996 resultados para Aglio, Agostino, 1777-1857.
A mixture model incorporating long-term survivors has been adopted in the field of biostatistics where some individuals may never experience the failure event under study. The surviving fractions may be considered as cured. In most applications, the survival times are assumed to be independent. However, when the survival data are obtained from a multi-centre clinical trial, it is conceived that the environ mental conditions and facilities shared within clinic affects the proportion cured as well as the failure risk for the uncured individuals. It necessitates a long-term survivor mixture model with random effects. In this paper, the long-term survivor mixture model is extended for the analysis of multivariate failure time data using the generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) approach. The proposed model is applied to analyse a numerical data set from a multi-centre clinical trial of carcinoma as an illustration. Some simulation experiments are performed to assess the applicability of the model based on the average biases of the estimates formed. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We consider a mixture model approach to the regression analysis of competing-risks data. Attention is focused on inference concerning the effects of factors on both the probability of occurrence and the hazard rate conditional on each of the failure types. These two quantities are specified in the mixture model using the logistic model and the proportional hazards model, respectively. We propose a semi-parametric mixture method to estimate the logistic and regression coefficients jointly, whereby the component-baseline hazard functions are completely unspecified. Estimation is based on maximum likelihood on the basis of the full likelihood, implemented via an expectation-conditional maximization (ECM) algorithm. Simulation studies are performed to compare the performance of the proposed semi-parametric method with a fully parametric mixture approach. The results show that when the component-baseline hazard is monotonic increasing, the semi-parametric and fully parametric mixture approaches are comparable for mildly and moderately censored samples. When the component-baseline hazard is not monotonic increasing, the semi-parametric method consistently provides less biased estimates than a fully parametric approach and is comparable in efficiency in the estimation of the parameters for all levels of censoring. The methods are illustrated using a real data set of prostate cancer patients treated with different dosages of the drug diethylstilbestrol. Copyright (C) 2003 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
O debate entre os paradigmas da mecânica e o sistêmico tem causado importantes revoluções nos mais diversos campos de conhecimento, principalmente na física, química e biologia. Sendo assim, esta dissertação tem o objetivo de analisar como as teorias sistêmicas mais recentes desenvolvidas na química, a partir de Prigogine, e na biologia, conforme Maturana e Varela, podem contribuir para a abordagem institucionalista de Veblen. Para isso, apoiar-se-á na hipótese fornecida pela Teoria Geral dos Sistemas, de Bertalanffy (2006), no qual se refere que os princípios que regem um determinado sistema independem das particularidades de seus componentes mas do modo como estes se inter-relacionam. Assim, a convergência entre estas três teorias passa a ser válida uma vez que o tipo de sistema tratado em todas seja caracterizado por: 1) irreversibilidade da trajetória de suas mudanças, 2) com oposição à ideia de equilíbrio e 3) a introdução de uma abordagem evolucionária e com tempo histórico. Este trabalho se inicia a partir da introdução ao debate entre os paradigmas da mecânica e sistêmico surgido no ramo da física. Na sequência apresenta os referenciais teóricos do institucionalismo de Veblen e da teoria das estruturas dissipativas e autopoiese. Em seguida é feito a análise de convergência entre os arcabouços teóricos vistos, e verificado como as abordagens de Prigogine juntamente com a de Maturana e Varela podem contribuir para o estudo das instituições. Por fim é mostrado como a abordagem desenvolvida neste trabalho pode auxiliar no tratamento de questões relacionadas à economia, com ênfase dada especificamente no que tange a economia monetária.
The discovery of neutrino oscillations provides a solid evidence for nonzero neutrino masses and leptonic mixing. The fact that neutrino masses are so tiny constitutes a puzzling problem in particle physics. From the theoretical viewpoint, the smallness of neutrino masses can be elegantly explained through the seesaw mechanism. Another challenging issue for particle physics and cosmology is the explanation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in Nature. Among the viable mechanisms, leptogenesis is a simple and well-motivated framework. In this paper we briefly review these aspects, making emphasis on the possibility of linking neutrino physics to the cosmological bary asymmetry originated from leptogenesis.
