999 resultados para ANATOMIA ANIMAL


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The digestive system of the capybara has been investigated because of its coprofagia habits, important for their absorptive activity. These species present differences in terms of gastrointestinal morphological characters when compared with other rodents. Macroscopiclly, the stomach of the capybara is constituted of the following parts: cardiac, pyloric, body, fundic and gastric diverticulum. It presents two curvatures, one big and another small. Externally, the presence of gastric bands (tenias) is observed. With regards to the volumetric view, the gastric capacity varies from 850 to 2010 ml, with an average of 1498.57 ml. So, the stomach of this animal can be classified as a simple stomach, in the format of a curved sack and similar to an inverted letter 'J'. The gastric mucous membrane presents a surface filled by numerous tortuous gastric folds and longitudinally distributed along all its extension. The mucous tunic also possesses recesses located among the successive gastric folds, which were denoted as gastric parts with numerous openings described as gastric pits. In the cardiac part, a glandular epithelium with cardiac glands is noticed containing a lot of parietal and mucous neck cells. The fundic part, body and gastric diverticulum contain proper gastric glands with main, parietal and mucous neck cells. Finally, the pyloric part has pyloric glands with two cellular types, mucous neck and parietal cells.


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The presence of spermatozoa in vesicles in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells that constitute the spermathecal wall of Melipona bicolor queen (Meliponini) is discussed in relation to the organ structure. The epithelial wall is lined by an apparently continuous cuticle in the luminal surface that should be a non-transposable barrier to the luminal spermatozoa. However, some spermatozoa were seen crossing the cuticle through interruptions that was first interpreted as sectioning defects. Nevertheless, the sperm cells in well-structured cytoplasmic vesicles, bound by membranes and sometimes associated to multivesicular bodies, as well as cytoplasmic structures representative of intracellular digestion and the occurrence of the phenomenon in two of the three spermathecae studied, suggest a real spermiophagic hole in the spermathecal epithelial cells.


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A new protocol using 3-h fast animal for intestinal motility test was developed in our laboratory aiming the 3R's concept to reduce the stress of animals. Our results may aid in formulating recommendations that can be included in revised guidelines with regard to fasting time of mice.


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Adult leaves of Melissa officinalis L. (Lamiaceae) harvested during the time of budding had been used in the study of the leaf anatomy in the identification of the secretory structures. The material was fixed in FAA 50%, dehydrated in alcoholic series (ethyl), infiltrated in paraffin, sectioned at 13 mm, staining and later analyzed through optic microscopy. Also it was carried through a study in gaseous chromatography for attainment of the rude essential oil. Analyses of transversal sections of the leaf of Melissa officinalis, has identified the presence of two types of trichomes secretory: peltate and capitate, beyond the presence of trichome tector. Trichome capitate, identified in literature as (type I), presents variations in its morphology in relation to the cells number stalk and the head secretory cells number. The chromatographic analysis of the essential oil identified the presence of monoterpenes, in two major components, responsible for more than 87.8% of the relative composition in the rude oil, beyond sesquiterpenes in smaller proportions.


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The treatment of animals used in research or in education tests requires proper care, scientific judgment and qualified professionals to understand the needs of the animals and the special requirements of the research, tests, and educational programs. The established guidelines aim the development of knowledge necessary for the improvement of health and wellbeing of humans as well as animals to get precise and accurate results. The techniques should not be performed with inappropriate procedures that cause pain or suffering. Some principles should be considered to have an appropriate animal care and treatment.


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A total of 20,065 weights recorded on 3016 Nelore animals were used to estimate covariance functions for growth from birth to 630 days of age, assuming a parametric correlation structure to model within-animal correlations. The model of analysis included fixed effects of contemporary groups and age of dam as quadratic covariable. Mean trends were taken into account by a cubic regression on orthogonal polynomials of animal age. Genetic effects of the animal and its dam and maternal permanent environmental effects were modelled by random regressions on Legendre polynomials of age at recording. Changes in direct permanent environmental effect variances were modelled by a polynomial variance function, together with a parametric correlation function to account for correlations between ages. Stationary and nonstationary models were used to model within-animal correlations between different ages. Residual variances were considered homogeneous or heterogeneous, with changes modelled by a step or polynomial function of age at recording. Based on Bayesian information criterion, a model with a cubic variance function combined with a nonstationary correlation function for permanent environmental effects, with 49 parameters to be estimated, fitted best. Modelling within-animal correlations through a parametric correlation structure can describe the variation pattern adequately. Moreover, the number of parameters to be estimated can be decreased substantially compared to a model fitting random regression on Legendre polynomial of age. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this study we investigated the effect of the acetyl-L-carnitine (ALC) supplementation on the myenteric neurons of the jejunum of rats made diabetic at the age of 105 days by streptozotocin (35 mg/kg body weight). Four groups were used: non-diabetic (C), non-diabetic supplemented with ALC (CC), diabetic (D), diabetic supplemented with ALC (DC). After 15 weeks of diabetes induction the blood was collected by cardiac puncture to evaluate glycaemia and glycated haemoglobin. Next the animals were killed and the jejunum was collected and subjected to whole-mount preparation to evidence the myenteric neurons through the histochemical technique of the NADH-diaphorase. The neuronal counts were made in 80 microscopic fields, in tissue samples of five animals of each group. The profiles of the cell bodies of 1000 neurons per group were analysed. Diabetes induced a significant increase in the area of the cell body and decrease in the number of NADH-diaphorase positive myoenteric neurons. ALC suplementation to the diabetic group promoted smaller hypertrophic effects and less neuronal loss than in the myoenteric neurons of the diabetic rats, and in addition diminished the body weight decrease and reduced the fasting glycaemia. © 2005 Blackwell Verlag.


