988 resultados para Alkenone, C37, per cell
Riassunto I biomarcatori o “marcatori biologici” svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nel monitoraggio biologico. In questo lavoro ci siamo soffermati sullo studio di biomarcatori di effetto e di esposizione a xenobiotici ambientali. Nel primo caso abbiamo valutato i micro RNA (miRNA) da utilizzare per la diagnosi precoce del tumore al polmone in matrici di facile accesso, quale il CAE e il plasma, utilizzando il miRNA-21, oncogeno, e il miRNA-486, oncosoppressore. I risultati evidenziano una loro capacità di distinguere correttamente i soggetti con tumore polmonare dai soggetti sani, ipotizzando un loro utilizzo a scopo diagnostico. Nella seconda parte del lavoro di tesi sono stati studiati i biomarcatori di esposizione a benzene per valutare gli effetti dell’esposizione a concentrazioni ambientali su bambini residenti in città e a diverso livello di urbanizzazione. Lo studio ha evidenziato una correlazione dose-effetto fra le concentrazioni di benzene e dei suoi metaboliti urinari e un danno ossidativo a livello degli acidi nucleici. Tuttavia, le concentrazioni di benzene urinario non sono influenzate dal grado di industrializzazione, a differenza dell’S-PMA e degli indicatori di stress ossidativo (8-oxodGuo e 8-oxoGuo) che sembrano risentire sia della residenza che del momento del campionamento. Infine abbiamo ricercato possibili biomarcatori di esposizione a vinilcicloesene (VCH), sottoprodotto industriale nella polimerizzazione del 1,3-butadiene, poiché non sono ancora stati proposti BEI di riferimento nonostante i bassi valori di TLV-TWA (0.1 ppm) proposti dall’ACGIH. Nella prima fase del lavoro abbiamo studiato i meccanismi di tossicità del VCH tramite modelli in vitro, testando varie linee cellulari. I risultati evidenziano come la dose reale di VCH sia di molto inferiore a quella nominale per effetto dell’evaporazione. Inoltre, nelle linee cellulari più sensibili si sono evidenziati effetti citostatici, con alterazioni del ciclo cellulare, a differenza dell’esposizione agli epossidi del VCH, il VCD e l’1,2-VCHME, che determinano lisi cellulare con IC50 di 3 ordini di grandezza inferiori a quelli del VCH. La quantificazione dei metaboliti di I fase e di II fase del VCH nelle linee cellulari epatiche ha evidenziato concentrazioni di circa 1000 volte inferiori a quelle del VCH confermando come la sua tossicità sia principalmente dovuta alla produzione degli intermedi epossidici. La trasformazione nei metaboliti di II fase conferma inoltre l’effetto detossificante del metabolismo. La trasferibilità dei risultati ottenuti in vitro su sistemi in vivo fornirà le basi per poter identificare possibili metaboliti da proporre per il monitoraggio biologico di lavoratori esposti a VCH. PAROLE CHIAVE: biomarcatori di effetto e di esposizione, tumore al polmone, miRNA, benzene, vinilcicloesene.
Background e scopi dello studio. Il carcinoma renale rappresenta circa il 3% delle neoplasie e la sua incidenza è in aumento nel mondo. Il principale approccio terapeutico alla malattia in stadio precoce è rappresentato dalla chirurgia (nefrectomia parziale o radicale), sebbene circa il 30-40% dei pazienti vada incontro a recidiva di malattia dopo tale trattamento. La probabilità di recidivare può essere stimata per mezzo di alcuni noti modelli prognostici sviluppati integrando sia parametri clinici che anatomo-patologici. Il limite principale all’impiego nella pratica clinica di questi modelli è legata alla loro complessità di calcolo che li rende di difficile fruizione. Inoltre la stratificazione prognostica dei pazienti in questo ambito ha un ruolo rilevante nella pianificazione ed interpretazione dei risultati degli studi di terapia adiuvante dopo il trattamento chirurgico del carcinoma renale in stadio iniziale. Da un' analisi non pre-pianificata condotta nell’ambito di uno studio prospettico e randomizzato multicentrico italiano di recente pubblicazione, è stato sviluppato un nuovo modello predittivo e prognostico (“score”) che utilizza quattro semplici parametri: l’età del paziente, il grading istologico, lo stadio patologico del tumore (pT) e della componente linfonodale (pN). Lo scopo del presente studio era quello di validare esternamente tale score. Pazienti e Metodi. La validazione è stata condotta su due coorti