897 resultados para Ambientación socio-política
The purpose of the Socio-economic Baseline Survey of the Fishing Communities was to provide information on the fish landing beaches, people involved in fisheries, their livelihood activities and facilities available to them.
Control and management of Uganda fishery resources has been hindered by among other factors the multispecies nature of the resource and the characteristic behaviour of the fishing communities. Fishermen have both genuine and uncompromising attitudes as to why they carry out certain fishing technologies.All fishing activities aim at maximizing the catches or profits while others may fish on a small scale for subsistence. Sensitizing the fisherfolk on the appropriate fishing technologies, importance of a well regulated fishery exploitation and their participation in control and management of the resource would enhance or lead to increased and sustainable fish production. Socio-economics of fishing technologies were therefore examined using prepared questionnaires and reasons why the fishing communities behave the way they do established
1. The introduction of trawlers to Lake Victoria to harvest fish will have far reaching effects on the men (and women) presently engaged in the fishery, on the diet of the nation as a whole. 2. However, the whole concept of trawling is so different to present techniques and the scale of operation so great, that disruption to the socio-economy of many people is possible. 3. The sociological studies outlined below will assist the governments in the formulatlon of policies aimed at minimising disruptive effects on the lives of many individuals.
In recent years, the role of human activities in changing sediment yield has become more apparent for the construction of hydraulic engineering and water conservation projections in the Upper Yangtze River, but it has not been evaluated at the macro scale. Taking Sichuan Province and Chongqing City as an example, this paper studies the relationship between socio-economic factors and sediment yield in the Upper Yangtze River based on section data in 1989 and 2007. The results show that sediment yield is significantly correlated with population density and cultivated area, in which the former appears to be more closely related to sediment yield. Moreover, in the relation of sediment yield vs. population density, a critical value of population density exists, below which the sediment yield increases with the increase of population density and over which the sediment yield increases with the decrease of population density. The phenomenon essentially reflects the influence of natural factors, such as topography, precipitation and soil property, and some human activities on sediment yield. The region with a higher population density than critical value is located in the east of the study area and is characterized by plains, hills and low mountains, whereas the opposite is located in the west and characterized by middle and high mountains. In the eastern region, more people live on the lands with a low slope where regional soil erosion is slight; therefore, sediment yield is negatively related with population density. In contrast, in the western region, the population tends to aggregate in the areas with abundant soil and water resources which usually lead to a higher intensity of natural erosion, and in turn, high-intensity agricultural practices in these areas may further strengthen local soil erosion. It is also found that population tends to move from the areas with bad environment and high sediment yield to the areas with more comfortable environment and less sediment yield. The natural factors have greater influence on sediment yield of western region than that of eastern region. Generally, the natural factors play a dominant role on sediment yield in the Upper Yangtze River.
Com o objetivo de melhor compreender as transformações agrícolas da Amazônia e suas consequências, a Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite vem pesquisando há quase 15 anos na região de Machadinho d´Oeste, no nordeste do Estado de Rondônia, um grupo significativo de produtores rurais. O trabalho é de longo prazo, com duração prevista para 100 anos. Um novo perfil agrosocioeconômico dos agricultores e da agricultura praticada nesta região foi realizado, em outubro de 1999, junto às propriedades estudadas nos anos anteriores (1986, 1989, 1993 e 1996). Os indicadores quantitativos, levantados, tratam-se da evolução dos processos socioeconômicos e ambientais extremamente relevantes como o desmatamento, a capitalização dos produtores, a concentração de terras, o uso de tecnologias modernas.
O que é política editorial. objetivos. Princípios e diretrizes. Público e veículos. Política editorial da unidade-proposição. Missão. Objetivos. Projetos prioritários em p e d. Infra-estrutura computacional para transferência de informação. Modelagem e simulação. Público-alvo. Escopo e áreas temáticas.Linha editorial. Veículos. Autorias. Processo editorial. Divulgação da produção científica.
Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte integrante dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências da Comunicação, com especialização em Marketing e Comunicação Estratégica.
Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da Informação.
91 hojas.
Effectuation and its implications for socio-technical design science research in information systems
We study the implications of the effectuation concept for socio-technical artifact design as part of the design science research (DSR) process in information systems (IS). Effectuation logic is the opposite of causal logic. Ef-fectuation does not focus on causes to achieve a particular effect, but on the possibilities that can be achieved with extant means and resources. Viewing so-cio-technical IS DSR through an effectuation lens highlights the possibility to design the future even without set goals. We suggest that effectuation may be a useful perspective for design in dynamic social contexts leading to a more dif-ferentiated view on the instantiation of mid-range artifacts for specific local ap-plication contexts. Design science researchers can draw on this paper’s conclu-sions to view their DSR projects through a fresh lens and to reexamine their re-search design and execution. The paper also offers avenues for future research to develop more concrete application possibilities of effectuation in socio-technical IS DSR and, thus, enrich the discourse.