"O poder conferido constitucionalmente às autarquias locais para elaborar regulamentos locais permite que estes possam, através de medidas adequadas, ordenar a vida local por forma a obter uma mais correcta satisfação das necessidades colectivas da respectiva comunidade"
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, 31 de Janeiro de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
We propose a 3D-2D image registration method that relates image features of 2D projection images to the transformation parameters of the 3D image by nonlinear regression. The method is compared with a conventional registration method based on iterative optimization. For evaluation, simulated X-ray images (DRRs) were generated from coronary artery tree models derived from 3D CTA scans. Registration of nine vessel trees was performed, and the alignment quality was measured by the mean target registration error (mTRE). The regression approach was shown to be slightly less accurate, but much more robust than the method based on an iterative optimization approach.
The Desertas Islands (Madeira, Portugal) are the sole home of one of the largest and rarest wolf spiderspecies, Hogna ingens (Blackwall 1857) (Araneae, Lycosidae). Despite its size, it inhabits a single valleyin the North of the Deserta Grande Island, Vale da Castanheira, currently invaded by the herb Phalarisaquatica. This invasive species competes with the native flora and was subject to several eradicationexperiments, namely through fire and chemicals. The objectives of this work were to: (1) estimate thecurrent distribution and abundance of H. ingens and respective trends; (2) evaluate the impact of theinvasive plant and eradication methods on the spider population; (3) suggest future measures for therecovery of the species; and (4) evaluate its conservation status according to the IUCN criteria. The current distribution of H. ingens covers 23 ha, a recent reduction from its original 83 ha, correspond-ing to the entire Vale da Castanheira. A total of 4447 and 4086 adults and 71,832 and 24,635 juvenileswere estimated to live in the valley during 2011 and 2012, respectively. We found a significant negativeimpact of P. aquatica cover on the presence and abundance of H. ingens and that chemical treatmentspecifically directed towards the invasive plant species may be the only way to effectively recover thespider's habitat. We suggest (1) regular monitoring; (2) extend chemical treatments; (3) ex-situ conserva-tion with future reintroduction of adults. Based on the current area of occupancy (AOO) of H. ingens and itsrecent decline in both AOO and number of individuals, it was recently classified as Critically Endangeredby IUCN and we suggest its urgent inclusion in the Habitats Directive species lists.
International Scientific Forum, ISF 2013, ISF 2013, 12-14 December 2013, Tirana.
In this paper we explore the importance of analyzing the exercises that the manuals have in Mathematics study, because the difficulty of identifying some errors on them can interfere with the capabilities of children. We work with some exercises related to the theme of temporal notions, based on a survey of textbooks from the 1st and 2nd grade (K-1 and K-2). Our concern is to alert about the importance of reflecting on the content of the books, in order to promote a teaching-learning process tailored to the needs of children. The activities present in the manuals should allow children to develop their logical- mathematical reasoning, for later be able to understand and apply Mathematics. To this end, we present some reflection about the exercises of manuals, and we give our opinion about what is the correct and incorrect. Also, some activities are suggested, among which were implemented with children of the 2nd grade, K- 2, along the experiments that support our work.
On this work we suggest a teaching solution that can be implemented in Azores, an archipelago of nine islands of Portugal, based in already known system of e-learning, with a twist based on the flipped method. Structured in a cooperative way, the organization of the system allows to isolated groups of people to have access to a certain level of teaching, if they cannot have the possibility to have physical presence in school due to problems emerging from territory discontinuity. Our suggestion can be elaborate in a model that can be adapted to any level of education, and can be adapted also in cases that a cut of budget exists. We suggest the name of fb-learning: Flipped Broadcast Learning.
Mathematical literacy in Portugal is very unsatisfactory in what concerns international standards. Even more disturbingly, the Azores archipelago ranks as one of the worst regions of Portugal in this respect. We reason that the popularisation of Mathematics through interactive exhibitions and activities can contribute actively to disseminate mathematical knowledge, increase awareness of the importance of Mathematics in today’s world and change its negative perception by the majority of the citizens. Although a significant investment has been undertaken by the local regional government in creating several science centres for the popularisation of Science, there is no centre for the popularisation of Mathematics. We present our first steps towards bringing Mathematics to unconventional settings by means of hands-on activities. We describe in some detail three activities. One activity has to do with applying trigonometry to measure distances in Astronomy, which can also be applied to Earth objects. Another activity concerns the presence of numerical patterns in the Azorean flora. The third activity explores geometrical patterns in the Azorean cultural heritage. It is our understanding that the implementation of these and other easy-to-follow and challenging activities will contribute to the awareness of the importance and beauty of Mathematics.