retrospettive italiane (141 e 246 pazienti) e su una prospettica americana (1943 pazienti). Lo score testato prevedeva il confronto tra due gruppi di pazienti, uno a prognosi favorevole (pazienti con almeno due parametri positivi tra i seguenti: età < 60 anni, pT1-T3a, pN0, grading 1-2) e uno a prognosi sfavorevole (pazienti con meno di due fattori positivi). La statistica descrittiva è stata utilizzata per mostrare la distribuzione dei diversi parametri. Le analisi di sopravvivenza [recurrence free survival (RFS) e overall survival (OS)] sono state eseguite il metodo di Kaplan-Meier e le comparazioni tra i vari gruppi di pazienti sono state condotte utilizzando il Mantel-Haenszel log-rank test e il modello di regressione di Cox. Il metodo di Greenwood è stato utilizzato per stimare la varianza e la costruzione degli intervalli di confidenza al 95% (95% CI), la “C-statistic” è stata utilizzata per descrivere l’ accuratezza dello score. Risultati. I risultati della validazione dello score condotta sulle due casistiche retrospettive italiane, seppur non mostrando una differenza statisticamente significativa tra i due gruppi di pazienti (gruppo favorevole versus sfavorevole), sono stati ritenuti incoraggianti e meritevoli di ulteriore validazione sulla casistica prospettica americana. Lo score ha dimostrato di performare bene sia nel determinare la prognosi in termini di RFS [hazard ratio (HR) 1.85, 95% CI 1.57-2.17, p < 0.001] che di OS [HR 2.58, 95% CI 1.98-3.35, p < 0.001]. Inoltre in questa casistica lo score ha realizzato risultati sovrapponibili a quelli dello University of California Los Angeles Integrated Staging System. Conclusioni. Questo nuovo e semplice score ha dimostrato la sua validità in altre casistiche, sia retrospettive che prospettiche, in termini di impatto prognostico su RFS e OS. Ulteriori validazioni su casistiche internazionali sono in corso per confermare i risultati qui presentati e per testare l’eventuale ruolo predittivo di questo nuovo score.
In order to investigate a possible link between tropical Northeast (NE) Atlantic sea-surface temperature (SST), Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), and drought in the Sahel during the past 44 thousand years (kyr) we used alkenone paleothermometry and d13C of C. wuellerstorfi of a marine sediment core from the continental slope off Senegal. Our data show periods of low SST and reduced AMOC that coincided with drought in the Sahel during North Atlantic Heinrich stadials (HS). The coldest period was HS1 (ca. 15-18 kyr before present, BP) when SST decreased by more than 2°C. Moreover, the SST off Senegal lagged variations in Sahel aridity, which is in agreement with results from a freshwater hosing experiment. We conclude that variations in tropical NE Atlantic SST were not the initial trigger of millennial-scale Sahel droughts of the past 44 kyr. Instead, it is thought that these droughts were induced by substantial coolings of the extratropical North Atlantic.
While the isolated responses of marine phytoplankton to climate warming and to ocean acidification have been studies intensively, studies on the combined effect of both aspects of Global Change are still scarce. Therefore, we performed a mesocosm experiment with a factorial combination of temperature (9 and 15°C) and pCO2 (560 ppm and 1400 ppm) with a natural autumn plankton community from the western Baltic Sea. Temporal trajectories of total biomass and of the biomass of the most important higher taxa followed similar patterns in all treatments. When averaging over the entire time course, phytoplankton biomass decreased with warming and increased with CO2 under warm conditions. The contribution of the two dominant higher phytoplankton taxa (diatoms and cryptophytes) and of the 4 most important species (3 diatoms, 1 cryptophyte) did not respond to the experimental treatments. Taxonomic composition of phytoplankton showed only responses at the level of subdominant and rare species. Phytoplankton cell sizes increased with CO2 addition and decreased with warming. Both effects were stronger for larger species. Warming effects were stronger than CO2 effects and tended to counteract each other. Phytoplankton communities without calcifying species and exposed to short-term variation of COO2 seem to be rather resistant to ocean acidification.