While policies often target malaria prevention and treatment - proximal causes of malaria and related health outcomes - too little attention has been given to the role of household- and individual-level socio-economic status (SES) as a fundamental cause of disease risk in developing countries. This paper presents a conceptual model outlining ways in which SES may influence malaria-related outcomes. Building on this conceptual model, we use household data from rural Mvomero, Tanzania, to examine empirical relationships among multiple measures of household and individual SES and demographics, on the one hand, and malaria prevention, illness, and diagnosis and treatment behaviours, on the other. We find that access to prevention and treatment is significantly associated with indicators of households' wealth; education-based disparities do not emerge in this context. Meanwhile, reported malaria illness shows a stronger association with demographic variables than with SES (controlling for prevention). Greater understanding of the mechanisms through which SES and malaria policies interact to influence disease risk can help to reduce health disparities and reduce the malaria burden in an equitable manner.
El uso comercial de fauna silvestre genera debates éticos y pragmáticos. Los debates pragmáticos discuten si ese aprovechamiento puede favorecer o dificultar la conservación de las especies y los ambientes donde habitan. Los abordajes conceptuales tradicionales analizan el eslabonamiento productivo a partir de los flujos de capital y producto enfatizando escasamente en los actores sociales intervinientes, lo que resulta insuficiente para evaluar su trayectoria en términos de sustentabilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar un modelo conceptual que identifique variables sociales y económicas y su influencia en el aprovechamiento sustentable desde la perspectiva de los actores sociales involucrados en el uso comercial de fauna silvestre. Con herramientas metodológicas propias de la etnografía, los sistemas blandos y las redes sociales se analizaron el: 1) el sistema argentino de producción de yacaré, y 2) el sistema argentino helicícola. Se conceptualizaron ambos sistemas definiendo estructuras, efectos umbral, estados de equilibrio y metas. La contrastación de sistemas aparentemente diferentes permitió identificar cinco categorías clave: 1) demanda internacional de los productos, 2) las relaciones sociales entre actores participantes, 3) la estructura productiva, 4) el marco regulatorio y 5) el estado de conservación de las poblaciones silvestres. El modelo conceptual desarrollado articula las condiciones objetivas y subjetivas sobre las que interactúan los actores sociales involucrados, reconociendo el carácter co-evolutivo entre los seres humanos y la naturaleza. Esta herramienta de diagnóstico y planificación es un aporte original que permite visualizar la magnitud de la intervención en la naturalez, según los intereses sociales que subyacen y evaluar el impacto de dicha intervención sobre la conservación de las especies utilizadas.
Desafíos complejos como el desarrollo rural sustentable requieren de la integración de las ciencias sociales y ecológicas, y de un papel activo de las ciencias agropecuarias como interfaz conceptual y metodológica. El objetivo general de la tesis es estudiar la vulnerabilidad y robustez de los sistemas trashumantes en el norte de Neuquén, Argentina, analizando la heterogeneidad de componentes y procesos socio-ecológicos y su relación con factores de disturbio o cambios de contexto, considerando las percepciones de diferentes actores sociales. El estudio incorpora una perspectiva del uso del paisaje basado en el análisis de las redes de movimientos de trashumancia y conectividad entre ambientes a escala regional, en tanto constituye una adaptación a la heterogeneidad espacial y temporal biofísica. Se evaluaron las implicancias de los cambios en la organización y dinámicas sociales promovidos por la urbanización. A su vez, se abordaron las perspectivas sobre amenazas, problemas y oportunidades mediante estudios de las percepciones de los agentes de intervención y los crianceros. La vulnerabilidad y la robustez socio-ecológica en sistemas trashumantes varían espacial y temporalmente, y estuvieron influenciadas por un componente de subjetividad, que dependió del sujeto social indagado. La robustez del sistema trashumante depende de la movilidad como estrategia socio-productiva, y de la flexibilidad y capacidad de adaptación ya no sólo frente a la heterogeneidad biofísica, sino también a cambios de origen social. La dependencia de las redes trashumantes respecto de ciertas zonas o nodos clave y de los servicios ecológicos como principal medio de vida, sugieren una mayor sensibilidad a cambios que afecten dichos nodos. Uno de los principales desafíos a futuro es la construcción de una gobernanza activa y plural y una mayor articulación urbano-rural. Se requieren instituciones flexibles y la gobernanza debiera adaptarse a la dinámica socio-productiva regional, con participación de diferentes actores sociales y perspectivas de acción.