ferromagnetic dacron and as enzyme immunoassay was developed using anti-HSA rabbit sera. Peroxidase, o-phenylenediamine (OPD) and hydrogen peroxide were used anti-HSA rabbit sera. Peroxidase, o-phenylenediamine (OPD) and hydrogen peroxide were used as the enzymatic label and substrates, respectively. Best results were observed when particles of 63-100 µm (diameter) and 10 µg of immobilized antigen were used. Positive reactions were detected until dilutions of1:51200 of immune sera. Its reproducibility was similar to standard ELISA. Disruption of the immunocomplexes formed and recuperation of the immobilized antigen in other immunoassays also proved to be reliable.


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Didelphis marsupialis, the most important sylvatic reservoir of Trypanosoma cruzi, can also maintain in their anal scent glands the multiplicative forms only described in the intestinal tract of triatomine bugs. A study of 21 experimentally and 10 naturally infected opossums with T. cruzi was undertaken in order to establish the histopathological pattern under different conditions. Our results showed that the inflammation was predominantly lymphomacrophagic and more severe in the naturally infected animals but never as intense as those described in Chagas' disease or in other animal models. The parasitism in both groups was always mild with very scarce amastigote nests in the tissues. In the experimentally infected animals, the inflammation was directly related to the presence of amastigotes nests. Four 24 days-old animals, still in embryonic stage, showed multiple amastigotes nests and moderate inflammatory reactions, but even so they survived longer and presented less severe lesions than experimentally infected adult mice. Parasites were found in smooth, cardiac and/or predominantly striated muscles, as well as in nerve cells. Differing from the experimentally infected opossums parasitism in the naturally infected animals predominated in the heart, esophagus and stomach. Parasitism of the scent glands did not affect the histopathological pattern observed in extraglandular tissues.


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Seropositivity for Chagas disease was evaluated in 834 children aged between 7 and 14 from the Municipal Teaching System in the district of Londrina, State of Paraná. A seroprevalence rate of 0.1% was found through the use of an indirect immunofluorescent test and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. This low rate of seroprevalence provides evidence that the vectorial transmission of Chagas disease has been eliminated in Londrina. The main reason for the elimination of vectorial transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi infection, as evaluated by serological tests, may be a remarkable change in the economic structure of the northern region of Paraná in the 1960's. At that time coffee production was almost completely replaced by soy beans, wheat and grazing in the rural areas. This change deeply affected the rural ecology and caused an exodus of the population from rural to urban areas as well as a decrease in the total number of the population of that region. The measures introduced for controlling the disease through the Program of Chagas Disease Control established by the Fundação Nacional de Saúde of the Brazilian Ministry of Health, certainly, had a positive impact on the reduction of American trypanosomiasis prevalence in the area under study. However, it does not seem that this was the most relevant factor responsible for the elimination of vectorial transmission of Chagas disease in Londrina.