The planktonic diatom Fragilariopsis kerguelensis plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of the Southern Ocean, where remains of its frustules form the largest deposit of biogenic silica anywhere in the world. We assessed the genetic identity of 26 strains, from cells collected at various sites in the Southern Ocean, using three molecular markers, LSU and ITS rDNA and rbcL. The LSU sequences were identical among the tested strains, ITS sequences were highly similar, and only one base pair difference was detected among the rbcL sequences. These results, together with a large number of successful mating experiments demonstrated that the strains belong to a single biological species. We investigated the mating system and life cycle traits of F. kerguelensis. Cell size diminished gradually in clonal strains. Gamete formation only occurred when strains of opposite mating type - within a cell size range of 7-36 µm - were mixed together. Two binucleate gametes were formed in each gametangium and gamete conjugation produced a zygote that had four nuclei and was surrounded by thin siliceous scales. Two out of the four nuclei subsequently degenerated and the zygote expanded to form an auxospore surrounded by a transverse and a longitudinal perizonium. Staining with the fluorochrome PDMPO provided for the first time a clear demonstration that the longitudinal perizonium is formed after auxospore expansion is complete. Initial cells produced within the mature auxospores were 78-101 µm in length. Various authors have shown that the average valve size of F. kerguelensis varies in sediment samples collected in regions and seasons with different primary production regimes and this parameter has thus been proposed as a biological proxy for palaeo-productivity. A better understanding of the life cycle of F. kerguelensis should help the design of future investigations aimed at testing the link between cell size distribution in the natural environment and the role that environmental factors might have in the regulation of population cell size.
The molecular stratigraphy of Biogeochemical Oceanic Flux Study core 31K (19°N, 20°10'W) and Ocean Drilling Program Hole 658C (20°45'N, 18°35'W) has been studied for C37 alkenone abundances over the past 80 ka at high resolution (~circa 200-500 years). The derived Uk 37' sea surface temperature record for both cores shows a range of temperatures from about 18°C during the last glacial to 21.5°C during the early Holocene. Both records also reveal changes in sea surface temperature as much as 2°-4°C over a few hundred years, which correlate well with similar abrupt climatic changes observed in cores from elsewhere in the NE Atlantic, associated with 'Heinrich events'. Our results indicate that meltwater produced by these ice-rafting events was transmitted southward by the Canary Current, where it had considerable impact on sea surface temperatures in the subtropical eastern Atlantic.
Eleven sediment samples taken downcore and representing the past 26 kyr of deposition at MANOP site C (0°57.2°N, 138°57.3°W) were analyzed for lipid biomarker composition. Biomarkers of both terrestrial and marine sources of organic carbon were identified. In general, concentration profiles for these biomarkers and for total organic carbon (TOC) displayed three common stratigraphic features in the time series: (1) a maximum within the surface sediment mixed layer (<=4 ka); (2) a broad minimum extending throughout the interglacial deposit; and (3) a deep, pronounced maximum within the glacial deposit. Using the biomarker records, a simple binary mixing model is described that assesses the proportion of terrestrial to marine TOC in these sediments. Best estimates from this model suggest that ~20% of the TOC is land-derived, introduced by long-range eolian transport, and the remainder is derived from marine productivity. The direct correlation between the records for terrestrial and marine TOC with depth in this core fits an interpretation that primary productivity at site C has been controlled by wind-driven upwelling at least over the last glacial/interglacial cycle. The biomarker records place the greatest wind strength and highest primary productivity within the time frame of 18 to 22 kyr B.P. Diagenetic effects limit our ability to ascertain directly from the biomarker records the absolute magnitude that different types of primary productivity have changed at this ocean location over the past 26 kyr.
Multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS) are used as organotypic models of normal and solid tumor tissue. Traditional techniques for generating MCTS, such as growth on nonadherent surfaces, in suspension, or on scaffolds, have a number of drawbacks, including the need for manual selection to achieve a homogeneous population and the use of nonphysiological matrix compounds. In this study we describe a mild method for the generation of MCTS, in which individual spheroids form in hanging drops suspended from a microtiter plate. The method has been successfully applied to a broad range of cell lines and shows nearly 100% efficiency (i.e., one spheroid per drop). Using the hepatoma cell line, HepG2, the hanging drop method generated well-rounded MCTS with a narrow size distribution (coefficient of variation [CV] 10% to 15%, compared with 40% to 60% for growth on nonadherent surfaces). Structural analysis of HepG2 and a mammary gland adenocarcinoma cell line, MCF-7, composed spheroids, revealed highly organized, three-dimensional, tissue-like structures with an extensive extracellular matrix. The hanging drop method represents an attractive alternative for MCTS production, because it is mild, can be applied to a wide variety of cell lines, and can produce spheroids of a homogeneous size without the need for sieving or manual selection. The method has applications for basic studies of physiology and metabolism, tumor biology, toxicology, cellular organization, and the development of bioartificial tissue. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