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Fluorescence diagnosis of malignant lesions has been showed as an attractive optical technique due especially to its real-time response and a more objective and quantitative evaluation. Even though the oral cavity allows a direct examination many lesions are diagnosed when it is already in advanced stage, compromising the patient prognosis. In this study, the fluorescence spectroscopy was used to the detection of chemically induced carcinoma at the lateral border of the tongue in a hamster model. Two excitations wavelengths in visible region were applied: 442 and 532 nm. All the spectra results were analyzed comparing with the histopathological diagnosis. The better results were achieved with the 442 nm laser excitation. The spectra from carcinoma showed new emission bands and these were used to determined different ratios for a quantitative analysis. Using the 625-645 nm fluorescence range under 442 nm excitation (A3 coefficient) the percentage of false negative was of 9.1%, however the false positive percentage was of 18.5%. The 532 nm excitation provided a better normal tissue detection compared to 442 nm excitation. The ideal clinical condition is probably the use of multiple wavelengths excitation for a broader tissue fluorescence investigation.


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In this present study was observed that the spermatids underwent morphological differentiation and modifications, which primarily comprised nuclear elongation, during the process of spermiogenesis in the domestic duck. The acrosome was formed and the flagellum developed concomitantly with nuclear modifications. Thus, various modifications could be observed during this process, especially changes in the distribution of cytoplasmic organelles. Long cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum present in the spermatid cytoplasm dissociated into vesicles and the distal centriole initiated the development of the flagellum in the cellular portion opposite to the acrosome. The ultrastructure of the spermatids of the domestic duck did not show the characteristic development of pre-acrosomal granules, but the acrosomal granule could be directly visualized in this species. © 2005 Blackwell Verlag.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A variety of effects is attributed to the photo stimulation of tissues, such as improved healing of ulcers, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulation of the proliferation of cells of different origins and stimulation of bone repair. Some investigations that make qualitative evaluations, like wound healing and evaluation of pain and edema, can be conducted in human subjects. However, deeper investigations on the mechanisms of action of the light stimulus and other quantitative works that requires biopsies or destructive analysis has to be carried out in animal models or in cell cultures. In this work, we propose the use of planarians as a model to study laser-tissue interaction. Contrasting with cell cultures and unicellular organisms, planarians are among the simplest organism having tissue layers, central nerve system, digestive and excretory system that might have been platforms for the evolution of the complex and highly organized tissues and organs found in higher organisms. For the present study, 685 nm laser radiation was employed. Planarians were cut transversally, in a plane posterior to the auricles. The body fragments were left to regenerate and the proliferation dynamics of stem cells was studied by using histological analysis. Maximum cell count was obtained for the laser treated group at the 4th experimental day. At that experimental time, we also had the largest difference between the irradiated and the non-irradiated control group. We concluded that the studied flatworm could be an interesting animal model for in vivo studies of laser-tissue interactions.


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Achyrocline alata occurs in a dense and low vegetation in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil and it has been studied under physical-chemical and yield aspects, being scarce anatomical data. The present work has as objective the study of the aerial vegetative axis. Stem is cylindrical and hairy, having five wings, which are arisen from their leaves. The blade shows the presence of uniseriate epidermis, which is covered by the cuticle of variable thickness; and non-glandular and glandular trichomes. The non-glandular trichomes are uniseriate and multicellular and have their apex cell in whip form, while the glandular trichomes are multicellular, uniseriate or biseriate. The mesophyll is dorsiventral with uni-stratified palisade parenchyma in most of the cases and lacunal parenchyma formed by three to four layers of irregular cells. Only one collateral vascular bundle occurs in the midvein. Stem in transversal section is covered by epidermis with trichomes similar to leaves; the cortex is constituted by a discontinuous area of angular collenchyma, which is followed by chlorophyll parenchyma. Vascular cylinder that is delimited by pericycle shows vascular bundles of collateral type. In the secondary structure, the periderm is originated from epidermal and subepidermal tissues. In vascular region, the fascicular cambium differs into secondary xylem and phloem, while interfascicular cambium produces sclerenchymatous tissue.


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This study verified the effect of unilateral teeth extraction on the periodontal ligament in gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus). Ten adult male gerbils weighing about 50 g had induced occlusal alterations by upper left molar extractions while the other ten animals, only submitted to surgical stress, were considered as controls. The periodontal ligament was characterized by qualitative and quantitative analysis, histological description and histomorphometric quantification. Significant alterations were observed on the left side of the experimental group (P < 0.05), the hypofunctional region, when it was compared with the contralateral side and the corresponding region of the control group. Two months after occlusal alterations induced by unilateral teeth extraction, atrophic histological alterations and a decrease in the periodontal space on the ipsilateral side characterized the periodontal ligament. In this study it was possible to conclude that the gerbil can be used in experimental models attempting to correlate the periodontium's biological response to various mechanical stresses, as the periodontal ligament was shown to be highly sensitive to occlusal alterations. © 2008 The Authors.


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Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii and its definitive host is the domestic and wild felids infecting human beings and other warmblooded animals. Dogs are considered a potential risk on the transmission due they can mechanically transmit oocysts to man. In this study, a retrospective analysis of toxoplasmic infection in dog serum samples sent to Serviço de Diagnóstico de Zoonoses/FMVZ-UNESP/Botucatu, SP, in the period of 1998 to 2007 was performed. During this period 1097 serum samples were analyzed by the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), with 299 (27.25%) positive. The most frequent titer was 16 (42.80%), followed by 64 (37.79%). The results indicate that T.gondii is distributed in the environment showing the role of the dog as sentinel animal to toxoplasmosis to monitor public health actions to the control of this zoonosis.