We have previously developed replicon vectors derived from the Australian flavivirus Kunjin that have a unique noncytopathic nature and have been shown to direct prolonged high-level expression of encoded heterologous genes in vitro and in vivo and to induce strong and long-lasting immune responses to encoded immunogens in mice. To facilitate further applications of these vectors in the form of virus-like particles (VLPs), we have now generated a stable BHK packaging cell line, tetKUNCprME, carrying a Kunjin structural gene cassette under the control of a tetracycline-inducible promoter. Withdrawal of tetracycline from the medium resulted in production of Kunjin structural proteins that were capable of packaging transfected and self-amplified Kunjin replicon RNA into the secreted VLPs at titers of up to 1.6 x 10(9) VLPs per ml. Furthermore, secreted KUN replicon VLPs from tetKUNCprME cells could be harvested continuously for as long as 10 days after RNA transfection, producing a total yield of more than 1010 VLPs per 106 transfected cells. Passaging of VLPs on Vero cells or intracerebral injection into 2- to 4-day-old suckling mice illustrated the complete absence of any infectious Kunjin virus. tetKUNCprME cells were also capable of packaging replicon RNA from closely and distantly related flaviviruses, West Nile virus and dengue virus type 2, respectively. The utility of high-titer KUN replicon VLPs was demonstrated by showing increasing CD8(+)-T-cell responses to encoded foreign protein with increasing doses of KUN VLPs. A single dose of 2.5 x 10(7) VLPs carrying the human respiratory syncytial virus M2 gene induced 1,400 CD8 T cells per 10(6) splenocytes in an ex vivo gamma interferon enzyme-linked immunospot assay. The packaging cell line thus represents a significant advance in the development of the noncytopathic Kunjin virus replicon-based gene expression system and may be widely applicable to the basic studies of flavivirus RNA packaging and virus assembly as well as to the development of gene expression systems based on replicons from different flaviviruses.
Diarrhea-causing Escherichia coli strains are responsible for numerous cases of gastrointestinal disease and constitute a serious health problem throughout the world. The ability to recognize and attach to host intestinal surfaces is an essential step in the pathogenesis of such strains. AIDA is a potent bacterial adhesin associated with some diarrheagenic E. coli strains. AIDA mediates bacterial attachment to a broad variety of human and other mammalian cells. It is a surface-displayed autotransporter protein and belongs to the selected group of bacterial glycoproteins; only the glycosylated form binds to mammalian cells. Here, we show that AIDA possesses self-association characteristics and can mediate autoaggregation of E. coli cells. We demonstrate that intercellular AIDA-AIDA interaction is responsible for bacterial autoaggregation. Interestingly, AIDA-expressing cells can interact with antigen 43 (Ag43) -expressing cells, which is indicative of an intercellular AIDA-Ag43 interaction. Additionally, AIDA expression dramatically enhances biofilm formation by E. coli on abiotic surfaces in How chambers.
Skin cancers pose a significant public health problem in high-risk populations. We have prospectively monitored basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) incidence in a Queensland community over a 10-y period by recording newly treated lesions, supplemented by skin examination surveys. Age-standardized incidence rates of people with new histologically confirmed BCC were 2787 per 100,000 person-years at risk (pyar) among men and 1567 per 100,000 pyar among women, and corresponding tumor rates were 5821 per 100,000 pyar and 2733 per 100,000 pyar, respectively. Incidence rates for men with new SCC were 944 per 100,000 pyar and for women 675 per 100,000 pyar; tumor rates were 1754 per 100,000 pyar and 846 per 100,000 pyar, respectively. Incidence rates of BCC tumors but not SCC tumors varied noticeably according to method of surveillance, with BCC incidence rates based on skin examination surveys around three times higher than background treatment rates. This was mostly due to an increase in diagnosis of new BCC on sites other than the head and neck, arms, and hands associated with skin examination surveys and little to do with advancing the time of diagnosis of BCC on these sites as seen by a return to background rates following the examination surveys. We conclude that BCC that might otherwise go unreported are detected during skin examination surveys and thus that such skin cancer screening can influence the apparent burden of skin cancer.
Cells respond to genotoxic insults such as ionizing radiation by halting in the G(2) phase of the cell cycle. Delayed cell death (mitotic death) can occur when the cell is released from G(2), and specific spindle defects form endopolyploid cells (endoreduplication/tetraploidy). Enhanced G(2) chromosomal radiosensitivity has been observed in many cancers and genomic instability syndromes, and it is manifested by radiation-induced chromatid aberrations observed in lymphocytes of patients. Here we compare the G(2) chromosomal radiosensitivity in prostate patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or prostate cancer with disease-free controls. We also investigated whether there is a correlation between G(2) chromosomal radiosensitivity and aneuploidy (tetraploidy and endoreduplication), which are indicative of mitotic cell death. The G(2) assay was carried out on all human blood samples. Metaphase analysis was conducted on the harvested chromosomes by counting the number of aberrations and the mitotic errors (endoreduplication/tetraploidy) separately per 100 metaphases. A total of 1/14 of the controls were radiosensitive in G(2) compared to 6/15 of the BPH patients and 15/17 of the prostate cancer patients. Radiation-induced mitotic inhibition was assessed to determine the efficacy of G(2) checkpoint control in the prostate patients. There was no significant correlation of G(2) radiosensitivity scores and mitotic inhibition in BPH patients (P = 0.057), in contrast to prostate cancer patients, who showed a small but significant positive correlation (P = 0.029). Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between G(2) radiosensitivity scores of BPH patients and endoreduplication/ tetraploidy (P = 0.136), which contrasted with an extremely significant correlation observed in prostate cancer patients (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, cells from prostate cancer patients show increased sensitivity to the induction of G(2) aberrations from ionizing radiation exposure but paradoxically show reduced mitotic indices and aneuploidy as a function of aberration frequency.
Objective: To evaluate responses to self-administered brief questions regarding consumption of vegetables and fruit by comparison with blood levels of serum carotenoids and red-cell folate. Design: A cross-sectional study in which participants reported their usual intake of fruit and vegetables in servings per day, and serum levels of five carotenoids (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin and lycopene) and red-cell folate were measured. Serum carotenoid levels were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography, and red-cell folate by an automated immunoassay system. Settings and subjects: Between October and December 2000, a sample of 1598 adults aged 25 years and over, from six randomly selected urban centres in Queensland, Australia, were examined as part of a national study conducted to determine the prevalence of diabetes and associated cardiovascular risk factors. Results: Statistically significant (P < 0.01) associations with vegetable and fruit intake ( categorised into groups: = 4 servings per day) were observed for alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin and red-cell folate. The mean level of these carotenoids and of red-cell folate increased with increasing frequency of reported servings of vegetables and fruit, both before and after adjusting for potential confounding factors. A significant association with lycopene was observed only for vegetable intake before adjusting for confounders. Conclusions: These data indicate that brief questions may be a simple and valuable tool for monitoring vegetable and fruit intake in this population.
Background-Elevated serum inflammatory marker levels are associated with a greater long-term risk of cardiovascular events. Because 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme-A reductase inhibitors (statins) may have an antiinflammatory action, it has been suggested that patients with elevated inflammatory marker levels may have a greater reduction in cardiovascular risk with statin treatment. Methods and Results-We evaluated the association between the white blood cell count (WBC) and coronary heart disease mortality during a mean follow-up of 6.0 years in the Long-Term Intervention With Pravastatin in Ischemic Disease (LIPID) Study, a clinical trial comparing pravastatin (40 mg/d) with a placebo in 9014 stable patients with previous myocardial infarction or unstable angina. An increase in baseline WBC was associated with greater coronary heart disease mortality in patients randomized to placebo (hazard ratio for 1 X 10(9)/L increase in WBC, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.12 to 1.25; P<0.001) but not pravastatin (hazard ratio, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.96 to 1.09; P=0.56; P for interaction=0.004). The numbers of coronary heart disease deaths prevented per 1000 patients treated with pravastatin were 0, 9, 30, and 38 for baseline WBC quartiles of <5.9, 6.0 to 6.9, 7.0 to 8.1, and >8.2X10(9)/L, respectively. WBC was a stronger predictor of this treatment benefit than the ratio of total to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and a global measure of cardiac risk. There was also a greater reduction (P=0.052) in the combined incidence of cardiovascular mortality, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and stroke with pravastatin as baseline WBC increased ( by quartile: 3, 41, 61, and 60 events prevented per 1000 patients treated, respectively). Conclusions-These data support the hypothesis that individuals with evidence of inflammation may obtain a greater benefit from statin therapy.
The use of gene guns in ballistically delivering DNA vaccine coated gold micro-particles to skin can potentially damage targeted cells, therefore influencing transfection efficiencies. In this paper, we assess cell death in the viable epidermis by non-invasive near infrared two-photon microscopy following micro-particle bombardment of murine skin. We show that the ballistic delivery of micro-particles to the viable epidermis can result in localised cell death. Furthermore, experimental results show the degree of cell death is dependant on the number of micro-particles delivered per unit of tissue surface area. Micro-particles densities of 0.16 +/- 0.27 (mean +/- S.D.), 1.35 +/- 0.285 and 2.72 +/- 0.47 per 1000 mu m(2) resulted in percent deaths of 3.96 +/- 5.22, 45.91 +/- 10.89, 90.52 +/- 12.28, respectively. These results suggest that optimization of transfection by genes administered with gene guns is - among other effects - a compromise of micro-particle payload and cell death. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.